All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 137 A Chance for Change

Chapter 137 A Chance for Change


"Come again!!!"

Li Qing's excited shout echoed in this small space.

This feeling of fighting monsters and then knocking them away is very satisfying even if you experience it a few times!
However, the Flame King Dragon that was knocked away did not suffer any serious injuries.


It flapped its wings to stabilize its body, then looked at Li Qing with eyes full of anger and murderous intent, roaring in a low voice, and dust began to fill the air around it.

The next moment, the boiling and scorching hot flames suddenly spurted out of his mouth.

A storm tornado formed entirely of flames quickly rushed towards Li Qing.

"This trick can't work on me!"

But since it's a storm, I'm really sorry.

Li Qing is best at dealing with storms!
A chopping axe was placed in front of him, pointing at the sweeping fire tornado from afar.

The next moment, the air flowing in the cave suddenly began to accelerate, and in the blink of an eye, a whistling sound began to be made.

The fire tornado was covered by the strong wind and slowly stopped moving towards Li Qing, and gradually began to return to the Flame Dragon.

However, this was originally a move released by the Flame King Dragon, so it naturally had little effect on the Flame King Dragon.

Although the temperature was extremely high, the Flame Dragon was no match for it. Its huge body rushed into the fire tornado and tore it apart.

But its huge body did not stop and rushed directly towards Li Qing.

Compared to before, his body was wrapped in a layer of fiery red dust. Before it came into contact with Li Qing, the dust was scattered around Li Qing and then suddenly ignited. A violent explosion suddenly appeared in front of Li Qing!


But even though the explosion was extremely violent, it did not stop the Flame King Dragon from moving at all. Its big mouth bit towards Li Qing's position without hesitation.

A strong wind suddenly blew up, and the smoke and dust from the explosion was blown away in an instant.

Li Qing's body, wrapped in the wind, appeared in front of the Flame King Dragon intact. The next moment, the electric arc and the wind gathered on the two axes. Facing the Flame King Dragon's face that was approaching again, he swung it hard again!


The same scene appeared again, the Flame King Dragon's cheek collided with Li Qing's axe, and it was it that flew out again!
As for the dust emitted when it bit Li Qing, the moment it approached Li Qing, it was blown away to who knows where by the surrounding strong wind.

When dealing with the dust explosion attack of the Flame King Dragon, it has to be said that this kind of gale ability is simply its nemesis.

No wonder the Steel Dragon was able to fight this guy back and forth.

After a few brief encounters, Li Qing had a rough idea of ​​the strength of this Fire Dragon.

If you say it is weak, it is indeed a bit weak, at least in Li Qing's opinion, it is indeed a bit weak.

It is not much more difficult to deal with than the previous Tyrannosaurus.

But if you say it is strong, it is indeed very strong. Its powerful body, control of ultra-high temperature flames, and release of violent explosive dust all make it the top existence at the top of the food chain. Almost 98% of the creatures in the world are far from its opponents.

It can only be said that Li Qing's current strength has gradually begun to exceed the standard with continuous evolution.

Just as he expected, now in the Monster Hunter world, as long as he doesn't encounter those truly forbidden-level monsters, there should be nothing that can stump his opponent.

This Flame Dragon is no exception.

After having a clear idea in his mind, Li Qing decided not to hold back!

The blue electric arcs above the body suddenly became thicker and larger, and the noisy electric currents and howling winds instantly coiled around the body, almost forming an alternative elemental giant.

And now this giant raised the two weapons in his hands high.

One is surrounded by the wind, and the other is surrounded by lightning.

The speed was so fast that it could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, and it arrived in front of the Flame King Dragon almost in an instant.

The Flame Dragon had just been knocked flying, and before it could even steady itself again, it saw the two axes appear in front of it again.

The two axes were dropped and lifted up like pounding garlic, and in less than five seconds, the two axes had hit the Flame King Dragon back and forth at least thirty or forty times!

Then, the Flame Dragon let out a painful wail and fell to the ground.

