Chapter 259 Crystal Coffin! Blood Beads
The Golden Lotus Elixir is an elixir made from the golden lotus that emerges from the ground, which can enhance mental strength.

If there were such pills, most people would have eaten them all up long ago, and there would be no chance of any left.

Because the elixir is still a elixir, and as your mental power increases, your strength will also increase.

Only a fool would save these pills and not use them.

Zhang Diqi's brain is not very bright, but he is not that stupid.

"My father said that my ability is limited. It takes dozens of days to fully absorb a Golden Lotus Spirit Pill. It would be a waste to eat more during this period. So this bottle of pills is not used to enhance mental strength, but to treat injuries to spiritual consciousness."

Zhang Diqi explained.

Zhang Lingshan secretly thought that this guy was really rich and wasted resources.

There are plenty of pills to restore mental strength, so is it necessary to use the Golden Lotus Elixir?

The advantage of using the Golden Lotus Elixir to restore and treat mental strength is that it is extremely efficient, but the disadvantage is that the Golden Lotus Elixir’s effect of enhancing mental strength is lost.

But Zhang Diqi's father was not wrong.

With Zhang Diqi's ability, he was indeed unable to fully absorb the medicinal power of the Golden Lotus Elixir in a short period of time.

After all, not everyone has a panel like Zhang Lingshan.

Others can only rely on themselves to absorb the medicinal power.

In addition to himself, he can also rely on the panel.

"How many blood and qi flames do you plan to exchange?"

Zhang Lingshan asked.

Zhang Diqi said, "I still have eight left. How about exchanging them for eight?"


Zhang Lingshan flatly rejected it. Although he could condense the Qi, Blood and Flame at will, he could not let Zhang Diqi think that his Qi, Blood and Flame were easy to obtain.

Otherwise, when he takes out more advanced elixirs or treasures later, how am I going to settle the score with him?

"Two at most." Zhang Lingshan said.

Zhang Diqi hesitated for a moment and said, "Grandfather Great Uncle, I already call you Grandfather Great Uncle, please take care of the younger generation and give me three flowers."

"Two and a half."

Okay, it's a deal.

Zhang Diqi handed over the Golden Lotus Elixir.

Zhang Lingshan said: "The flames are still accounted for. After you have completely refined the last one, just ask me for it."


Zhang Diqi said excitedly: "Then let's quickly find a cave to rest, so I can concentrate on refining the flames."


Zhang Lingshan nodded.

Pei Tong immediately took the Star Compass and began to look for a relatively safe direction.


The three of them rushed to the entrance of a dark and damp cave.

As soon as you enter the cave, a strong smell of blood hits you in the face, making you feel nauseous and want to vomit.


Zhang Diqi retched, and flames immediately appeared on his body, dispelling the fishy smell. He complained: "What kind of a hell of a place are you looking for? Is your compass useful?"

Pei Tong was also a little unsure and said ashamedly: "Maybe my skills are not good enough."

Zhang Lingshan said, "I think this is a good place. The bloody smell means there are monsters inside, so we can kill them and eat their meat. Xiao Qi, you are on fire, so we can go ahead and explore the way to light the way."


Zhang Diqi glanced at Zhang Lingshan with resentment: "Granduncle, you also have blood and fire to illuminate."

"I'm just asking you whether you are going or not. Is the talented kid from the Zhang family in Zhongzhou so cowardly?" Zhang Lingshan snorted.

Zhang Diqi stiffened his neck and said stubbornly, "Who is scared? I just hate the stench..."

Just saying.

A beam of blood suddenly shot out and went straight to Zhang Diqi's neck.

Zhang Lingshan immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Flames spurted out from his hand, instantly burning the blood light into nothingness.

"It's a blood arrow. Could it be the blood gecko's nest?"

Zhang Lingshan said in a deep voice.

He only learned about the blood gecko from Zhang Diqi's picture album.

This creature likes dark and humid places, and can spray blood arrows to hurt people. The blood arrows are highly poisonous.

Its body is a hundred times the size of an ordinary gecko, it crawls very fast, and it is a social creature.

Once you spot one blood gecko, it means there are hundreds of them nearby.

This cave looks quite large indeed, and is more than enough to hide a hundred blood geckos.

"The blood gecko's lair..."

Pei Tong's face turned pale instantly, and he said in a trembling voice: "If we are surrounded by them and form a blood arrow net, there will be nowhere to escape. Brother Shan, let's leave. I am not strong enough and calculated the wrong place."


Zhang Lingshan smiled and said, "The monsters have been hiding these days, which has caused me to be starving. This nest is just right for me to replenish some food. Stand here and don't move. I will cover you with the Life and Death Bell. You can come out after I have dealt with you."

As he spoke, he summoned the Bell of Life and Death from the space in his bag and covered Pei Tong tightly underneath to protect him.

Then he released the corpse monkey from his spirit beast bag and gave him a breath of vitality.

The corpse monkey jumped around excitedly.


Zhang Lingshan released another flame, completely burning the monkey corpse.

This corpse monkey was still a powerful character on the first level, but on the second level, it was too useless. Zhang Lingshan had long wanted to get rid of it.

