Chapter 172 Cage
Demacia is a slightly special country in Runeterra.

Although it seems that they live and work in peace and contentment, the common people are kind and hardworking, the nobles are loyal and brave, and the king loves his people like his own children.

But hidden beneath the surface is the same corruption and filth as in other countries.

Of course, we cannot deny everything that is obvious in Demacia, because most civilians are indeed kind, the nobles do set an example on the battlefield, and the king is also a benevolent monarch most of the time.

But once these things involve the existence of "Mage", everything will be turned upside down.

The common people would utter the most vicious words, and the nobles would be so terrified that they would not dare to have anything to do with them.

Even the supreme king would do horrible things to anyone who might be a wizard.

Thus, a prison for imprisoning mages was born.

The prisoners here are all mages.

Some become mages out of curiosity and study, some are born with magical powers and accidentally hurt people around them, and some are completely innocent and were arrested without even knowing what they had done.

Thus, deep hatred spread here.

It seems like a dark cloud that never sees the light of day, lingering in this cage all year round.

But today, it seems that a ray of light is shining in.

"Huh? This place looks pretty clean!"

The little girl tiptoed into the prison.

As a curious person who has the courage to put her curiosity into action, Lux will never give up any potentially fun place.

But to be honest, if it weren't for the company of this new friend, Lux would not have dared to adventure to such a place alone.

After all, in storybooks, prisons are always dirty and cruel things.

It is said that one can always hear the howling of prisoners and the instigation of the most evil villain.

There were also corpses that were beyond recognition and prisoners who had been tortured beyond recognition.
"So, what book did you read those stories in?"

Li Qing looked at the disappointed little girl speechlessly and couldn't help but cover his forehead:
"Prison is just a place where people are detained. It's not that special."

"What you said is more like a laboratory for human experiments than a prison. There is no such place."

"Even if there is, it definitely won't be here."

"Oh!!" Lux also understood that she might be overthinking, but she couldn't hide the disappointment on her face. However, the disappointment disappeared immediately because she remembered something again.

She waved at Li Qing, and when Li Qing put his ear closer, Lux whispered into his ear:

"That, Li Qing."

"It is said that this place is a place for imprisoning mages. Will we be discovered if we are here?"

After hearing what Lux said, Li Qing put his hand on her forehead and pushed her away without thinking:

"You didn't just think of this question, did you?"

"I thought you had already prepared yourself mentally before asking me to come along!"

"After all this time, you didn't expect it, did you?!"

Lux's face also showed embarrassment, and then some fear:
"Well, why don't we go back first?"

"I think it's better not to take any risks on this matter."

Li Qing shook his head speechlessly.

His eyes turned towards the cell corridor in front of him. There were some lights on both sides of the dark corridor, but who knew how it was designed. There was fire but it could not dispel the darkness in the cell.

Some rustling sounds came from the other side of the corridor, as if the prisoners had noticed someone coming.

He turned around and looked at Lux again.

At this moment, three days have passed since I returned to Runeterra from the Monster Universe and met Lux.

Lee Sin and Lux ​​also went from being strangers to becoming friends very smoothly.

However, Li Qing did not have any intention of approaching Lux actively.

It's just that this little girl was very curious. After she took the initiative to look for Li Qing several times in one day, they naturally became friends.

After all, Li Qing is not aloof.

As for why Lux took the initiative to look for him, Li Qing’s opinion was that he was too handsome, so this little girl couldn’t help but always look for him.

But according to Lux herself, she wanted to learn more about mages from Lee Sin.

But in the final analysis, Li Qing had no idea what a mage was.

So after being annoyed twice, he told Lux ​​that there was a prison in Demacia specifically for imprisoning mages.

Then Lux took half a day to find the location, and under Li Qing's persuasion, she decided to go to the prison to take a look.

The reason why Li Qing wanted to trick Lux into going to the Mage Prison was actually not for any purpose. He just wanted to see if Sylas was in the prison.

He was simply curious, and he also wanted to see what expression Silas would have when he saw Lux, who was also a mage but could move freely and lively.

Just some simple fun.

Lux naturally didn't know Li Qing's evil intentions.

Although he was a little scared at the moment, he became a lot braver when he saw the indifferent look on Li Qing's face.

"Then you are behind me, don't scare me!"

After warning Li Qing, Lux no longer hesitated and walked towards the depths of the prison.

Li Qing smiled slightly awkwardly from behind.

If Lux hadn't said it, he would have actually planned to scare her.

Now that I’ve been discovered, I can’t do it anymore, otherwise it would be a bit unclassy.

A torch appeared on the palm of his hand, and the blazing flame was obviously much brighter, instantly illuminating the surrounding environment.

After being able to see the surroundings clearly, Lux breathed a sigh of relief. She waved to Li Qing to signal him to follow, and continued to walk inside.

Although he said he was walking inside, he actually didn't go very far before he reached the end of the cell.

A rough estimate shows that there are only about 20 to 30 prisoners held here.

This is of course normal, because the Mage Prison is not a large prison, but a block-type prison where all prisoners are detained individually.

The cells holding other prisoners must be entered through other entrances.

Moreover, Li Qing and Lux ​​did not see any trace of the guards. The reason was very simple. Li Qing had already knocked out the guards, and they would probably not wake up until the two of them left.

The more Lux walked around, the more disappointed she became.

Because she found that although the environment inside the prison was indeed dark and scary.

