All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 39: Inauguration Warrior

Chapter 39: Inauguration Warrior
"How to say?"

Li Qing was also a little embarrassed, because he did understand that it was a bit unrealistic to want to be a mage when he couldn't even read.

But the only language the system knows is language. It can understand anything, but it has no way to understand words.

"It's not just a simple matter of illiteracy." Gale shook his head: "I don't know what your world is like. There is not a trace of magic in your body. You are like a stone soaked in the sea."

"You know, in Faerun, even the most ordinary stone has some magical power."

"Your situation really surprises me."

"If my current strength didn't allow it, I would definitely study you carefully!"

There was some heat and helplessness in Gale's eyes.

"Then forget it." Li Qing shuddered at the look he gave him.

"But even though you don't have magic power, you can still be a warrior or a barbarian. If I'm not mistaken, you are not a professional yet."

"Standardized careers can systematically enhance your strength. You can also choose advanced careers. There are some pioneer paths that you can choose."

Gale was still not satisfied with Li Qing's situation. He wondered if the reason why he had no magic power in his body was simply because there was no magic in the world he lived in?

If he took up Ferren's profession, would it change his body?

With this in mind, he came up with his own idea.

Li Qing was slightly stunned when he heard his words, and of course he was somewhat tempted.

Although the warrior of the dnd system cannot compare with the mage in terms of upper limit, it does not mean that this profession is not powerful.

After reaching the legendary warrior level, you can also take a lava bath with your body and chop up starships with your sword!
It can be said to be an ancient dragon in human form!
And as a feature of the dnd world, advanced professions are one of them.

Although warriors are not very good, it does not mean that some of the warriors' advanced professions are not good.

Some professions have equally powerful abilities as those of legal professions.

"But how can I get a job?" Li Qing raised his own question. After all, no matter how good the idea is, it will not work if there is no solution.

"It's actually very simple, especially for you. As long as you are trained, everyone can be a warrior..." Gale raised his head and looked at Leizel who was standing beside him: "But you need to ask Leizel for the specific methods. After all, although I know everything, I can't be taught by a real warrior."

Laizer, who had been keeping his head down and not saying a word since losing to Li Qing, raised his head and looked at Li Qing when he heard her name.

Li Qing also looked at her and gave her a sunny smile.

Laizer's face suddenly darkened.

"No way, I won't teach him!!"

Her resistance was expected by everyone. Li Qing also understood that he had just dealt a heavy blow to her, and it would be a bit too much to ask her to teach him how to be a warrior.

But since the other few people are not warriors, they can only look for her.

But since she resists so much, I can't use ordinary methods.

So Li Qing did not beg her, but looked at her and continued to say to Gale:

"But she's too weak for a mage. If all warriors are like this, I think it's actually okay now!"

Gale had a strange expression on his face, and before he could speak, he heard a voice from the side, trying hard to suppress anger. "Who are you saying is weak?"

"You look down on warriors. Who do you think you are?"

Li Qing turned his head and saw that Laizer's originally green skin had turned blue, and he was obviously very angry about his words.

"Then why did you reject me? Are you afraid that after I become a warrior, you, who are already weaker than me, will never be able to catch up with me?"

"How can it be!!"

Laizer's eyes were already red with anger: "You are just a human, but I am a Githyanki. How could I be afraid of you?"

"Don't be so self-indulgent!!"

"Isn't it just the basics of a warrior? What's the use of telling you? It won't take long for me to catch up with you!!"

After saying that, the chicken-farming girl stopped, drew out her silver sword, walked to the side, and began to teach Li Qing the basics of a warrior.

Li Qing originally wanted this, and now that his goal has been achieved, everything is easy to discuss.

I walked over quickly and listened to her talk about how to become a warrior.

But soon, Li Qing actually understood what was going on with the dnd warriors.

It just requires a long period of training to have a strong body and to master a weapon.

Then, by wearing a suit of armor and holding a weapon, you can become a warrior.

After all, this world is actually a real world, and it is impossible to quantify everything with data.

Professionals do not become stronger by increasing their levels, but their professional levels are increased because they become stronger. The two are completely different.

Like Laizer at this moment, his warrior level is about level five after being parasitized by the spirit sucker.

If he were a normal warrior, he would already be an elite on the battlefield.

But he was still easily defeated when facing Li Qing.

In fact, Li Qing has completely met the requirements of a professional warrior in this world, but he just doesn't have those so-called specialties.

Just as Li Qing was thinking about how to acquire these expertise, a reminder suddenly appeared in his head.

[You have come into contact with a new career system. Do you want to use the new system to replace the current panel?]

Li Qing was slightly stunned. He did not rush to confirm it, but carefully asked in his mind: "Can I change it back after I change it?"

[Yes, the panel is just a different way of expression and will not affect you personally]

Unexpectedly, the system actually answered my question.

In this case, Li Qing had no reason to hesitate and confirmed it directly in his mind.

After Li Qing confirmed it, the originally simple panel suddenly began to distort, and then slowly appeared in front of his eyes like a document that had just been printed.

Li Qing
Age: 16
Race: Human {Monster Hunter World}
Total level: 10{1st level warrior/9th level unknown occupation}
Power: 18
Constitution: 18
Speed: 15
Perception: 15
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 14
Personal expertise: Extremely strong physique {greatly increases health}, Infinite strength {increases strength}, Giant beast killer {causes additional damage to large creatures}
Professional expertise: Special Weapon Mastery {Axe Usage Skills}, Full Armor Mastery {Ignore Armor Wearing Restrictions}, Concentration {Not Easy to Be Distracted During Combat}, Recovery {Speed ​​Up Physical Strength Recovery}, Giant Weapon Combat {Reduce the Strength Consumed by Using Weapons}
Professional skills: None

(End of this chapter)

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