Rising from the age of thirty

Chapter 383 Inside Story

After three drinks.

Zheng Yusheng said to Lu Le: "Brother Le, I don't submit to anyone except you."

In the past few months, Jin Ruyi’s turnover has increased tenfold. What a concept!
Just one year's profit is equivalent to their profit in seven or eight years! !
All these achievements belong to Lu Le.

Lu Le: “What do you mean?”

"Cooperating with you is the best thing I have ever done in my life."

Lu Le understood immediately: "Oh, this is nothing, I'm just following the trend. The rise in gold prices is within expectations. I'm not that amazing."

He Mei said: "No, Brother Le, you are being too Versailles when you say that."


The God of Investment.

Zheng Yusheng said: "That's right. Without you, Jin Ruyi would have been defeated by other brands long ago."

"It's not that exaggerated."

"Of course not. Although gold has fallen a little, it is still at a high level overall. In addition, the international situation has been turbulent recently. Gold is a hard currency."

Lu Le asked: "How much of the two tons of gold were sold?"

It has been a long time since I last cared about it, and today Zheng Yusheng rarely mentioned it.

Zheng Yusheng said with a smile: "Guess!"

He Mei: "One ton?"

In less than three months, we have sold almost one ton! !
Zheng Yusheng smiled and said, "Guess a bigger one!"

"1.8 tons?"

Lu Le said: "Awesome, you sold two tons of gold so quickly, much faster than I thought."

Zheng Yusheng laughed: "You guessed it right. I sold them all and made a net profit of 6 million yuan."

In just two months, he made 6 million yuan, which was something he could not have imagined before.

Lui Lok was surprised: "Sure, Zheng Yusheng, how can the profit be so high?"

“Of course it has something to do with marketing.”

At this point, Lui Lok felt embarrassed to ask anymore, anyway, today was a really good day.

"Brother Le, what have you been doing recently? I haven't heard that your company has any investment projects. Will it work if it continues like this? Otherwise, how about I introduce you to some customers?"

Lui Lok shook his head: "No, I have always been meticulous and would rather have nothing than something shoddy. Besides, I have invested in my hometown and don't have the time to invest in other things."


"real estate??"

Lu Le: “…”

"No, it's the tourist area. It's still under construction and the results will be out by the end of the year at the earliest."

He Mei was surprised: "No wonder, when I came back this time, Lu Quan was missing. You left him in Ping County? Just for the tourist area, right?"

"That's right, there must be someone responsible, otherwise I'll be too busy." Lu Le rolled his eyes.

He Mei came over, and said mysteriously, "Brother Le, let me tell you, do you want to consider entering the real estate industry? I have a plan. Do you want to hear it?"

Lu Le: "What's the plan?"

Zheng Yusheng also pricked up his ears.

He Mei said, "Recently, Focheng has been interested in developing the Nanhe area. It used to be a large factory area, and the land there is concentrated in the hands of a few old guys."

"I think if we take it down now, we will be one step ahead. Few people know the news."

South River? ?
It’s Nanhe again!

The land that Liu Yan went to discuss today is near Nanhe River, which coincides with what He Mei said.

Moreover, it is the government's intentional development that shows the focus has shifted.

Lu Le said: "Sister, do you want to do it together?"

"Fuck, I was waiting for you to say that."

He Mei was extremely excited. Her face was already red from drinking, and now it was even redder.

Zheng Yusheng: “………” He also wanted to join, but he didn’t have enough funds and he didn’t know anything, so he gave up this time.

Lu Le said: "To be honest, Liu Yan came to me today and mentioned Nanhe. If that's the case, then it must be a piece of cake. I don't know if she got the land today."

He Mei shook her head: "No, how could it be that easy? There are three plots of land in the middle, which are government land. If you want to take it, you have to deal with the government first."

Lu Le was puzzled: "Sister, can you handle the government?"

"I can't guarantee that."

He Mei suddenly thought of something and said to Lui Lok excitedly, "I may not be able to do it, but you can. If you negotiate with the government, there is an 80% success rate."


"Because of your contributions, everyone in the company knows you now. You're ranked 98th on the Forbes list!"

Lu Le: “…”

Just because of this?
Lui Lok doesn't believe it!

He Mei said, "There are other reasons, because the people my grandfather introduced you to before are all influential people in Focheng, and they have a good impression of you."

Lu Le thought for a moment, then said, "Okay, I'll try it tomorrow."

He Mei’s news came just in time.

If I hadn't drunk alcohol, I don't know if He Mei would have revealed it.

the other side!
Liu Yan had just finished a dinner party and felt dizzy and had a bad day.

"Sis, if we get in touch with them again, maybe they will change their minds."

Mo Shanshan was trying to persuade them.

Liu Yan rubbed his head and said, "Hey, these old guys are clearly perfunctory to me. I don't know what they are up to. The price I offered is not low."

"Could it be that the group put pressure on you because you resigned and started a new company?"

Liu Yan had also thought about this possibility, but it was very unlikely, almost impossible.

It shouldn’t be that serious for a few old guys.

"Looking at their attitude, it doesn't look like they were instructed by anyone, and Galaxy can't control them. It's probably due to other reasons. Let's think of a solution."

Mo Shanshan's eyes lit up: "Sister, could it be that they want to have a piece of the pie?"

Liu Yan fell into deep thought. Is this really the case?

If that's true, how can I explain it to Lui Lok?
What a headache!
"Let's talk about it tomorrow. I've been exhausted all day and gained nothing."

"Not for nothing. At least it left a good impression on them."


Silent all night.

When Liu Yan woke up, it was already past ten o'clock. It was the first time she slept so late when she was not at work. This was the advantage of having her own company.

Without the eyes of those old guys in the group.

Why are there two missed calls?
When I opened it, I saw it was from Lui Lok. After hesitating for a moment, I called back.

Lu Le was in a meeting at the moment. When he saw Liu Yan's reply, he was no longer in a hurry and said on WeChat that he would continue the meeting.

After finishing his work, half an hour later, Lu Le called again.

"What do you want from me?"

"Didn't you go to discuss the land of Nanhe yesterday? How did it go?"

"Don't mention it. It's a bit complicated."

Lui Lok had expected this, because He Mei had said last night that it wouldn't be that simple.

"Find a time and make another appointment. I'll go with you, so we'll have a better chance."

Liu Yan: "Okay, why do you suddenly ask this?"

"I heard that there are three plots of land in the middle that are still owned by the government. What are you going to do?"

Liu Yan: "Just talk to them. I'll deal with these old guys first. They are my elders, but I didn't expect them to not give me any face at all." (End of this chapter)

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