All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 166 Being handsome lasts a lifetime

Chapter 166: Handsome for Life

Buzz buzz -----! ! !
The shrill sound of the whistle gradually approached, and soon the troops from the Imperial Organization quickly approached the ice ship where Li Qing was.

The soldiers above looked at King Kong who was frozen in the ice ball with surprise and amazement.

Although Titans are very active in this world, or to say, they have been very active in recent years, the Imperial Organization has also discovered more and more traces of Titans.

But after all, not everyone has seen it.

And even if you have seen it, the Black Light King Kong, which is even more super-sized than ordinary Titans, is really too shocking.

However, although King Kong's performance was surprising, in comparison, Li Qing, who only had a human appearance but was able to control natural disasters, was now even more feared by the Imperial Organization and the entire human race.

At this time, there were already countless scientists studying the combat effectiveness displayed by Li Qing in the rear.

Then the conclusion was quickly reached:
With the current level of human technology, there is absolutely no chance of killing Li Qing unless an indiscriminate nuclear strike is carried out on a large scale!
Even if it fails, humanity will face a catastrophe.

Perhaps God's great flood will submerge the world again.

After this idea was confirmed, both the Imperial Organization and some other countries immediately began to cancel some of their previous unnecessary plans and preparations.

Decided to follow the previous idea and try to build a good relationship with Li Qing.

Try to exchange things with benefits and use sincerity to guarantee feelings.

In the observation of some people, Li Qing is a higher-level life with human appearance and human emotions.

I don’t know whether he values ​​feelings, but at least he is not the kind of person who likes to destroy things, so the methods he uses to deal with ordinary humans will most likely work on Li Qing.

There are now some special departments that are starting to look for various things all over the world.

Beauties of all races, delicacies from all over the world, ancient artifacts or some strange and weird things.

In short, try every possible means to find something that Li Qing would like.

Li Qing naturally didn't know that the opponent he met this time was such a kneeling type.

His physical strength recovered quickly after eating, and soon he was free from the aftereffects of excessive use of the Lanlong Armament.

After calming his breath, Li Qing turned his head to look at the frozen figure of King Kong behind him, slowly floated up, and came to the nearest warship.

He came over and shouted loudly:

"Hey, is there anyone who can keep his word?"

None of the soldiers on the warship answered, but after only a few seconds, a figure ran over quickly.

Li Qing took a look and saw that it was this guy Cameron.

Without further ado, Li Qing flew directly to the deck of the warship, and the surrounding soldiers quickly made way for him.

After spending some time with Li Qing, Cameron got to know Li Qing a little better. He knew that he was not a bad-tempered person. On the contrary, his emotions were very stable.

So he walked over quickly and said, "Mr. Li Qing, is there anything you want me to tell you? What should we do now?"

Li Qing nodded: "Since we are acquaintances, that's even better."

"I need the location of a volcano crater that's about to erupt, and I need it now. Get one for me right away."


Cameron was stunned, wondering why Li Qing suddenly wanted to find the crater.

But suddenly, he saw the monster inside the ice ball out of the corner of his eye and immediately understood.

It turned out that Li Qing wanted to use the volcano to completely kill this monster.

"Mr. Li Qing, if you want to kill this monster with high temperature, you don't need to find the crater."

"Humans are still able to build a high-temperature incinerator that can reach a temperature higher than that of a volcano."

“And better control and safety.”

Li Qing showed a strange smile:

"Are you sure it will be safer?"

Cameron didn't expect Li Qing to ask him a question in return. He was about to give a definite answer, but the words came to his lips but he couldn't say them.

Li Qing shook his head speechlessly. He thought he could change his impression of him, but in the end he was not sure at all.

It’s mainly because human beings are so diverse.

Li Qing didn't dare to really believe them.

If they were to do something behind his back and insist on researching King Kong or something, Li Qing would not be in the mood to clean up their mess.

And according to Li Qing's estimation, this possibility cannot be ruled out, and it may even be quite high.

There are always some people who have been in high positions for too long, and their thoughts are different from those of ordinary people.

Li Qing didn't want to cause trouble for himself, so he just did it himself.

The temperature of the magma is enough to destroy King Kong's biological energy. At least for now, Li Qing has not discovered that King Kong has evolved the ability to withstand too high a temperature.

Even if the lava couldn't burn him to death, Li Qing had almost recovered his strength.

If that doesn’t work, just keep looking for an empty place to attract lightning. I don’t believe that I can’t kill it!

Cameron closed his mouth, walked aside and started making a phone call, probably to help Li Qing find a crater that was a little closer.

About three or four minutes later, he walked over quickly with a map in his hand.

"Mr. Li Qing, this volcano is the closest to us. It is in the Indian Ocean and is about a thousand nautical miles away from us."

"There's no one living on this island, so you can do whatever you want."

"This is the closest and most suitable location to us now. Do you need us to take you there now?"

Li Qing looked down at the map in his hand, then took out a watch from the world of 2077 from the ring, which was similar to the one given to Sarah.

It also has a positioning function.

Enter the location on the map and start positioning immediately.

Li Qing no longer hesitated and slowly flew up.

"You don't have to follow me, otherwise I won't have the time to protect you."

"You all should go back to the base. After I deal with this thing, I still need your help with something else."

After saying that, Li Qing waved towards the ice ball floating on the sea, and the ice ball immediately flew up with Li Qing.

It quickly rushed into the sky and began to fly in the direction determined on the map.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Cameron was on the warship, looking at Li Qing's receding figure, and couldn't help but sigh.

As expected, human character is really despised. But it may also be because they often disappoint people, so they are so distrusted.

