All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 128 The first contact with loofah

Chapter 128 The first contact with loofah

The bright sunshine floated down from the sky and fell on Li Qing.

Feeling the familiar warmth, fresh air, and the occasional laughter and conversation coming from afar, Li Qing stood up and stretched vigorously.


Ciri also stood up beside Li Qing, but as soon as she stood up, she felt dizzy and fell straight to the ground like a wooden stick.

I couldn't help but started to dry heave.


When Li Qing saw her like this, he couldn't help laughing, but he still walked over and patted her on the back: "Are you okay?"

"I never feel any discomfort when I teleport, and yours is at most a little weak. Why do you feel so dizzy when we teleport together?"

"I~~~How would I know!!"

After more than ten seconds, Ciri shook her head, feeling better, and said:
"Maybe it's because our two teleportations conflict!"

Then, Ciri bared her teeth and said, "Besides, why do I feel so uncomfortable after coming to this world?"

"It's like there's something heavy pressing down on me?"

"Oh my god! I forgot about this!" Li Qing was also a little panicked.

He himself didn't feel anything and forgot that the gravity in the Monster Hunter world is ten times that of other worlds. Will Ciri be able to bear it after coming to this world?
"How do you feel? Can you bear it?"


After taking a series of deep breaths, Ciri's muscles tensed visibly. Then she grabbed Li Qing's arm with one hand and stood up with some difficulty.

Although it was still a bit strenuous, it was obvious that Ciri adapted quickly.

"It's okay, just a little uncomfortable. It should be fine after a while of getting used to it."

Ciri let go of Li Qing's arm, moved it around a bit, and looked a little depressed.

Li Qing did tell her that this world was a little different, but she didn't expect that she would be given a warning just after she came here.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

After all, Ciri is not an ordinary person. Not only is she well-trained and strong, she also has ancient blood in her body.

Maybe I can unleash my potential in this environment with ten times the gravity.

But the idea of ​​taking Ciri hunting at the beginning was probably ruined. She would need at least some time to adapt before she could move freely, let alone go hunting where she had to dance on the edge of a knife.

"Xiao Qing? What are you doing?"

Just when Li Qing was feeling distressed, a shout suddenly came from the backyard. It was old Potter.

Li Qing and Ciri turned their heads together and immediately saw Old Potter walking towards them carrying a chopping axe. It seemed that he had just finished training in the training room.

During this period, Old Potter fully experienced the benefits of this training room.

Not only can you fight all kinds of monsters at will, but you won't get hurt and you can stop whenever you want. There are also equipment that can help you recover from injuries and physical strength.

There is no hunter in this world who can fight monsters every day.

Hunters fight with the determination to die every time, and only through repeated escapes from death and crises can they hone their skills.

And if every hunter has this kind of equipment, Old Porter thinks it won't take long before a large number of elite hunters can be trained.

"Um, who is this girl??"

Walking into the yard, Old Potter immediately saw Ciri standing next to Li Qing with a slightly uncomfortable look on her face.

As a person with experience, Old Potter raised his eyebrows and gave Li Qing a look that said "you are awesome", then he asked.

"This old guy."

Li Qing complained helplessly in his heart, but he didn't mean to hide it from him. He directly grabbed Xili's hand and introduced him:

"She's Ciri, my girlfriend."

"He is Old Potter. You can call him Old Potter. He is my adoptive father."

"Hello, old Potter." This was the first time for Ciri to meet the parents. Even with her straightforward personality, she felt a little shy.

He was totally not as familiar as when Li Qing met his parents.

“Oh, hahahaha!!!”

Old Potter suddenly burst into laughter and almost laughed to tears.

Then he stopped carrying his Sleeping Dog Dragon Axe and threw it into the yard. After saying hello to Ciri, he quickly ran into the house.

After rummaging through the drawers for a while, he quickly ran out, holding a dusty bag that had been there for who knows how long.

"Xiaoqing, Xili."

"Wait for me, I'm going to buy some ingredients. We're going to have a big dinner tonight!!"

After saying that, he ran towards the village.

Li Qing was stunned.

Ciri next to him saw why old Potter was so excited and her face turned a little red, but she quickly returned to normal.

After walking a few steps, he felt much better, so he turned around and said to Li Qing:

"Let's go, didn't you say you would take me to see the village where you live?"