His body tumbled and rolled a long distance in an instant, but even so, he was still rolling back and forth on the ground, screaming continuously from his mouth, and it looked like he was in real pain.

But it still has to thank Li Qing.

Because Li Qing didn't want to kill it, he just wanted to teach it a lesson. Otherwise, if he had used the blade instead of the back of the axe, the Fire King Dragon might have been chopped into pieces.

However, due to his professional expertise, even with the blunt force he used, he still caused considerable damage to the Flame Dragon.

But no matter how painful it is, it is better than death.

"It seems that for me now, it is not too difficult to deal with the ancient dragon."

Li Qing shook his head.

All I can say is that his starting point was too good. Lanlong's ability allowed him to ignore most of the monsters in the world.

Otherwise, if he really had to fight like an ordinary hunter, Li Qing himself wouldn't know how to defeat this monster one blow at a time.

You know, Flame Dragon is the kind of person who likes to eat snacks like burning coal and store the high temperature in his body.

That is to say, even if the temperature of the flame spewed out by the Fire Dragon is reduced, the temperature is still at least several thousand or tens of thousands of degrees. Ordinary hunters do not have the means of controlling the wind like Li Qing to resist the flame explosion. How can they deal with these guys only by relying on their physical body?

With the level of Flame King Rex, even in the Godzilla world, it would be a very difficult monster to deal with. Maybe you can ask Godzilla for advice.

After putting away the axe, Li Qing looked at the Fire Dragon, which was still rolling on the ground.

It seems that even the strong Flame King Dragon will need some time to recover from the beating he just received.

Looking back again, the little Flame King Dragon that was kicked aside was now staring at him blankly. It seemed that seeing his father being beaten up had traumatized his young heart.

Facing Li Qing's gaze, the originally arrogant look suddenly became timid, and he quickly buried his head under his body, not daring to look at Li Qing again.

"Hehe, I hope this little guy won't have any psychological trauma towards hunters in the future."

Li Qing grinned and found it quite interesting.

But the next second, Li Qing couldn't laugh anymore.

Because just outside the cave entrance, a figure walked in again. However, compared to the scorching red of the Flame King Dragon, this monster's blue body looked more slender, with flames rising all over its body and a Hard Ankylosaur in its mouth.

After returning to the cave, he was obviously stunned when he saw the situation inside the cave.

It is obvious that this guy, who is also covered in flames, is not an easy one to deal with either.

This monster is naturally the Flame Dragon.

Li Qing was wondering why only the Flame King Dragon came back, but now seeing the prey hanging in the Flame Queen Dragon's mouth, he basically understood the situation.

He looked with disdain at the Flame Dragon that was still rolling in the distance.

"He looks quite powerful, but he turns out to be a gigolo!"


This Flame Dragon clearly had no idea that she was being taken advantage of. When she saw her husband rolling on the ground after being beaten and her children hiding in the nest without daring to move, she immediately became ignited with anger.

“What bad luck!!”

Li Qing looked at the guy in front of him with a little helplessness, feeling helpless for a moment.

We can't really keep them all together, can we?
Isn't that a bit too much?

So when Li Qing faced this big guy rushing towards him, he did not use the same tactics he used to deal with the Flame King Dragon before. Instead, he used a small force to move a large object and gently threw the Flame Queen Dragon behind him.

Then he started running towards the exit of the cave without hesitation!
If you don't run now, when will you run?
There were angry roars and heavy footsteps chasing after him from behind.

Unfortunately, Li Qing is not only fast in battle, but also not slow when running away.

Before the Flame Dragon could catch up, Li Qing had already rushed out of the cave and quickly flew into the sky and escaped far away.

Only the Flame Queen Dragon that had chased out from the ground was left, roaring angrily, with pillars of fire rising into the sky, but it was powerless to do anything to Li Qing.

After all, although it can fly, to be honest, its flying speed is not very fast, and it can't even fly for a long time. It can only be said to be a means of convenient movement.

