Chapter 139 Bilgewater

"A monster whose body is made of ice and fire?"

Li Qing frowned and thought about it over and over again in his mind, but still couldn't figure out what kind of monster it was.

Whether it was in the books that hunters read about monsters, or when I played games in my previous life, it seemed that I had never encountered a monster whose body was made of ice and fire.

However, I have heard of a monster that can control both ice and fire attributes at the same time, called the Frost Dragon.

Furthermore, it is said that the power of the Frost Dragon even exceeds the level at which the Storm Dragon is released from the forbidden state, reaching the forbidden level.

The manipulated ice and fire can easily change the celestial phenomena and destroy the landforms. In short, it is extremely terrifying.

As for why ice and fire are wrapped around the body at the same time, could it be the way the Frost Dragon fights?

But if what Vivi's ancestor discovered under the volcanic mountains was indeed the Frost Dragon, then developing the underground space would become almost impossible!

If the Frost Dragon gets angry, this entire mountain range will probably be overturned, not to mention this small Fire Kingdom.

The once powerful ancient Shured Kingdom was easily destroyed by the forbidden black dragon. The Frost Dragon, which is of the same forbidden level as the black dragon, is really not something the current Fire Nation, or even itself, can afford to provoke.

"That's why I've been treating this incident as if it never happened. After all, we can still support the country. If something unexpected happens due to the development of the underground space, then everything will be over."

Gundom sighed and carefully placed the notes in his hand on the table.

"Of course I want to change, but I have to be more responsible for my people. I can't do something that would risk everyone's lives."

Li Qing nodded. Although he still had doubts about Gundom's idea, at least he approved of it now.

After all, as a leader, if you really do things without caring about others and doing things according to your own ideas, you will definitely not be a qualified leader.

"I understand, Uncle Gundom."

"But." Li Qing said with some uncertainty: "I feel that things are not that simple."

"If there really is such a terrifying monster with ice and fire wrapped around its body, then isn't it a bit strange for it to appear in this volcanic area?"

"Or is it that in the underground space, there is actually a cold area that is completely opposite to the volcano?"

"I still need to investigate, and I need to investigate in depth."

Li Qing stood up and said seriously under Gundom's gaze:
"After all, your ancestor lived many years ago. The world is changing rapidly now. Just because he couldn't deal with a monster before doesn't mean he can't deal with it now."

"From my personal standpoint, I still hope that you can contact the Hunter Guild as soon as possible. Professional matters should be handled by professionals."

Gundom looked at Li Qing in silence. After a long while, he shook his head helplessly:

"Alright alright!"

"You young people are really different from us old guys."

"Since you are willing to take the risk, then go ahead. You can always tell me if you need anything."

"Although the situation in the Fire Nation is indeed not very good right now, there are still some resources."

"That's not necessary, Uncle Gundom." Li Qing also laughed: "As long as I have your support, it's enough. After all, I don't want to have to intrigue with you while investigating monsters."

"Hahaha, you little brat." Gundom laughed.

"That's it, Uncle Gundom. I'm leaving now. Leave the underground space matters to me for now. You can contact the Hunter Guild later."

Li Qing didn't say any more nonsense and just turned around and left.

Gundom was left in the room with a helpless smile. He looked at the various notes on the table, sighed, and began to clean up.

After walking out of Gundom's conference room, Li Qing first returned to the room and briefly explained what he had discussed with Gundom.

Weiwei was naturally very excited, and she hurried back to prepare. She also went to her father's warehouse to find some usable ores to create new weapons and equipment.

Ciri was also very curious, and she had recently obtained some materials and wanted to make a set of equipment, so she went with Vivi.

Li Qing was left alone in the room, but he did not sit there in a daze. Instead, he opened the task panel and started checking it.

Many days have passed, and the system tasks have been refreshed again.

However, when Li Qing saw clearly the world where this mission was located, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

“Is this actually the world?”

【Official Hunter Challenge Hunting Mission】

[Level requirement: lv1-lv99]

[Mission Difficulty: Normal——???]

[Mission location: Valoran Continent]

[Mission Objective: Hunt a Void Creature]

[Task time: no limit]

[Task reward: unknown]

[Mission Description: Although it is not the same void, there are unexpected similarities. Perhaps this is your first close contact with the void as a hunter. I hope you will not be scared.]

【Is it accepted? 】

"League of Legends? Void creatures?"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that I have overestimated myself for this mission, right?"

"Can I afford to offend void creatures?"

But the next second, Li Qing reacted:

"Wait, it's not that they are untouchable. Void creatures like the Mantis Excavator are not that powerful on the Valoran continent."

Of course, Li Qing was familiar with the information about this mission, and he was not even unfamiliar with the Valoran continent.

After all, compared to other games, League of Legends can be said to be the game he has played the longest.

Even if he didn't specifically learn about the background story of the game, just the little information he knew was enough to give Li Qing a full understanding.

However, it is obvious that the system's task is not impossible to accomplish.

After all, although some void creatures are as powerful as gods, there are also weak ones. Even someone like Kassadin, who is not very strong, can deal with void monsters.

For example, the void bugs summoned by Malzahar, or the void burrowers, are actually not too powerful as can be seen by the naked eye.

There is a chance to kill it.

However, if the target is these weaker guys, then the gains may not be that great either.

Therefore, this mission still needs to be carefully considered. After determining a goal, work hard in that direction. However, this mission seems a bit dangerous, and Li Qing is a little hesitant about whether to take Ciri with him.

