Rising from the age of thirty

Chapter 24: The capital is not big enough, and the profit is small

Chapter 24: The capital is not big enough, and the profit is small (please read it later)
"It's just a matter of words. Do you want to lend it to me?"

Brother Quan opposite is Lui Lok’s cousin. Their grandfathers were brothers. Lui Lok is the seventh child, with six older cousins ​​and two younger cousins.

Lu Ronghao ranks third!

Lu Quan ranks fourth!
"I didn't say I won't lend it to you. I want to know clearly what you want the money for. If anything happens and you need money, tell us brothers and we can think of a solution..."

Lu Le was too lazy to listen.

This guy is like this every time he asks to borrow money. He is even more talkative than Tang Seng.

What’s even more annoying is that they don’t lend the money in the end.

When Lui Lok called, he also expected that he would not be able to borrow money.

It’s just that I won’t give it a try and won’t give up.

Like his father, borrowing money from relatives is harder for him than snow in June.

Lui Lok asked several people in a row, some of them said they didn't have any, and some said they were only willing to lend a few thousand. Even if they promised to pay it back on time, they would not lend it for only three days.

Shitou patted Lu Le on the shoulder and said, "Brother Le, don't borrow any more. It's hard to repay a debt of gratitude. Why don't you go to the online loan website and enter the password, and the money will be in your account immediately."

Lu Le laughed out loud.

Yes, yes, yes, just press the password and the money will be credited to your account immediately.

Shi Tou thought he was stimulated and was frightened.

"Le, Brother Le, please don't scare me."

"Shi Tou, why didn't you say it earlier? It's better to see through some people before you get rich."

Lu Le immediately applied for online loans from several platforms and borrowed 150,000 yuan. The loan was only for three days, the interest was not much, and he could pay it back at any time. It was really convenient.

After completing the operation, Lu Le bought before the market closed at 3 pm. At this time, the floating profit and loss, plus the handling fee, had already lost several thousand yuan.

Shitou didn't know what was going on, and he borrowed money from online loans and bought stocks. During the whole process, his heart was pounding and his hands and feet were weak.

"Brother Le... What did I just do?"

"You borrowed 11 yuan. Since you have done it, there is no need to think about it or regret it. Just trust me."

How could Shi Tou be as calm as Lu Le? He was shaking even while smoking. It was the craziest thing he had ever done in his life. Now that he is a little more sober, he feels a little scared.

"Brother Le, we are in the same boat now. I definitely believe you."

"Hahaha, you will know tomorrow that you made the right choice today. Make some arrangements and go out with me tomorrow."

"Brother Le, I'm free at noon."

"it is good."


Lu Le left the studio at four o'clock and went to the daycare center to pick up the children.

"Ahaha, Dad."

When they saw that it was Lu Le who came to pick them up, the two little kids immediately rushed over.

Lui Lok picked up the two cute kids and kissed them on their delicate faces: "Were you good in there today? Did you listen to the teacher and tell daddy what you did all day?"

Then, the two little ones started sharing a lot of things with their dad on Baidu.

Lu Le listened patiently.

After buying groceries, Meng Meng pouted, "Dad, where's the car? Is it broken?"

The child discovered very early on that the truck he used to make was no longer driven by his father and it had disappeared and could not be seen downstairs.

"It's not broken. The truck is used to transport goods. Dad left it outside."


"You can fool anyone but my little princess."


Mengmeng suddenly smiled innocently.

Xiaobao: "Then Dad won't have a car, and it will be inconvenient to go anywhere."

Lui Le smiled and said, "Wait until dad makes enough money to buy a car!"

Xiaobao disagreed: "When I grow up, I will buy you one!"

"I'll buy it too."

"Okay, okay, you are so filial. Dad will remember it, haha."

When Lu Le returned home, he cleaned the house and buried his head in the kitchen, and he almost forgot about today's stock market gambling.

As for next door.

People moved away.

The room was a mess.

After get off work, Wang Xueyun didn't notice anything unusual and didn't even ask about Lu Le's situation.

The family is happy and harmonious. Since the quality of life has improved, Wang Xueyun smiles more every day than before.

That night, Lu Le lay down, not in a hurry to sleep, but thinking about system matters.

He had doubts during the first two character updates, but he didn't confirm it until this update.

It is true that the mysterious characters are random and the range is within Buddha City, but the updated characters are all people he can meet.

Character, Lu Qingqing is an example.

She showed up just because I went to a housewarming party 50 kilometers away.

Is it a coincidence?
No, Lui Lok doesn’t think so.

Therefore, Lu Le was sure that the characters updated by the system would be those he would meet, which was interesting.

Silent all night.

Nine forty-one the next day!
The phone vibrated wildly.

Lu Le was in a daze, half awake and half asleep.

The voices of two children were also around.

It's not a dream.

Why are the kids still in the rental house?
He remembered.

Before going to bed last night, he told his wife Wang Xueyun that he would be responsible for sending the child to the daycare center that day.

"Dad, someone's looking for you!"

Lu Le took the phone: "Hello, who is this..."

“What the hell, what the hell, Brother Le, Brother Le, the price has reached its daily limit, damn it!”

Lu Le sat up suddenly, and all sleepiness disappeared in an instant.

The two children scratched their heads and looked at their father with strange eyes.

"I gonna go see."

I quickly opened my phone, clicked on Flush, and checked the transaction. The screen was red.

Sure enough, that stock hit the daily limit.

Lu Le ate 9.6 points.

One million, earned almost one hundred thousand.

"Sell it while you can."

Lu Le informed Shi Tou, the other side said ah ah oh oh, hurry up and take action.

Shitou's excited and regretful voice came from the other end of the phone: "Oh my god, I really made a profit. I didn't buy enough. Brother Le, you are so awesome."

The corner of Lu Le's mouth twitched. Who was it that was so frightened yesterday by this hindsight?
"Okay, I don't know who it was yesterday, but after borrowing money, my hands and feet were shaking."


"I, I don't have any, I'm fake!"

Due to the platform mechanism, the money from the sold stocks cannot be withdrawn on the same day, it must be T+1.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and the money can only be transferred back from the securities account to the bank card on Monday.

"Brother Le, I can't withdraw the money, what's going on?"

Lu Le also told Shi Tou about the situation, but this guy didn't understand the stock market.

"Oh, I see."

Shi Tou smiled innocently.

Lu Le hung up the phone and sighed.

The principal is too small.

Must double the capital!
It was almost noon when Lui Lok sent his two children to the daycare center.

Then he met up with Shitou at the South Market.

As soon as he saw Lu Le, Shi Tou immediately got excited: "Brother Le, are you still buying stocks this afternoon?"

He gets excited when talking about stocks.

Damn, this money is so easy to make, I can make a net profit of 15,000 a day.

Lui Lok responded angrily: "Why buy? I accidentally received insider information about that stock. Opportunities don't come every day. If there is no inside information, people like us don't have much money. We will lose everything in the stock market."

"Transfer the money back on Monday. I'll help you pick up money when we have the chance."

Shi Tou Kuang nodded: "Okay, so why are we here? Are we here to discuss business?"

At the same time, he also realized that some money can only be earned with a large enough capital.

(End of this chapter)

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