Douluo: The soul skills are too abstract, Tang San burst into tears!.

Chapter 422 The competition is coming! Dugu Bo is not interested in being stubborn!

After some discussion.

The tribesmen who planned this competition decided to divide the competition into men's and women's groups and compete separately.

"This arrangement is very reasonable. After all, men and women are different in physical fitness. Competing separately can allow everyone to better display their strengths." said a young member of the tribe.

"That's right, and this will also make the competition more fair and just." Another tribesman echoed.

The core members of the Min clan who were responsible for planning the competition began to work hard to formulate more detailed rules and standards. They sat together, holding paper and pen, and constantly discussed and revised.

"The distance of the men's race can be extended appropriately, after all, men have relatively better physical strength."

A tribesman suggested.

"That makes sense, but the women's competition can't be too easy. We can be more flexible in setting up obstacles to test the agility of the women's players."

Another tribesman responded.

After an intense discussion, the competition rules and standards for the men's and women's groups were finally determined.

The men's track is longer and the obstacles are relatively more difficult, requiring the athletes to have greater endurance and strength.

The track for the women's group focuses more on flexibility and skill, and the obstacles are set more compactly and delicately, testing the players' reaction speed and agility.

While preparing for the game, the other side was also busy.

The elders actively organized the contestants to sign up for the competition.

The tribesmen responded one after another, and both the young and strong men and the heroic girls signed up enthusiastically.

Especially when I heard Zhuge Lan say that he would contribute a treasure.

Soon, the registration list was filled with names.

“Haha, this game is going to be very intense.”

The elders looked at the list full of contestants' names, their hearts filled with anticipation.

At the same time, the participating tribesmen also began to prepare for the competition.

Some of them were doing warm-up exercises, stretching their tendons and muscles to prepare themselves physically for the upcoming intense competition.

Some are adjusting their mindset, taking deep breaths, and keeping themselves calm and focused.

They know that this race is not just a contest of speed, but also a test of their will and perseverance.

In the crowd.

A young tribesman stood out. He was tall, had a firm gaze, and exuded confidence.

His name is Lu Lingfeng, and he is the fastest among the Min clan.

He stood tall and straight, with his dark hair fluttering gently in the breeze.

Although his face still had a bit of immaturity, his tightly pursed lips and determined eyes revealed a maturity far beyond his peers.

The last clan war was a pain that would never be erased from his heart.

That brutal battle caused him to lose both his parents, and his once happy family was shattered in an instant.


Lu Lingfeng seemed to have grown up overnight. He buried his grief deep in his heart and put all his energy into improving his speed.

He knew that only by becoming stronger could he protect everything he cherished.

He has always longed for a chance to show his strength. This extreme speed challenge is undoubtedly a great opportunity for him.

When Zhuge Lan proposed the extreme speed challenge, Lu Lingfeng felt a strong fighting spirit in his heart. "I must play my best in the competition and win glory for the family."

Lu Lingfeng made up his mind secretly.

In the women's group, Pei Xijun is undoubtedly a shining star.

She has a sweet face, as if an angel has descended to the earth, but her personality is in sharp contrast to her appearance.

Pei Xijun is a woman who never gives up. She has firm beliefs and strong perseverance. She always moves forward courageously and is not afraid of difficulties.

Among the women of the Min clan, Pei Xijun's speed is one of the best.

Every step she took was full of strength and confidence, as if the whole world was at her feet.

"I won't lose to anyone."

There was a firm gleam in Pei Xijun's eyes.

As the preparations for the competition progressed, the atmosphere of the celebration banquet became more heated. Everyone was looking forward to the upcoming speed showdown and imagining what exciting moments would appear in the competition.

In another corner of the venue, Dugu Bo and Xiao Zi were also paying attention to the preparations for the competition.

There was a gleam of excitement in Xiao Zi's eyes. She was infected by the enthusiasm and vitality of the Min clan and was proud of her family.

"Senior Dugu Bo, this game will definitely be exciting, right?"

Xiao Zi asked.

Dugu Bo smiled and nodded, saying:
"Of course! The people of the Min clan are full of passion and energy. This game will definitely be an eye-opener."

"Especially since Zhuge Lan used his treasure as a prize, let alone the Min clan, even the entire Douluo Continent, I believe everyone will give their all for his prize."

After hearing what Dugu Bo said, Xiao Zi smiled slightly, her eyes curved into two crescents, and she looked forward to the game even more.

She asked mischievously:

"Master, do you also want this treasure?"

Dugu Bo was slightly startled, then snorted:
"Humph, how could I covet such a treasure. However, the treasure is indeed extraordinary, and it is reasonable that it can cause such a crazy fight among people."

Xiao Zi chuckled, her smart eyes turned around, and said:
"Master, even though you said that, you must have found this treasure very tempting. I noticed that your eyes looked different when you looked at the treasure just now."

Dugu Bo rolled his eyes at Xiao Zi and said, "Little girl, don't talk nonsense. I have seen many treasures, but this one is not enough to make me excited."

That being said.

Dugu Bo couldn't help but imagine the shape and function of the treasure in his mind, and he had to admit it in his heart.

He was indeed very covetous of Zhuge Lan's various treasures.

Xiao Zi tilted her head, and looked at Dugu Bo with a pair of eyes as bright as stars, her expression full of anticipation and curiosity.

"Master, if I also had a treasure like that, would I be as powerful as you? Then I want to join the competition too! To win this treasure!"

Dugu Bo snorted lightly, frowned slightly, and there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

"Little girl, don't think about taking shortcuts all day long."

"Strength must be cultivated step by step by yourself. Although treasures are good, they are only auxiliary."

"A truly strong person relies on his own perseverance, understanding, and continuous efforts. You can't put all your hopes on a treasure. That will only make you lose your way and delay your own cultivation."

Dugu Bo reminded Xiao Zi earnestly. (End of this chapter)

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