All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 30: Set out to investigate {Seek follow-up reading}

Chapter 30: Set out to investigate {Seek follow-up reading}
"Oh, you're here, Aqing!"

Karlov was drawing something on a tree with a pen. When he saw Li Qing coming, he greeted him and pushed the book on the table in front of Li Qing.

"This is the route we will explore next, which will take about three to seven days."

"We have almost explored the direction of the flooded forest. Next we will start from the stream and go all the way to the location near the sacred peak."

"So we will need quite a while this time, and we will also need to carry a lot of supplies."

Li Qing listened to the words carefully and nodded.

In any case, as a five-star hunter, Karlov's experience far exceeds his. The reason why he agreed to Karlov's invitation was that he wanted to learn more experience and knowledge from him.

After all, even if old Potter was good when he was young, the fact that he couldn't go out into the wild to teach in person was a big problem. It would never be as fast as teaching while exploring.

"Then how are we going to carry our supplies?" Li Qing asked, touching the ring with one hand. If there was really no other way, he would have to make some space to carry the supplies.

Karlov shook his head and said with a smile, "No need. My partner Cotton Rabbit has already taken an airship here and will arrive at Jieyun Village around noon today."

"Then we can let him drive the airship and set up a small base. We can explore during the day and go back to rest at night."

"Your partner? Cotton Rabbit?" Hearing this unfamiliar name, Li Qing looked at Karlov.

Karloff suddenly realized: "Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced you to the cotton rabbit yet."

"He is Elu, my partner who made a contract with me. He went home to visit his family before the mission, so he didn't come with me."

"So that's it!" Li Qing nodded.

"Hehe, Cotton Rabbit is very powerful, Ah Qing!" Ana next to him smiled and said, "He is a powerful Elu who can deal with Sleeping Dog Dragon King alone."

"Even Lei has been hit by the cotton rabbit!"

Lei, who was drinking juice, suddenly became anxious. He dropped the cup on the table and explained loudly: "What do you mean by being hit by the cotton rabbit? I was obviously drunk and fell accidentally. The cotton rabbit attacked me by surprise!"


His appearance immediately made Li Qing laugh.

But after laughing, Li Qing turned his attention to the book in front of him.

It is called a book, but in fact it is something similar to a map, except that it is a combination of hand-drawn simple maps and color maps.

There are indeed two routes marked on it. From the map, one is in the direction of the stream, and the other is the route marked with an X. It seems to be the submerged forest that Karlov mentioned has been explored.

There are several red circles marked at the location of the submerged forest, marking some noteworthy monsters that Karlov and his team encountered during their previous exploration.

Li Qing was not polite either. He took out his hunter notes and began to copy the information on his map into them.

This way, when you go to explore and hunt in the submerged forest in the future, you will have more information.

Karlov was stunned for a moment by Li Qing's action, but then he shook his head and laughed.

"You are so rude, kid."

"Forget it, just copy it quickly. I estimate that Cotton Rabbit will be here in less than half an hour. We will set off as soon as he arrives." Half an hour passed in a flash, and everyone had arrived at the entrance of Jieyun Village and started to move towards Lingfeng.

Karloff's partner, the Cotton Rabbit, did not arrive on time, but arrived much earlier.

Cotton Rabbit looks weak, but has a surprisingly calm and steady personality, a rare personality among cats.

No wonder Karlov gave him the task of logistics. He is indeed a trustworthy Felyne.

This exploration still maintains the format of a four-person team. Bicchi from the original team needs to organize the report and then submit it.

This muscular man with a big sword is also a surprisingly careful guy. He is the one who specializes in these tasks in Karlov.

Karlov was in charge of negotiations and decision-making, Lei was in charge of cooking and night watch, and Ana was responsible for fighting and support.

Although a team of four cannot be comprehensive, it can handle most situations.

The addition of Li Qing broke the original team structure.

Karlov was not as disappointed as he had imagined, because he found that although Li Qing was obviously lacking in experience, his knowledge reserves were very rich.

On the way from Jieyun Village to the stream, Li Qing was able to recognize almost all the useful materials and understand their functions.

You should know that in the Fire Nation, many new hunters have given up these trivial matters and specialize in hunting and driving missions. A young hunter with solid basic skills and extraordinary potential will definitely have unlimited achievements in the future!
Along the way, Karlov became more and more satisfied with the young man Li Qing, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

And it was so obvious that sometimes I almost couldn't help laughing, which caused Ana next to me to roll her eyes.

It wasn't until we entered the stream that we became serious!

The four of them were walking on the path along the stream, but they were not too careful. After all, this was only the outer area. The monsters that often moved around here were blue bears, beasts, and birds. Only occasionally would they encounter monsters from deeper areas coming out to hunt.

But just in case, the four of them still applied some potion on themselves.

It is mainly used to prevent poisonous mosquitoes, but the pungent smell will also keep away dogs and dragons with sensitive noses and strong curiosity.

In this stream, as long as you can avoid the dog dragon, you can basically avoid 90% of the danger.

After all, compared to other prey, humans, who have very little meat, are not the first target.

The team continued to move deeper along the stream. The sacred peak in the distance was clearly visible, but it only looked close. If they wanted to reach the foot of the sacred peak, it would be fine if there were no accidents along the way.

If there are any twists and turns, the journey will take a lot longer. The seven days that Karlov mentioned is not a joke.

However, this time, perhaps because Li Qing joined in, they set out at noon and walked for an afternoon. When it was almost dark, although they did not find any traces of monsters, they found many traces of monsters that should not be active outside the stream.

I don't know whether this is lucky or unlucky, but it at least proves one thing, that is, the stream is no longer as calm as before.

The guy on the sacred peak was angry and drove away all the creatures near the sacred peak.

As a result, the ecological system near Lingfeng has gone into a state of chaos. If no method is found to stop it, it may cause a disaster to the surrounding ecological environment.

 Please read
(End of this chapter)

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