Chapter 4 Zhengyang Pile

"This boy."

The man who was teasing saw that Zhang Lingshan didn't cooperate with his joke at all, and suddenly felt bored, so he turned around and said, "Come with me."

Walking around the screen and into the yard, Zhang Lingshan saw more than a dozen figures standing everywhere, posing in various postures, breathing either long or short, with different expressions, some relaxed and some quite painful.

"Wait here, I'll go call the master."

The man walked across the main hall and shouted, "Master, that kid who banged his head against the wall is here again. His father didn't come with him this time, but I don't know if he will come to make trouble later. Will you stop him?"

"Accept it, why not? The little guy is determined to learn martial arts. If he doesn't agree, he will just crash into me and die. Wouldn't that bring shame to my reputation?"

A loud voice like a bell rang out from inside, and then a burly old man with a beard strode out. He looked at Zhang Lingshan and asked with interest, "I heard that you almost died last time, and you used the money you paid to become my disciple to recover from your injuries. How come you have some spare money now?"

"In reply to Master, my father and I worked in Hongye Temple for half a year, and we received an advance on part of our wages, and only then did we work so hard to earn these twenty taels."

As he spoke, Zhang Lingshan quickly reached into his arms and handed over two bills.

The burly old man took it, touched it, and smelled it: "It smells a bit like blood. It seems that this money is not clean."

But he didn't care. It was normal for a silver note to be dirty after changing hands among many people. As long as he could spend it, it was fine.

He just handed it to a scholarly young man behind him and said, "Take it and let the flower bloom."


The elegant young man immediately took the money and left.

The burly old man continued to look at Zhang Lingshan and said calmly, "I've taken the money. You are now a member of my Hong's martial arts school, but don't call me Master. Call me Master. Once you have mastered the standing posture within three months, you will be considered my registered disciple, and you can call me Master Hong Zhengdao. Do you understand?"


Zhang Lingshan nodded heavily.

"After three months, if you still can't stand up, I will refund you ten taels, and you will have nothing to do with my Hong's martial arts school from now on. Don't mention the name of my Hong's martial arts school. Do you understand?"


"Well, I understand. Little Stone, you come and teach him the standing practice, and I'll watch."

Hong Zhengdao waved his hand and a servant immediately came over with a table and chairs. There was tea and snacks on the table for Hong Zhengdao to enjoy.

The guy called Little Stone turned out to be the man who had just teased Zhang Lingshan. He looked big and strong with a lot of flesh on his face. There was nothing wrong with calling him Stone, but it felt a bit weird when the word "Little" was added.

"My name is Shi Lei. I will now teach you the standing practice. The standing practice of our Hong family martial arts school is the Zhengyang standing practice. It follows the righteous path of the world and cultivates the positive yang energy of heaven and earth..."

This person spoke in a very exaggerated manner, talking a lot of nonsense, as if the Zhengyang Posture was the only peerless magical skill in the world.

"Alright, alright, stop talking nonsense. Xiao Shanzi has banged his head against the wall and is very determined to learn martial arts. He came here because of my reputation. You must teach me well and stop being sneaky, otherwise I will not let you go."

Hong Zhengdao splashed the tea onto Shi Lei and snorted.

Shi Lei hastily admitted his mistake, until he flattered the horse and hit the horse's hoof. He immediately coughed seriously and looked at Zhang Lingshan and said, "There are a total of 18 styles in our Zhengyang Posture. Now I will teach you the first style, Dingyang Style."

As he spoke, he spread his legs apart, squatted slightly, stretched his hands above his head as if holding a plate, and looked up at the empty plate.

"Imagine that you are holding a ball of fire in your hands. When your hands become warm, you have mastered the Ding Yang posture. It is best to practice this posture under the scorching sun, as it will achieve twice the result with half the effort."

When he wasn't talking nonsense, Shi Lei was still a reliable teacher. As he spoke, he reached out and patted Zhang Lingshan's body to correct his incorrect posture.

