The Three Kingdoms: A vicious plan was offered, and Liu Bei was stunned!

Chapter 381: Cheng Yu fled to Jiangling, Pang Tong argued with Kong Ming

Chapter 381: Cheng Yu fled to Jiangling, Pang Tong argued with Kong Ming

Jia Xu said, "Because of the rumors spread by the two Qiao sisters, Jiangdong is already angry. Kong Ming is fanning the flames, and Luo Yuan is letting it go. If you don't leave, Cheng Yu, Zhou Yu will definitely kill you!"

Cao Cao thought about it and looked at Cheng Yu: "Then you go back to Yecheng first!"

"My Lord, I am not afraid!"

"You are not afraid, but I am." Cao Cao said, "Gong Qi wants to kill you, but I don't know how he will kill you. For your own safety, you should leave first and we will talk later."

Cao Cao quickly asked Xu Zhu to escort Cheng Yu away!

After the people left, Cao Cao looked at Jia Xu and asked, "What do you think of Wenhe now?"

Jia Xu said: "My lord, you should give an explanation to the Jiangdong nobles, and Madam Cai should do the same. In addition, you should obey Gong Qi and the coinage, otherwise it will be difficult to calm the situation."

"The loss of coinage is huge."

"But compared to the safety of the lord, it is nothing!" Jia Xu said: "The lord can make an agreement with Jiangdong to attack Liu Bei. We don't want a share of Liu Bei's possessions, but give them all to Jiangdong. In this way, the Marquis of Wu will definitely be satisfied, and the alliance between Liu and Sun can be broken!"

Cao Cao thought about it and agreed. Yes, it is absolutely possible.

Jia Xu added: "I will go talk to Gong Qi. He is needed for this matter!"

With Cao Cao's permission, Jia Xu went to find Luo Yuan. As soon as he spoke, Luo Yuan was speechless: "Wenhe, you saved Cheng Yu's life!"

"Don't blame me. After all, I am still the prime minister's adviser. Since I have seen your plan, I will naturally help the prime minister once." Jia Xu smiled and said, "The prime minister has agreed to your coinage. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Luo Yuan smiled. Jia Xu felt strange. After thinking for a while, he said, "You have a backup plan? But Cao Pi."

Luo Yuan nodded.

Jia Xu's face twitched. It was too cruel.

"Cao Pi dare not kill Cheng Yu"

"Why kill him? It's enough as long as he doesn't like Cheng Yu," Luo Yuan said with a smile.

Luo Yuan didn't care whether Cheng Yu lived or died. Although he wanted to kill him, he was not in a hurry. Now that Cheng Yu had escaped, Luo Yuan also had an explanation to the gentry in Jingzhou.

Cheng Yu ran away because the Jingzhou gentry were angry. Isn’t that enough of the Jingzhou gentry’s awesomeness?

A few days later, Luo Yuan came forward and Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Liu Bei all sat down to talk. Sun Quan and Liu Bei both agreed to the coinage issue, and then they looked at Cao Cao's opinion.

Cao Cao had no choice but to agree!

Luo Yuan divided the profits. Jiangling got 30% of the profits from coin minting, Cao Cao and Jiangdong each got 30%, and Liu Bei got 10%. Jiangling helped everyone mint coins!
From now on, none of the three parties are allowed to mint coins. Anyone who dares to mint coins secretly will be attacked by everyone.

No matter what punishment you say, it’s useless. I’m just going to kill you!

Under Luo Yuan's chairmanship, everyone signed the document. Liu Bei was very dissatisfied that he only got 10% of the benefits.

If you get 10% and others get 30%, aren't you looking down on yourself?

But who can blame him for having so little territory and so little strength?

Liu Bei became even more determined that he must work hard to conquer a larger territory and at least not be worse than Luo Yuan.

Afterwards, the first heroes' banquet was held in Jiangling. In order to save face, Liu Bei invited Guan Yu to the stage, and the generals of the three parties opened their stomachs to see who could eat more.

Such excitement immediately made the gentry forget about the incident of Madam Cai. After all, a new social focus had emerged.

As soon as Cheng Yu left, the gentry in Jingzhou felt that their face had been saved.

"That's all?"

