Chapter 1 Do you regret it?
"What a cold wind!"

In fact, it was August, a hot summer day, so even if Li Yan shouted in her heart, she didn't dare to make any sound in the crowded crowd.

Li Yan is a man, 24 years old, who just graduated from college and has been working for a year.

This is the entrance of a subway station in the first-tier city of New Taipei City. There are crowds of people and the air is steaming.

Li Yan was dressed in a suit and looked a little dazed, holding his interview resume in his hand.

This is the fourth time I've been rejected this month.

"It's not a problem of my ability. The interviewer has affirmed me." This was all he could comfort himself with.

Li Yan has always been the "other people's child". She is pretty, tall, and has a good figure. She was very smart since she was a child and has been a top student from elementary school to junior high school.

Then he became tired of studying and started pursuing his hobbies quite successfully.

Drawing, writing, sports, singing, and even playing games. His friends call him the almighty god of war. When he posts a picture on WeChat Moments, he always gets a lot of likes. When he goes to the badminton court, he is praised as a master. When asked why he doesn't participate in competitions at KTV, he can easily reach a high level in games.

But he has always lacked confidence in his heart. These skills may be enough to fool outsiders, but to insiders, they are just half-baked.

In any case, he woke up in time in high school and stopped being tired of studying. He created a "miracle" of going from the bottom ten in the class to the top ten in just one semester. This is a story that his junior classmates talked about with relish.

Li Yan is a child from an ordinary family. His parents could not give him much advice when he was choosing a major, so he chose architecture in the dark.

After five years of going from happiness to torture, Li Yan decided to change careers.

"Who the hell cares about this sunset industry! I can draw, write, sing, and make some money. I can also run my own media. I'll change my career!"

At the last gathering with his roommates before graduation, he put aside his lofty words. In July of the year of graduation, he joined a graphic design startup studio with great ambitions. They drank and talked about ideals and persistence, but parted ways three months later due to different development concepts.

Li Yan had no choice but to return to his old job. After only working for a week, he was discouraged by the design institute's pedantic overtime concept. "People can't force themselves to eat garbage," he almost slammed the table and left.

After a month of silence, he found a job in art curation. He walked into the job happily, but came to modeling with a depressed look. If there was no demand for architectural modeling, he would not have been able to get into this field. He worked for more than half a year, and finally resigned in anger after "witnessing the ugly face of capitalists."

Then he calmed down. As long as he majored in architecture, he couldn't escape this circle. If you want to change careers, your works will speak for themselves! Li Yan worked all night to create a beautiful portfolio, and started his struggle to conquer his boss with his works.

Then I ran into obstacles everywhere.

"You are very capable, but you have no experience, so you are not suitable."

"It's a nice drawing, but we need character designs. You might be more suited to illustrations."

"I'm sorry, although your level is okay, we don't really need landscape illustrations."

"You are not a new media major, and it is difficult to change industries. I suggest you return to your original field."


Li Yan slowly walked back to the rental house in the urban village, threw down his suit and lay down on the bed.

He was very tired, and the air conditioner couldn't blow away the sultry heat from the west sun.

“Am I a loser?”

He asked himself this question many times. He was always praised for his talent. He learned things quickly, had a wide range of interests, and always spent less effort than others to achieve the same results.

Coming from a small city, having attended a decent university and mastering some skills, Li Yan would not be discouraged by a few failed interviews - at worst, he could go back to architecture, and he had won some prestigious awards during college, right? Moreover, these companies did not fire him because of his poor skills, but rather appreciated him and gave him a lot of resources.

"I fired these companies because I was dissatisfied."

But he was still depressed. There was a voice hidden in his heart, like a nightmare:
"Do you regret it?"

This question has been asked for many years. Ever since I completed a comeback in the college entrance examination in just one semester, this question has become a demon in my mind.

In just one semester, you can go from having no books to read to getting into a key university. What if you don't get tired of studying and study hard during the three years of high school?
When I was in middle school, my painting skills were so amazing that my teacher repeatedly asked me if I had learned it. However, I only painted one picture for fun every few months. If I had insisted on studying the skills, would I be rejected like this today?
I had the opportunity to sign a contract with a website when I was in high school, but I chose to stop writing without caring. What if I had insisted on continuing writing at that time?
A friend who was at the same level of badminton as me in junior high school persisted in practicing in college and has won awards in district competitions. His self-media account also has a lot of followers. What if I practice badminton seriously with the seniors on the college team in college?

