Chapter 102 Why not submit your article?
Li Yan has been in Class Zero for a month, but has yet to have a proper communication with the head teacher.

Guo Qiwen has a stable temperament, a gentle appearance, and always has a mysterious smile. He is the kind of person who looks friendly but is actually very distant.

Although Liang Tiancheng is the class monitor, he is rarely seen communicating with Guo Qiwen in the office.

Li Yan, who was used to Chen Wenjing's enthusiastic style as a class teacher, once thought that Guo Qiwen was a teacher who was aloof at heart, warm on the surface but cold on the inside.

What is reverse contrast cuteness?

Aren’t they all cold on the outside but passionate on the inside? On the contrary, would anyone really like such a person?
Li Yan knows now, but the time has not come yet.

Guo Qiwen has seen the world. He is a young writer, a special teacher in his early thirties, and the head teacher of Class 0 of New Taipei No. 1 Middle School. What kind of genius has he not seen?

Okay, now there’s one I haven’t seen before.

"Li Yan, sit down."

Li Yan pulled over a chair and did as she was told.

Guo Qiwen brought him a cup of tea and said, "Are you in a hurry to go home?"

"I won't go back during the National Day holiday."

"Stay in school?"

"Yes." As for the reason... Lin Zhiyuan's parents came to take him to visit some relatives in New Taipei. They were not in Lincheng, so Li Yan no longer had a ride. Going back home was expensive and troublesome, so he simply stayed in school to learn more.

He just needs to talk to his parents every day. Now, no matter what Chen Fengling and Li Chun say, they will be very happy.

"That's great. Let me talk to you." Guo Qiwen stopped smiling and looked more genuine. "I said in class before that your article was unconventional. Would you be sad?"

"will not."

"Classmates will think that it's just luck."

"This is your purpose, teacher."

Guo Qiwen didn't seem surprised by Li Yan's super precocity. "Yes, I know what this will bring, but I did it, which only means that this is what I want to do. Your article is too mature and not suitable for everyone to refer to."

"The teacher is doing this for everyone's benefit. Students will use high-scoring papers as a benchmark for their studies, and the people in this class have strong learning abilities."

"That's right. But if I were to imitate your writing, I would most likely just be imitating someone else." Guo Qiwen took a sip of tea.

As expected of a Chinese teacher, the praise is so detailed and subtle, so beautiful and refreshing.

"The teacher is so complimentary."

"To be honest, I once doubted for a moment whether your article was written by you." Guo Qiwen said slowly, "I am really ashamed. As a teacher, I shouldn't be like this."

“……”How should Li Yan respond?

"I was shocked when I saw your draft paper. I have seen many gifted students with early intelligence, but none of them have reached your level of language attainment."

Did they ask me to come here today to have a show of bragging? Or is it that the plan is about to be exhausted and the dagger will be revealed...

“Why don’t you submit your article?”

Eh? Li Yan was shocked. He knew he was awesome, but was he really that awesome?
Or should I submit to those kind of magazines for elementary and middle school students...


Guo Qiwen directly moved a file holder from the desktop, which contained many newspapers and magazines.

"Here, anywhere is fine. These are for you. They contain submission methods for their various columns. If you need envelopes, you can ask me for them."

Li Yan's eyes lit up. This was the highest affirmation of him. No matter how much praise he gave verbally, it would not be as satisfying as this.

"There happens to be a stack of envelopes here. If you have written something before and think it's good, you can submit it."

"Teacher Guo, do you have any recommended submission columns?"

Guo Qiwen picked up a book with a pure white cover and a few large calligraphy words on it - "Linjiang Literary Weekly".

"If you only submit to one journal, submit it to this one, the most authoritative one. Be prepared for the possibility that your manuscript may not be published. You can show me your manuscript before you submit it, and I will give you my opinion."

"Thank you, teacher!" "Don't submit to the elementary and middle school student weekly. Your article is not a good example and there is no need to get their approval."

Li Yan was overwhelmed. He really liked Guo Qiwen's style. He seemed humble but was actually proud. He was proud but not arrogant. He was confident but not conceited. He was ambitious but rational...

It's like another self in the world. This can be considered an upgraded version of the future that Li Yan had imagined before his rebirth.

Coming out of the office, Li Yan had a dozen newspapers and magazines in her hands, and walked towards the dormitory with a smile on her face.

He also had something happy that he was too embarrassed to tell Guo Qiwen - the royalties from these newspapers and magazines were quite high.

I used to think that I wasn’t yet at the stage where I could make money by contributing articles, but now I am full of confidence.

However, he still had to be cautious. He first read some magazines to get a feel for the styles of various publications. Then he submitted his works under more than a dozen pen names to find out the tendencies of the magazines. Finally, he used Li Yan's name to become famous.

However, if it is discovered that he is a first-grade student, will he get into trouble?
Even if Guo Qiwen watched himself taking the exam with his own eyes, he would have doubts, and it would be troublesome if he was caught in the vortex of self-proof.

He soon determined his strategy - to take the first step. Of course, he wanted to be a writer, but he wanted to be more than just a writer.

It's easier to express yourself with a pen name, and there are fewer restrictions. If what you write is controversial, the worst that can happen is that you can just abandon the pen name and find another one.

As soon as I returned to the dormitory door, I saw Liang Tiancheng and Chen Fan who had already packed their things and were about to leave.

"Where have you been? You haven't come back for a long time. Ruofei and Qinglun went home as soon as school was over. Before leaving, they were still complaining about not saying goodbye to you." Liang Tiancheng looked anxious, "Aren't you going home?"

"I won't go back. I'm busy at home. You guys go home and have fun."

"Lin Heng asked me to tell you that being brothers is in our hearts." Chen Fan suddenly said.

Li Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's only a seven-day holiday, and it's like we can't see each other anymore?"

"The main thing is that we can obviously contact each other through QQ." Chen Fan also complained.

"Okay, I have to go. My parents are waiting for me at the school gate. See you after National Day!"

Although Liang Tiancheng was very interested in the magazine in Li Yan's hand, he did not want to let his parents wait for even a second, so he turned around and left decisively.

"Then contact me on QQ." Chen Fan also left.

The dormitory was suddenly empty. Li Yan thought she would feel nothing, but she didn't expect to be attacked by loneliness in an instant.

The noisy days are really nice.

He was a man who could endure loneliness, and in a flash his thought changed to: the quiet and empty dormitory was just right for research submission matters.

I was originally worrying about what to do during the National Day holiday, but Guo Qiwen gave me a big job, so it’s not boring at all now.

At the same time, young man Wang Hang was sitting in a Toyota Crown with a helpless look on his face.

He remembered how Leopard and Baihe rushed over at noon just to say "Li Yan is so awesome", which made him angry.

"Do they need to tell me this? It has already spread everywhere." Wang Hang muttered in a low voice.

His mother was driving, and she noticed her son's mood: "My dear, what's wrong with you today?"

"Today I realized how Cao Cao felt about Guan Yu."


"Why can't I use such a powerful general?"

Wang Hang's mother thought that her son was having a chuunibyou episode and said, "Your father really doesn't like Cao Cao, so don't learn from him."

"Okay, okay, I'll do as Dad says."

"Just now, mom heard someone discussing a kid named Li Yan. She seems to be very capable. Do you know her?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

"This child...what's he doing with his temper again?"

(End of this chapter)

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