Douluo: The soul skills are too abstract, Tang San burst into tears!.

Chapter 493: Exploring the cave and finding evidence of spies!

The old hunter frowned and recalled:
"One night, I heard some noise on the mountain, so I went out to take a look. I saw a man sneaking around on the mountain, doing something unknown. I wanted to go up to him and ask him to be careful of wild animals, but as soon as I called out to him, he disappeared the moment he saw me. Since then, many traps have appeared on the mountain."

"Is that man the spy we are looking for?"

one team member asked.

Bai Chenxiang nodded:

"It's very likely. Grandpa, what else did you see? Can you tell me in detail what happened recently? This is very important to us."

The old man pondered for a moment and said slowly:

"In the following days, I saw him several times. They should be two different people. I saw him clearly one time. He was wearing a blue robe, like some kind of uniform."

The old hunter was thinking, and suddenly looked at a member's uniform, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“That’s the sign!”

The old hunter pointed at the team member's uniform with trembling fingers.

Bai Chenxiang looked in the direction of the finger and found that what the old hunter was pointing at was actually the symbol of the Min clan.

The old hunter immediately tightened his grip on the long fork again and said vigilantly:

"Are you not that man's accomplice?"

Bai Chenxiang waved her hands quickly and said solemnly:
"Grandpa, you misunderstood. We are definitely not accomplices of the bad guys. We came here to investigate these suspicious people and prevent them from doing anything that would harm everyone."

The team members also spoke up to explain and make their positions clear.

One of the team members stepped forward and said respectfully to the old hunter:
"That old man is the spy of our Min clan. He betrayed our Min clan's intelligence and caused us to suffer heavy losses. This time we are investigating to catch the spy!"

After hearing their words, the old hunter's expression eased a little, but he still didn't put down the long fork in his hand.

Seeing this, Bai Chenxiang continued:

"Grandpa, don't worry, we will get to the bottom of this matter and give everyone an explanation. Can you recall carefully if there is anything else special about the man in the blue robe?"

The old hunter frowned slightly and tried to recall. After a moment, he slowly said:

"I remember that he moved very quickly, appearing and disappearing in an instant every time."

Bai Chenxiang had a solemn expression, her brows slightly furrowed, and her eyes were fixed on the old man in front of her.

She slowly asked:
"Grandpa, did you notice which direction that person went more often?"

The old hunter's wrinkled face showed a thoughtful expression. He raised his hand and pointed to the depths of the cave, and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Every time I met that man, he was in that direction. I don't know where he went exactly. I didn't dare to go deep into this cave. Since he appeared, too many traps have appeared. So I don't know what's inside."

"Thank you, Grandpa. Don't worry, we will catch the person who set the trap and let you return to your normal life."

Bai Chenxiang clasped her hands together and saluted the old hunter.

Then she turned her head slightly and looked at the team members behind her.

Her eyes revealed determination and courage, and she said in a deep voice:

"Let's go in and take a look. Everyone must be careful."

The team members nodded one after another, their eyes full of determination.

They held their weapons tightly in their hands, as if they were a symbol of their courage.

One of the burly team members whispered:

"Young Master, we will follow you closely and handle the situation carefully."

Everyone followed Bai Chenxiang and slowly walked towards the depths of the cave.

The deeper you go into the cave, the darker it becomes, and the damp smell becomes stronger.

With every step they took, they could hear the sound of light footsteps echoing in the cave, as if reminding them of the potential danger.

"Everyone, be careful of your steps. There may be more traps here."

Bai Chenxiang reminded softly.

"Understood, Young Master."

The team members responded in unison. A young team member said nervously:

"I wonder if there are any monsters in this cave. I always feel a little uneasy."

An older team member nearby patted him on the shoulder and consoled him:

"Don't scare yourself. There are so many of us, we can handle any danger."

They walked cautiously, always paying attention to the movements around them.


A faint light came from the front.

"Young Master, there is light ahead."

A team member said softly, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Bai Chenxiang raised her hand to signal everyone to slow down and approach the light cautiously.

Everyone's footsteps became lighter, as if they were afraid of disturbing something.

When I got closer, I saw that it was a small cave with some glowing stones inside.

The stones emit a soft glow, illuminating the entire cave.

“Wow, these stones are so beautiful.”

One team member couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Bai Chenxiang was not attracted by these stones. Her eyes were fixed on the corner of the cave.

There is a package there.

Bai Chenxiang walked over carefully, squatted down, and examined the package carefully.

Her heart beat faster involuntarily, and an intuition told her that there might be something important hidden in the package.

She slowly reached out her hand and carefully opened the package, revealing some strange drawings and a letter.

Bai Chenxiang quickly glanced at the drawings and the contents of the letter, and his expression became more serious.

"This is the spy's stuff. It contains their action plan and contact information."

Bai Chenxiang said, her voice full of solemnity.

When the team members heard this, they were immediately excited.

One team member said excitedly:

"Great! After all the hard work, we finally found the key evidence."

Another team member also said excitedly:
"Young Sect Master, let's go back quickly and hand these things over to the White Crane Clan Leader, and let him make the decision."

Bai Chenxiang nodded and said:
"Yes, we must send these things back as soon as possible. But we must be careful on the way back, maybe the spies have noticed our actions."

"Don't worry, Young Master. We will be careful."

The team members said in unison.

Everyone carefully took the packages and quickly exited the cave.

The moment they walked out of the cave, the sunlight shone on them, making them feel a long-lost warmth.

"Finally out, this cave is so eerie and scary."

A team member sighed.

Bai Chenxiang looked at the team members and said, "Everyone has worked hard, but we can't let our guard down. We have to rush back to the base as soon as possible and hand these things over to Chief Baihe."

Everyone rushed non-stop towards the Min clan's base.

Along the way, they remained highly vigilant and kept an eye on the surrounding situation.

A team member asked curiously:

"Young Master, why do you think these spies want to infiltrate our Min clan?" (End of this chapter)

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