Rising from the age of thirty

Chapter 405 Project in Hand

At this moment, Liu Yan's heartbeat accelerated rapidly and she was so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

Sure enough, as she expected, Assad did not spread the news, but Lu Le had already learned the news.

"Mr. Lu, to be honest, I have a strong interest in developing desert solar energy. Do you have any photovoltaic industry?"

Assad's eyes were fixed on Lu Le.

Liu Yan, who was standing by, said quickly: "We don't have a photovoltaic industry, but if you have this intention, we can discuss it in depth. I hope you can let us take charge of this project."

Lu Le nodded.

That's what it means.

Assad asked: "So, how did you get this information?"

Lui Lok calmly replied: "Mr. Assad, you may have misunderstood. I originally planned to go to the Middle East to develop business, and I didn't know that you were also interested in the development of solar energy."

Asad looked at Liu Yan thoughtfully and asked, "Liu, is what he said true?"

Liu Yan nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Assad, we have had successful experience in the countryside of China. You can rest assured to hand over the project to us. I will never let you down!"

Assad was very cautious. After thinking for a moment, he asked again: "You said you have made arrangements in advance. Do you have a specific plan? Can you tell us in detail?"

Lu Le quickly took out a document from his bag. He had asked his subordinates to prepare it urgently last night. Although it was not perfect, it was enough to respond to Assad's inquiries.

This document details their project planning and implementation in rural China, including details on site selection, construction, and operations.

At the same time, some successful cases and data were listed to prove their strength and ability, as well as future plans for desert photovoltaics.

Assad read the documents carefully, raising questions and doubts from time to time.

After some in-depth discussions and exchanges, Assad had a more comprehensive understanding of their plans.

Finally, Assad put down the documents, thought for a moment and said: "Your plan looks good, but I need more time to consider it. After all, this project is very important to our country and we cannot make a decision easily."

In fact, to put it bluntly, he just wanted to consider whether it was worth handing the project over to Lui Lok.

After all, this is not a small amount of money, but a business involving billions or even tens of billions.

If Lui Lok cannot give him enough confidence and reassurance, he will not make a decision easily.

Suntech Power offered $50 billion. Although the money was not much, the problem was that it would take two years.

This is too long for Assad, who needs to see results as soon as possible so that he can report to the government and the people.

However, Lui Lok proposed a seemingly more attractive plan - the project could be completed in just one and a half years, and the price was even lower, at only US$45 billion.

Lu Le smiled and said confidently: "Mr. Assad, listen to me. No one knows people of the same kind better than me. If you choose someone else to do this project, you may not necessarily get a satisfactory result. But I can guarantee that in a year and a half, I will let you see the fruits of success."

Assad remained unmoved and asked expressionlessly: "How much do you want for the one and a half years you mentioned?"

Lu Le answered without hesitation: "US$45 billion."

Assad did not show much surprise or delight when he heard the number. He just asked calmly: "Why should I trust you? Wouldn't it be better for me to find a well-known company, such as Suntech? They have experience, technology, and reputation, but what about you? How can you, an outsider who has never even been involved in the photovoltaic industry, complete such a large project in such a short time?"

Assad sneered and expressed doubt about Lu Le's ability.

He is not short of money. 45 billion and 50 billion US dollars are not money to him.

Lu Le shook his head: "You can ask Suntech Power. They are fully capable of taking on such a huge project, but they may not be as fast as me. Although I don't have any industry, I have a team, I have no shortage of materials, and I have no shortage of technology."

Half true, half false.

Because the photovoltaic industry in China is not so popular, but it is almost there, and the technology is very mature.

At this moment.

Assad's subordinates handed him the tablet.

After watching it, Assad became thoughtful.

The discussion with Sunshine Electric has yielded a result. The project is the equipment, transportation, installation, civil engineering, and substation of a 2000-megawatt photovoltaic power station. The construction period is 31 months, and the warranty period is 24 months! !
Previously it was said to take 24 months, now it has become 31 months!!
Lu Le kicked Liu Yan under the table. Liu Yan understood what he meant and immediately said, "Assad, we really need this project. If you still need time to consider, can you help us build some connections so that we can enter the United Arab Emirates?"

Upon hearing this, Assad turned his gaze to Liu Yan, with a hint of hesitation and thought in his eyes.

He stared at Liu Yan quietly, as if weighing the pros and cons.

After a while, his dog-licking habit came back and he finally nodded.

“Okay, this project can be handed over to you, but there is one condition, that is, all the work must be completed within 24 months, and there must be no mistakes or delays. This is my bottom line, and it also shows my trust and expectation for you.”

Lu Le stood up: "Thank you, I have no problem, I wish us a pleasant cooperation."

Assad nodded slightly to show his agreement. Although he had no good feelings towards Lu Le, he still extended his hand politely.

This huge order, worth up to US$45 billion, finally fell into Lu Le's hands.

Assad was very generous and signed a preliminary contract with Lu Le on the spot without hesitation and paid a deposit of 1 million US dollars.

After walking out of the hotel, Liu Yan felt as if she was in a dream.

Unexpectedly, such an important project fell into their hands so easily!
"Lü Le, you are so amazing!"

Liu Yan knew very well that the project would only cost about US$35 billion at most, or even less.

The rest will become profit. This speed of making money is simply amazing.

However, Lu Le interrupted her excitement: "Don't be too happy yet. Our photovoltaic industry has not yet received any definite news, and we don't know how Wang Xueyun's negotiations are going."

Lu Le sent the plan sent by Assad to Wang Xueyun, and all that was left was to wait.

In fact, Lu Le could have looked for other photovoltaic companies, as Sunac China is not the only company that can do this.

If I spread the word, many companies will rush to get the project! (End of this chapter)

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