All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 123: The End of the Wild Hunt {Please Subscribe}

Chapter 123: The End of the Wild Hunt {Please Subscribe}
The legend of the Wild Hunt has also been circulating in this world for a long time.

But only a few people know that the Wild Hunt is not the messenger of the Death War as rumored, but a group of conquerors who are the same race as the elves in this world and have conquered many worlds.

Massacre, enslavement and destruction, the artistic cells and peace-loving nature that elves should have are completely absent in these elves.

It is not known whether it was retribution or a curse for the people they massacred, but in the end, this group of powerful elves once again encountered the enemy that divided the entire race - the White Frost.

More importantly, when this enemy appeared, they also lost the power to travel through the world.

But now, the King of the Wild Hunt, Eredin Brick Glass, has led his people, and after countless years of hard work, he has regained hope for his people.

As long as we catch this girl named Ciri, Ain El will regain his glory!

"Don't leave any one alive!! Kill them all!!"

Under Eredin's cold gaze, the fanatical soldiers, wielding swords and wearing pitch-black armor, carried white frost like black rivers, instantly flowing towards every corner of Kaer Morhen.

On Kaer Morhen's side, everyone drew their weapons, ready to fight the enemies coming from all directions.

"Everyone! Be careful!"

Vesemir looked around with a vigilant expression.

This time the Wild Hunt came suddenly, without any warning, so no one cast spells like in the original plot to make the Wild Hunt descend outside the castle.

The entire Kaer Morhen is now filled with Wild Hunt, who have basically surrounded everyone.

In other words, if they cannot keep the Wild Hunt out of this last guarantee, they will face endless enemies from all directions.

The soldiers of the Wild Hunt had already rushed over. Vesemir looked serious and was about to draw his sword to fight the enemy, but a hand suddenly fell on his shoulder.

When I turned around, I saw Li Qing's smiling face.

"I've told you many times, old man, these bastards just need to follow my lead!"

"You" Vesemir was a little slow to react for a moment, but the next moment he heard a scream coming from behind him, and quickly turned around again to look at the Wild Hunters rushing towards him.

At this moment, people and horses were falling down.

The breeze around his body gradually became more rapid. Li Qing smiled and patted Vesemir's shoulder.
On the palm of his hand, lightning, strong winds and heavy rain intertwined with each other to form a black tornado, and the fog around it turned it dark as if doomsday was held in his hand.

"Don't bother me if you mess up this place!!"

Li Qing's voice became louder, and along with his voice, the storm entwined in his hands also grew louder.

It was thrown out as gently as a stone, and in front of everyone's eyes, the storm quickly began to expand as soon as it hit the ground.

In just a few seconds, it had grown into a tornado more than ten meters high.


The roar of lightning and the whistling sound brought by the storm were like a grinding machine. The castle walls that had existed for who knows how many years were as fragile as a piece of tofu in front of this destructive tornado.

In an instant, the Wild Hunters who were originally surrounding the crowd were shattered the moment they came into contact with the tornado, and even the armor they were wearing was ground into iron powder.

The powerful suction force caused the Wild Hunt soldiers who were gathering behind to approach the tornado uncontrollably. Finally, they could not bear it and were sucked into the tornado and turned into powder in an instant.

At this moment, Li Qing was slowly floating up from the ground.

The ribbons of Lanlong Armor fluttered in the wind flowing around him.

He lowered his head and said to Xili and others below him: "Everyone, if you can, try to stay away. If we really start fighting, I can't guarantee that I won't hurt you by mistake."

It was not until Li Qing's voice reached the ears of these people that everyone, including Geralt, suddenly reacted.

Especially Geralt and Vesemir, their eyes when looking at Li Qing had completely changed.

They were the first two people to come into contact with Li Qing, and from their perspectives, Li Qing had only been separated from them for a few days.

So no matter how Ciri said that Li Qing was very powerful, in their impression, he was still the one who dealt with the griffin in the past.

It's powerful, but not powerful enough, especially against the Wild Hunt.

But now all these impressions were destroyed by this natural disaster-like force, and replaced by a majestic and powerful back like a god.

Although it cannot be said that they were just afraid of Li Qing, it must be said that this scene has been imprinted in their memory.

Compared to these two demon hunters whose concepts have been subverted, Yennefer and Triss, who are warlocks, are much better.

Even though he was also shocked by Li Qing's strength, he still managed to keep himself from losing his composure.