Hong Zhengdao was quite pleased to see that he was teaching well. If he could train this little Shitou, he could save himself a lot of effort in teaching him standing meditation in the future.

But seeing Zhang Lingshan's posture, Hong Zhengdao was immediately furious. He jumped in front of Zhang Lingshan and yelled, "You don't even need to use any strength. If you have this attitude, I will return the money to you and you can get as far away as you can!"

He had a hot temper, and he slapped him as he spoke. But although he looked strong, the old man held back, but even so, Zhang Lingshan was still knocked to the ground, making a grimacing sound.

"What's going on? Is it made of paper? It falls down when you touch it?"

Hong Zhengdao was speechless, but seeing that Zhang Lingshan didn't seem to be pretending, he tore off his clothes and saw faint red marks on Zhang Lingshan's body.

After looking at him for a while, Hong Zhengdao frowned and said, "Did you offend someone? Are you going to be tied up and beaten?"

"No, I was working at Hongye Temple and accidentally bumped into someone and was punished. But it's okay now. The construction of Hongye Temple is complete and I don't need to go out of the city to work anymore."

Zhang Lingshan answered immediately, his heart sinking.

The owner of Hongzheng Dojo was a martial arts master. With his knowledge, he couldn't figure out how the red marks on his body were formed, and what kind of suffering he had endured.


Seeing that Zhang Lingshan was covered in red marks and felt pain whenever he moved, Hong Zhengdao waved his hand and said, "Since you are still injured, you can practice later. Go back and rest first."

"Master, I want to practice more. I want to learn the Zhengyang Posture first." Zhang Lingshan said hurriedly.

Hong Zhengdao's face darkened. "Humph, stupid! Although Zhuanggong can strengthen your body and blood, you are injured and your body cannot recover quickly. The more you practice, the more you hurt yourself. Wait until you are better before practicing again!"

After saying that, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhang Lingshan and turned away.

Zhang Lingshan was very anxious.

Although he knew that what Hong Zhengdao said was right, he was different from others. He just wanted to put the Zhengyang Pile into the panel as soon as possible and could not delay any longer.

God knows what's going on with these red marks on my body. If they never disappear, should I just stop practicing forever?

"Brother Shi, now that the owner is gone, you teach me and I'll give you money."

Zhang Lingshan quickly grabbed Shi Lei and stuffed him with a piece of silver that he had snatched from Li Hu.

Shi Lei didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but seeing Yin Zi's face, he immediately changed his face to a smile and said, "You kid really don't care about money or life in order to practice martial arts. I heard that strong people have an indestructible heart for martial arts, and today I have seen it. Come on, since you want to practice, can I stop you?"

I have to say that Shi Lei is a very particular person. Although he is a bit of a talker and likes to talk nonsense and tease others, he will do his job when paid and is quite reliable.

So in the following time, he demonstrated all eighteen forms of Zhengyang Posture from beginning to end.

He also gave Zhang Lingshan detailed guidance and corrected any mistakes and omissions.

After Zhang Lingshan had memorized all the postures, Shi Lei said, "I think you are not stupid, and there is basically nothing wrong with your training. It's just that you can't use your strength, which makes your movements not solid enough. But this is because of your injury. After your injury is healed, you should intensify your training. I think it will not be a problem for you to master it within three months."

This is a polite statement.

As for whether Zhang Lingshan can succeed in three months, it has nothing to do with him.


Seeing Zhang Lingshan standing still while enduring the pain, Shi Lei suddenly had an idea. He moved closer to Zhang Lingshan and said, "I see that you are eager to practice martial arts. I have a decoction that can help you recover faster. It is more affordable than what you get outside. I will charge you three coins for one bowl. How about it?"

"it is good."

Zhang Lingshan agreed immediately without thinking.

Because he found that there had been changes on the panel.

Name: Zhang Lingshan
Martial arts: Zhengyang Posture (Not yet mastered)

Energy: 0.3
(End of this chapter)

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