Chapter 132: Flame Dragon

Li Qing looked towards the capital of the Fire Nation, which was also the only city in this country.

Just as I had heard before, the Fire Nation was only a small country in terms of area and population. It was estimated that the urban population plus the population of some villages could be as many as 200,000 to 300,000 people.

Maybe not even that.

However, thanks to the strong physique of the Monster Hunter humans, this city located on a volcano actually looks spectacular.

The red sky and buildings made of various colorful minerals.

With the smoke and red glow of volcanic lava in the distance as the background, the city doesn't seem too dangerous.

In reality, this city is indeed not very safe.

A distant volcano was billowing black smoke. After a shaking, accompanied by a loud bang, a large amount of magma gushed out of the crater.

The strong shaking caused the capital of the Fire Nation to vibrate, but the residents of the Fire Nation seemed to have gotten used to it. They acted as if nothing had happened and went about their own business without even glancing at the surroundings.

"It seems that the people here have already adapted!"

Ciri, who was following Li Qing, was also seeing this kind of scene for the first time. It was also the first time she saw a city built in this environment. There was curiosity in her eyes, but also sympathy.

It is obvious that people in this country do not live well.

Weiwei's face was a little sad, and she didn't really want to hide it around her friends, so she sighed and said, "Actually, this is nothing."

"The capital is far away from the volcano, so it will only be affected by some aftermath."

"The temperature of the volcanic ash and lava actually makes the land of the Fire Nation rich in nutrients."

"Although volcanic eruptions can cause damage, as long as you are careful, they will not hurt anyone. In addition, every time an eruption occurs, some rare minerals will appear, which can bring you income if you pick them up."

She looked at the lava flowing in the distance: "Compared to the volcanoes, what is really destroying this country is the monsters that are increasing in number every year."

"What monster?" Ciri was stunned, then asked.

"Yes." Weiwei looked outside the city wall and was about to say something, but her voice suddenly stopped the next second.

His eyes and expression suddenly became tense.

Ciri and Li Qing also looked in the direction she was looking, and immediately saw a hot line of lava gushing out into the sky at the edge of the city in the distance.

Screams and cries for help have gradually spread from the edge of the city.

"A monster is coming!!"

There was no need for Vivi to explain the situation any further. Li Qing and Ciri understood what had happened in an instant!
"Let's go there quickly!!"

Without any hesitation, the three of them gave up the idea of ​​going to the palace at the same time. Led by Weiwei, they quickly changed direction and crossed the street towards the direction where the monster appeared.

After spending some time avoiding the screaming people who were running away, we finally arrived at the place where the monster appeared!
The huge red monster was attacking the building frantically. The ground was easily burned through by the hot lava, and the building was quickly destroyed under the high temperature.

"It's Yan Gelong!!"

It wasn't just Li Qing and his two companions who arrived in time.

Due to years of attacks, some hunters had long been stationed on the edge of the Fire Country and were now fighting this monster.

However, it is obvious that the level of these hunters is not very good, and they seem to be only at the three-star or four-star level.

It would be fine to deal with ordinary monsters, but the guy who was going crazy and destroying everything at this moment was the dominant creature in the volcano - the Flame Dragon!

A creature that is powerful enough to compete with large monsters such as the Rathalos, the Booming Dragon, and the Crushing Dragon.

Even with the help of the terrain, the Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't want to provoke this guy.

What’s even more speechless is that this powerful Flame Dragon is actually a social species.

A volcano can even host twenty to thirty Flame Dragons at the same time.

This only counts the adult individuals, not the juvenile lava beasts of the Flame Dragon.


An angry roar came from the mouth of the Flame Dragon, and the next moment its slender body transformed into a dragon chariot and rushed towards the hunters who were dealing with it!
The hunters were already having trouble dealing with this huge creature. They didn't even react immediately when faced with the dragon chariot and were about to be knocked down!
"Weiwei, help me keep an eye on her. Don't let her get away!"

With a roar, Li Qing stomped heavily on the ground with his powerful strength.

The extremely powerful explosion instantly overturned the ground, and Li Qing was shot out like a missile under the powerful reaction force!
Holding two axes in his hands, he drew a huge arc in the air. Before the Flame Dragon could charge towards the hunters, it was intercepted by Li Qing halfway!
A powerful impact force came with the two axes landing heavily on the side of Yan Gelong!


With a miserable roar, not only did the Yan Gelong's dragon chariot stop, but its entire body also rolled and flew out like a car overturned by a semi-trailer.

Li Qing landed lightly on the ground, seemingly without any effort at all.

"This this."

The hunters who originally thought they might be doomed looked at Li Qing in amazement. They never dreamed that the horrible monster could be easily hit away by the man in front of them like a volleyball.

And why is this guy holding two axes in his hands?

Or did they see it wrong, and this is actually a new form of the dual swords?
But if it is a pair of swords, the size would be too big!
"Are you okay?"

Li Qing asked the dazed people.

“No, it’s okay!!” The stunned hunters finally reacted and hurriedly thanked them: “Thank you for your rescue, we are very grateful!!”

"It's just a small matter!" Li Qing waved his hand nonchalantly, saying, "You guys get out of the way first. I'll take care of this guy right away."


The hunters reacted without saying much. It was obvious that the hunter in green armor in front of them was stronger than them, so it would be better for them not to get in the way.

Watching the hunters leave quickly, Li Qing turned his attention back to the Flame Dragon.

Although it was hit hard by Li Qing's two axes, the monster's strong body prevented it from being killed instantly.

After all, the shell of the Flame Dragon is strong enough to withstand the high temperature of magma. Although Li Qing's strength is abnormal enough compared to humans, among monsters, it is at most at the middle and lower level.

Due to size limitations, even with the same strength attributes, it is still far behind larger monsters.