"Everyone, follow me!"

Ciri had witnessed Li Qing's power twice, and was already over the shock. She quickly asked everyone to leave.

The helpers Geralt had called upon also recovered from their surprise and quickly began to retreat from the back.

But all this was seen by Eredin, the King of the Wild Hunt.

His eyes finally shifted from Ciri to Li Qing, and he said in a deep voice to Karanthir beside him:
"This is the man who easily defeated Imlerith and broke your magic?"

"Yes, it's him!"

Karanthir looked at Li Qing flying in the sky from afar with a calm tone.

It was this human who caused Aleris to remain in bed and dealt him a humiliating defeat.

But this time, he wants to take it all back!

Eredin nodded calmly, holding the sword in front of him and placing both hands on it: "Then let's begin!"

Hearing this, Karanthir, who was standing beside him, took two steps forward, raised the staff in his hand high, and then slammed it heavily into the ground.

Several skulls were taken out from somewhere, and the bright red fuel like blood quickly carved out a strangely shaped magic circle on the ground.

A few candles were placed in the corners of the magic circle.

He walked to the center of the formation, knelt down on his legs, grabbed a dagger in his hand, and began to chant a spell loudly.

And as the spell continued to be chanted, a terrifying pressure suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

Even Li Qing who was in the sky suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and his eyes instantly locked onto the source of the danger among the many enemies.

Just as Li Qing thought.

Eredin was no fool.

The disastrous defeats of Caranthir and Ilerith had made him realize that Lee Sin was strong enough to fight against the powerful army and magic of the Wild Hunt.

But as a clan of Ain and El that has traveled through countless worlds, they certainly have some trump cards.

Now is the time to decide the fate of the race, and it is time to use these trump cards.

Even though this trump card would sacrifice the last Wild Hunt navigator, as long as the Ancient Blood could be obtained, all the efforts would be worth it.

And if we don't get the ancient blood, then everything will be submerged in the white frost sooner or later, so why bother struggling anymore?

boom--! !

There was a loud bang in the sky, and blue lightning flashed in the clouds, and the next moment it struck towards Karanthir who was chanting the spell.

But at the moment when the lightning was about to fall, Eredin, who had been motionless, suddenly raised the sword in his hand and gently swung it towards Karanthir's head. A blue light curtain appeared above his head in time.

However, the blue lightning attracted by Li Qing disappeared without a trace the moment it touched the blue light curtain.

Naturally, there was no further impact on Karanthir.

He had already finished chanting the spell, raised his hand, placed the dagger across his wrist and slashed it, the bright red blood dripped down the blade of the dagger onto the magic circle.

Several candles around him were lit at the same time, and his blood seemed to be drawn, flowing quickly along the traces of the magic circle.


Then the pressure from the mind suddenly replaced the wind pressure controlled by Li Qing.

Even Geralt and his companions who had already escaped from Kaer Morhen felt their hearts suddenly stop and they almost couldn't breathe.

He turned around in horror and looked at the battlefield behind him.

"What is this??"

Above Karahir's head, a vague figure appeared, whose body was covered by a black robe and only a pair of dim yellow eyes were exposed.

However, this unknown being did not look at anyone, but instead looked at Karanthir under him, as if communicating something.

"That's not good!!"

Li Qing's vision was clear enough to see it all.

He was not the kind of person who would just watch his opponent use a big move, but from the moment the black figure appeared, he knew in his heart that he could not take action.

This is an enhancement of life instinct in response to the dangers one faces.

The other party is an unknown powerful being, summoned by these wild hunters using unknown means. Needless to say, the purpose is definitely to deal with himself.

But his instinct for danger reminded him not to take action.

Could it be that I am just going to watch helplessly as the other party uses unknown means to kill me?
But the next moment, Li Qing discovered some changes.

Karanthir bowed his head respectfully and spoke softly: "Great being, I will sacrifice my soul. Please kill that guy in the sky."

The dark shadow above his head raised his head, looked at Li Qing, and then shook his head.

Karanthir's movements were obviously a little stiff, and there was some disbelief in them, and then he received some information.

"Does he have the protection of an equally powerful being?"

But Karanthir did not give up and spoke again:
"Then, could you please dispel his power?"

This time, the black shadow nodded, and the number '3' appeared in Karanthir's mind.