I started my own media at the beginning of college and achieved some success, but I ended up being a blogger who didn’t post for half a year. If…

There aren’t so many ifs.

Li Yan knew that there was no regret medicine in the world, and she also knew that even if she had insisted, it would not necessarily have a beautiful result. Or at least it would not be like today.

I didn't insist on anything, and in return, everything passed me by.

Even my girlfriend is the same. She doesn't know how to cherish love and only knows how to avoid me with my girlish thoughts. I deserve to be knocked down by reality and have no one to talk to.

"I thought I was a child of destiny." Li Yan muttered to himself. He wanted to turn around and complain on his phone, but he felt weak all over. He simply collapsed on the bed and fell into a deep sleep with "what if" in his mind.

Then he woke up.

On a strange yet familiar bed.

This drooping mosquito net, this hard bed board, this outrageously narrow bed width!

Li Yan jumped up in horror. With just one glance, he confirmed - this was his hometown, the first house his parents bought in the city.

This is Lincheng, a third-tier city in Linjiang Province. Li Yan is in a residential building in the old city of Lincheng that was built at the end of the last century.

It was still summer now, with a fan blowing, the atmosphere was peaceful.

Li Yan stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself when she was still a primary school student.

He smiled, "No matter how deep the obsession is, the dream will be like this."

So he slapped himself. It was a loud, crisp slap that made him feel dizzy.

Li Yan, a primary school student who is 162cm tall, was stunned, and his lips trembled with excitement.

Is this a time travel? Back to elementary school?

There really is a pill for regret in the world, and God really will bless people!
Nothing can stop me, Dad, Mom, I will completely change the destiny of me and our family!

Li Yan laughed a few times before realizing that his parents were not at home. Throughout his entire growing-up process, Li Yan's parents were out doing business during the day, and he could only see them during lunch and after they closed their stalls at night.

It is now 2007. Thirteen years ago in August, Li Yan, who was still a fifth-grade student, was on summer vacation.

God is really helping me! I can take advantage of the information gap and make a lot of money to build up some capital foundation.

First, the first step is...

Li Yan was stunned. He had indeed traveled through time, and he knew that he had traveled through time, but the one million ways to make money after traveling through time no longer existed! All his memories about the future had been cleared. Apart from the "buying lottery tickets" he had deduced through logical reasoning, he could not think of any way to make money that required future information.

It's over. God gave him a chance, but didn't kill him. After removing the information he had collected over the past decade, he was now no different from a real child except that he was more mature mentally.

"I can deal with elementary school knowledge, but do I really need to learn it all over again for junior high and high school?" Li Yan wanted to cry but had no tears.

Don't be anxious. Maybe there is some way to awaken the memory little by little. You need to activate the cheat code first.

What made him even more frustrated was that he frantically searched for "people he knew" in his mind, but after searching for a long time he could only remember his classmates and friends from elementary school - but in fact, at the age of 24, he had almost forgotten them.

"Is it true that the only thing I remember about traveling through time is this?!"

He almost went crazy, and rushed to the window to look at the sky cut into pieces by the iron fence - the community in front of him was still under construction, and then...

"Oh my god, what's next? What kind of crappy time travel is this? Where's my golden finger? Where's my adventure? Where's my cheat?!"

It was an almost heart-wrenching roar, but coming from the mouth of a fifth-grade student, it sounded somewhat embarrassingly noisy.

Suddenly, a clear reminder sounded in my mind:
Ding! Recorded.

Wait... Li Yan was so shocked that she dared not breathe. Suddenly, she felt a sentence appear in her mind. She didn't see it with her eyes, but it was reflected in her mind:
[System activated, +1 for cursing]

God, have mercy on me! Li Yan was so excited that tears came out. The system added some points! It turned out that it was not easy to travel through time without the golden finger. What can stop him from going to heaven and earth now?
However, he immediately calmed down because the system reminder in his mind had disappeared.

Just this one sentence? Or is it a curse skill?
Where is my mission? Where is my guidance? Where is my explanation? Where is my memory?
Li Yan returned to the summer vacation thirteen years ago, looking forward to starting her life over again with confusion and excitement.

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(End of this chapter)

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