Rising from the age of thirty

Chapter 419 I Sell for $200 Billion

Afterwards, several people walked into the conference room together.

Assad got straight to the point: "I am very interested in the oil fields under your company."

Lu Le nodded slightly to show his understanding, and then asked: "How important do you think this oil field is?"

Assad took a deep breath and answered seriously: "This is very important to us."

During these three days, Assad has been in a state of tension and anxiety, with a heavy stone always hanging in his heart.

He looked forward to getting good news about Liu Yan every day, but he was worried that things would develop in a bad direction.

Finally, when he received Liu Yan's call, his mood suddenly became relaxed.

During this period, he also discovered some interesting situations through the monitoring system.

Lu Le seemed to be in contact with Chinese oil companies, which made Assad realize that Lu Le might be considering looking for partners outside.

This news surprised Assad a little, but at the same time it also made him see more opportunities and possibilities.

In the following conversation, Lu Le asked Assad with a smile: "Mr. Assad, do you think I will choose to sell the oil field to you, or develop it independently? Or find other partners to develop it together?"

Assad was stunned by Lu Le's question. He smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Lu Le, please listen to me. First, you lack the necessary technical support. Second, if you choose to cooperate with others, you may not be able to find the best partner. Finally, you need to bear certain risks."

However, Assad knew that Lu Le must have thought about these issues a long time ago.

After all, as a successful businessman, it is impossible for Lui Lok not to have taken these factors into consideration.

Therefore, he tried to persuade Lu Le from another angle.

The best opportunity is to sell to yourself.

Lu Le's face became a little gloomy. After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "You are right. I did contact domestic oil companies, but it was only because I had some questions to consult them."

Assad narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Lu Le for a while, and then asked: "So, what you mean is..."

Lu Le took a deep breath and answered firmly: "I am willing to sell this oil field to you, but I will never give in on the price. You can send someone to conduct an on-site survey and assess its value."

Assad nodded in agreement. He certainly would not do a business that would lose money, and would definitely examine it carefully.

Then, Assad continued to ask: "Mr. Lu Le, have you been there in person?"

Lu Le nodded and replied, "Yes, I have already visited it. According to my estimation, the reserves of this oil field should be more than 100 million barrels."

Hearing this figure, Assad couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, for he knew that this figure meant huge profits and wealth.

Because he had monitored the situation before, Lui Lok did not lie and was even a little conservative.

Assad: "In that case, can you wait for my people to investigate before I escape with you?"

Lu Le shrugged, looking nonchalant: "Sure, no problem."

Liu Yan beside him held Lu Le's hand tightly, her eyes full of worry and anxiety.

Lu Le felt her nervousness, but he didn't know whether Liu Yan did it on purpose.

However, he still patted Liu Yan's hand gently to comfort her.

Assad looked at their clasped hands and felt a surge of envy and jealousy in his heart.

He has always longed to win Liu Yan's heart, but has never been able to do so.

Seeing Liu Yan care about Lu Le so much, his mood became complicated. Lu Le noticed Asad's gaze and smiled slightly, "Mr. Asad, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

After saying that, he nodded slightly to Assad, then turned and left with Liu Yan.

Looking at Lu Le's departing back, Assad frowned thoughtfully.

He turned to look at his subordinates and asked in a low voice: "What do you think of this person? Did you see anything?"

The subordinate shook his head slightly and replied in a serious tone: "It's hard to judge. He doesn't seem to be an ordinary person. He is very calm and composed."

Assad pondered for a moment and then continued, "Did the people who were sent to investigate find anything?"

"We haven't received any news from them yet. However, we have Lu Le's consent this time, so we can enter legitimately and shouldn't encounter any trouble." The subordinate replied.

Assad nodded to show that he understood.

He knew that only through deeper investigation and observation could he gain a better understanding.

As for those personnel sent to survey, he also hopes to receive their reports as soon as possible so as to make further decisions.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, Lu Le did not take any action, but just waited quietly. On the other hand, Assad had completed the inspection of the oil well.

Finally, Assad got the news about the oil reserves. He asked, "How is it?"

The surveyor replied: "Boss, due to the complex terrain, we can only give an estimate and cannot be 100% sure."

Assad asked: "What exactly is going on?"

"Based on current data and analysis, there is a 70 percent chance that there are more than 100 million barrels of oil," the surveyor explained.

Assad nodded, expressing his satisfaction: "This probability is already quite high."

There is no need to worry before, you can talk to Lui Le with confidence!
The next morning, Lu Le was awakened by a ringing phone before he woke up. He picked up his phone in a daze and saw that it was Liu Yan calling.

"Hello? What's the matter? Why are you calling me so early..." Lu Le said while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Assad is ready. He said we can talk at any time." Liu Yan's voice came from the other end of the phone with a hint of excitement.

"Great, I can finally leave this place." Lu Le sat up straight, his eyes sparkling with joy. He had a very hard time during this period, and he missed his wife and children in China all the time.

"Then shall we go find him now?" Lu Le asked impatiently.

"Don't worry, there is one more thing I need to discuss with you in advance. Regarding the price, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

Lu Le held up two fingers and said with a smile: "I think this number should be fine."

"Two billion dollars?"

Lu Le shook his head.

"Don't keep me in suspense. How much?"

"$200 billion!"

After hearing this number, Liu Yan was completely stunned. She said in surprise: "So many!" (End of this chapter)

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