Chapter 55: Filthy Land! Energy Reward Pool
According to Master Hong, today is his first day in office.

Arriving at the government office, Zhang Lingshan had just walked to the door when someone immediately came up to greet him: "It's Deputy Squad Leader Shan, come in!"

"Do you know me?" Zhang Lingshan asked in surprise.

Hong Zhengdao had previously told him to go directly to the county government office since everyone knew him, and sure enough, he was recognized in an instant.

The man laughed and said, "Everyone saw the scene where Shan's deputy squad leader killed Chen Hui of Sanjiang Gambling House with one punch. Who doesn't know that he became famous in one battle?"

"I see."

Zhang Lingshan nodded.

He knew that the battle at Dongyangji would make him famous, but he didn't expect that his fame would become so great.

After walking into the yamen, passing through the ceremonial gate, and entering the classroom compound on the east side, I saw that there were already many people standing on both sides of the compound, and among them was an acquaintance.

It was none other than Ma Hong, the middle-aged yamen runner who represented the government to deal with the situation after Zhang Lingshan burned down the house.

Ma Hong was born with a face with high cheekbones. When he saw Zhang Lingshan looking at him, he forced a not-so-nice smile on his face, feeling a little complicated.

I still remember that he told Zhang Lingshan that if he didn't want to continue working in Feng's Pharmacy, he could come work under him.

But he didn't expect that the other person really came, but he was not under his command, but was on an equal footing with him.

"Here comes the chief."

Someone shouted, and everyone immediately stood still and stopped whispering.

A fat man with a smile on his face walked over from the corridor and said, "Now that everyone is here, let's talk about something. The deputy leader of the Zhuang class has been vacant for a long time, and there has been no suitable candidate. The master of Hong Zhengdao of Hong's martial arts hall recommended that his disciple Zhang Lingshan could be a strong candidate. What do you think?"

"Since Master Hong recommended him, he must be amazing. I think he is very good and is just right for the position of deputy leader of the Zhuang class."

One person shouted immediately.

Then several people followed suit.

Among them is Ma Hong, the deputy head of the Zhuang class.

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded: "Is it Zhang Lingshan who fought Chen Hui in Dongyangji? Isn't he a skin polisher? How can he be qualified to be the deputy squad leader?"

Zhang Lingshan looked carefully and found that the person who was speaking was a white-faced middle-aged man with a moustache, whom he did not recognize.

The yamen runner who led him in whispered, "This is Hou, the leader of the fast squad. He has always wanted to recommend his nephew to be the deputy leader of the strong squad, but he was suppressed by the chief squad leader and didn't agree. Now that he sees you here, he is unhappy."

"Is it useful to be unhappy?" Zhang Lingshan asked.

The yamen runner said, "Well, he is still somewhat useful. He is at the peak of the Flesh Refining Stage, not much weaker than the head squad leader. It is said that there are people behind him, and the head squad leader is unwilling to confront him head-on."

As he was talking, he heard the head squad leader laugh and say, "It's been a while since then. Zhang Lingshan has already succeeded in refining his flesh and is a true flesh refining warrior. If you don't believe me, you can give him a try."

"Okay! Then I'll give him a try. If he can't take my blow, the deputy leader of the Zhuang squad will have to be my nephew Hou Pingliang."

Hou Cheng said loudly.

The head of the team remained calm and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Zhang Lingshan sighed inwardly. He had originally thought that with Master Hong's respect, he could come in and sit down safely, but he didn't expect that there would be a dispute.

But then again, as long as they don't kill him and are just looking for a reasonable excuse for a small matter, Master Hong would feel embarrassed and have no reason to bully them, after all, they have people behind them.

Since everyone has a backer, we can only see who's the winner.

"Zhang Lingshan, what are you still standing there for? Come out and take my blow. Let me see how well you have practiced your Red Line Fist. Haha." Hou Cheng chuckled with disdain on his face.