Caranthir's face had turned extremely pale, but his gaze fell on Eredin, who was standing beside him, with a look that did not waver at all.

He nodded silently: "Three hours?"

"I accept!"

Then he knelt deeply on the ground, waiting for the moment to pay the price.

The shadow nodded, turned around and looked at Li Qing, his dim eyes flickered like flames. A skinny finger stretched out from under the black robe and pointed at Li Qing.

The next moment, Li Qing suddenly felt that the whole sky had become quiet.

It's not an illusion, it's really quiet.

The tornado raging on the ground disappeared in an instant, the howling wind in the sky also quieted down, and even the dark clouds that gradually obscured the sun were quickly dissipating.

"my power."

It was not until his body fell uncontrollably from the sky that Li Qing realized that it was not the surroundings that had become quiet.

Instead, the black shadow that suddenly appeared used some unknown means to seal the power of his Lanlong Armed Forces.

When I opened the system panel, I saw that there was indeed a seal label behind Lanlong Armor!

Not only the Lanlong Armor, but even the back of the Jinleigong Armor cannot be used.

But apart from the abilities, the added attributes did not disappear.

An exact number also appeared on the panel, which immediately made Li Qing understand that this was the time it would take for him to recover his strength.

"Three hours? That's a long time!"

Li Qing fell heavily on a castle. The height plus his extraordinary weight smashed the wall into pieces.

But almost in the next second, Li Qing climbed up from the ground again.

He dusted himself off and stretched his limbs. Being attacked in this way, his face was already filled with a hint of cold murderous intent:
"It's just a pity. Even if it takes three hundred hours, it won't stop me from tearing you into parts one by one!"

"problem occurs!!"

The faces of the people who had just escaped from Kaer Morhen changed at the same time. No one had expected that Li Qing would be ambushed by the unknown means used by the Wild Hunt.

"We have to go back and rescue him!"

Ciri stopped instantly and turned back to look for Li Qing without hesitation.

Geralt, who was beside her, was quick to pull Ciri back and said, "No, the Wild Hunt is targeting you! You can't go!"

But the next moment, the hand that was holding Ciri was thrown away, and Ciri didn't even have the slightest intention of staying: "He came to help me, I can't abandon him!"

After saying that, he started running towards the direction where Li Qing fell.

"I mean you leave first, and we go save him!"

It was too late for Geralt to finish his words. His eyes fell on Ciri's figure running back, and his helpless gaze fell on the people around him.

"Alas~~ I thought an old man like me could save some energy!" Vesemir saw Geralt's eyes and understood his thoughts. Without hesitation, he took out his sword and chased after Ciri's back again.

Yennefer looked coldly at the Wild Hunts behind her: "It seems that it will take some effort."

Triss and the others also sighed, turned around and returned the same way.

Geralt drew out his steel sword in silence. It could only be said that the way things had turned out was beyond his imagination, but this was nothing more than returning to the beginning.

He originally wanted to kill those wild hunters with his own hands.

"Then, I'll leave it to you all."

"I hope you don't die before me!"


With a crisp metallic thud and a loud roar, Ciri blocked the Wild Hunt soldier's sword, turned nimbly with her slender body, and stabbed the sword in her hand into the opponent's throat.

Then he turned the sword with force, and the armored head immediately flew up and fell to the ground.

"Get her!!"

But the one in front of her at this moment was just one of the surging hunters.

On the distant city wall, behind the King of the Wild Hunt, a portal would open from time to time, and then a figure wrapped in black armor would travel through the world to this world.

Geralt and others have also fought with these Wild Hunt soldiers.

Relying on superb sword skills, magic seals and coordination, plus Triss and Yennefer casting spells in the back, they were able to block the surging Wild Hunt soldiers for a while.

But Eredin's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't even show any emotion when he saw a large number of his own people being hit by a spell and dying instantly.

If they don’t succeed, they will die. They have no way out.

Just like Caranthir's sacrifice, as long as Ciri can be captured and the ancient blood can be obtained, everything will be worth it.

If you don't catch it, then you will just wait to die.

Besides, facing the endless soldiers, it would only take some time at most. Eredin didn't think that these few demon hunters could resist them.

boom----! !

But at this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise on the other side.

Eredin was startled and immediately turned his head to look. That was the place where Li Qing had fallen just now.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a huge rock removed from the builders being thrown towards him.

He was a little surprised, but he did not hesitate to wield the sword in his hand. He used his magic power to swing the sword and break the flying stones into pieces.