"Are you okay?" Li Qing looked at Ciri with some surprise. After seeing that she seemed to be fine, he no longer hesitated and took Ciri towards the village.

Ciri followed Li Qing with a curious look in her eyes.

"Hey, Ah Qing, do you want to go drink together?"

"No, no!"

"Ah Qing, these are some things I grew at home, you can take them and eat them!"

"Ah, thank you, Auntie!"

"Brother Qing, you are the hero of this village. I want to give you this sword."

As expected, Li Qing attracted the attention of the villagers as soon as he appeared.

Greeting people who came to drink, deliver food, and deliver gifts, after just half an hour of walking, Li Qing's body was already stuffed with items, and even Ciri had a bunch of things in her hands.

I could only hurry back home, not daring to go out again, waiting for Old Porter to come back with the ingredients.

Ciri was laughing the whole time. After all, ever since Li Qing appeared in front of her, he had always looked domineering and direct. It was not common to see him look frightened like this.

After all, it has only been a few days since Li Qing hunted down Lanlong, and the scene of Li Qing's battle with Lanlong was circulating everywhere in the village.

The name of Green Hunter has also been heard by hunters all over the world and has begun to spread around the world.

Just look at the rapidly growing reputation on the reputation panel and you will know that the achievement of killing Storm Dragon alone is likely to provide Li Qing with at least a little more legendary status.

But it's strange to say. Li Qing felt that he destroyed the Arasaka Tower and the Military Technology Building in the Cyber ​​World, and killed the Wild Hunt in the Wizarding World. Logically, he should have provided some legendary points, but in the end, he didn't.

His reputation had indeed increased a lot, but just like when he slayed the dragon in the Elder Scrolls world, it was a long way to go before it could reach the legendary level.

Hiding in the room, chatting with Ciri, telling her about his childhood, and then taking out a life-saving resurrection scroll and giving it to her.

Old Potter, who had gone out to buy groceries, came back carrying a huge piece of meat.

Li Qing had excellent eyesight. He could tell what Old Porter was carrying at a glance, and immediately walked over excitedly:

"Bobo's meat??"

"Hahaha, that's right!" Old Potter carried the meat into the house, pulled out a kitchen knife, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Xiao Qing, you may have forgotten that I was a master at processing Bobo meat!"

"This time, I'll let you experience it again for Ciri's sake!"


Li Qing waved his hand disdainfully and pulled Ciri, who was grinning beside him, back to the room to wait for dinner.

In fact, after Li Qing traveled through several worlds in succession, he clearly discovered that sometimes the differences between these worlds are more in some subtle aspects.

Like gravity, or food.

Compared to The Wizarding World, Cyberworld, The Elder Scrolls World, and even DND, the nutritional energy contained in ordinary animals in the Monster Hunter World is much higher.

Maybe this is why the physical fitness of humans in the Monster Hunter world is so exaggerated?

Ciri was shocked after eating Monster Hunter World food for the first time.

She had never imagined that animal meat could smell so good, and after eating it, her body would actually feel satisfied, as if everything she had eaten before was not food at all.

Li Qing guessed that it might be the energy contained in the food in the Monster Hunter world that reacted with the ancient blood in her body, which gave her this feeling of satisfaction.

But the benefits brought about by this are also obvious.

With no restrictions on her food intake and old Potter giving up the training room to Ciri, it took Ciri less than five days to completely adapt to the gravity of this world.

Not only did he regain his flexibility, but he also learned to use the new weapon, the katana.

Although he felt that Ciri was a little silly, Li Qing still went to find the instructor to give Ciri some temporary remedial lessons.

Relying on her good learning ability and a training room where she can train without restraint, Ciri actually learned to use the katana quite well.

Every time Li Qing saw Ciri wielding a katana, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, the agreed day to go to the Fire Nation is getting closer, so after discovering that Ciri's strength is growing rapidly, Li Qing decided to take her on a real hunt.

But Ciri doesn’t have a hunter level, so we still need to register a hunter for Ciri at the gathering place first.


Behind the counter of the meeting place, Bobby clenched his fists and looked at Ciri, not looking very friendly.

"Okay, okay!" Li Qing came to her and waved his hand, interrupting her line of sight and said, "Hurry up and register Ciri as a hunter." "This is your job!"

"Hum hum!!"

Poppy kept making some strange noises there, but his movements were not slow. He quickly registered Ciri as a hunter.