Zhang Lingshan took a step forward, came to the center of the courtyard, and bowed, saying, "I am Zhang Lingshan from the Hong Clan Martial Arts School, and would like to learn from Hou Bantou's high-level tactics."

"You're welcome, take my palm!"

Hou Cheng was still laughing when he said the first half of the sentence, but he suddenly shouted in the second half, and then he rushed out. His palms were like poisonous snakes, and they slapped out from his sleeves, and the strong wind quickly landed on Zhang Lingshan's chest.

But Zhang Lingshan showed no fear at all. He quickly assumed the Touyang Posture, with his right hand clenched into a fist and the five fingers of his left hand put together to form a bird's beak.

He suddenly pointed the beak of his left hand upwards, blood rushed out from his fingertips, and a red dot instantly fell on Hou Cheng's wrist.

Hou Cheng felt pain and the power in his palm was reduced.

At this time, Zhang Lingshan's right fist went up like a cannon and hit his forearm with a bang. The violent force directly flipped Hou Cheng's forearm over, and the whole person stepped back several steps.


Zhang Lingshan cupped his hands, and his aura immediately calmed down, and the red line on his hand retreated back into his body.

On the other hand, Hou Cheng's chest was heaving, and he was panting heavily. It was unclear whether he was embarrassed or really shocked by Zhang Lingshan's fist. His face was gloomy and uncertain. After holding it in for a long time, he hummed: "Okay, I was careless. I admit defeat this time."

After saying this, he strode away with the fast squad of yamen runners.

The chief squad leader Pang Hu stared at the backs of Hou Cheng and the others, narrowed his eyes slightly, and quickly smiled again, saying, "Since squad leader Hou has no objection, then it's settled. Squad leader Wang, brother Zhang Lingshan is now in your hands. Lead him well and don't waste such a talented person."

"Yes, Chief."

Wang Yue responded quickly.

Pang Hu nodded: "Then disperse and do your job."

Everyone immediately dispersed, and Zhang Lingshan followed Wang Yue to their training room.

"Brother Shan, sit down. Don't be restrained. We are a family from now on."

Wang Yue said with a smile.

After Zhang Lingshan sat down, he exchanged a few pleasantries before getting down to business, saying, "Our Zhuangban has two main tasks. One is to handle emergencies in the market during the day, such as where there is a fire, where someone is vandalizing, where someone is causing trouble in the street, we will handle all of them."

Zhang Lingshan nodded to show that he understood.

Just like the previous time when he burned down his house, it was Deputy Team Leader Ma Hong who led the team to deal with it.

In fact, Ma Hong did nothing at that time, but instead collected his own money, so this job was just a job of collecting money, which was a good job.

Wang Yue continued: "Another mission is to keep watch." "Keep watch?"

Zhang Lingshan was stunned.

Don’t people stay outside at night? Why are you keeping watch? Are you going to sit at home and keep watch?
"Haha, Brother Shan doesn't know this."

Wang Yue saw Zhang Lingshan's expression and knew what he was thinking, so he asked with a smile: "Brother Shan, have you never gone out at night?"

Zhang Lingshan was surprised and asked, "Can I go out? My parents taught me not to open windows and doors at night, so I have never gone out, let alone walked into the yard."

In fact, he had been out.

When he killed Fang Qiuyue and went to Li Fu's house, even though he went out, and went back and forth twice, nothing happened. This made Zhang Lingshan wonder, is it really that dangerous at night?

At this moment, he looked at Wang Yue seriously and listened carefully, knowing that he was about to learn the truth of the night from Wang Yue.

"Brother Shan's parents were right."

Wang Yue first affirmed the actions of Zhang Lingshan's parents, and then said: "However, that is only the code of conduct for ordinary people. We are flesh-refining warriors with strong blood and energy in our bodies. Evil spirits dare not approach us easily. Therefore, as long as we don't go to those dirty places, we can walk freely throughout the outer city."

"A dirty place?" Zhang Lingshan looked puzzled.

