Chapter 158 Baron Nash
Above the gloomy sea, a small boat that could only accommodate two or three people was floating on the sea.

Li Qing sat on the small boat, his eyes fixed on the compass needle that kept turning in his hand.

"It was pointing straight in this direction before, but why is it not working as it gets closer?"

Feeling a little confused, Li Qing looked around, but didn't see anything worth noting.

However, the gloomy sky and the inexplicably low atmosphere indicated that this was the place Li Qing was looking for, but for some reason he couldn't see it.

Now it has been a day since Li Qing killed Gangplank.

Just as Li Qing said, since he has abided by the agreement and killed Gangplank, the remaining matters will naturally be left to Sarah to solve herself.

So he didn't care about what would happen next, but directly got a small boat and started looking for his target - Baron Nash according to the compass needle given by Tam.

But for some reason, the direction indicated by the compass was relatively stable at the beginning.

But as Li Qing moved further and further, the direction of the pointer became less and less stable, often shaking left and right, as if Baron Nash was wandering back and forth.

Now that we have arrived at this place, Baron Nash's position has begun to rotate back and forth, making people confused.


There was a rumble of thunder in the sky, and a dark cloud rolled with thunder.

"Huh? These clouds?"

Li Qing looked over and immediately felt something was wrong.

My attention was on the compass before, so I didn't notice the special feature of this dark cloud. Now that I have shifted my attention there, I realized why this dark cloud is standing there motionless.
It is not surprising to see dark clouds above the sea, and seeing storms and tornadoes is not a strange sight.

But a dark cloud that doesn't move and keeps raining and thundering is indeed a bit strange.

Since he could feel something strange, Li Qing naturally wanted to check it out. Maybe the clouds had something to do with the random movement of the pointer.

Li Qing also has a very simple way to check the situation.

He gently raised one hand, and the air flow between heaven and earth began to accelerate. In a very short time, a strong air flow formed and swept towards the sky.

Then he quickly rushed into the dark cloud.

Some floating clouds around were blown away in an instant, and a few unlucky seabirds were blown away to who knows where by the strong wind.

But this dark cloud seemed to be unaffected by the strong wind.

Although there were still some fluctuations in the periphery, they were just fluctuations and soon returned to their original state.

"It's interesting."

Li Qing became interested.

Although he did not say that he used all his strength to control the airflow, the power should not be underestimated. In the end, it only caused a slight impact.

“Go and take a look!!”

Needless to say, Li Qing stood up from the boat, exerted a little force with his legs, and suddenly his whole body shot straight into the sky like a rocket.

Soft ribbons wrapped around his body and the airflow maintained his flying speed. It only took Li Qing about ten seconds to arrive next to the cloud.

But when Li Qing arrived near the dark cloud, his original doubts were answered in an instant.

His strong wind certainly would not have any effect on this dark cloud, because this dark cloud was just a decoy. It was not a real dark cloud at all, but a very special energy aggregate formed by some unknown substance.

Moreover, the compass needle that had been running around on the boat before, after he flew into the air, seemed to have found its target all of a sudden, and it stopped and pointed in one direction.

Li Qing looked in that direction and immediately saw a scene he had not seen before.

The island was shrouded in black fog, with ruined forests and rocks all around.

Every big tree looks hideous and ferocious, and every stone exudes an ominous aura.

In the dark black fog, one can vaguely see some undead ghosts floating around the island, uttering miserable wails from time to time.

In a palace-like building complex, one can see a huge, but dried-up spring. A gigantic tree man is standing there, looking up at Li Qing from afar.

There were few places around it that were not covered by the endless black fog on the island.

But the black fog did not know how to retreat and kept spreading towards the tree man's position.

The tree man just looked at Li Qing, then roared, waved his huge arms, and began to enter the black fog, fighting with the undead formed by endless souls and skeletons.


The other party's image was also not unfamiliar to Li Qing.

There are only two tree people in Runeterra who left a deep impression on him.

One is Maokai, the twisted tree spirit from Shadow Isles, and the other is Ivern, the green god from Ionia.

However, these two tree people are at completely different extremes.

Maokai was originally a natural creature from the Blessed Isles, but due to the Curse of Ruin, his body became twisted and his heart was filled with rage. All he thought about every day was how to repel the endless darkness and disgusting creatures.

The purpose is to be able to expel all of this and restore the Shadow Isles to its original state.

Ivern is the demigod of the natural forest. His power should be much stronger than Maokai, but he is not as unlucky as Maokai to become such a ghost.

And now that Lee Sin has met Maokai, there is no doubt that he has reached the territory of the Shadow Isles.

No wonder the compass suddenly lost its direction just now. It turned out that it entered the magic that Fukumitsu Island originally used to conceal the island from the public. After flying into the air, it was out of the range of the formation, so it found its position again.

Li Qing lowered his head and looked at the compass again.

His target is still Baron Nash, not here to save Shadow Isles.

Besides, he can’t save the Shadow Islands with his abilities.

There are many powerful people on the island, but Li Qing is too lazy to provoke them, mainly because these guys are not the type that Li Qing is good at dealing with.

Without any hesitation, he followed the direction of the compass needle and started flying towards a certain place.

The black mist around him began to try to get closer to Li Qing.

It seemed as if endless darkness and painful wails appeared in their ears, as if trying to drag Li Qing into the same situation as them.

Although Li Qing felt that it was okay for him to stay here for a while, this feeling of comfort made him uncomfortable.

He frowned and thought for a while, and the Golden Thunder God weapon that had not appeared for a long time covered his body, and blue arcs of electricity wrapped around his whole body.

When the black fog came into contact with the lightning, it immediately retreated.

