Chapter 420 Don’t mess around

Xu Shu read these letters from various major families to Luo Yuan. In fact, they were letters of advice, all hoping that Luo Yuan would not act recklessly, as this would ruin the traditions of the world.

Luo Yuan closed his eyes and listened to Xu Shu reading. Xu Shu read the letter in a rhythmic manner, just like singing. There was nothing much to entertain him at that time.

There were some singing and dancing in the brothel!
Luo Yuan did not keep any dancers in his military headquarters, so as for music, he could only go to the emperor's place to listen to it.

According to the rules of the Han Dynasty, music and entertainment can be enjoyed according to one's status.

Only Liu Xie is worthy of listening to Yayue.

Otherwise, he would ask his wife to play the piano for him.

Hearing Luo Yuan's head tilted, Xu Shu couldn't help but laugh, and saw that Luo Yuan's saliva was flowing out in his sleep.

Xu Shu hurriedly stopped and said: "My lord, my lord, please continue..."

It took Luo Yuan a while to react, and he looked at Xu Shu in confusion: "I fell asleep?"

Xu Shu nodded slightly.

Luo Yuan wiped his saliva, took a sip of tea, and perked up: "What does this all mean?"

Xu Shu was somewhat disdainful but said succinctly: "In the end, they don't want the lord to train scholars. Those noble families want them to train scholars, using their family traditions to train scholars."

Opposition to female students may seem to be due to the fact that it is not in line with etiquette, but in fact it is still a struggle for the power of cultural education.

The gentry monopolized the cultural education of the Han Dynasty.

Scholars in the world who want to study have to marry into a scholar family, so that the status of these people will be high.

But now Luo Yuan wants to run schools on a large scale and train scholars, the number is simply appalling.

Jiangling has a population of one million. Jiangling County, Jingzhou City, plus the newly occupied Gong'an, Huarong, Shishou, Shimen, Anxiang, and Nanxian, the total population is even greater.

How many of them are suitable children for studying?

In just a few years, a group of people will graduate, and those trained by Luo Yuan himself will naturally be given special arrangements.

These people will definitely be given priority to become officials, so what place will the gentry have?
With so many scholars, are the gentry still noble?

Scarcity has always been the reason why things are expensive!

If there are too many scholars, they will become worthless. The gentry already know this truth without Luo Yuan having to tell them.

Then we must oppose it. Only by continuing to hold the power of education can we maintain the status of the gentry in the hearts of the people.

Those who opposed Luo Yuan were all the new nobles who had settled in Jiangling!

The local nobles and the small nobles from Jiangdong who had been here for a long time didn't care at all!
You say you object?

Lord Luo asked me to write a book, but I had no objection.

For example, the elders of the Tao clan who wrote books were very disdainful of those who opposed them, and they firmly supported Luo Yuan.

Without students, who would read the books I write?

To whom can I pass on all my knowledge?
There are always some smart students among the many students. Wouldn't it be nice to recruit some disciples to inherit your family lineage?
The status of a disciple is no different from that of a biological son.

For a scholar, a disciple who inherits his knowledge is even more important than his own son. His own son can die, but the heir to his knowledge must not die.

But compared with those who opposed him, those who supported Luo Yuan were a minority after all, and even the common people did not support Luo Yuan.

"Studying, what is the point of studying for a girl?"

"A 10-year-old child is already a laborer. If he goes to school, wouldn't the family lose a laborer? How much money would they lose?"

"There is no rush to learn to read and write. You can learn it when you join the army in the future. Your Excellency is giving orders indiscriminately." Upon hearing this, some old men picked up sticks. What nonsense!
There’s nothing to say, just beat him up first.

"You have only had a few days of full meals, and you have already forgotten your conscience. If it weren't for you, would you be able to eat and drink rice wine now? You said to let the girl study, then let her study. What are you talking nonsense about?"

"Uncle, if a girl is going to get married, she is no longer considered a member of your family. Her education is also a concession to other families."

"Tsk, you know shit. Do you know more than the Lord? Are you more powerful than the Lord?"

The old man held the stick on his waist and looked at everyone with the intention of fighting: "You are a bunch of fools. Your Excellency is giving these kids a way out. If they can read and write, they will be talented. Your Excellency will be the emperor in the future, and your subordinates will have to be officials!"

"According to the rules of Jiangling, girls can also be officials. How can you be an official if you can't read?"

The people understood some of it and felt very excited, but when they thought about studying for so many years, they felt it was not worth it.

"It takes ten years to study. Who's child would study for ten years?"

"Yes, that's right. Studying takes too long. Two or three years is enough. It's ridiculous to study from the age of six to fifteen. You can get married at the age of fifteen!"

"We've raised it at home for so many years, and now it's sold to someone else? It's a huge loss just thinking about it."

"You guys raised me, right? I'm a lord, you don't charge for my education, why don't you give me money?" The old man was so angry that his hands were shaking.
It's all been made very clear.

They all pretended to be dead, just wanting to find a girl to marry off so that there would be one less person in the family and they could store more food.

Who doesn’t know this?

Although the people of Jiangling were not very satisfied with the reading order issued by the Military Command Office, they did not dare to object, they just did not understand it!

Ordinary people think that studying is not important. We are all farmers. We know how to farm, make a living, and have children.

Studying is something that superior people should do, I am not worthy of it.

, the most opposition came from the gentry!

Especially for those great aristocratic families who mastered high-end family education, Luo Yuan's large-scale schooling would destroy their rice bowls and undermine their foundations.

So many scholars come from Luo Yuan's subordinates. Will he still care about the old aristocrats like them in the future?

Xu Shu sighed: "There is a lot of discussion in Jiangling, won't the Lord Command Army calm down the discussion?"

Just one army is enough to silence the outside discussions.

Luo Yuan felt that this was too rude. They had mouths, so if they wanted to say something, just let them say it. What's wrong with saying a few words?

The reactions of the common people gave Luo Yuan full of confidence. Although the common people did not quite understand the importance of reading, the old people still did understand it.

Know the benefits of reading!

Jiangling has those old people to help suppress the people, and the people can complain and then continue to live their lives as usual.

The orders from the Military Command have always been weird, and they even stipulate that going to the toilet is mandatory. I wasn't used to it at first, but now I'm used to it pretty well.

"Don't worry, if there are people who oppose, there will naturally be people who support it. They will quarrel among themselves." Luo Yuan smiled and said, "We need to build a large number of schools now. Jiangling must recruit the first batch of students before autumn."

"One hundred thousand is no less than our army!"

It's just average.

Luo Yuan smiled and said, you haven’t seen millions yet, this is nothing.

However, with an additional 100,000 students to support, the expenses of the Military Affairs Office will increase, and they still have to make money in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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