"You are such a cool guy. You brought back a girlfriend after not seeing her for a few days."

After helping Ciri register her identity, Bobby spoke, looking at Li Qing viciously.

"Okay, why are you in such a hurry? At worst I can tell you in advance next time." Li Qing came to the gathering place just to register an identity for Ciri. Now that the registration is completed, he will naturally take her out hunting.

He asked Poppy to find him a task in the stream, said goodbye to the angry Poppy, and quickly left the village with Ciri, heading to the stream to look for a suitable monster.

Then it didn't take too long before they saw a blue bear beast staggering towards them from the river.

Moreover, this blue bear beast is not only taller than the one Li Qing hunted for the first time, but it also has obviously much more fat on its body.

It seems that the ecological riot caused by the Storm Dragon and the hunters' expulsion and hunting of large monsters have actually made this guy in the middle and lower reaches of the ecological chain very prosperous.

"Go try it as much as you can!"

"Blue Bear Beast?"

For Ciri, this figure was not unfamiliar. She had killed many blue bear beasts in the training room.

However, Ciri faced human enemies most of the time. It was the first time for her to deal with a monster that was several meters tall when standing up in real life, and she was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

But with Li Qing by her side, Ciri felt more confident.

It was inevitable that he was a little nervous at the beginning, but after all, he had the basics and combat experience, and he soon discovered that although the Blue Bear Beast looked very ferocious, it actually fought similarly to the Blue Bear Beast simulated in the training room, with only those three axes.

There is no new way to fight after using it up.

It lasted about ten minutes, and Ciri completed her first hunt. However, she came this time just to see how powerful the monster was, so although she taught the blue bear a lesson, she did not kill it.

Seeing that Ciri was not going to take any action, they ran away in a panic. It seemed that they had a clearer understanding of these monkeys.

Now that Ciri has tried to deal with monsters herself, it is time for Lee Sin to show her how a real hunter should deal with large monsters.

Before going out, Li Qing also accepted a task from Poppy.

Four-star investigation mission.

The mission was introduced as follows: some villagers and hunters discovered that the monsters in the direction of the stream were somewhat agitated, and extremely creepy roars could be heard from time to time.

Because there is a possibility of encountering large monsters, it is classified as a four-star mission.

The cause needs to be found to prevent ecological unrest from happening again.

Li Qing didn't think there were any monsters near Jieyun Village that could cause biological unrest.

After all, if you count them, the lord-level monsters near Jieyun Village, such as the Fire Dragon, the Thunder Wolf Dragon, the Velociraptor, and even the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and the Tailed Hammer Dragon have all been hunted.

And after all, Lanlong died not long ago, and its power is enough to intimidate most creatures in the world.

Even if there are some scary guys who are not afraid of Lanlong and can even compete with Lanlong, Li Qing doesn't think those monsters will suddenly appear.

After all, the resources in the mountains near Jieyun Village are not too rich.

So as not to let those guys risk fighting with Lanlong to come and grab the territory.

So Li Qing just treated this mission as an ordinary investigation. Maybe he might encounter some kind of monster, but it would most likely be of the level of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Even Li Qing was thinking about whether he should let Ciri practice on him.

Then soon, Li Qing realized that things seemed to be in some trouble.

The huge footprints created a huge hole in the ground. The brutal force even ignored the trees in the forest and carved out a path through the forest.

And from the bits of meat and fallen scales seen on this path, it was easy to tell that this was a chase.

Just looking at this newly opened road, Li Qing frowned in confusion.

What kind of monster could be capable of doing this?


A huge roar was heard in the distance, along with a loud noise caused by something colliding.

Li Qing and Ciri looked up at the same time and finally understood why the mission description contained a terrifying scream.

It's not just about having a loud voice. The hysteria revealed in the roar is truly chilling, as if he is a madman.

"I'm going to go take a look, do you want to follow me?"

After hesitating for a moment, Li Qing asked Ciri beside him.

Of course, he himself is not afraid of monsters. With the Storm Dragon Armor, he can fight against other ancient dragons even if he encounters them, and he can even escape from other ancient dragons of the unlocked level.

But Ciri is different after all. Her current level is at most a three-star hunter. If she really encounters those powerful monsters, she may not be able to deal with them.

"Of course I have to go and see it~!"

Ciri didn't hesitate much and quickly nodded and agreed.

