All Heavens: Start with Monster Hunter

Chapter 95 Old Potter's Determination {Request Subscription}

Chapter 95 Old Potter's Determination {Request Subscription}
This mission was not difficult, it could even be said to be very simple, it was nothing more than a trip back to the village.

There is no need to fight, nor is there any need to expend energy exploring and collecting.

Just like the instructor said, there have been people passing by every day for the past two days, so the chance of monsters appearing is not high, and they are just acting as an insurance policy.

Otherwise, the difficulty would probably be five or even six stars, instead of just two stars.

But the low difficulty and small chance of accidents does not mean that Li Qing and his companions do not need to take it seriously.

On the contrary, for this transportation mission, Li Qing and Weiwei were much more careful and serious than when they dealt with those monsters in the past.

After all, once an accident occurs, the consequences will no longer be borne by one person alone, and no one knows how many people may suffer.

As they sped along the way, the group didn't have much conversation, and didn't even think about taking a rest.

The road was relatively quiet. There were only two little dragon dogs passing by on the roadside, but they were scared away again when they saw Li Qing and his companions.

After about an hour, everyone finally saw the iconic building at the entrance of Jieyun Village. The tense mentality caused by speeding all the way was immediately relaxed.

But there was no rush to relax the conversation. After all, everyone knew that it was not advisable to set a flag.

Li Qing walked quickly along the path up the mountain to the gate of Jieyun Village. When he looked up, he saw a huge cart pulling a strange device that looked like a horn.

There were a dozen craftsmen and several helping Felynxes surrounding the cart, talking to a hunter wearing a full set of fire dragon armor and carrying a Sleeping Dragon Axe.

When Li Qing saw this set of fire dragon armor, he was stunned, because he was so familiar with this armor.

Isn’t this the set of fire dragon armor that old Potter polishes ten times every day?
If you look closely, you can still see the scratches he made when he was a child.

He is also carrying a Sleeping Dragon Axe. Could this hunter be old Potter?

Li Qing couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked behind the hunter. Before he could reach out his hand to call him, he heard the familiar voice of Old Potter:
"Oh hahaha, don't look at my age, this set of armor I'm wearing was obtained by myself when I was young."

"That fire dragon is vulnerable in front of me!"

Li Qing's forehead was black when he heard this. He had beaten a fire dragon and had been nursing his wounds at home for decades, yet he could still brag about it.

I walked over and patted Old Potter on the shoulder. Old Potter turned around in confusion:

"Hey, Xiaoqing, why are you here?"

Then he noticed the three people and one cat following behind Li Qing, and suddenly realized: "Oh, could it be that you are the hunters who took on the transportation mission?"

"Of course it's us!"

Li Qing's expression remained unchanged. He then pulled Old Potter aside and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

"Don't tell me you want to join this battle too?"

Old Potter smiled and pushed Li Qing away: "Of course I will participate, Xiaoqing."

"You don't think I'm too old to hold an axe, do you?"

"Don't think you can teach me a lesson just because I lost to you last time."

"I'm an elite hunter who has fought fire dragons all on my own, and you didn't make a sound while I was hunting!"

Old Potter's words made Li Qing so angry that he was about to tie him up, but Old Potter quickly dodged him: "That's enough!"

"I'm old enough to know what I'm doing."

Old Potter looked up at Li Qing and said, "Although I have been hiding at home for so many years, you know that I have always wanted to pick up the axe and fight monsters again one day."

"Jieyun Village is not only your home, it's also my home." "It's okay if you're still injured, but now I'm well."

"If I knew I had a chance to face a monster like the Storm Dragon and didn't go and see it, I wouldn't be a qualified hunter."

"If I knew that Jieyun Village was facing a crisis and I had the ability to lend a hand but I turned a blind eye, I would not be a qualified Jieyun person."

"I have also been fighting various monsters in your training room for the past two days."

"So, you don't have to persuade me!"

Old Potter was very determined, and Li Qing also understood that his words would have no effect on him.

"Okay, but promise me to pay attention to the situation and don't act arrogantly!"

Li Qing could only give a few words of advice.

Although old Porter was indeed very powerful when he was young, and might even be stronger than Lei and Beach, that was only when he was young after all.

Now his physical fitness has declined and he has not had combat experience for many years, which has caused his strength to drop a lot.

If you continue to act stubbornly, you will really be in danger.

Old Porter nodded and agreed, and Li Qing didn't say anything more.

He was taken back to the cart. The birds pulling the cart had already been fed, and the craftsmen were also on the cart, ready to set off at any time.

Old Porter had become familiar with the transport craftsmen. He walked to the side of the carriage with his axe on his back and sat there, continuing to brag to the craftsmen.

Ever since Weiwei had a heart-to-heart talk with Li Qing last time, her shyness towards Li Qing has unconsciously improved a lot.

He came closer and asked in a low voice: "Is old Potter okay?"

"Alas." Li Qing could only sigh: "It shouldn't matter."

"No more talking, it's time for us to set off!"

"This equipment is very heavy, and the return trip will definitely be slower than when we came here, so we should leave as early as possible and not wait until dark."

"Some monsters will look for food in the dark. If we run into them, it will be very troublesome."

"Oh!! Let's go!!!"

No one objected, and the craftsmen shouted in agreement, then urged Marutori to start pulling the cart.

The heavy equipment was pulled by a cart and slowly moved forward, leaving a rut on the path on the ground.

Li Qing's team naturally could not sit in the car like old Porter, but instead dispersed in the four directions of the cart, vigilantly observing all the surrounding situations.

Li Qing was responsible for looking after the rear, so he walked at the end of the team.

Before the crowd had walked far, an elegant figure appeared at the entrance of the village and looked at the crowd that had already left from afar.

“I hope everything goes well for everyone.”

A smile couldn't help but rise to the corner of her mouth, with some relief, or perhaps some worry, but all of these were quickly put away and she returned to her elegance.

Li Qing had a vague sense of something and suddenly turned around to look in the direction of the village, but he only saw an elegant figure slowly walking towards the village.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:
"Village Chief, rest assured, leave Lanlong to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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