The Three Kingdoms: A vicious plan was offered, and Liu Bei was stunned!

Chapter 264: Jiangling Boundary Monument is Like a Ghost, Jingzhou Takes the Initiative to Return to

Chapter 264: Jiangling Boundary Monument is Like a Ghost, Jingzhou Takes the Initiative to Return to Jiangling

Liu Huan smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know either. I have been looking for it for two days and still can't find it."

"So what you mean is that we don't even know where Jiangling's territory is now, right?"

Liu Huan nodded awkwardly.

What the hell!

Is this another weird thing?

Could it be these nobles who did this?

But think about it, there is no need for this to happen to these people. They have already come to me, so there is no need for me to do anything weird.

But think about it, Luo Yuan wanted to curse.

Who the hell stole my boundary marker?

"No, you must find the boundary marker for me. This is outrageous," Luo Yuan was very angry.

Without boundary markers, how would others know that this is their territory?

I will have to draw the map myself later, but it’s useless without boundary markers.

Liu Huan said quickly: "Master, please be at ease. We will definitely send more people!"

"Zilan, boundary markers are very important. Every inch of land is worth an inch of gold. Without boundary markers, how can we prove which land is ours?" Luo Yuan looked at Liu.

Luo Yuan met with these nobles, had a meal with them, and then took them to inspect his territory, mainly to see the boundary markers.

The area within the boundary marker is their territory.

But when we arrived at the border, where there should have been a boundary marker, it was empty!

All that was left on the ground was a deep pit, and the stone tablet that was supposed to be inserted in it was gone. On the road in the distance, there was a group of ordinary people who seemed to be carrying something. When they saw Luo Yuan and others, they ran away immediately.

Liu Huan immediately sent people to chase after him!

Why are you running? Do you need to run if you haven't done anything wrong?

After waiting for a while, Liu Huan captured the people and said, "My lord, we have captured people. They are not from Jiangling, but from the neighboring Jingzhou!"

"Then why did you arrest them!" Luo Yuan lost interest in paying attention to the people when he saw that they were all pale and skinny, with torn pants that could not cover their buttocks.

They are all poor people.

"Give them something to eat and don't make things difficult for them!"


As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, the people stared at him, and then an old man hurriedly said, "But Lord Luo, we are not from Jingzhou, we are from Jiangling!"

Liu Huan said angrily: "Nonsense, your accent is clearly that of Jingzhou":
He was a native of Jiangling, so he must be familiar with the local accent. As soon as he heard the accents of these people, he knew they were people from Jingzhou.

"We live near Jiangling and Jingzhou. Isn't it normal for us to have a Jingzhou accent?" The old man didn't even look at Liu Huan, but stared at Luo Yuan and said, "We are also the people under your rule. Don't you recognize us?"
Luo Yuan looked at these common people, wondering if it was true: "Is there any proof?"

The old man looks like he's waiting for you to ask.

"There is a boundary marker as evidence!"

Luo Yuan's face twitched, and Liu Huan and those nobles were even more furious.

The thief who stole the boundary marker has been caught.

"It was you who stole the boundary marker!"

"Damn it, I was scared to death!"

The nobles cursed one after another, "Damn the common people, do you know how serious this is?" Fortunately, Luo Yuan was not angry, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!
Luo Yuan said: "Take me to see where the boundary marker is!"

The old man led the way and walked for seven or eight miles to a village. The boundary marker was on the other side of the village. According to the boundary marker, this village belonged to Jiangling.

The old man looked at Luo Yuan proudly: "Your Excellency, the boundary marker is here. We are all from Jiangling."

Liu Huan and others didn't know what to say when they saw the boundary marker. It was obvious that the soil underneath the marker was newly dug.

Luo Yuan said: "Why move the boundary marker!"

"It has not been moved. The Jiangling boundary marker has always been on this side of our village. If you don't believe me, you can ask the village elders."

"Where is the village elder?"

The old man smiled at Luo Yuan!
Luo Yuan's face twitched, and he asked the old man to come over: "Masters, why move the boundary marker?"

The old man looked around and knew he couldn't fool anyone, so he said, "I heard that Jiangling distributed land and built houses, and also built canals and embankments for farmland. In the future, we don't have to worry about floods in the Yangtze River. My lord, we are only a few miles away from Jiangling, but we belong to Jingzhou, not Jiangling. We can't enjoy such a good thing. If this continues, I'm afraid everyone in the village will die, so..."

The old man said, "We are willing to be your subjects. I am the one who did it. I am responsible for my actions and I will take the consequences. You can punish me as you wish."


Why punish you?
Luo Yuan looked at the village and saw that it was also on the bank of the Yangtze River. The living environment was really poor.'

"I don't know anything. Since the boundary marker is here, this must be Jiang Ling's village." Luo Yuan said, "Well, if you want the benefits of Jiang Ling, someone from your village must join the army. If one person joins the army, the whole village will be honored!"

"Sir, I can do it too," the old man looked at Luo Yuan with a smile.

I've heard that soldiers in Jiangling eat well and earn copper coins.

The old man rolled up his clothes, revealing his shriveled muscles.

Luo Yuan said disdainfully: "Just stay home and farm. We'll let the men in the village go to Jiangling to try. Only those who are selected are eligible to join the army. We don't want someone like you!"

The old man disagreed. Why? I can do it.

Luo Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to him. He got on the carriage and turned around to leave. The boundary marker here was like this, and the boundary marker on Chen's side was probably the same!
Luo Yuan said: "Don't worry about the boundary marker."

Xu Shu whispered: "This... is probably against the rules."

"If we put the boundary marker back now, it will be gone again!"

Xu Shu said: "We still have to give it a try, just let people see it!"

Xu Shu didn't believe it, but he asked people to reinstall the boundary marker. It was installed in the morning, but it was gone in the afternoon. It was useless even if people just looked at it.

The guards also helped to be robbed.

Luo Yuan laughed: "You are also demented. We are all local folks, and the incident is not a big deal. How can the guards help you?"

Xu Shu felt ashamed to face people. Those guards were too much. Not only did they not watch over them, but they also helped the common people to resist the boundary marker.

Xu Shu looked at Luo Yuan and asked, "Is this what people want?"

"This is the power of people. The people know who is doing good for them. We built a dam on the Yangtze River to prevent floods next year, distributed land so that everyone can plant crops, and built canals for irrigation. How could they not understand?" Luo Yuan smiled and said, "The people cannot express profound principles, but they know it in their hearts. Although they are silent, they are sincere!"

Xu Shu nodded and decided not to erect the stone tablet.

But a few days later, Liu Huan came to Luo Yuan again and asked, "My Lord, can you build more boundary markers?"

Luo Yuan put down his brush speechlessly: "It was fine to move the boundary marker before, but what's going on now?"

"There are not enough boundary markers! The lord doesn't care about moving the boundary markers. The boundary markers around Jiangling have all disappeared. Everyone knows where the boundary markers are. When they go back, they will divide the land, build roads, and repair canals. People in nearby villages and towns have been stealing boundary markers. The farthest of our boundary markers has already reached the city of Jingzhou!"

Luo Yuan's eyelids twitched: "Jingzhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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