Anyway, it's just a dead monkey that can never be tamed. Once you don't make it angry, it will start to make trouble and bite its owner. It has a bad temper and is ugly. It's a waste of space in the spirit beast bag to keep it.

Therefore, in order to make use of the residual heat of this waste, Zhang Lingshan lit it up and used it as a moving beacon.

Not only can it attract the attention of the blood gecko, but it can also illuminate yourself, killing two birds with one stone.

"Chirp chirp!"

The dead monkey screamed, mixed with the excitement of absorbing vitality and the pain of being burned by the flames.

Under this stimulation, it burst out at an unprecedented speed, tumbling and jumping wildly in the cave.

Puff puff!
Several blood arrows immediately shot towards it.

Zhang Lingshan saw at a glance that the mountain wall was covered with dense blood geckos, and shouted: "Zhang Diqi, you go to the left, and leave the right to me."

"Alright! Let these beasts see the power of our blood and fire."

Zhang Diqi shouted loudly, and a long flame spurted out of his mouth, spraying towards the wall madly like a flamethrower.

Although blood geckos can also spurt blood from their mouths, the blood arrows they spurt out cannot be controlled after leaving the body.

Moreover, their blood arrows evaporated instantly when they encountered flames.

At this moment, it was as if he had met his nemesis and was being chased by Zhang Diqi.



The panicked and strange cries echoed throughout the cave, making people tremble with fear.

Zhang Diqi's mental strength was not strong to begin with, and was affected all of a sudden. The speed of his fire-breathing slowed down a little. The remaining blood geckos immediately found an opportunity and fled to the deeper cave together.

As for the geckos on Zhang Lingshan's side, he cut and burned them all, and put the bodies into the storage bag.

These are all nutrients and cannot be wasted.

When he finished, he saw Zhang Diqi dejectedly saying, "Granduncle, I let them all run away and hide in the cave inside."

Zhang Lingshan said, "It's okay. You can rest here for a while. I will go in and kill them. If you find any that escape, you can help me clean up the mess, but don't burn them to charcoal. I still need to make some midnight snacks."

As he spoke, he sent out another stream of energy from his right hand, which landed on the monkey corpse that was not yet dead.

The corpse monkey immediately became excited and started jumping again, and was forced into the cave by Zhang Lingshan to provide light.

To reach the deeper cave, one must pass through a narrow passage.

There are small holes drilled on the walls of the passage.

As soon as the corpse monkey entered, blood spurted out from the small holes, instantly submerging them.

Even if there was still flames on its body, it could not withstand the large number of blood arrows.

In the blink of an eye, the monkey corpse turned into a pool of blood. Several blood geckos immediately came forward and began to suck the blood. Swish!
Zhang Lingshan held the Evil King Knife and cut the blood geckos into several pieces with one stroke.

Without waiting for the other blood geckos to react, he used the Cloud Walking Technique to rush out, with flames all over his body scattering in all directions, mixed with the cutting intent stimulated by the Evil King's Sword, and instantly killed all the blood geckos in this passage.

When we walked out of the passage, the view in front of us suddenly opened up and we saw a huge palace.

In the center of the palace, there is a crystal coffin.

The blood geckos stood around the crystal coffin and turned their heads to look at Zhang Lingshan, but did not attack. They just looked at him strangely and quietly.

Zhang Lingshan's heart trembled.

In fact, even if all these blood geckos came up together, they would not pose any threat to him.

However, the crystal coffin made Zhang Lingshan feel an invincible force.

He had a feeling that if a fight broke out here and disturbed the things inside the crystal coffin, he might die.

The blood geckos that these people set up must have the same idea.

So no one moved, and a strange balance was achieved.

However, Zhang Lingshan was very curious about what was in the crystal coffin.

So he walked forward slowly.

Seeing him approaching, the geckos standing on the road immediately dodged away. Some blood geckos showed fear in their eyes, but some showed anger, as if they were angry that Zhang Lingshan's approach had disturbed the crystal coffin.

Zhang Lingshan didn’t care whether they were angry or not. Since he had come here, if he didn’t find out the truth, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?
Anyway, as long as he doesn't do anything, these blood geckos won't dare to touch him.

So let alone getting close to the crystal coffin to take a look inside, even if you just walk around in circles in this hall, these blood geckos won't dare to say a word.

Soon, Zhang Lingshan walked to the crystal coffin.

What catches the eye is a pair of straight, slender, pink and white legs. Just by looking at these legs, you can imagine what a graceful and beautiful figure the owner of these legs has.


When Zhang Lingshan continued to look up, he was surprised to find that the part above the legs was not that of a beautiful girl.

Instead, it was half of the body and head of a blood gecko!

‘What the hell? ’

Zhang Lingshan's heart skipped a beat and his scalp felt numb. He instinctively couldn't accept the scene before him.

If you are a human being, then be a human being.

If it is a blood gecko, then make a complete blood gecko.

But it was half human, half blood gecko, and it looked weird no matter how you looked at it, even weirder than the tiger-headed eagle monster he had seen before.

After all, monsters are ugly and ferocious. Even if they change their heads to be ugly and ferocious, they are still ugly and ferocious monsters.

