Chapter 176 Ryze
This incident was indeed not that strange and was also within Li Qing's expectations.

Ryze is a mage who has been wandering Runeterra for thousands of years, collecting world runes with various world-destroying powers, and is able to become enemies with the Void Watchers.

The strength can be said to be at the pinnacle of this world.

This kind of place is specially used by this kind of person to store world runes. If there is no protection, it would be placed there like a dinner plate. It is absolutely impossible to think about it.

But Li Qing didn't expect to find it right away.

Then the body began to descend, entered the edge of the Forbidden Demon Forest, and began to search from the ground.

Just after falling from the sky, before Li Qing could stand firmly, the ground suddenly began to shake.

Then with a 'bang' sound, a monster shaped like a lizard emerged about ten meters in front of Li Qing.

It is about five or six meters long, with stone-like barbs on its back and its skin a unique grayish-white color, similar to the surrounding forbidden magic stones.

But his eyes were red, like a glowing light bulb.

He stared at Li Qing without any hesitation and rushed towards Li Qing.


As he approached Li Qing, his mouth opened and a tongue that was almost the same color as his skin shot out.


Li Qing was observing this guy.

He had thought that there were no living creatures in the Forbidden Magic Forest, but now it seems that not only are there some, but in order to adapt to the environment, they have even changed their bodies into a material similar to the Forbidden Magic Stone.

I just don't know if it can achieve the magic-banning effect of the magic-banning stone.

Of course, it makes no difference to Li Qing whether he achieves it or not.

Because he doesn't know any magic.

Seeing that the tongue spit out by the lizard was right in front of him, Li Qing calmly raised his hand and slapped the air.

The invisible force was immediately transformed into tangible driving force.

Unable to even block for a moment, the big lizard was blown away by the terrifying force.

His body turned into a meteor and crashed into the Forbidden Magic Stone Forest, breaking two or three Forbidden Magic Stone Trees before he stopped.

Then he got up from the ground, shaking his head.

Although he was obviously in a mess and his body was shaking unnaturally, he did not appear to be seriously injured.

But even so, it was obvious that he no longer had the intention of treating Li Qing as prey.

The two sharp claws scratched in front of the body, then the body turned in direction, and the four legs exerted force together to quickly slide in the opposite direction of Li Qing.

Li Qing just watched it leave without chasing after it.


Li Qing smiled and felt that this Forbidden Demon Forest was very interesting.

Although I have known the origin of the Forbidden Magic Forest for a long time, and I know that the Forbidden Magic Stone is actually an object that stores magical energy.

It's just that the storage method is too direct and the storage amount is too large, so it is mistaken for the Forbidden Magic Stone.

But in fact, as long as some methods are used, the power in the magic-forbidden stone can be extracted and used.

Speaking of which, it's actually a bit like the Hextech magic crystal in Piltover.

But now it seems that this trait can actually be transmitted to living things, which means that this Forbidden Magic Stone Forest is actually far more than just a special material.

It’s a pity that Li Qing is really not good at studying these things, so he can only watch the fun.

He shook his head and put this little episode aside.

Li Qing started walking in the direction he had previously determined.

The speed of walking is actually much slower than flying in the sky. The main reason is that Li Qing did not just walk, but tried to use the wind to sense everything in the Forbidden Magic Forest while walking, trying to see if there is any way to find the location directly.

But the Forbidden Magic Stone Forest is very large after all. Li Qing estimated that even if he could use this clumsy method to find the location of the rune, it would still take him a lot of effort.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry.

Then, Li Qing focused most of his attention on the things in the Forbidden Magic Stone Forest.

When he was in the sky before, Li Qing only had a rough observation because of his fast speed. However, when he was on the ground and sensed carefully, Li Qing found that although the Forbidden Demon Forest seemed quiet, there was nothing inside.

But it’s actually quite lively inside.

It’s just that most of the creatures that can survive here are not normal creatures.

Basically, they are similar to the lizard just now, and have the characteristics of the magic-forbidden stone.

When all creatures in the Forbidden Magic Forest have this characteristic, it is actually not a big deal, so most battles still depend on body size.

And the big lizard just now was obviously not a weak creature.

Li Qing basically didn't find any that could compare to it.

In addition, Li Qing also discovered some strange fruits.

They look a bit like grapes, are grey in colour, and appear in bunches on some slightly oddly shaped magic-forbidden stone trees.

When I reached out and touched it, it was hard, but there was juice and flesh inside.

But when Li Qing tried to taste it and just put it to his lips, his super high perception attribute gave him an uncomfortable feeling.

This means that this thing does not seem to be edible.

Then Li Qing threw the fruit pulp on the ground and saw that the original land on the ground began to turn gray and white in a very short time, and then soon became a material similar to the magic-forbidden stone.

"Oh? Is this what this thing is for?"

Li Qing became even more curious, and picked another fruit and put it in front of him to examine it: "Could this thing be the source of the creatures in the Forbidden Demon Forest?"

After studying for a while, I still found nothing.

However, Li Qing's exploration cells as a hunter were also activated.

There seemed to be many secrets in this Forbidden Demon Forest, a bit like the feeling when he first went out to explore alone in the Monster Hunter World, with new discoveries everywhere.

However, it seemed that he was unlucky, as there was nothing worth stopping for Li Qing on his next route.

Although the number of monsters seems to have increased a bit, and the types are strange.

Jackals, tigers, leopards, pigs, horses, cows, sheep, all kinds of creatures that should not be here all appeared here.

If you don’t know, you might think this is a zoo.

