The Three Kingdoms: A vicious plan was offered, and Liu Bei was stunned!

Chapter 356 Luo Gongqi renovates the wonders, Huang Yueying worries about business

Chapter 356 Luo Gongqi renovates the wonders, Huang Yueying worries about business

Jia Xu quickly shook his head. He could give advice, but if he asked for help with the contact, he would be in big trouble if Boss Cao found out.

I, Jia Wenhe, have always just been offering suggestions and never interfering.

This is the principle!

Actually, it’s fear of death.

As soon as he saw Jia Xu shaking his head, Luo Yuan gave in. He was just a guy who was trying to protect himself, so forget it!

With the direction, Luo Yuan could operate it on his own.

Jia Xu was curious, "Gongqi, what are you going to do?"

"Let Yang Xiu help!"

"Ah..." Jia Xu was confused.

If we were to say which northern nobles had the worst relationship with Luo Yuan, it would definitely be Yang Xiu and his people. If the curse could kill Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan would have been cursed to death by those people long ago.

"How can Yang Xiu help you? It's wishful thinking!"

"Haha, let me tell you, I plan to hold a Jiangling Poetry Festival. I will invite all the talented people in the world to come to Jiangling for a gathering. Jiangdong Zhou Lang, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Lu Xun, Qiao Xuan, Kong Ming, Sima Hui, the Eight Talents of Jingzhou, the Three Auxiliary Talents, and the Young Scholars of the Southeast will all gather in Jiangling. I just want to ask if Cao Zhi will come and if Yang Xiu will come."

Jia Xu understood immediately. If this was the case, Cao Zhi and Yang Xiu, who loved literature, would definitely come and get involved. When people arrived in Jiangling, they would naturally know the situation here. If they were to reveal a little bit of news, wouldn't the old nobles be so excited?

As for what Cao Cao thought, Luo Yuan didn't care.

I'm going to set up the United Nations, so it's normal to have a poetry and dance concert for such a grand event.

Just think about how many people died after the Battle of Red Cliff.

It is really not easy to have such a grand event.

Luo Yuan did what he said, and ignored Jia Xu. He casually looked at the documents from Jiangling, and then asked someone to call Huang Yueying and Liu Guangda.

Two super craftsmen from Gangneung.

"I want to build a building in Jiangling. It should be tall, large, with a wide field of vision, and able to accommodate more than 10,000 people. Can you build it?"

Huang Yueying and Liu Guangda looked at each other, and neither of them wanted to talk.

What do you mean?
Can it be possible?

Luo Yuan was anxious, as time was running out. If he prepared now, it would be almost done in three months. He also gave himself three months when planning for the United Nations. If he could succeed, it would be a success. If not, forget it!

Huang Yueying was drinking tea from a teacup, looking as if she didn't want to bother with Luo Yuan. Liu Guangda looked at Luo Yuan and whispered, "Aren't you trying to test our strength?"

"No" Luo Yuan was speechless.

All the craftsmen knew that Luo Yuan would give a test whenever he had nothing to do. He had a bad reputation among the craftsmen because he was always pointing fingers, so the craftsmen didn't dare to come.

"How about building you a Weiyang Palace?"

What do you mean? Your tone sounds like you look down on me. Am I overthinking it?

Luo Yuan looked at Huang Yueying. Liu Guangda spoke in a sarcastic tone, but the master's wife was different.

Huang Yueying smiled and said, "The Weiyang Palace can accommodate 10,000 people, but building a palace is boring and uninteresting. You can just find a few skilled workers. Why bother looking for us?"

I understand. You look down upon my own ideas. Well, you are professionals, you have the final say.

Luo Yuan said, "Three months. I need a building that can accommodate 10,000 people and also has the function of a post station, as a place for the princes to meet. During this period, the cement kiln in Jiangling will be allocated by you. The building will be built by the river. I want the buildings to be complete and block out the sun. It may be done in three months."

Huang Yueying immediately became alert. Time was tight and the situation was somewhat challenging. The key was that Luo Yuan had given them the cement kiln to work on.

As an engineering boss, Huang Yueying wanted to try out new material such as cement, but unfortunately Luo Yuan did not allow him to waste it.

"Can I use the cement as I please? You won't be angry if I use it to repair the house, right?"

"Whatever, whatever," Luo Yuan waved his hand quickly, "Play however you like!"

The production of cement is not large and it is needed everywhere, especially on dams. Luo Yuan naturally gives priority to using it on the dam, not preventing Huang Yueying from using it.

It’s just that Huang Yueying is too wasteful.

Huang Yueying nodded, "Then I will be in charge. We need 3,000 craftsmen. Jiangling has no shortage of various materials, but I need to mobilize the army to assist."

"Let Wen Pin obey your orders. Three months, it must be repaired within three months. I want to shock the world and show what Jiang Ling speed is. Master's wife, please don't play around. This time, be serious. This is the time to show my Jiang Ling's strength. I am counting on you."

Huang Yueying said angrily: "I am just playing around, you are so cruel, if it weren't for the fact that the crossbow you are using now is so powerful!"

"That's not what I meant. Since you improved the crossbow, I heard that you were working on a four-wheeled bicycle. You don't need that. A two-wheeled one will be enough."

Huang Yueying said contemptuously: "You know nothing. Four wheels are a huge improvement over two wheels. Steering, do you understand steering? Once this problem is figured out, Jiangling can manufacture four-wheeled vehicles in the future, which can greatly improve transportation capacity. Do you understand? This is a very complicated problem. You won't understand it even if I tell you."

You know the shit!

Huang Yueying is extremely arrogant. As the mother of Jiangling bicycles, she is so awesome.
Huang Yueying was about to leave, but she turned around and sat down again and said, "Gongqi, bicycles are not selling well. People are unwilling to buy them, and they can't learn how to use them. Do you have any solution?"

Bicycles are garbage!
Luo Yuan originally thought that this thing was useful, but in fact, considering the roads at that time, it was just garbage, and the wooden bicycle could not carry much cargo.

There's not even as much as a dead old man can carry, so just go a little slower, it doesn't matter that little bit of time.

When Huang Yueying arrived in Jiangling, she enthusiastically opened a shop specializing in the production of bicycles, intending to promote bicycles among the people. Only things that people like can continue for a long time.

As a result, people were curious for a while, but then lost interest!
Luo Yuan said carefully: "Why don't we go to the Military Command to buy some so that you don't lose all your money, Master's wife!"

Huang Yueying used all her own money to build the car, and has already spent several hundred gold.

At this rate of spending, Kong Ming definitely can't afford it.

Fortunately, the master's wife was able to embezzle some of the tasks assigned by the Military Command!
Luo Yuan knew it all and had already given orders to give Huang Yueying more budget each time to prevent her bicycle factory from going bankrupt.

Bicycles and other things are not important. The main thing is that Huang Yueying trained craftsmen in the shop. There were more than 500 people in the shop, and they were all children from poor families.

That's good!

Luo Yuan was embarrassed to take over this shop. It was obvious that his master's wife was training her own people and planned to become a master in the future.

Huang Yueying nodded with satisfaction. It would be a waste if she didn't use her disciple, especially since this disciple was very rich.

Luo Yuan thought of something: "Hey, Master's wife, you should ask your people to make more bicycles during this period!"

"I'm crazy. People don't like it. I painted it and carved a lot of things on it to make it easier to sell. But... people just don't like it."

Still building? Then they will really go bankrupt. Now they are relying on embezzled funds to support those disciples. It is a problem for more than 500 people to feed themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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