The Three Kingdoms: A vicious plan was offered, and Liu Bei was stunned!

Chapter 372 Xu Zhu 1 uses his brain to make people laugh, and the tiger trainer is powerful in the w

Chapter 372 Xu Zhu makes people laugh when he uses his brain; a tiger trainer commands the world without resorting to weapons
Luo Yuan looked at Xu Zhu and laughed. Xu Zhu was not known for his intelligence, but now he still wanted to use his brain!

Xu Zhu was so angry when he saw Luo Yuan laughing. This guy never knew what fear was. "Gongqi, why are you laughing at me? Is what I said wrong?"

Do you think Kong Ming and Zhou Yu are dead?

Luo Yuan smiled and said, "Zhongkang, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan are all great heroes in the world. Meng De must be polite to them. I am sure that Meng De dare not act rashly. Now Meng De summons you to kill two people. Don't they think so? The three parties will meet. Each of them has a general in Jiangling, who is no worse than you. If you don't show up, everyone will be safe. If you lead the troops into Jiangling, it will not be others who will die, but Meng De."

"Besides, I was the one who invited them to Jiangling. If something really happens, how can I explain it to the world? You'd better not use your brain. Don't even think about such things!"

Xu Zhu said angrily: "If we can kill these two people, the world will be at peace. Doesn't Gongqi want the world to be at peace?"

"You think so, and they think so too," Luo Yuan said.

Xu Zhu was just a tool. Cao Cao thought he could do it without anyone noticing, but how could he possibly escape Jiangling's intelligence network?

Luo Yuan had long been on guard against Prime Minister Cao and knew exactly what he was thinking.

How could such a good conference be ruined?
Xu Zhu was still not convinced, because he was surrounded by Luo Yuan's men, and his Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was blocked from front and back by Luo Yuan's cavalry, so he could not move.

You have to get yourself out of trouble first.

"Okay, okay, now I have no choice, you have the final say!" Xu Zhu said: "Gong Qi will not kill my people!"

"As long as the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry don't resist, nothing will happen," Luo Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best not to fight. If a killing really broke out, it would be difficult to meet Cao Cao later.

Just fucking get yourself into trouble.

Xu Zhu nodded, "Then I surrender. I will go back and tell my subordinates to obey my orders, and then I will go to see the Prime Minister with you!"

Luo Yuan naturally had no problem. Seeing Xu Zhu leaving, Zhang Ying said with some regret: "My lord, letting the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry go might as well let the tiger return to the mountain."

Zhang Ying thought that they should kill the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and release Xu Zhu. A general would not have to be afraid of losing his army. Maybe Luo Yuan could even recruit Xu Zhu for his own use.


The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are also elite troops. Cao Cao has invested a lot of money in them. It should be painful for Cao Cao to destroy this cavalry.

The cavalry at the foot of the mountain should not be let go. Now the cavalry of Jiangling has the advantage and can achieve the greatest victory at the lowest cost. With this battle as a foundation, no one in the world dares to bring troops into Jiangling again.

"Do you think Xu Zhu is the tiger? Or is the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry the tiger?"

"Is not it?"

"It's never about good or bad!" Luo Yuan laughed, "Without Xu Zhu, Meng De would have let someone else lead the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. Meng De would definitely have such armored cavalry. This was not decided by Xu Zhu, but by the geography and situation in the north. The north is vast, just right for cavalry to roam freely. Such cavalry is a nightmare for the Hu people." "But there are not many open areas in the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River. In fact, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is not suitable in the south of the Yangtze River." Luo Yuan laughed, "There are tigers in the north, but they are Meng De, not others. Do you know how to train tigers?"

Zhang Ying was stunned and shook his head. How would he know how to train a tiger?

Besides, aren't we talking about Xu Zhu and Cao Cao? How come it's about training a tiger?

The Han Dynasty is very interesting. During the time of Emperor Wu, the country was strong and prosperous, and hundreds of ethnic groups submitted to it. Chang'an was extremely lively at that time, and the nobles all had the habit of taming wild beasts.

In later archaeological discoveries, Han people even kept tigers and leopards as pets, among which lynx and leopard were very popular because of their exquisite fur.

It's not like raising a cat or dog as a son in the future, that's how to have fun.

When Luo Yuan was in Jiangling, the people below wanted to send him gifts, so a group of people went to the mountains to catch two little tigers for Luo Yuan to use as pets.

Luo Yuan was scared to death, but the common people didn't care at all. Four or five people died in order to catch the tiger, but they thought it was worth it and didn't care about the death.

In the end, Luo Yuan did not want the tiger and sold it to a Jiangdong noble family at a high price.

Luo Yuan said: "The tiger trainer holds a braid and a knife in his hand. In order to make the tiger surrender, he first starves it, and then beats it if it doesn't obey. He tortures it day by day to wear down the tiger's wildness and ambition. When it is slightly obedient, he cuts off the tiger's claws and sharp teeth. When it is obedient, he feeds the tiger every day so that it no longer needs to hunt and abandons its instincts. In this way, the tiger, a beast of prey, is nothing more than a pet."

“Humans are like wild beasts. The wisest ones are the ones who tame them. Today, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, and Cao Cao are all ferocious beasts and birds. The world has no shortage of heroes, but only few people who can tame them.”

Luo Yuan stood with his hands on his hips, watching the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry at the foot of the mountain calm down and start to line up under Xu Zhu's command. He turned back and smiled at Zhang Ying, "Our Jiangling is the animal training ground."

Zhang Ying was stunned and looked at Luo Yuan and said, "My lord, are you a beast tamer?"

"Yes, I thought Jiangling was a paradise. The rest of the world was in turmoil, but Jiangling was peaceful. The people lived and worked in peace, and all industries flourished. The resources were abundant, and innovation continued. The princes of the world made a living by attacking and conquering, but Jiangling expanded spontaneously. Confucius said that if you cultivate the kingly way, all things will come to you. This is the truth."

"The common people of the world don't know Jiangling. Today I am holding a meeting to invite the nobles of the world to come to Jiangling. In the future, Jiangling will naturally become famous throughout the world. Jiangling's goods will circulate throughout the world, and Jiangling's tranquility will also become famous throughout the world. It has been more than ten years since Dong Zhuo's rebellion. The people want stability, but they don't know that there is a paradise and a kingly way. I will use Jiangling as a whip to tame the beasts, that is, to tame Liu Bei and the other three tigers. The affairs of the world are not based on attack, but can be discussed."

"The so-called attack still needs to be discussed in the end, and when the external environment changes, Liu Bei and the other two will have to make changes, or compromise, or be submerged in the torrent of trends. What is the trend? The people's desire for a stable life and the power of the princes are nothing compared to the vision of the people of the world!"

Luo Yuan smiled and said, "This is what I really mean. Will Meng De, Liu Bei and others give up the idea of ​​going to war just because of this meeting? Of course not, but through this meeting they will understand that all wars will eventually return to the negotiation table."

"But they will still fight!" Zhang Ying didn't think that Liu Bei and his people were reasonable people.

They are willing to negotiate because they are not strong enough. Once they are strong enough, they will definitely continue to fight.

"Yes, you are absolutely right. However, during the period of truce, the people can always live a good life for a few years. Don't forget, as long as we remain strong, the three of them will have to worry about our attitude." Luo Yuan smiled and said, "I can't rule the world with weapons. Just wait and see. Be careful of Xu Zhu, the idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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