Not to mention whether lightning can restrain them, this kind of positive energy and high temperature energy is also not very adaptable to this kind of dark energy.

The noise in his ears dissipated a lot, and Li Qing increased his speed in the air above Shadow Island.

Soon, Li Qing stopped above a strange canyon. He looked at the compass needle, which had already determined this direction and was motionless.

"Baron Nash is here?"

Li Qing looked towards the canyon below.

It is surrounded by moderately tall mountains on three sides, with a small lake in the middle.

The style is naturally still the pitch-black Shadow Island style, but compared to other places, there are some more colors here.

Captivating purple.

It appeared in various places in the lake, like stones, but also like secretions falling from Baron Nash's body.

Extraordinarily strange.

Li Qing knew that those purple objects should be stones contaminated with the power of the void, and they were most likely left behind by Baron Nash.

Baron Nash himself was an ordinary deep-sea worm. After being infected by the power of the void, his strength increased greatly and he completely became a void monster.

Of course, now that Li Qing has found it, he will naturally not stop there.

Looking towards the lake, Li Qing could vaguely feel that Baron Nash was hiding inside.

One hand stretched out and grasped the air in front of him. The blue lightning began to flow slowly along the arm to the palm, and then quickly stretched into the shape of a spear.

The lightning spear turned in a circle in the palm of his hand, with the tip of the spear pointing at the center of the lake below.

Li Qing stretched his body and gathered strength, then suddenly threw the lightning spear down below him!
A blinding flash of light fell and pierced straight into the center of the lake.

But it was as if nothing had happened.

But just as Li Qing frowned and wanted to try again, he suddenly felt an uneasy aura rising from under the lake.

Mainly, it can be seen with the eyes that the hills surrounding the lake suddenly shook.

Beneath the lake, dark shadows appeared beneath the surface.

Just like turning on a lamp, countless purple lights lit up under the lake, and then a huge body suddenly broke out from under the water.

A terrifying giant monster rushed out from under the lake, and in an instant its body stretched out to a hundred meters long. Its terrifying and twisted mouth roared and bit towards Li Qing in mid-air.

However, Li Qing naturally did not take this speed seriously. As the breeze blew around his body, Li Qing quickly moved to the side and avoided Baron Nash's attack.

The attack missed, and the giant worm infected by the void did not continue to chase Li Qing and attack him.

Instead, he slowly retracted his body into the lake, leaving only about half of his body exposed.

Several pairs of compound eyes looked at Li Qing in mid-air. Although he looked like a crazy monster, there was a cunning light in his eyes, as if he was thinking about how to deal with Li Qing.

"This monster actually has intelligence?"

Li Qing was also a little surprised.

But it seems normal when you think about it. If this monster, which has existed for who knows how long, didn't have a cunning enough character and powerful strength, it would have died long ago.

Not everyone on the Shadow Isles is easy to deal with. I'm sure many of them won't allow Baron Nash to occupy a place on this island.

Baron Nash must have his own abilities to be able to survive until now.

"But unfortunately, it's me you met today."

Li Qing was only slightly surprised. His goal was Baron Nashor and he would not give up halfway.

Now that the opponent has shown up, let's just start fighting.

Thinking this in his mind, Li Qing did just that.

On the surface of the Golden Thunder God’s armor, the shining blue arcs gradually dissipated.

Light silk ribbons float along the body.

This island, which had been quiet for who knows how long, was finally greeted by a frantic sound once again - the sound of a hurricane roaring in the sky.

Almost instantly, the powerful hurricane controlled by Li Qing rushed towards the lake in the valley.

The rapid airflow rolled up the water vapor in the lake, and in a short period of time, half of the lake disappeared out of thin air.

But the water did not really disappear. Instead, it was controlled by Li Qing, rotating and changing around him. Several water dragons hundreds of meters long and weighing unknown tons appeared around Li Qing.

Baron Nash, who was originally in the lake, had no idea that Li Qing's attack would be so sudden and terrifying.

The huge body was pressed under the lake surface in an instant by the deadly wind.

Countless gusts of wind transformed into sharp blades and began to attack it one by one like a slow procession.

Baron Nash's skin is extremely smooth and hard. Ordinary swords and knives would not be able to hurt it at all.

But it can't withstand the slow sharpening of this knife.

As soon as a wound appears, it will be hit by countless wind blades, and it will soon expand into a bloody wound.

Baron Nash is certainly not the kind of guy who would just take a beating without fighting back.

But it couldn't even fight back now. Li Qing, who was trying his best to control the airflow, brought about such wind that he even flattened half of the two mountains surrounding the lake in a short period of time.

The force of the wind pressure is so great that it is unimaginable.

Under this force, it was extremely difficult for Baron Nash to even move, let alone fight back.

He could only endure the attacks of these wind blades, curling up as much as possible, trying to pull his upper body back into the cave.

As a smart monster, although this is its lair, there is a direct access to the sea under the lake.

Although they had just fought, Baron Nash had already realized from the power displayed by Li Qing that this was an opponent he could not afford to offend.

Now it no longer expects to be able to deal with Li Qing, it just wants a chance to escape.

It’s a pity that Li Qing also discovered Baron Nash’s thoughts.

Li Qing also noticed the passage leading to the underground.

Without any panic, he snapped his fingers lightly, and suddenly several water dragons hundreds of meters long circling around him roared and rushed towards Baron Nash.

Several water dragons, which were no smaller than Baron Nash, opened their mouths wide and bit Baron Nash's body.

Then, under Li Qing's control, he began to pull its body hard.

Under this terrifying force, Baron Nash could only howl in fear, but he was still unable to resist. He could only watch his body hidden underground being pulled out bit by bit.

Then he watched his body being torn apart bit by bit by the strong wind and the roaring water dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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