Now he just hopes that those big shots won't do anything shocking.

Otherwise, he might really have no other options.

In his opinion, although Mr. Li Qing seems easy to talk to on the surface, the more such a person is, the more angry he will explode once he is provoked.

He still wants to live until death, he just hopes that no one will come to kill him.

Li Qing naturally couldn't hear Cameron's prayers behind him.

Although the island with the volcano is far away from the previous location, Li Qing's speed is not comparable to that of an ordinary warship.

Moreover, King Kong was basically wrapped in a tight ice ball, with no possibility of escaping at all.

Li Qing has been keeping the temperature low near the ice ball.

It cannot be seen from the surface, but if ordinary people get close to it, they will be immediately frostbitten by this extremely low temperature, or even frozen directly next to the ice ball.

But the main purpose is to prevent King Kong from taking advantage of his inattention and using some tricks to escape the control of the puck.

After all, when facing something like the Blacklight Virus, Li Qing believes that it is never too careful.

Fortunately, it was relatively quiet along the way.

Li Qing was neither unlucky enough to encounter the Titan monster nor did he meet Godzilla, who maintained world peace.

We successfully arrived above the small island with the volcano.

Thick smoke billowed into the sky and boiling magma kept gushing out from the crater. It was indeed a volcano that had begun to erupt.

Li Qing also flew quickly towards the crater without stopping at all.

The air currents blew away the thick smoke from the crater and cleared a path.

Li Qing stopped above the magma, and the ice ball around him began to thaw rapidly under the high temperature.

Drops of ice water fell onto the boiling volcano, making a hissing sound of steam.

Without further ado, Li Qing directly controlled the ice ball and began to fall towards the center of the magma.

Suddenly sparks flew up.

The volume of the ice ball began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon the outer layer was completely dissolved.

And King Kong, who was trapped inside, was finally able to make some movements.

But before it could complete this action, the boiling magma suddenly rushed towards it, and soon its body, which was already minimal, was covered.

In fact, Li Qing now overestimates it.

The blacklight virus is indeed powerful enough. With the presence of biological energy, it can quickly evolve and change itself according to its own state.

If enough genes are absorbed, it is even possible to evolve unique abilities.

But after all, this thing cannot be created out of nothing.

Although it ate a lot, basically 98% of its biological energy had been consumed in the battle with Li Qing just now.

With the remaining volume, it would not have been able to hold on for long if Li Qing had not reached his limit and could not hold on any longer.

Faced with the blazing magma at this moment, King Kong, who no longer had the biological energy to change his form and evolve, could not withstand the high temperature, and his body began to twist and burn.

Even though it was instinctively changing its shape in an attempt to resist the temperature, it eventually burned up bit by bit, completely turning into charcoal and finally being submerged in the magma.

Li Qing had no intention of relaxing, his eyes were fixed on the King Kong rolling in the magma.

It was not until there was complete silence and the task completed message popped up on the task panel that he breathed a sigh of relief.

He shook his head and sighed:

"It's really hard to deal with. I'm just too fast. If I delay it for a few more days and let it evolve a little more, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it."

"Even if you can't beat me, if you want to run, I really can't stop you."

"Fortunately, I took advantage of it before it grew fully developed, and I risked my life to take it away."

"Otherwise, I think this time it might have really turned over."

He sighed, but an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Since we have killed King Kong and the Blacklight virus it carried, it means that we can now collect the reward for this mission.

The Multiverse Hunters Guild is not an organization that withholds rewards from hunters.

A legendary skill!
Open the task panel, select Submit Task, and the upgrade will come immediately:
[You have completed the task and the reward is being issued]

[Based on your growth experience, fighting style, and professional expertise, you will be rewarded with: Beast Awakening {Legend}]

Beast Awakening {Legendary Skill}: Completely awaken the power of the armed forces. The awakened state of the armed forces can be maintained permanently and the consumption is greatly reduced. This skill can be used on the same type of armed forces that have both Dragon Hunting Armament and Soul Armament. The armed forces will be materialized into the original monster. This monster is under your control and has its own way of action. You don't need to pay any consumption, and it gets bonuses based on your attributes.


Li Qing slowly read the introduction of this skill, but he didn't quite understand it.

It was only after I read it carefully for the second time that I finally understood what it meant.

To put it simply, it allows the awakening state of the weapon to last permanently, such as the super-charged mode of the Golden Thunder God weapon and the great awakening state of Lanlong. This ability, which originally had a time limit, becomes permanent.

In other words, the normal armed forces have been increased.

Of course, these naturally cannot match the identity of legendary skills.

Therefore, the most important ability of this skill is actually its ability to transform the Dragon Hunting Armor back into beast form.

To be honest, Li Qing never thought that he would actually acquire such a skill.

Although it is still a bit limited, compared to the limitations, this skill is a bit too strong.

Although Li Qing only has one Storm Dragon Armor now, which can be regarded as possessing both the Dragon Hunting Armor and the Soul Armor, when Li Qing gradually obtains other Storm Dragon Armors in the future, it will be equivalent to directly obtaining a group of powerful monster legions.

You must know that although Li Qing's Dragon Hunting Armament is strong enough, its biggest limitation is that he cannot equip multiple pieces of Storm Dragon Armament at the same time.

This skill can transform unused weapons into combat power. Although it may not be so direct, it greatly enhances Li Qing's means.

The key is that this awakened monster can also increase with Li Qing's strength.

Li Qing didn't expect to be very powerful, but at least he wouldn't become a burden to himself.

And the most important thing is that whether the skills are useful or not is put at the end.

The main thing is to look cool.

Being strong is temporary, but being handsome is for a lifetime!

(End of this chapter)

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