The Three Kingdoms: A vicious plan was offered, and Liu Bei was stunned!

Chapter 291: Chatting Luo Gongqi's comments on Wang Situ, deposing and enthroning Huo Guang is

Chapter 291: Chatting Luo Gongqi's comments on Wang Situ, deposing and enthroning Huo Guang is the real Han minister
When Luo Yuan said this, Wen Ji and others were shocked. Luo Yuan did not respect the emperor at all and even dared to ask him for help to get things.

It just feels ridiculous.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that Luo Yuan's idea makes sense.

It is really convenient for the emperor to get things when others cannot get them.

Even though the Han Dynasty declined, the emperor is still the emperor, and this will not change.

The Hedong Wei family has a great background. They are descendants of Wei Qing and are a big family in the local area.

However, hundreds of years have passed, and not all the gentry in the late Han Dynasty still have the spirit of their ancestors. At this time, books represent identity, status, heritage and foundation.

Nowadays, one book can make a fortune. People who can give books to each other are very close friends. A book may weigh over 100 pounds.

Zhang Zhongjing also had quite a few books, which filled three large carts and were transported from Changsha to Jiangling. However, his books were mainly about medicine and were not mainstream.

The Analects of Confucius, the Book of History, the Spring and Autumn Annals and other classics are the mainstream knowledge. With just one book, as long as you master it, you may have the opportunity to become an official, and becoming an official can revitalize your family.

That's how the aristocracy came about.

Luo Yuan married Cai Wenji. As long as the Wei family returned the books, he would be a member of a scholarly family just by virtue of the three thousand volumes of books. In this era when studying was difficult, with this capital, he could attract countless people to borrow books from him, read books, study, and become his servants.

The scholars at this time were quite determined in their pursuit of truth.

Luo Yuan is the lord, and he can easily turn the advantages brought by Cai Wenji into huge political capital.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan said to Wen Ji, "Now that we have paper, when your books arrive, I will copy them all out. I can open a library and invite people from all over the world to read!"

"Study Hall?"

In fact, Luo Yuan wanted to say that the library is a place where scholars from all over the world can read freely. If that happens, scholars from all over the world will rush to Jiangling to study like crazy.

By then, there will naturally be countless students from poor families coming here. They will be given money to study and have food provided. How could those people not be willing to serve as officials for them?
Brainwashing and transformation.'

Luo Yuan felt happy just thinking about it. Not only could it provide him with countless officials, but it could also improve his reputation.

Just ask who dares to be as generous as me.

Cao Cao and Sun Quan both rebuilt talent recruitment halls in their own territories. Currently, this is one of the main ways to recruit talents. Another way is mutual recommendation, but mutual recommendation can easily lead to the emergence of small factions.

Cao Cao and Sun Quan both have small groups under their command!

Luo Yuan believes that it is best to cultivate serious talents by himself. The talents cultivated by himself are most in line with the system he has established. He can attract talent training and then have them work for him.

Nice to think about.

After Luo Yuan explained, the girls were shocked and thought he was scheming against them again.

Zhen Mi laughed and said, "How can my husband plot against a scholar like you? It's a bit insincere. When seeking talents, one should be sincere!"

I'm not in a relationship, why should I be sincere?
Besides, there are times when people are in love and they cheat. What does sincerity mean? "Why do we study? Isn't it just to get a job and make a living? I give them food and they work for me. We both owe each other nothing. Why should we be sincere? My sincerity is not as real as a copper coin." Luo Yuan said bluntly.

Talking sincerely with a scholar, isn't this just a joke?

"Most loyal people are butchers, and most unfaithful people are scholars. Scholars have many thoughts and are the best at weighing the pros and cons. Even people like Kong Ming cannot escape this rule. The more books they read and the smarter they are, the more they like to weigh the pros and cons. Loyalty and benevolence are just words. Why are people like Guan Yu respected? Is it because he is brave and powerful?"

"A brave man like Lu Bu is also despised by others. Yunchang is respected for his loyalty. Wang Yun is respected for his loyalty to the Han Dynasty. However, this man also has sins."

Zhen Mi asked, "What crime did Wang Situ commit?"

"As one of the three ministers of the Han Dynasty, how can someone like He Jin be promoted to the position of Si Tu? When the emperor was incompetent, why didn't he just do what Huo Guang did? Change someone else? He is loyal in words but has no action. He is just foolishly loyal. In the 400 years of the Han Dynasty, the most capable minister was only Huo Guang. The rest are insignificant!"

Cai Wenji and others were surprised. Huo Guang had a bad ending and his reputation was not very high at that time.

I didn't expect Luo Yuan to praise Huo Guang.

Luo Yuan waved his hands and saw their surprise, saying, "Don't be surprised. Huo Guang's contribution was not because he supported Emperor Xuan of Han. People like Huo Guang were loyal to the Han Dynasty. They changed emperors for the sake of the world and deposed and enthroned emperors. This is what a Han minister should be like. When a minister is loyal to the emperor, he is just an ordinary minister. He has great power, but he can still stick to his heart, be loyal to the world, and be responsible for the people of the world. Such a minister is a capable minister of all ages."
Cao Jie laughed and said, "My husband always has something surprising to say!"

That’s because, who made me a time-travelling boss?
Luo Yuan came to chat with several ladies today when he was free. In fact, the ladies were also very busy. Wen Ji had been in charge of Jiangling's education before, mainly teaching children to read, and now she is planning to write.

Zhen Mi's business was naturally a family business. The Zhen family was originally wealthy merchants in Zhongshan. She set up several porcelain kilns in Jiangling, specializing in making porcelain, and then let the Zhen family's people sell them to other places to purchase the supplies that Luo Yuan needed.

Cao Jie and Sun Shangxiang were both Luo Yuan's wives, and they were all family. Zhen Mi took advantage of their status and made her business flourish.

Everyone has their own hobbies.

The family is harmonious, which makes Luo Yuan very satisfied.

The women at that time were really nice and generous. Would you dare to think about this in modern times?

Unless you use business administration to manage it, some powerful bosses do this, they keep countless women in the same community, but in the end they still explode and are completely destroyed.

Luo Yuan wrote a letter and asked someone to send it to Hedong, and then waited for news.

I have already asked Hedong Wei for it once before, and this is the second time. If he asks me for it for the third time, don't blame him for being rude.

Do you really think that you can’t kill the Wei family of Hedong just because you are in Jiangling?

Cao Pi is one of their own. As long as Luo Yuan sends a letter to Cao Pi, it is no surprise that Cao Pi will do something cruel.

Cao Pi was extremely good to his own people. If he believed in someone, he would trust him until death. He was honest and said what he meant by a short life, otherwise he would have been more successful than Cao Cao.

Luo Yuan was kind to Cao Pi, and that guy wished he had a better relationship with Luo Yuan!
The affairs of Jiangling had been arranged long ago. Luo Yuan had a few days of free time, and then people from all walks of life set out. Yang Manqing and Huang Zhong set out to take over several nearby counties. Pang Tong continued to do diplomacy on the streets and brought a lot of Jiangling specialties. He did diplomacy and business at the same time. The first stop was to visit their neighbor Han Xuan in Changsha.

Jiangling continued to reclaim wasteland. In winter, everyone had nothing to do, so Xu Shu mobilized more people to participate in the reclamation of the Jianghan Plain. Thirty thousand troops and more than one hundred thousand people participated together. The scene of labor was so grand that it made people excited.

(End of this chapter)

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