The Three Kingdoms: A vicious plan was offered, and Liu Bei was stunned!

Chapter 259: Overhaul of toilets and strict hygiene, new system developments, great city

Chapter 259: Overhaul of toilets and strict hygiene, new system developments, great city
Luo Yuan didn't say much. He took his people to the dock to board the ship. Two days later, they arrived in Jiangling.

When Sun Shangxiang came here for the first time, she felt that Jiangling and Jiangdong were completely different, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

Xu Shu, Du Mao, Shi Tao and others went to the dock to meet Luo Yuan: "Now that the lord has returned, we are relieved!"

"What's there to worry about?" Luo Yuan said with a smile. He looked around and felt that everything was going well. The Yangtze River embankment on one side of the dock had already taken shape. On the shore, workers were piling up soil and stones, and some were building a military port dock.

Under the already built embankment is a huge military camp, and outside the camp are large tracts of cleared farmland, all of which have been purchased by the Military Affairs Office.

It was allocated to veterans who were willing to retire, and even a large market emerged that was becoming increasingly lively.

All the way from the wharf to Jiangling County, you can see construction sites, the official road has been widened, and markets have been built on both sides!
Luo Yuan stopped specifically to look at a house. There was an old man guarding the door with four words written on it: Public Toilet!

People nearby must come here to use their convenience.
There was a slogan from the Military Commandery posted on the loess wall: "Anyone who urinates anywhere will be punished with fifty lashes."

Luo Yuan was very satisfied!
Toilets are very useful. They can collect feces to keep the city clean and provide farm manure. The Han people understood the importance of farm manure as early as the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty had a toilet system long ago, and it was clearly stipulated in the Qin law. However, in the Han Dynasty, many of the regulations in the Qin law were deleted.

Although Han law was a continuation of Qin law, it was modified in order to show benevolence and righteousness. This was a very cool move.

Xu Shu was very dissatisfied with the fact that he had to control the use of the toilet. He thought it was too cruel to whip people fifty times if they did not use the public toilet: "My lord, isn't this rule too harsh?"

"It's pretty good, how can it be harsh?" Luo Yuan said with a smile, "Yuanzhi, you don't understand this. I know what you want to say. Do you think our military law is similar to Qin law?"

Xu Shu nodded and said, "That's right. You have to take care of everything from poop to pee. And the Military Affairs Office also stipulates that if you cut down a tree, you have to plant one. It feels like you are sick."

Luo Yuan smiled and said, "Is the Qin law really harsh? Qin unified the world because of the law. There is a reason why other countries cannot unify the world like Qin. Our army has many rules to make the people obey. Once the people get used to it, they will naturally not care. In other words, even if you think it is harsh, the people themselves don't think it is inconvenient!"

Xu Shu was speechless. Whatever you said was fine. Anyway, he didn't need to come to the public toilet to solve the problem.

Luo Yuan asked Wen Ji and others to go back first, and he would inspect the place by the way!
Jiangling now has a population of more than 500,000. Like a small county town in later generations, it produces a lot of garbage, feces and urine every day, and the problem of making a living arises.

Luo Yuan didn't look at anything else but the public toilets. The public toilets in Jiangling were just a few large vats, some big and some small, and a random thatched shed made of yellow mud would do!

Today there are more than a hundred public toilets.

Luo Yuan shook his head: "Not enough. The army doesn't count. How many people are there in Jiangling? One hundred people? How many people are there to get one? Shit and urine won't wait for anyone. You can't control it just because you want to. We need to build more public toilets. The more the better. We can store fertilizer."

It can also be used to make explosives!
Luo Yuan said: "Where there are people, there must be public toilets. Public toilets are what reflect the advancement of Jiangling. No matter how good other things are, they are useless."

Xu Shu was speechless. You said human words, but Luo Yuan was the lord, so he had to remember what Luo Yuan said.
Let’s go back and continue repairing!

Practice until Luo Yuan is satisfied.

Luo Yuan whispered to Xu Shu, "Do people nowadays wipe their butts when they go to the toilet?"


You are a lord and I am an envoy. We are both high-ranking officials in Jiangling. Can we talk about this instead of national affairs?
Xu Shu looked strange, and pulled Luo Yuan aside to prevent others from listening to their conversation: "My Lord, is it okay to talk about going to the toilet?"

"Why not? It's quite good. Eating, drinking, defecating and urinating are very important. If the people eat well and defecate well, the government will be in order and the people will be harmonious." Luo Yuan said, "Tell me quickly!"

Xu Shu asked: "Do ordinary people need to wipe their butts when they go to the toilet?"

Only the gentry needed it, while common people could just grab a handful of dirt, grass or something like that, and it was normal not to wipe it off.

Luo Yuan said seriously: "No, the General Office will issue an order later that people must wipe their butts and wash their hands after going to the toilet. People are not allowed to eat with the hands they use to wipe their butts. Anyone who disobeys will be beaten until he obeys!" "Ah... this, my lord, forcing people to use public toilets is already very harsh. If you continue like this, wouldn't it be... too much!"

"Yuanzhi, where is this? This is Jiangling, close to the Yangtze River. There are many poisonous insects in the water. How many people are there in Jiangling now? What if a plague breaks out?"

Luo Yuan was very upset. In the Battle of Red Cliffs, Cao Cao had more than 800,000 troops. Could Zhou Yu have burned them all to death with just one fire?

More than 800,000 people won’t run away.

Luo Yuan said: "You think I am against the people? You are wrong. I am worried about the plague. When there are too many people, it is easy for the plague to break out. Why? Because no one knows who has the disease. Excrement and urine are the source of disease, so they must be managed. This is the fundamental thing. How can I be against excrement and urine!"

Xu Shu was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that he had misunderstood his lord.

Luo Yuan said: "Jiangling has a population of 500,000. This number of people is comparable to Chang'an and Luoyang in the past. I can understand that you have no experience in managing a large city. To manage such a large population, you must start from small things. The smaller the things that you look down on, the easier it is to deal with them."

"My lord, I will turn around and give the order immediately!"

The plague is terrible, it is a natural disaster.

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there was a plague in the north, killing countless people.

Luo Yuan said: "Let the people only drink hot water from now on."

"But where can we get so much hot water?"

Luo Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "There are kilns in Jiangling. They burn porcelain, just like the furnaces outside. What's wrong with burning some hot water? Let the people get hot water and sell it on the roadside.

This can also provide employment!

Half a million people, and many of them are unemployed!
If there are no jobs, create them. I force you to drink hot water, and you dare not drink it. Is it a crime not to drink it?
I'll beat you without any discussion.

"A bowl of hot water costs one iron coin, and it also allows the people to do business, that's it." Luo Yuan said. "Whoever touches the river water will be beaten!"

Xu Shu took note and said: "This requires officials to supervise, but we don't have enough officials!"

"Select those who can read from the army," Luo Yuan said with a smile, "Now you know why I don't take Changsha now. Without enough officials, we can't manage a large area."

That's you. Others, like you, have to worry about things like pooping and peeing.

You control more than the laws of Qin.

But will it work anyway?
Hubei is not a good place at this time. There are all kinds of parasites and diseases in the water. If people really start dying, it will happen in large numbers.

Hygiene must be taken seriously.

[System Task: Hygiene and Civilization Must Be Strong]

[System: The host has realized the importance of hygiene. Please upgrade Jiangling's hygiene conditions to the primary level]

[Reward: Comprehensive list of disease prevention]

[Reward: Upgrade experience 50 points]

[System, epic mission begins: The Great City...]

(End of this chapter)

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