But it was far from being as horrible as described in storybooks. Most of the prisoners maintained their basic human appearance, their clothes might be a little torn, and their mental state might be a little problematic, but it seemed that there was no way to torture them.

Instead, they seem to be mental problems caused by being detained for too long.

This instantly made the little girl, who had originally wanted to stand up for justice, eliminate the evil guards, and have an adventure like the protagonist, lose her motivation.

"Li Qing, why don't we go back?"

"It's a bit cold here."

"I may not have enough clothes on."

However, although I was thinking about going back, after all, she was the one who asked to come here in the first place, and now she said she wanted to leave. I felt embarrassed, so I thought about it and came up with a good reason.

He rubbed his hands on his arms, turned around and looked at Li Qing with a questioning look.

But Lux's little trick naturally could not be hidden from Li Qing.

Li Qing looked at her stubborn expression and was about to make some jokes when a hoarse voice suddenly came from the cell next to him:

"Excuse me, guys. What time is it now?"

Li Qing turned his head and looked towards the source of the sound.

Lux was the same, with curiosity in her eyes.

She came to the prison with Li Qing, but up to now, she was the first person to take the initiative to express the intention to communicate.

Li Qing walked straight over, and the light from the torch in his hand instantly illuminated everything in the cell.

It was just as damp and cold, but also unexpectedly clean. There wasn't even any dirty smell in the cell.

The dishevelled man was now leaning against the bars of the cell.

Both his hands and feet were fixed with thick iron chains, and it seemed that he was basically fixed within a certain range, so it was difficult to leave.

Anyway, Li Qing didn’t quite understand how this guy could keep the cell so clean even though he was restricted like this.

Doesn't he need to poop?
Or is there someone specifically responsible for cleaning the cells?
It shouldn't be possible!
Although he was a little curious, Li Qing didn't ask such a question directly. After giving Lux a look and asking her to answer, Li Qing took a step back and gave the space for communication to Lux.

Lux didn't hesitate and started communicating immediately.

Li Qing took advantage of this time to start looking at this guy.

Silas, the image of this guy is not unfamiliar.

It was mainly the look in his eyes. Although it was well concealed, one could see the anger and hatred hidden in Li Qing's eyes at a glance.

Compared to other mages, Silas is a very dangerous guy.

Of course, this danger is not for Li Qing, but for the nobles of Demacia.

Sylas is ambitious, has seen the darkness of Demacia, and has some cleverness that the ignorant people don't have. He supports himself with the idea of ​​changing Demacia.

Of course, there is still a gap between them and truly smart people, and judging from their subsequent behavior.

His ideals are not as firm as he says.

Compared to the so-called ideals, what they did reflected more was hatred and ambition that grew over time.

However, it is obvious that this kind of person who is a little clever and good at acting can cause great harm to a young girl like Lux who is well protected and has never experienced the dangers of the world.

Moreover, the current Lux is no longer the person in the original story who urgently needs to find a way to control her own magic power.

My curiosity about Silas did quickly turn into sympathy, but it was just sympathy.

Even this sympathy only made Lux a little sad.

“It’s so unfair!”

"Mr. Silas, you did so much, but they still locked you up!"

Lux listened to Silas's story and couldn't help but get a little angry. After complaining, she didn't forget about Li Qing. She turned around and asked Li Qing's opinion: "Am I right, Li Qing? Mr. Silas is so unlucky!!"

Li Qing was not as unhappy as she thought. Instead, he asked with a smile:

"So, didn't you ask what happened to those people who were hurt by his magic?"

"You can ask Mr. Silas to describe to you the scene when they were killed."

Li Qing’s words stunned Lux ​​instantly.

He opened his mouth twice, wanting to say something, but then he felt something was wrong and took it back. He turned his head to look at Silas in the cage, and he actually really wanted to know.

Silas had already lowered his head, with resentment flashing in his eyes that no one could see.

But he still said:
“I don’t remember the circumstances very clearly.”

"All I know is that the magic in my body started to get out of control, and I couldn't control it either."

“I didn’t mean to do that.”

Lux's face was touched. Her kind nature made her want to comfort him again, but she immediately heard Li Qing's words behind her:

"By the way, you can also ask those people he killed how they died."

"I have seen that Mr. Silas is known as one of the most dangerous criminals in Demacia."

"Guess what he did to deserve this kind of evaluation?"

Lux suddenly froze, the expression on her face disappeared, turned into thought, and then became a little angry.

Lux was indeed a little naive at this time, but that didn't mean she was a real fool.

Although her lack of experience makes it easy for her to believe what others say, if she is allowed to think for herself, she still has her own ideas.

For example, Li Qing’s words just now reminded her.

A serious criminal, even known as the most dangerous criminal in Demacia, was actually made to sound very stupid and naive, as if he was really forced to do so, as if everything was forced upon him.

But you can understand it if you think about the logic clearly.

If he is really that innocent and was implicated, then at least he shouldn't be locked up here, right?

All the people imprisoned here are serious criminals!
Most of the ordinary people with magical powers who were captured would actually be imprisoned in ordinary prisons or have their magical potential removed directly with potions.

You definitely can't get in here!

In other words, even Mr. Silas in front of him, although most of what he said might be true.

For example, his experience, because this thing cannot be faked.

But he also concealed a lot of information, such as what he did when he was on the run, and whether he actively attacked others besides resisting.

Have you ever used the power of magic to harm innocent people?

And now, judging from the other party's concealment, Lux guessed that there was!
(End of this chapter)

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