He waved the sword in his hand twice, with excitement on his face: "Dealing with these monsters is much more interesting than dealing with people."

Li Qing covered his forehead helplessly. It was obvious that the sense of accomplishment brought by hunting and defeating monsters far exceeded the sense of accomplishment of defeating people. Ciri was also a little overwhelmed.

However, the feeling of watching a monster that is much larger than oneself falling down in front of oneself is really hard to describe in words.

"Okay then, but you should have memorized the location of Jieyun Village. In an emergency, you must teleport back directly." Li Qing still gave the order.

Xili nodded: "I know, don't worry!"

"Well, let's go and take a look!"

After getting Ciri's response, Li Qing turned his head and looked towards the distance. The vibration of the battle had become much smaller, and he could still vaguely hear miserable growls. It seemed that the winner had basically been decided.

Following the newly opened road, Li Qing and Ciri sped along it quickly.

With my not-so-slow legs, it took me about ten minutes to finally reach the source of the sound.

Then, Li Qing also recognized what the goal of this mission was.

An extremely strong body, with explosive muscles clearly visible.

The thick tail is even as big as the body.

The two front paws are so short that you don't even know what they are for, but the two hind legs are super strong.

The terrifying big mouth could almost reach the neck, and even the lips were covered with sharp teeth.

At this moment, a big mouth was biting the neck of a velociraptor, and then shaking the velociraptor's body, trying to swallow it into its stomach.

It looks like the one it was fighting against just now was this one.

However, the strength of both sides was too great. The velociraptor didn't even put up much resistance before the other side bit its throat and it completely lost its life.

Now he was about to be swallowed alive.

“It turned out to be a loofah.”

Li Qing's expression had become serious, and the axe appeared in his hand.

He was wondering who could be so crazy and domineering, but it turned out to be the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the destroyer of the ecosystem.

The horrific appetite and brutal behavior style make it almost impossible for a monster like Tyrannosaurus to cause a devastating blow to the ecological environment as soon as it appears.

And it is a rare monster that is regarded as an enemy by all animals in nature.

But as a public enemy of nature, the reason why it can act so recklessly and still survive in the world without becoming extinct is naturally the abnormal strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although it is not classified as an ancient dragon due to its lack of ancient dragon characteristics.

But the Tyrannosaurus Rex also has special dragon attributes and can emit powerful breath. Its strong body and brutal fighting style are not inferior to those of the ancient dragons.

The average body length is 21 meters, and the highest record is even 40 meters.

Like the Golden Lion and the Exploding Scale Dragon, it is considered to be a monster at the top of the ecological chain that can truly compete with the Ancient Dragon.

And compared to the Ancient Dragon, a more destructive creature, the Hunter Guild has had far more dealings with the Deviljhoamus than any other monster.

The Hunter Guild basically has experience dealing with this kind of monster all over the world, but they have also lost many hunters as a result, so they understand the danger of this monster even more.

Many guilds even have explicit regulations that if you encounter a Tyrannosaurus Rex, you can abandon all current tasks and return to seek help before gathering hunters to hunt.

As for the Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him, Li Qing thought it was of average size, and the wounds and marks on its body were not as many as he had imagined, and were even quite rare.

"So, this is a loofah that has just grown up?"

Ciri, who was standing by, was also frightened by the monster at first. The brutal power emanating from the Tyrannosaurus Rex was particularly clear to Ciri.

But he soon turned into a fighting spirit and asked Li Qing: "Can I deal with this monster?"

Although Ciri's voice was not loud, the perception of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was equally sensitive. Especially when eating, it would observe all positions in all directions.

Almost at the moment when Ciri made the sound, the Tyrannosaurus stopped eating and slowly turned its head towards where Li Qing and Ciri were hiding.

After a brief search, the crazy little eyes found the target and threw the half-remaining body of the velociraptor on the ground.

Black and red disgust came out of his mouth, and the next moment he rushed towards Li Qing.


"It's obvious that you can't deal with it." After all, Ciri lacked experience and didn't know much about monsters.

"So, leave it to me!!"

Li Qing didn't mean to blame her, but Ciri really couldn't deal with this guy, so Li Qing could only leave a word and rush out of the bushes.

The muscles in the arm holding the axe swelled, blue arcs of electricity flashed on his body, and a slight breeze pushed his body forward.

Facing the charging Tyrannosaurus Rex, he swung the axe fiercely towards its open mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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