After flying a long distance in an instant, Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no one catching up with him.

Although most ancient dragons do cause damage to the natural environment, to be honest, hunters generally don't care as long as they don't cause damage near human gatherings.

After all, it is said that it will cause damage to the natural environment, but humans dare not pat their chests and say that this is not part of the natural cycle.

Therefore, there is still great controversy among humans about ancient dragons.

Some scholars believe that ancient dragons are the scourge of this world and should be eliminated as much as possible when they are able.

Scholars on the other hand believe that ancient dragons are also part of the cycle of nature. Humans can expel them to ensure safety, but they cannot treat ancient dragons as enemies, otherwise it will bring more disasters.

These two groups of scholars each hold a different idea and often argue with each other.

However, Li Qing didn't care so much about these things. After all, his soul was not from this world. Although he also recognized the concept of protecting the natural environment in this world, he was more or less selfish in his heart.

From the very beginning, when he took most of the materials of the Blue Bear Beast back to make equipment, it was clear that he was actually a hunter who did not follow the rules.

To be honest, this was mainly because it was a task assigned by the instructor, and the management of Jieyun Village was not strict, otherwise Li Qing would not dare to do such a thing.

Although Guild Knights do not appear often, their deterrent power is still quite great among all hunters.

Pulling his thoughts away from the mess, Li Qing flew to a slightly higher altitude.

Look downward.

Then he couldn't help but shook his head: "Although I know that I seem to have run a long distance, I didn't expect that I can no longer see the shadow of the Fire Country!"

That’s right, after a rapid journey through that underground world, when Li Qingfei came out, there was no trace of the Fire Nation any more.

However, looking in the direction we came from, we can see a volcano standing there in the distance.

If my guess is correct, it should be the volcano near the Land of Fire.

Just estimating the distance, it feels like it's dozens of miles away.

I didn’t feel anything down there, but it turns out I’ve run so far!

Sighing, Li Qing no longer hesitated. Ciri and Vivi were probably still waiting for him at the crater, so he decided to meet up with them first.

The space underground in this volcanic mountain range is very huge, and from what I have observed along the way, the resources are also extremely abundant.

If it can be developed, perhaps the Fire Country will undergo a huge change in a very short period of time.

However, the difficulty of development is also very high, so it requires the support of the Hunter Guild and other countries. The Fire Nation probably cannot do this with its own strength.

But the specific situation still needs to be decided by Vivi's father.

Although Li Qing came to help the Fire Nation, the future of the Fire Nation is ultimately in the hands of the Fire Nation’s own people.

The air current wrapped around Li Qing and he moved forward quickly. He could easily separate the air current and ignore the resistance, so his flying speed was naturally not slow. He soon flew back to the crater he had been to before.

Looking down, Ciri and Vivi were still waiting at the crater.

However, the two of them were already sweating profusely, and had even taken off their armor. They also deliberately ran to an edge to avoid the scorching heat as much as possible.

"Hey, how are you guys doing?"

Li Qing landed in front of the two men, first looked at their figures, then asked.

Ciri was almost dizzy from the heat, and only when she heard Li Qing's voice did she notice that he had returned without her noticing.

He shook his hands with great effort, panting, looking at Li Qing with blurry eyes, and said weakly: "You, you are finally back."

"If you don't come back soon, I'm going to die of heat!!"

"Didn't I tell you, if you feel you can't stand it, go back first!" Li Qing was speechless, but quickly controlled the breeze to wrap around Ciri and quickly cool down her body.

Then he turned his head and looked at Weiwei.

Normally we see Vivi wearing armor. Now that she has taken off the armor, only her underwear is left. Her figure is surprisingly good.

And as expected of a princess of the Fire Nation, she can actually tolerate the temperature here. At least her situation seems to be much better than Ciri’s.

Li Qing waved his hands and used the airflow to cool her down as well. He then said:
"I've already checked down there. You'll never guess what I found."

"Sister Weiwei, maybe the opportunity to change the Fire Nation will come soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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