But Li Qing couldn't say that he hadn't gained anything. On the contrary, he had gained something. The gathering of these strange creatures and the increasing number of those strange fruits showed that something was wrong with this place.

Especially when Li Qing continued to move forward and finally found that at a certain place, these animals seemed to actively avoid him, Li Qing knew that he seemed to have found his target.

Speeding up, it only took about a minute for Li Qing to appear in the perceived open space.

He stopped and looked forward. The empty ground seemed to be just an empty lot, but Li Qing was naturally not someone who would be easily deceived by his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the howling wind in the sky began to rush towards the ground uncontrollably. The terrifying wind force almost blew the surrounding magic-forbidden stone trees into pieces in an instant.

However, on this seemingly empty space, the air seemed to be baked by high temperature and began to distort visibly.

However, although it looked like a layer of membrane was about to break, after shaking for several minutes, it remained the same.

Li Qing was not polite and switched from Lanlong Armor to Ghidorah Armor. Horrifying blue flashes flashed from all parts of his body.

Then the gravitational rays gathered from all over his body condensed in his hands and rushed towards the place in front of him with terrifying destructive power.

The gravitational rays hit the empty air, but suddenly stopped halfway and remained motionless in mid-air, as if blocked by something.

Then as Li Qing increased his strength, the air became more and more distorted.

Finally, with a crisp sound, many distorted objects suddenly appeared on the open space in front of them.

In the rugged stone forest, several floating runes seemed to have the power to destroy the world, as if the whole world could be controlled as long as they were obtained.

When you first see it, you can't help but start imagining the scene after obtaining this thing.

This temptation even made Li Qing, who thought he was very resistant, couldn't help but take two steps forward before stopping.

With a solemn expression, Li Qing looked at these world runes that were said to represent the origin of the Rune Land, and was secretly shocked.

He finally understood why these world runes were so attractive to people.

Because these runes will not hide themselves at all.

He only took one look and knew what the other party could do and to what extent.

Like the world rune that flashes red light and floats like a soul, its name is Dark Harvest.

As one of the cornerstone runes of this world, if you master it, you can plunder the power of a life simply by killing it.

Moreover, this power can be infinitely enhanced, without any limit at all. As long as you are willing to do it, you can gain the power to destroy the world in minutes.

Or maybe it was the blue rune that was slowly coming together, called the Gathering Storm.

Once you obtain this rune, you don't have to do anything. Even if you lie at home every day, you can still continuously increase your strength.

These forces are within reach, yet extremely powerful, and can be obtained just by stretching out your hands.

No wonder almost no one can resist the power of the World Rune.

Because this thing is harmless.

The reason why it causes harm is all because its power is too great and the greedy acquirers cannot control this power.

Just like Brand, the Vengeful Flame Soul, as Ryze's disciple, he couldn't bear his greed for runes and tried to get involved in the power rune - Scorch.

As a result, his own strength was simply unable to contain the power of the Scorching Rune, and his soul was burned out in an instant, leaving only a body occupied by flames and a greedy desire for the rune.

Then a fire man with terrifying power was born, so powerful that even Ryze found it difficult to deal with him.

No wonder Ryze firmly believes that runes should be hidden where no one can see them and should not be mastered by anyone.

After all, in the thousands of years he had lived, he had never seen the goodness brought by the World Rune, only disasters caused by that powerful force.

"It's really powerful."

Li Qing couldn't help but sigh again: "Even I almost couldn't hold it back."

"You're already pretty good."

But just as Li Qing sighed, a slightly tired and old voice came from behind him:

"At least you were able to come to your senses. I have seen too many greedy people fall."

"Although you are equally greedy, it seems that you can still maintain your sanity."

"That puts me in a good mood. At least, you should be able to make me feel less worried."

Li Qing listened to these words and slowly turned around to look behind him.

Sure enough, behind him, there was an old man with purple skin, a bald head and a beard, his body was densely engraved with runes, and he was carrying a huge scroll on his back.

His eyes were filled with pain, but when he looked over again, he could only see an unspeakable determination that seemed harder than any other object in the world.

Li Qing looked at him, and the Rune Mage also looked at Li Qing, and then spoke:
"Even if you make me happy, you still have to at least give me an explanation, young man."

"You should understand that an old man travels all over the world and finally has to rush back home because his house was smashed."

Li Qing smiled and pointed a finger at the shining world rune behind him:

"What can I explain?"

"I'm here for them."

"But I don't have any idea now. These things don't suit me. I am not suitable for them."

"That doesn't convince me." Ryze brushed the dust off his body with both hands, and a cloud of smoke floated out from his robe.

It can be seen that he was not lying and he really looked very busy.

"Although I trust you very much, I'm sorry to say that if one more person knows the location of the World Rune, the world will be at greater risk of being destroyed."

"So I'm sorry young man, you're going to have to stay here today."

"You don't look stupid, but it's a pity that you are a little greedy after all."

Ryze has stood up again, and a terrifying feeling of oppression is coming from Ryze.

The runes engraved on the body began to light up one by one like a revolving lantern. Even in this forbidden magic forest, the terrifying magic power was enough to suffocate and make people faint in an instant.

It’s a pity that this can’t scare Li Qing.

Instead, it aroused Li Qing's interest as well.

Blue arcs of electricity crackled around me, and the storm howling in the distance in the sky almost dyed the sky black in a short period of time.

At this moment, a terrifying and oppressive feeling like hell also came from Li Qing, competing with Ryze.

Li Qing didn't say anything, but hooked a finger at Ryze:
"Then give it a try, Mage."

"Let me see if you have the capital to brag."

(End of this chapter)

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