Although bringing Ciri along would provide an extra means of survival by relying on her teleportation ability, once a fight really broke out with the void creatures, Li Qing was not sure whether Ciri would be corrupted by the void or something.

After all, Li Qing’s understanding of the void is almost nothing now.

The impression in the game is, after all, in the game, and is completely different from reality.

There is no way to prepare completely according to that impression.

So after just a quick thought, Li Qing decided not to take Ciri with him.

And since he chose not to take her with him, he wouldn't wait for her to come back and would accept the mission directly. Anyway, no matter how much time had passed in the mission world, it would only take a few hours at most when he came back.

Having made a decision in his mind, Li Qing's gaze fell back on the options on the task panel, and he silently chose "OK" in his heart.

Just like every teleportation, this time the room in front of him just paused for a moment, and then quickly changed into a completely new scene.

The gloomy sky was covered by dark clouds, and there were noisy shouts, curses, and miserable and desperate howls.

Along with the stench that penetrated into his nose, it quickly filled Li Qing's nose and ears.

"Where the hell is this?"

Li Qing was also a little confused by this situation.

His sense of smell and hearing were already very sensitive, and the sudden smell was almost too much for him to bear despite his strong physique, and he felt a little nauseous!
After a few seconds of pause, his strong physical fitness finally came into play.

The feeling of physical discomfort quickly dissipated, and the nose that smelled the stench began to automatically block out the smell.

I gradually began to adapt to the deafening noise in my ears.

Only then did Li Qing feel like looking around.

This is a port with at least hundreds of ships of all sizes docked in the port, and there are even more ships coming in and out of the dark sea in the distance.

Some of these ships are easy to spot; many are just fishing boats out at sea, or merchant ships transporting goods.

But it also has many unique features. There are skulls painted on the sails and the hull is full of cannons. It is obvious that it is not a legitimate pirate ship.

And the most bizarre thing is that some ships that look like pirate ships are docked on the shore more blatantly than merchant ships and fishing boats.

The busy dock workers around didn't even think of looking over, as if they had already gotten used to it.

Li Qing already roughly understood where he was.

Ports, pirates, dirty and messy environment.

There are actually many places that meet this condition, but the only place that can have this condition written directly on its face is Bilgewater, a port city in the southeast of Valoran continent, which has this unique temperament.

But it’s true, Li Qing knows Bilgewater quite well.

Because before he traveled through time, the hero he was best at and played the most in League of Legends was the current king of Bilgewater - Captain Gangplank, the Scourge of the Ocean.

So we do know quite a bit about Bilgewater, especially about Gangplank.

Of course, he only likes to use it in the game. In real life, Li Qing really doesn't have any good feelings towards Gangplank.

After all, a normal person really cannot like a pervert who kills people like crazy, is so cruel that he almost completely disregards human life, can even kill his own father with his own hands, and likes to play with human bone carvings.

The pirates on this island are not the pirates like Luffy in One Piece, who are pronounced as "pirates" but actually written as "adventurers".

He is a truly inhuman pirate with blood on his hands.

In Li Qing's eyes, it would not be an exaggeration to kill this kind of person a thousand times.

His eyes were patrolling the surroundings unscrupulously. Around Li Qing, there were also many dock workers or some idle gang members.

However, those who can survive in Bilgewater, especially the lower-level personnel, may not be very strong, but their vision is basically top-notch.

It is a golden advice that almost everyone knows that the longer you live, the better you will be if you stay out of trouble.

Although Li Qing looks like a good boy and a pretty boy, his clothes are spotless.

But the kind of majesty that was revealed naturally, which made people afraid to look at him, made everyone know that this pretty boy was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

"Dang Dang Dang~~~~"

Suddenly, a loud bell sound came from far behind.

The port, which originally seemed to be in good order, suddenly became busy the moment these ships and the sound of bells appeared.

Clear the locations that need to be cleared and move the supplies that need to be moved.

There were even some goods that had not been unloaded yet and were just thrown there. People started to walk away one after another. I don’t know if it was because they were on holiday or something.

Anyway, after a while, the port, which was originally quite busy, suddenly became a lot quieter.

In the middle of the port, a huge open space suddenly appeared.

Then these people surrounded the open space, with excitement and smiles on their faces, as if they were going to watch something exciting.

Li Qingzuo looked around again and again, wanting to find someone to help him explain what had happened.

Just then, a figure covered in a black robe walked by and seemed to want to go over to watch, so Li Qing reached out and grabbed the black-robed man's shoulder. He was about to start a conversation when he suddenly felt that the grip on his hand was not right.

It seems a little too soft.

"Have you had enough, handsome boy?"

The black-robed man caught by Li Qing slowly turned around and lifted up his black hood slightly, revealing his delicate and white skin underneath.

A face that could be described as beautiful no matter how you looked at it appeared in front of Li Qing.

However, compared to this handsome face, what attracted more attention was the pistol with a thick barrel that was pressed against Li Qing's stomach.

"." Li Qing looked down at the gun on his stomach speechlessly, then looked at the beautiful woman, and was speechless for a moment.

He really just wanted to stop a passerby casually, but he didn't expect that he just grabbed the protagonist with just a casual grab.

With this figure, good looks, and the iconic loudspeaker gun, she is clearly the bounty hunter known as Miss Fortune - Sarah.

"That, beautiful Sarah, I said I was just asking someone something at random, do you believe me?"

"Besides, your gun is useless to me, so why not just consider it as making a friend?" Li Qing sighed and pointed at some people who were already standing in the open space in the distance, especially the arrogant man wearing a captain's hat:

"After all, you don't want to make too much noise and be discovered by Planck, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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