This is the limitation of human beings themselves, and Li Qing has no way to ignore it.

"Ho! Roar!!!"

An angry roar came from the monster's mouth, and the Flame Dragon, covered in hot magma, climbed up from the ground. Although its body was swaying, it seemed that the inside of its body was not as intact as the outside, but there was no doubt that it was still able to move at this moment.

The Yan Gelong spat out a mouthful of something that was not sure whether it was blood or magma onto the ground, and then the monster suddenly thrust its mouth into the ground.

The next moment, the entire body of this huge monster was like a drilling machine, and it actually drilled into the ground.

Then Li Qing felt a shaking under his feet.

It doesn't take much to tell that this is the Flame Dragon rushing out from underground.

Li Qing exerted a little force with his legs and with the help of the breeze, he jumped into the air.

The moment Li Qing left the ground, a huge monster suddenly rushed out from under his feet.

Seeing that there was no chance to attack Li Qing directly, its abdomen bulged, and it opened its mouth, and hot magma rays spurted out of its mouth.

Relying on the flexibility of its long neck, it actually turned around and shot towards Li Qing.

“It’s quite difficult to deal with!”

Having said that, Li Qing's expression didn't change much.

Compared to the Lanlong, although this Yan Gelong is quite powerful, it can only create some small scenes and is not worth Li Qing's seriousness.

Facing the oncoming light, Li Qing held the axe in his right hand and swung it forward fiercely.

As the Tyrannosaurus Rex's axe met the ray, the originally hot breeze in the air suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye a storm visible to the naked eye was formed.

At the same time, the evaporating water vapor quickly gathered into long spears of condensed water, and roared towards the Flame Dragon along with the storm!

The Windy Flame Dragon that was carrying the cold water stream had no chance to dodge and was hit head-on.

The water and strong wind fell on it and were immediately evaporated into gas by the extremely high temperature carried by its body.

But before the water vapor could dissipate, Li Qing controlled it to condense into water again and fall on the body of the Flame Dragon.

“Roar, roar, roar~~~!!”

A more miserable roar came out of its mouth than the one Li Qing had dealt it before.

Surrounded by strong winds and currents, the body temperature of the Flame Dragon quickly dissipated.

Soon the flaming shell on its body lost its luster and turned dark red, and this mighty Flame Dragon seemed to have lost all its energy and lay motionless on the ground.

The only thing I could do was open my mouth and breathe.

For a monster like this that needs to survive in extremely high temperatures, a drop in body temperature would mean direct death to it.

It is not a subspecies of the same species, the Frozen Dragon, which can withstand the brutal cold.

On the contrary, if the Frozen Dragon were to endure high temperatures and its body temperature rise, its fate would probably be similar to that of the Flame Dragon.

Li Qing slowly fell back to the ground from the air and looked at the Yan Gelong lying on the ground not far in front of him, unable to move, with some surprise in his eyes.

"I didn't expect this trick to work so well."

To be honest, he just had a sudden inspiration. He thought that since the Flame Dragon was a creature living in magma, the low temperature might have some restrictions on it.

Who would have thought that it was more than just a limited extent.

Relying on air cooling and water cooling, the body temperature of this Flame Dragon dropped rapidly, and it actually lost the ability to move.

Now it seems even more difficult to lift its claws.

"Is it so easy to defeat the Flame Dragon?"

In the distance, Vivi was aiming her heavy crossbow at the Flame Dragon to prevent it from running away after failing to defeat Li Qing.

But even she didn't expect that this Flame Dragon could be defeated so easily.

And it was this kind of complete defeat that was rewound to the ground without any resistance.

Especially the fighting method that can make the Flame Dragon lose its strength in a short period of time. To be honest, although Weiwei is knowledgeable, she doesn't quite understand it now.

"Weiwei, please think of a solution. This Yan Gelong should be unable to resist, but I'm not sure whether it will die immediately or recover."

Li Qing's voice came from a distance, awakening Weiwei who was lost in thought. She quickly stood up, packed up the heavy crossbow, and trotted towards Li Qing's position.

Li Qing and Ciri had already walked to the side of the Flame Dragon to check the situation.


Seeing the enemy coming, Yan Gelong's huge body moved slightly and let out a low growl.

But it was only this one movement, and now it seemed to take all its strength to move even the slightest bit.

"How did you manage to make this guy immobile so easily?"

Ciri, who was standing nearby, also witnessed with her own eyes how Li Qing completely subdued this powerful monster in a short period of time, and she was also a little curious.

"Well, actually I don't quite understand it." Li Qing scratched his head. If he were asked to explain the principle, he really wouldn't know. The most he knew was that heat expands and cold contracts.

But speaking of it, the Monster Hunter world is actually quite scientific.

Although the monsters and hunters are becoming more and more outrageous, we can always find reasonable explanations to explain these supernatural phenomena.

This authenticity has a lot to do with why I was attracted to this game in my previous life.

So although Li Qing didn't understand why this Flame Dragon had such a low resistance to low temperatures, it was obvious that this was a new method to deal with the Flame Dragon, and it seemed quite useful.

However, even if it is useful, Li Qing probably won't be widely used.

He should not be the first person to discover the weakness of the Flame Dragon, but it is too difficult to exploit this weakness.

After all, there are only a few Flame Dragons that actively come to human cities to destroy them.

Most of the Flame Dragons don't like to leave the vicinity of lava.

But if we are in a volcano, where there is magma everywhere, let alone how to create low temperatures at that temperature, even if we can create ultra-low temperature strikes.

The Flame Dragon can also enter the magma at any time and recover completely by taking a bath.

Unless there is a way to extinguish the entire volcano, it is basically impossible to replicate Li Qing's method of dealing with this Infernape Dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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