But this thing, it forcefully glues extreme beauty and extreme ugliness together, making people feel sick.

Zhang Lingshan immediately withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at it. He turned to look at the oldest of these blood geckos.

The reason why we can tell that it is the oldest is because this guy has very sharp eyes and is smarter than the other blood geckos.


The old blood gecko called out in a low voice, then walked through the group of blood geckos and came to Zhang Lingshan.

He was seen holding a large blood-red round bead in both hands, raising it up respectfully and placing it in front of Zhang Lingshan.

Zhang Lingshan took a look at the old blood gecko and roughly knew what the other party meant.

It seemed to be saying: "We have presented you with the treasure, please leave and do not disturb our goddess."

Of course, calling her a goddess was just Zhang Lingshan’s own guess. After all, those legs were indeed those of a young girl.

These blood geckos were extremely respectful to the creature and surrounded it to protect it.

It is reasonable to say that he is their God.

After receiving the blood bead, Zhang Lingshan slowly retreated into the passage, and saw that the blood geckos all breathed a sigh of relief, and then some of them formed a pattern around the crystal coffin.

The rest of the blood geckos guarded the entrance of the passage.

Among them was the old blood gecko, who saw that Zhang Lingshan had not left yet and kept bowing and scraping to Zhang Lingshan.

Zhang Lingshan, thinking less trouble is worse than more, completely withdrew from the passage.

The old blood gecko immediately led his men into the passage, and suddenly a ball of sticky blood spurted out of his mouth, sealing the entrance of the passage and completely isolating the connection between the hall and the cave outside.

"What's going on, Great Uncle, you didn't kill them all?"

Zhang Diqi happened to see the old blood gecko and couldn't help but ask in surprise.

Zhang Lingshan said: "It is better to resolve a feud than to create one. Forgive others when you can."


Zhang Diqi was speechless.

He found that the elders liked to say this, but sometimes they did things more decisively than anyone else.

The reason why he didn't do anything extreme and said this to save face is not that he didn't want to do anything extreme, but because he didn't have the ability to do so.

It was obvious that there must be monsters in this cave that even Great Uncle could not deal with, so Great Uncle took the initiative to retreat.

However, it was embarrassing for the great uncle to say it, and Zhang Diqi certainly would not say it to embarrass himself.

Do you really think that Zhang Diqi is a fool?

"What exactly is this blood bead and how to use it? It's not mentioned in Zhang Diqi's picture book. There is also no introduction to the crystal coffin guarded by the blood gecko."

Zhang Lingshan sighed inwardly.

This blood bead is obviously a top-grade treasure, but I don’t know how to use it, and the blood gecko can’t speak.

So he could only helplessly put the blood bead into the space in the bag and leave it for slow contemplation later.

As for why it was not recorded in Zhang Diqi’s picture album.

the reason is simple.

The picture album records the intelligence of the Zhongzhou Zhang family over the years, of course, it can only record what they know.

No one had ever taken the blood beads out before, nor had anyone seen the crystal coffin, so naturally they had no way of knowing.

"Those blood geckos have sealed themselves in there and can't affect us. So let's clean up this cave and stay here tonight."

Zhang Lingshan put away the Life and Death Bell and said to Pei Tong and Zhang Diqi.

The two men immediately took action and found dozens of human corpses in the corner of the cave.

Next to the corpses were the storage bags they left behind.

Some of the storage bags are already quite old, and the bones have dried up.

Some of the bones are fresh.

It was obvious that the dried bones and old storage bags were all from the selected candidates who had entered the trial site in the past.

What’s new is the unlucky guy who entered the trial ground with them.

Pei Tong couldn't help but feel scared.

If he had not followed Zhang Lingshan this time, if he had come in alone, he would probably have become one of those corpses.

"This is my Zhang family's storage bag! And there is more than one!"

Zhang Diqi suddenly shouted angrily, "These damn guys, I'm going to kill them all!"

"Don't get excited." Zhang Lingshan patted his shoulder and said, "The dead cannot be resurrected. If you really want revenge, wait until you become stronger. Right now, you can't afford to offend the big monster inside."

"There is another big monster?" Pei Tong asked in surprise.

Zhang Lingshan said: "Yes. But the situation of the big monster is quite strange. As long as we don't disturb him, he won't attack us."

"so far so good."

Pei Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

The blood geckos are already difficult to deal with, and their big demon leader must be even more terrifying.

How did I find this damn place?

What I am looking for is a safe place with opportunities.

But then again.

As long as the big monster doesn't take action and the blood gecko in the cave outside is killed, this place will indeed be very safe.

And opportunity, so many storage bags, isn’t that an opportunity?
In other words, I didn't find any mistakes, and my method of tracking is still very reliable.

If Zhang Lingshan knew what Pei Tong was thinking, he would definitely tell him, which would be more than reliable.

Not to mention these storage bags, that one blood bead alone is priceless.

Although he still didn't know how to use the blood bead specifically, Zhang Lingshan already felt the immense benefits of the layers of blood rhythm contained in it!
In the future, you only need to take it out and reflect on it from time to time, and your qi and blood will improve in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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