Chapter 15 New Commission

"The charged shell of a Thunder Wolf Dragon?"

Uncle Asa was a little surprised, but he immediately regained his composure. After all, considering his age, the amount of Thunder Wolf Dragon materials he had in his hands was not small.

He was just surprised at how Li Qing took it out. After all, a young boy like Li Qing should not be able to deal with the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

"But even with this charged shell, it's not enough to make a Thunder Wolf Dragon Slash Axe."

"Hehehe, of course I know!" Li Qing smiled. He certainly knew that the charged shell of this Thunder Wolf Dragon was not enough, so his target was not the Thunder Wolf Dragon Axe.

"No, Uncle Asa, I was thinking, can I use the charged shell of this Thunder Wolf Dragon to engrave these patterns on various equipments!"

Li Qing smiled and took out the five magic seal patterns he had temporarily carved, placed them in front of Uncle Asa and asked.

Uncle Asa took the paper that Li Qing handed over and took a look at it: "Of course you can, but what's the use of it? What do these patterns mean?"

"This is my biggest gain this time. Don't ask me yet. If my idea can be realized, you will naturally know it!" Li Qing replied.

"Okay, okay." Uncle Asa said helplessly, and lifted the materials that Li Qing brought with some effort. It was not that he could not lift it, but the main reason was that the size was a little big for him.

"It will take about ten days to make the Blue Bear Beast armor you need, and about a week to make the axe. If you are not in a hurry, just wait until ten days later."

"Okay, I'll come over in ten days!"

Li Qing nodded and started to pay.

The entire set of Blue Bear armor and the axe almost used up all the money Li Qing had accumulated over the years.

Of course, there is heartache, but upgrading equipment is also urgent. Otherwise, as Li Qing becomes stronger, things like the previous one where he hit the Thunder Wolf Dragon but failed to cause much damage will happen frequently.

Besides, the price of forging equipment is not cheap, otherwise Uncle Asa would not be idle most of the time.

After all, for many hunters, a set of armor, if well maintained and without accidents, will be enough to be used for several years, and at most it will need to be repaired.

But compared to the heartache, Li Qing now feels more anticipation.

What he left on his equipment was naturally the pattern of the seal.

According to Vesemir, in addition to releasing the seal through hand gestures, the seal can also be used by carving patterns.

However, for demon hunters, the magic power in their bodies is enough, and if the magic items that can carry magic power are used to release seals, it would be a waste of resources, so naturally no one would use this method.

But this is just right for Li Qing.

The charged shell of the Thunder Wolf Dragon is a material that carries energy, or from the perspective of the wizarding world, a material that carries magic.

If this can be used as energy to release seals, then Lee Sin will have completed a revolution in the Monster Hunter world.

Of course, all of this is Li Qing’s idea. Whether it can be realized or not will have to wait until the equipment comes out. Anyway, Li Qing has high expectations.

"Then I won't bother you anymore, Uncle Asa!"

Li Qing helped Uncle Asa put the last few things into the house and said goodbye to him. "Wait a minute, Qing, this is for you."

But just as he turned to leave, Uncle Asa came out of the house and handed a package to Li Qing.

"This is??"

"These are the special meatballs of Yanhuo Village. My old friend in Yanhuo Village asked the performing artists to bring them here." Uncle Asa opened the package, revealing the colorful dumplings inside.

"Although we are not far from Yanhuo Village, there are mountains blocking us, so it is not easy to get some local specialties."

"Ah!! Hahahaha, okay, I'll take it!" Li Qing laughed a few times and did not refuse the old man's kindness. He stuffed the dumpling into his clothes and said, "Then I'll leave first."

"Yeah!" Uncle Asa nodded and didn't try to persuade him to stay.

Li Qing walked towards the upper end of the village, touching the still warm dumpling in his arms.

The elegant village chief sat in her seat as usual, looking at everything in the village with a smile on her face. It was unknown how late it would be before she went back to rest.

After seeing Li Qing coming over, his eyes became softer and he spoke first:
"Xiaoqing~~ I heard from the instructor that you encountered a Thunder Wolf Dragon? You even fought it off. You are really an amazing young man~~"

"Why, are you here to collect your reward? It's a pity that I haven't posted any quests about the Thunder Wolf Dragon yet."

Li Qing touched his head helplessly when he heard the name as soon as he arrived, but he could do nothing about the village chief's teasing like a child.

Who made her, as a dragon person, although she looked elegant and beautiful like a young woman, she was older than her grandfather before she traveled through time. In her eyes, he was indeed a naive child.

"No, Village Chief, I came here this time to ask you if there is any mission suitable for me to take on."

"I made a whole set of equipment from Uncle Asa and invested all my fortune in it. If I don't make some money, I'm afraid I'll have to eat dirt with Old Potter soon!"

"Oh, hehe." Hearing Li Qing's words, the village chief covered his mouth elegantly and laughed. After a few seconds, he said, "Then it seems that I really have to help you~~"

Putting one hand on his chin and thinking carefully, the village chief said: "Xiaoqing, you should know that our village is building a hunter gathering place, right?"

"Uh, of course I know!" Li Qing nodded.

"That's good, but the materials for the Hunter's Gathering House are insufficient. The people in charge of the construction have complained to me more than once about the lack of materials."

"I've asked the instructor to gather hunters to gather materials, but they're still not as fast as they're being consumed. How about you come and help?"

"The location is in the water-logged forest. If you get there, you can see it at the hunter camp."

At this point, the village chief stopped and looked back at the unfinished building further up:
"The instructor told me that you have completed the trial of hunting the Blue Bear Beast, so you are now a two-star hunter."

"So before you go, it's best to tell the people at the meeting place first so they can register you."

"In this way, you can get a commission from me in the village, or you can get a commission from the Hunter's Guild. It should be enough to solve your urgent needs!"

 There will be more in a while

(End of this chapter)

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