Douluo: The soul skills are too abstract, Tang San burst into tears!.

Chapter 440 Zhuge Lan's magical wooden bird! "You are my eyes" amazes the world!

The atmosphere around them suddenly became tense and full of anticipation. Everyone was waiting for Zhuge Lan's next move, wanting to know what kind of magical powers these tiny and exquisite puppet birds had.

After all, everyone knows that Zhuge Lan, who is very famous in the entire Douluo Continent, and all the top forces in Douluo Continent are afraid of Zhuge Lan.

It’s not Zhuge Lan’s own strength, but the various strange objects from other worlds that he possesses.

Those strange objects seemed to come from a mysterious unknown realm, and each one contained an elusive power.

Some can release powerful energy in an instant, changing the color of the sky and the earth.

Some have magical effects and can cure various difficult and complicated diseases.

The appearance of these unprecedented and unheard-of treasures broke the original balance of Douluo Continent, forcing the top forces to look at Zhuge Lan differently and always be wary of the mysterious treasures in his hands.

"The name of these little birds is - You are my eyes!"

Zhuge Lan spoke slowly.

The elders were all very puzzled, and deep confusion appeared in their weathered eyes.

With their brows slightly furrowed, they exchanged confused looks, trying to find a clue from each other about the purpose of these puppet birds, but in the end they could only shake their heads helplessly.

"Are you my eyes?"

"From the name, does it mean that this wooden bird can replace our eyes?"

Chief Baihe raised his own questions.

"Hey! That's right!"

Zhuge Lan shouted.

Zhuge Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and then slowly mobilized the fighting spirit in his body.

A mysterious and powerful fighting spirit surged out from his palm, like a flexible silk thread, slowly flowing into the brown puppet bird.

In an instant, a magical scene happened.

As soul power was injected into the brown wooden bird's eyes, a dazzling white light emerged, instantly illuminating the surrounding space.

The wooden bird seemed to be activated, and its wings were slightly trembling, as if it was about to take off at any time.

Zhuge Lan's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a confident smile.

He waved his hand gently, and the activated wooden bird took off into the air and flew towards Dugu Bo.

The wooden bird flew gracefully in the air, creating a breeze as its wings flapped.

Everyone's eyes followed the wooden bird closely, their hearts filled with curiosity and anticipation.

When the wooden bird flew to Dugu Bo's eyes, it stopped flying and quietly hovered in the air. The wooden bird's eyes were fixed on Dugu Bo, as if examining this powerful figure.

Then, Zhuge Lan stretched out his right hand and drew a rectangle in the air in front of the balcony.

Everyone's eyes followed his movements and saw a huge rectangular light curtain suddenly appear in the air.

And inside the light curtain.

A huge Dugu Bo appeared in front of everyone.

Dugu Bo stared with his eyes wide open, revealing a hint of confusion and expectation.

Every detail of him is clearly visible, even clearer than what the naked eye can see.

Everyone exclaimed in amazement, they were shocked by the wonder before them.

"Oh my god, this picture is too big and too clear."

In the square, someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, it's clearer than what I can see with my naked eyes." Others echoed in surprise.

Hearing everyone's sighs, Zhuge Lan just smiled and said nothing.

The puppet bird slowly turned its head and looked at the white crane leader.

The images on the giant screen in the sky also rotate at the same time.

This scene once again brought about a burst of noise from the crowd.

Now everyone suddenly realized that the picture on the giant screen was exactly what the wooden bird saw in its eyes.

The noise of the crowd gradually died down.

Instead, eyes of awe and curiosity were focused on Zhuge Lan and the magical puppet bird.

At this moment, Zhuge Lan raised his head slightly and glanced at everyone, his eyes revealing a hint of depth and mystery.

He waved his hand gently, and the puppet bird took off again. After circling in the air, it slowly flew towards the distant mountains.

As the puppet bird flies, the images on the giant screen in the sky keep changing.

Everyone saw the towering mountains, dense forests, and rushing rivers, as if they were there themselves.

Every scene is so clear and lifelike that one can't help but marvel at the charm of this magical creation.

"Awesome! You are worthy of being my eyes!"

Dugu Bo was also amazed by this scene and clapped his hands in praise.

Zhuge Lan's treasure once again gave him a huge shock.

"Look at you, you're so ignorant, watch out!"

Zhuge Lan said to Dugu Bo mockingly.

He injected soul power into several other wooden birds of different colors. The birds emitted light at the same time and flapped their wings to fly in all directions.

With a wave of Zhuge Lan's hand, the scenes seen by the other wooden birds also appeared in the sky.

In the sky, multiple giant screens are arranged neatly, presenting magnificent views from different angles.

Chief Baihe and a group of elders looked up at this fantastic scene with their mouths wide open, unable to close for a long time.

The tribesmen in the square also opened their eyes wide, their faces full of disbelief. They had come to a dreamlike world. They had never seen such a magical sight.

Zhuge Lan turned to the elders and said:

"Elders, please look, with these, you are my eyes, and our people will be able to have a perfect viewing experience."

"At that time, each You Are My Eye will follow a group and record every move of each team. This will not only allow the audience to have a clear view of the game process of each team, but also allow the referees to clearly monitor them to see if they have any fouls."

at this time.

The old elder stepped forward, stroked his long white beard, and said in amazement:
"Zhuge Lan, your wooden bird technique is really exquisite. With it, we can let our tribesmen watch the game better. In this way, the tribesmen can clearly see every wonderful moment and feel the tension and excitement of the game."

Another elder also came out and echoed:

“Yes, looking back, every time the tribesmen watched a game, due to the limitation of the venue, there were always some positions that were not so ideal, which made it difficult for some tribesmen to see the whole picture of the game clearly.

They might be very anxious because they can't see anything because of the people standing in front of them.

It is also possible that they are too far away to see the exciting parts of the game, which will definitely bring them a lot of regrets when watching the game. "

Zhuge Lan nodded, and then said to Dugu Bo:
"Old Poison, you don't have to follow them everywhere to protect their safety. After all, you can't follow every group. You just need to watch inside the castle, and go where there is danger."

Good! Isn't this job becoming more comfortable... (End of this chapter)

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