He let the broken stones fall on his body, but Eredin's eyes were only focused on the figure that was following the stone and jumping towards him in the air.

"Hahaha, prepare to die!!!"

The Thunder Wolf Dragon Axe, which had not been taken out for a long time, seemed to be a little excited.

Although there is no way to control the airflow to remove resistance, Li Qing never needs to remove resistance before he obtains the Lanlong Armament.

His strength is enough to break through any obstacles in front of the axe, including the air!
With a full twenty-two points of strength attribute, Li Qing's attack speed suddenly exceeded the speed of sound.

The violent sonic boom carried the power that Li Qing released without reservation. It was so powerful that Eredin didn't even dare to look at it. He almost instinctively activated his teleportation power and disappeared on the spot in an instant.

But he could walk, but the portal behind him that was carrying the Wild Hunt soldiers could not.

boom------! !

A loud noise that shook the earth!

The section of the city wall occupied by the Wild Hunt is seven or eight meters wide and is made entirely of stone.

But at this moment, facing the power that Li Qing unbridled, he could hardly even stop it for a moment and was completely shattered in an instant.

On the city wall, the body of Caranthir, whose soul and existence had been taken away and whose body was completely covered by white frost, was instantly reduced to nothing.

The Wild Hunt soldier who had just come out of the portal didn't even know what was happening before he was completely shattered in the air along with the portal.

The one who was luckier and escaped using the teleportation spell, Eredin, the King of the Wild Hunt, appeared under the city wall, rolled twice before he stabilized himself and stood up!

He angrily took off the mask on his face, crushed it and threw it on the ground, then held the sword with both hands and aimed it at Li Qing who landed lightly in front of him.

“Li Qing!!”

From the other side came Ciri's slightly surprised shout.

Li Qing turned his head slightly and looked over. Ciri had just killed a Wild Hunt soldier. Maybe she didn't expect that Li Qing was fine, and her expression was a little excited.

Li Qing gave her a thumbs up and showed a relieved smile on his face.

Although I did not expect that these Wild Hunts would have such means, but thinking that I was able to get a killer weapon from O'Dimm, it is not surprising that these elves have some hidden cards.

It’s just a pity that his strength is not limited to controlling storms.

Even compared to the power attached to the weapons, the attributes of the weapons added up far exceed those of ordinary people, which is the reason why Li Qing can stand where he is now!
Compared with ordinary troops, these Wild Hunt soldiers can be considered elite.

But for Li Qing, it was not enough. It was just the "grass" he cut when he was in the Wushuang mode!


Ciri's reminder came from a distance.

Taking advantage of the moment when Li Qing and Ciri were communicating, Eredin immediately teleported behind Li Qing with a flash of his body.

The strange-looking long sword was held tightly in both hands and chopped down fiercely towards Li Qing's back.

But this sneak attack, which seemed very fast to ordinary people, was no different from slow motion to Lee Sin, whose perception and agility attributes far exceeded those of Eredin.

The axe was casually swung behind him and immediately hit the sword swung by Eredin.

The huge force broke Eredin's posture in an instant, and his body flew out and hit the wall.

Immediately afterwards, a flying spear pierced his chest and nailed him to the wall.

He gripped the spear in disbelief, and tried hard to pull it out, but after trying a few times, he could only let go of it weakly, and his head tilted as he died.

Li Qing didn't even look at the so-called King of the Wild Hunt.

He switched the axe in his hand into a sword and swung it towards the Wild Hunt soldiers who were still attacking him.

It was really like mowing the grass. The Wild Hunt soldiers fell down in large numbers like wheat cut by a sickle.

The Wild Hunt soldiers, having witnessed Eredin's death, lost all motivation to live and numbly rushed forward to die, not stopping until the corpses covered Kaer Morhen and the blood dyed the river red.

Geralt and the others never thought that one day they would kill so many people in one go.

By the time the last Wild Hunt soldier fell, Vesemir could no longer control himself and almost fell to the ground.

But when he looked up and saw the current scene of Kaer Morhen, an expression of sadness and joy appeared on the old man's face.

"Kaer Morhen is completely uninhabitable."

"But, in the end, we won.

"This way, Ciri won't have to hide from these guys anymore."

 Is it better for Ciri to travel through time with the protagonist and form a team, or to become the queen of the wizarding world?

(End of this chapter)

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