All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 26 Li Qing's Anger

Chapter 26 Li Qing's Anger

"Be careful, a monster trapped in a desperate situation doesn't mean it's easy to deal with!!"

The transformation of Golden Thunder God was also seen by everyone. Karlov, who was the most experienced, saw through Golden Thunder God's thoughts at a glance. When he was still some distance away from it, he began to give orders to the hunters who were traveling with him.

Everyone present had more or less experienced dealing with a trapped beast, so they were cautious in their actions as they were aware of the situation.

Although the hunters were chasing the seriously injured Golden Thunder God, when it stopped, the hunters slowed down and were no longer as anxious as before.

Someone in the crowd made a suggestion: "It should have reached its limit. We can keep chasing it without fighting it until it completely loses its ability to resist!"

"This way we don't have to take any risks and can end the battle in the safest way!"

His words were immediately echoed by many hunters:
"You're right. A trapped beast will still fight. There's no need for us to take risks!"

"We can harass it from a distance and not let it rest."

"But we must keep a safe distance, this monster is too powerful!"

"But how long do we have to wait? What if it takes too long and other monsters appear?"

The crowd was talking about it, but they had basically decided on a plan, and they were going to use the tactic of dragging the Golden Thunder God to death.

However, Li Qing, who was standing in front of the crowd, did not speak to them. He kept looking forward and staring at the Golden Thunder God from a distance.

The conversations of the people around him kept reaching Li Qing's ears, but for some reason, Li Qing suddenly felt that he didn't want to do that.

Is the method they mentioned good?
Good, very good!

As a hunter, their method not only minimizes damage, but also costs nothing except time.

The condition of the Golden Thunder God is seen by everyone. As long as they keep their distance and keep harassing it, it won't be long before the Golden Thunder God loses its last ability to resist and becomes a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others!
But at this moment, when Li Qing looked at it, facing the other party's unchanged eyes full of pride and unruly, he didn't know why he didn't want to use this method to deal with it.

It can’t be called sympathy, because the other party is an enemy with fangs bared.

It can’t be said to be pretentious, because at this moment Li Qing also wants to kill the other person.

It can't even be said that they sympathize with each other, because one is a hunter and the other is a monster.

Whether it is Monster Hunter or Monster Hunter Human, Lee Sin and its position are naturally destined. When the strength is unequal, it is destined that only one side can survive!

So Li Qing thought about it and realized that the reason why he had such an idea was because he felt the other party's arrogant and unwilling to humble look!
Because of this look, Li Qing remembered what happened in the camp just now. Li Qing was very unhappy!
“Crack! Crack! Crack!!”

The sound of the axe changing shape appeared in the quiet rain and was particularly clear amid the conversation of the crowd, attracting everyone's attention.

Then they saw him sharpening the blade of the axe with a whetstone.

His expression was extremely serious, as if he was doing something worth sacrificing his life for.

Karlov looked at Li Qing, especially at his face for a long time. Finally, when Li Qing was about to sharpen the blade, he couldn't help but ask:
"Ah Qing, do you want to fight it?"

"Although I don't know how you fired that arrow just now, I think it must be your trump card."

"Golden Thunder God is a legendary monster. Only a few hunters have fought against it, because few people can survive in front of it."

Karlov's voice was not loud, but after everyone quieted down, it was clearly heard by everyone.

"Even if our combined strength is no match for the Golden Thunder God, now that we have achieved this, no matter how we defeat it, our name will spread." "The guild's commendation and the Fire Nation's rewards will not be lacking. Our name will be spread among hunters around the world, and everyone will know that the hunters of Jieyun Village heroically defeated a Golden Thunder God!"

"Although Golden Thunder God is not an ancient dragon, he has the power to fight against ancient dragons, even though he is now seriously injured and on the verge of death."

"We're doing pretty good."

"Even so, do you still want to challenge it?"

"This behavior will not bring you honor. Even if you die, you will only be laughed at as someone who is willing to sacrifice his life for fame."

Karlov's words were earnest and he analyzed Li Qing's current behavior very clearly.

After all, they have already secured victory. There is no need to take risks or engage in heroism. All they need to do is wait.

At this time, Li Qing insisted on fighting with Jin Leigong, which was considered irrational in the eyes of many people.

Even if Jin Leigong had not been injured to this extent by Li Qing's arrow, there might really be people present who, as Karlov said, would doubt whether Li Qing really risked his life for fame!

Li Qing stood up and looked at the axe in his hand.

The insulating coating applied prevents rain from leaving any mark on the blade.


With a slight sigh, Li Qing stood up.

He was not angry because of Karloff's words, nor did he change his mind because of his words.

Because what Karlov said was not what he was thinking at the moment.

Li Qing wants to fight with Jin Leigong, not to show off his strength, not to defeat Jin Leigong's reputation, and not for any messed up reasons!

Li Qing only knew that after seeing the look in Jin Leigong's eyes, he had only one thought left!
He's going to chop it to death!!

Head on, chop it to death with the axe in your hand!!!
Li Qing took light steps and began to walk towards the direction of Golden Thunder God under the silent gaze of everyone.

Passing by Karlov, Li Qing spoke softly:
“There are actually quite a few reasons, but not too many.”

"If I have to say one thing, it's that I regret not shooting that arrow earlier and letting it hurt my friend."

"So now, I want it to pay for everything it has done!!"

"I'm going to smash its head and chop off its limbs!"

"I will crush all of its arrogance, send it to hell, and make it repent for what it did today!!"

"I want to let it know that there are some people it cannot afford to offend once they are angered!"

"Let it go to hell and repent!"

 The previous chapters 22, 23, and 24 were all revised, mainly because when I was writing this chapter, I felt that there was not enough foreshadowing in the previous chapters.

  If you feel it is wrong, please give your opinion and be gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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