Chapter 20: Borrowing Grain from Jiangling
Zhuge Jin nodded slightly, and Kong Ming smiled and said, "I have found a wise master!"

Knowing that the other party was unwilling to choose Sun Quan, Zhuge Jin still wanted to try: "Although Liu Huangshu is a hero, he has no place to stand at the moment, which is much worse than Jiangdong. If you go to Jiangdong, my lord will definitely treat you well!"

Kong Ming smiled and said: "Brother, why does my lord have no place to stand? Isn't Xinye a place for him to stand?"

"Cao Cao's army is already before us. Can't you see Xiahou Dun's 100,000-man army?"

"With only 100,000 soldiers, it is easy for me to defeat them. Yide has brought another 5,000 elite soldiers. My lord now has 10,000 troops. Xiahou Dun is no match for me!" Kong Ming said with a smile.

"Can Xinye be defended?" Zhuge Jin said with a smile.

Kong Ming said: "I can't hold it. I was worried about the retreat and had no idea. But Gongqi has occupied Jiangxia. The retreat is in sight. I don't have to worry about the retreat anymore. I can focus on dealing with Cao Cao. But Jiangdong is worried!"

Zhuge Jin quickly said: "Jiangdong is very peaceful, why worry!"

Kong Ming whispered, "After Gongqi followed me out of the mountains, his temperament changed a lot, like a wild horse. I originally wanted to take him with me to help me deal with paperwork and assist me with chores. Maybe after coming out of the mountains, Gongqi also wanted to compete with the heroes of the world. Like a dragon out of the sea, a tiger out of a cage, you don't think that Gongqi trained the navy just for fun, Jiangdong must be uneasy."

Zhuge Jin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he angrily said, "You mean he wants to attack Jiangdong with just 10,000 men?"

"Of course we can't conquer it by fighting, but it is possible to plunder Jiangdong. After all, our army needs a lot of military rations to fight against Cao Cao. Gongqi was able to occupy Jiangxia in advance, which shows that he plans to lose before winning. He is very steady. He is a talented commander of the three armies. Given time, he may be able to conquer Jiangdong!" Kong Ming smiled and said, "Why don't you go back and talk to your master about fighting against Cao together and support our master with more military supplies and fodder. Our army has sufficient military supplies, and Gongqi doesn't have to plunder. Everyone will be happy!"


Zhuge Jin was so angry that he wondered if they were brothers anymore. But when he thought that everyone served their own masters, he thought there was nothing wrong with what Kong Ming said, and he immediately sighed.
Luo Gongqi, how have you become like this? You are so strange, so strange indeed.

In Jiangxia, after Luo Yuan arranged everything, he went to the navy camp to find Gan Ning.

"We'll set off when it gets dark!"

"Where are you going?" Gan Ning was shocked. You really know how to give me a surprise. You are sending troops without even saying hello.

Gan Ning thought that Luo Yuan had asked him to inquire about the local wealthy people and he thought that they were going to rob.

"Gongqi, those wealthy people are all on land, we can rob them without boats!"

"The rich are the meat in the bowl, and they can't run away, so why rush?" Luo Yuan said with a smile: "Let's go to Jiangling."

"What? That's an important place in Jingzhou. What are we going there for? That's the territory of Cai Mao and others!"

"Of course we are going to rob. Most of Jingzhou's grain is stored in Jiangling. Now that the grain is about to be stored, it is a good time for us to rob!" Luo Yuan laughed and said, "Cai Mao and others want to surrender to Cao Cao. If we don't rob them, won't we leave them to Cao Cao later?"

Gan Ning thought about it and decided not to think about it anymore. Since Gong Qi had made the decision, he would just do it!

Gan Ning immediately called a confidant named Su Fei and passed down the order to prepare to set sail.

Luo Yuanduo took a look at Su Fei. He was very strong and powerful!
But he didn't say much. When it was dark, Gan Ning and Luo Yuan led 4,000 naval troops and a hundred boats upstream to Jiangling.

They sailed all the way, and in the second half of the night Luo Yuan ordered the army to stop and lie in ambush, and rest, and then continue marching at night. This went on for three nights!

They finally arrived near Jiangling. They moored the boat and left 500 men to guard it. Luo Yuan and Gan Ning led the rest of the men to Jiangling.

The walls of Jingzhou were tall and heavily guarded, and Gan Ning was terrified. "Gongqi, we won't be exposed, will we?"

"Of course not!" Luo Yuan said, "What should I be afraid of if the clothes worn by soldiers like us are the same as those worn by soldiers from Jingzhou?"

The Jiangxia soldiers were originally from Jingzhou. After Huang Zu was killed, Luo Yuan did not change his military uniform, naturally because he was poor.

Can't afford to change.

Anyway, it’s enough for soldiers to have clothes to wear, why do they need bicycles?

Luo Yuan said: "Now that Cao's army is approaching, the people of Jingzhou are in a panic. Cai Mao and others have no intention of resisting Cao, and the morale of the troops below must be low. We will say that we are ordered to pick up military rations!"

"But we don't have a warrant!" Gan Ning was very familiar with the military system. After all, he had been a military leader under Huang Zu.

Luo Yuan said: "But we have the eldest son Liu Qi, how could he not have a warrant? It was written long ago, imitating the handwriting of Cai Mao."

Luo Gongqi, do you really have to be so powerful?

Gan Ning admired him very much
Luo Yuan is so reliable. He has thought of everything. You must have been planning this on the first day.

Luo Yuan had long been eyeing Jiangling, which was the granary of Jingzhou. Jiangling was surrounded by the Jianghan Plain, the largest grain-producing area in Jingzhou, and also the place with the most naval forces in Jingzhou.
Jingzhou has 50,000 cavalry, 150,000 infantry, and 80,000 naval forces on paper, a total of 280,000. In reality, there are definitely not that many, but it will not be less than 200,000!

Jingzhou alone can support so many troops. The grain production here is quite high. Agriculture is quite developed and half of the military rations are in Jiangling.

Luo Yuan's requirements were not high; it would be enough for him to transport enough food to last for three years.

If you have food in your hands, you will not be worried. This is an eternal truth. The war is fought with the army. Without food, the army is nothing!
Why was Cao Cao able to dominate the north? Wasn’t it because he established military farms in the north and had enough food to have the capital to fight a war?

The same principle will not change in Jingzhou!
In fact, Luo Yuan had been waiting all along, waiting for Cao Cao's army to arrive. Only when the people of Jingzhou were in a panic would he take action. This was the general trend, and as long as it was formed, he would just go with the flow.

When Xiahou Dun entered Bowang City and Cai Mao and Zhang Yun secretly communicated with Cao Cao, his chance came.

As for the clearance warrants and the like, he had Liu Qi by his side, so the warrants for Jingzhou were easy to come by, except for the seals, which were a bit troublesome. The seal of Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou, was in the hands of Mrs. Cai, but Luo Yuan simply carved one out of a radish.

In those days of the Three Kingdoms period, do you still expect soldiers to be able to read?

In this era, people who can read are considered high-level talents.

Gan Ning was stunned. "Gongqi, you must take me with you when you go to war. I have a feeling that I will definitely win if I fight with you."

"no problem!"

Luo Yuan smiled and said, "We are good brothers. Let's get promoted and get rich together!"

Luo Yuan laughed loudly, and Gan Ning hurriedly said, "Keep your voice down, it would be bad if the Jingzhou army found out!"

"We should laugh now, the louder the better. Sneaking like a thief will only make people suspicious. We have already landed, so just talk and laugh. The Jingzhou army will not think that we came here from hundreds of miles away to get food!" Luo Yuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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