Wang Yue said: "First, we need to let the brothers know that the so-called evil spirits usually have a habitat and will not run around.

“Its habitat is a filthy place.

"The filthy land is full of yin energy, which is suitable for them to survive. Evil spirits are as stable as Mount Tai. Mortals are not allowed to enter without permission. Those who enter without permission will be corroded by the evil spirit.

“But if they leave the filthy place, their strangeness will be greatly reduced, and the farther away they are, the weaker they will be.

“If they are unlucky and encounter us, we can just stimulate the energy and blood in our bodies to disperse them.

"So, this night, others dare not leave, but we, the flesh-refining warriors, can leave!"

Wang Yue smiled proudly.

At this moment, even the Yi Jin masters seemed not to be as confident as him.

Zhang Lingshan pondered over his words and asked a question: "How do we distinguish a dirty place? If we accidentally enter a dirty place at night, even if we have strong blood and energy, we will probably die from the evil spirits entering our bodies."

Wang Yue laughed and said to Ma Hong, "Let's just say that our Shan brother is a smart man and got to the point right away. Haha, Ma Hong, tell him how to distinguish this filthy place."

"Brother Shan, the following is our government's top secret. Just take a look at it and don't leak it."

Ma Hong said this solemnly as he opened a scroll.

This is a painting.

What was drawn in the painting was nothing else but the floor plan of the outer city of Jincheng.

Among them, there are various marks with different colors.

Ma Hong pointed to a white mark and said, “White represents weakness, a new and dirty place, such as the Li Fujia family you are familiar with.

“Gray represents weakness. If you leave Li Fujia alone and let him harm you, the place will be upgraded to gray, and the filth will spread to your home.

"Fortunately, we are lucky. Someone helped us deal with Li Fujia."

Hearing this, Zhang Lingshan nodded, knowing what Ma Hong meant.

He obviously didn't realize that he was the one who dealt with Li Fu's family. He thought that a strong man came that night and burned down the house and dealt with Li Fu in the process.

Ma Hong continued to point to a place and introduced: "Blue represents stronger. If you accidentally enter it, you must leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will most likely die. Even if you don't die, you will get seriously ill.

“Yellow represents strength. If you enter it, you will die!
"Orange represents danger, and you will die if you enter!

"Red means great misfortune, and the dead will have no place to be buried!"

Ma Hong heavily pointed at the last few colors, indicating that you must not go to this place and stay as far away from it as possible. Even in the daytime, don't go there for no reason.

And looking at the markings on the map, the area is almost entirely deserted, and most people wouldn't be so blind as to go there.


Zhang Lingshan didn’t know what others thought when they saw these color symbols, he only had one idea in his mind.

"Fuck! This is not a sign of a filthy land, it's clearly a reward pool for me to accumulate energy."

If he wasn't in the same room with Ma Hong and Wang Yue, he would have jumped up with excitement.

Just then the Nether Palace opened.

With this map, he might as well go to the white place tonight. If he doesn't suck out those evil spirits, wouldn't all his work as the deputy leader of the Zhuang squad be in vain?
"By the way, Master Hong asked someone to put me in the strong class just to make me remember this map."

Zhang Lingshan suddenly had an idea.

Master Hong certainly didn't know that he could absorb evil spirits. The reason he did this must be that there was something he needed to do at night.

If I didn't have this map, I would definitely run into some dirty place and die if I ran around at night.

But with this map, he could avoid danger and travel freely throughout the outer city.

But no matter what Master Hong's plan was, entering the strong squad's room to keep watch would be extremely beneficial to him.

If he wanted to deal with the strange bronze man and Buddhist slogans in Jinguang Temple, he must seize the time and do everything he could to improve his strength.

Therefore, no one can compete with him on the night watch, not even Ma Hong and Wang Yue.

I, Zhang Lingshan, will definitely make it through this night shift!

 Thank you for your recommendation votes. Good night! Have a sweet dream.


(End of this chapter)

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