Wen Pin turned around and looked at Gan Ning!

Gan Ning smiled and said, "Otherwise, can we really fight? Just don't look at them smiling now, as if everything is over, they are all angry with you, and sparks will fly when they get back.' Wen Pin nodded, this is right, "This year!"

"Two months later," Gan Ning said, "Cao Cao's army has almost assembled and will march south soon. Jiangnan will not be peaceful for too long!"

Pang Tong suddenly popped his head between the two men and said, "I have been away for a long time and don't know what happened in Jiangling. What are you talking about?"

Gan Ning quickly said something to Pang Tong and laughed, "It doesn't matter. Just prepare to attack Changsha. When the meeting is over, we will declare war on Han Xuan and take Changsha within ten days!"

Gan Ning was excited: "My lord, do you agree?"

I've wanted to start a war for a long time, but Luo Yuan has been stopping me. Now we can finally start.

Fatty smiled slightly: "The Changsha nobles have been dissatisfied with Han Xuan for a long time. This time, Han Xuan squeezed the Changsha nobles again in order to please Cao Cao. Now the fire is already burning and we just need another fuel."

The heat has arrived!
Pang Tong stroked his rat whiskers, thinking that this was all his credit.

Luo Yuan was entertaining guests in Jiangling, but he was running around Changsha, sowing discord in all kinds of ways. He hasn't seen Luo Yuan since he came back.

Pang Tong looked around and saw Luo Yuan whispering with Kong Ming on the high platform!
Pang Tong felt unhappy when he saw how intimate Luo Yuan and Kong Ming were.

Kong Ming, Kong Ming, I am no worse than Kong Ming, okay?
Kong Ming can help you, not just me!

Luo Yuan was talking nonsense with Kong Ming, and saw Pang Tong at a glance, and hurriedly came down from the stage. Kong Ming looked back and said to Liu Bei: "Gong Qi is going to make trouble again. I saw Pang Tong coming back, and I'm afraid they are going to attack Changsha."

Liu Bei felt sad. Luo Yuan was going to expand his territory again. After thinking for a while, he said, "How about telling Han Xuan?"

Kong Ming said: "Forget it. Since Gong Qi is going to take action, he must be ready. It's useless to tell Han Xuan!"

I do not believe!

Liu Bei turned around and told Han Xuan, Luo Yuan is going to deal with you!

Han Xuan was shocked and hurried to ask Cao Cao for help.

Cao Cao turned around to look for Luo Yuan, but Luo Yuan was gone!
Luo Yuan and Pang Tong returned to the military headquarters, "How is it?"

"The Changsha nobles hate Han Xuan and have decided to kill him! As long as Jiang Ling lets down his guard, they will do it!"

Luo Yuan smiled and said, "That's good, but we can't let the Changsha nobles succeed in the assassination!"

"Don't worry, my lord. I know what's going on."

The assassination of the Changsha gentry was successful. How would Han Xuan take revenge on the gentry and kill them all?
Only Han Xuan or this can avenge the gentry and eliminate those gentry in Changsha!
Pang Tong asked, "My Lord, what has Kong Ming been busy with recently?"

As soon as Luo Yuan saw Pang Tong, he understood and felt sad again, "Why do you always compare yourself with Kong Ming? It's up to him to do whatever he wants!"

"The only person in the world who can compare with me is Kong Ming," Pang Tong said, "It would be great if I could trick him once. My lord, do you have any ideas?"


Luo Yuan said: "Kong Ming is trying to persuade Sun Quan to fight against Cao, but Sun Quan has not yet agreed directly, but he will agree in the end. This time Jiangdong wants to get some benefits from Liu Bei!"

"Jiang Xia?" Pang Tong thought about it and then reacted.

Luo Yuan nodded: "Yes, Sun Quan wants Jiangxia!"

Although everyone will definitely join forces, it will not prevent Sun Quan from getting the benefits.

Pang Tong laughed and said, "Kong Ming will definitely be willing, but Liu Bei may not be willing. I am afraid this matter will not be accomplished. Kong Ming will definitely deceive Jiangdong."

Pang Tong was very excited: "I will go and ruin his good deeds!"

(End of this chapter)

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