Chapter 12 The exam is a bit long

The excitement at the beginning of school lasted less than three days. Before the first week was over, these children had completely gotten out of the holiday state.

Otherwise, why do people say that people are more adaptable when they are younger?
Li Yan was a little helpless. He might be the one who had the most difficulty adapting. It was exciting to be back in the classroom, but the content of the class was really unattractive. He couldn't fit in with the group of "primary school students" for the time being, so he just looked like he didn't care about anything every day.

I thought I might as well learn something new during the daytime classes instead of wasting time, as the teachers' eyes always met mine during class.

Teachers definitely prefer top students who listen carefully to the class. They can see sincere and timely responses to every word during class, which should save a lot of energy. Especially the head teacher Chen Wenjing, she likes Li Yan very much, especially...

Li Yan pounded his head in annoyance. He only remembered that Chen Wenjing doted on him to the sky after something happened, but he couldn't remember it no matter what.

"What's the matter, Li Yan, have you figured it out?"

Any slight movement I made would attract the teacher's attention. I was not paying attention in class at all and didn't even know what the math teacher was asking.

But it didn’t matter. The simple questions were easy to answer at a glance. Li Yan just smiled and nodded, not wanting to draw too much attention.

But in the eyes of classmates, this is too pretentious.

Li Yan adapts to primary school life during the day and starts training mode when he gets home at night, doing push-ups, squat jumps, and body flexibility training in turn. He plans to ask his father to buy dumbbells after his body-related values ​​​​are improved by another two points.

Unexpectedly, he thought his physical stats would increase rapidly, but after almost a week of training, he still hadn't made any progress. He always became exhausted after doing 20 push-ups, and there was no sign of any breakthrough. This made him a little depressed. When he was taking a shower, he stared at his thin arms and legs, and could only comfort himself that his body had not reached its upper limit and this was the limit.

The peaceful life only lasted for a week. In the second week of school, Chen Wenjing announced the news of the baseline test on Friday. The whole class was shocked. Due to the limited educational resources and level, Yucai Primary School could not catch up with high-level primary schools in many aspects, including the baseline test.

It is unlikely that this group of children, one-third of whom had average failing scores in three subjects in the final exam, will still have knowledge in their heads after a crazy summer of fun.

"You are in the sixth grade now. You will take the entrance exam to junior high school in a year. The four major junior high schools in Lincheng all set their own questions, and the difficulty level is not the same as your previous final exams. I saw that in the first week of school, many students were not concentrating, talking in class, not handing in homework, and had no sense of urgency at all. Don't you want to study in the four major junior high schools?"

Chen Wenjing is a slightly plump female teacher with short hair, short height, a shrill voice, and wearing large round-framed glasses. In Li Yan's view today, she is just a young teacher who has graduated a few years ago, but the pressure of being a "class teacher" is indeed extraordinary. The whole class is as well-behaved as a group of little sheep in front of her.

Even Li Yan, who has the mentality of a 24-year-old, felt an invisible pressure at this moment.

"The difficulty of the baseline test will be much higher than our usual exams, but it is close to the entrance exams of the four major junior high schools. The purpose of this test is to make everyone aware of the gap. Li Yan, Xinyuan, you two should not take it lightly. The class monitor should also strive to get good grades and set an example."

Could it be possible to be called out like this in elementary school... Li Yan nodded awkwardly. Before his rebirth, he should have enjoyed the teacher's "special care" very much, but looking back now - it was simply attracting hatred.

"Zhang Ming is watching you." Lin Zhiyuan reminded him friendly.

"Just watch."

"Did you go anywhere to practice this summer?"

"Don't worry about these trivial things, Zhiyuan, and try to beat me in the test."

"Wow..." The little fat man made a face, "Look how I defeat you."

"The pace of the sixth grade is different from before. The teachers carefully selected some tutorial books and exercise books this summer, which will also be everyone's future homework. The three class monitors and the study committee will distribute the homework books."

When Li Yan got the new test paper, she smiled from the bottom of her heart, but she felt a little annoyed:

"Why didn't I buy sixth grade or even middle school tutorial books first?"

He still didn't have enough awareness of rebirth, and lacked the mentality of cheating. He was reborn with the system, but he didn't learn ahead of time. He was really ashamed. "It seems that I am still far from developing the system. I am afraid that physical education has been affected by something I can't think of, and it is stuck at a bottleneck. Fortunately, there is still a lot of time." Li Yan looked at the students who were dejected after receiving the test book, "After all, getting the first place in the grade, the first place in Lincheng, or even the first place in Linjiang Province is not the goal. I am reborn and cheating. My goal is to be the top of humanity!"

Time flies by. On Friday, on the east side of the fifth floor of Yucai Primary School, the two sixth-grade classes were filled with a tense and solemn atmosphere.

The children held the pens like swords, some silently recited the knowledge points, some were like old monks in meditation, and some kept swallowing their saliva - they were nervous and expectant. Even the last-place students who were usually unlearned were alert this time. It was hard to tell whether they were forced to submit by Chen Wenjing's sharp eyes, or if they also had some daydreaming hope that "what if the questions are difficult and I can still get high scores?"

Zhang Ming looked at Li Xinyuan and adjusted his breathing. He learned about the baseline test from Chen Wenjing in advance. He had hired a tutor for two weeks since the start of school to prepare for the test. He tried sixth-grade knowledge, Olympiad problem-solving techniques, and novel question types. He gritted his teeth and was determined to dethrone Li Yan and get first place in the grade so that Li Xinyuan would look at him with new eyes.

Li Xinyuan looked at Li Yan and encouraged herself. She also found her sister who was a top student and got some training questions from the excellent primary schools in Lincheng to practice in advance. From struggling at the beginning to getting excellent scores later, she also hoped to defeat Li Yan and impress him.

Chen Wenjing looked at Li Xinyuan and Li Yan, with a strange smile on her lips. These two are the hope of Class 601 of Yucai School and even the sixth grade. In order to let you feel the pressure in advance and to warm up for the three main subject competitions in the sixth grade, the difficulty of this test paper has been specially upgraded, even exceeding the four major junior high school entrance examinations.

Li Yan... looked out the window. The sky was quite blue, and there was a slight summer breeze blowing. The only two white magnolia trees on the elementary school playground made a rustling sound.

It's quite refreshing. It seems that the summer has been getting hotter and hotter since I graduated from elementary school. When I was in college, it had reached the point where I couldn't live without air conditioning.

The first subject was mathematics. When the test paper was handed out, Li Xinyuan took a quick glance and was a little stunned. Why did she not understand the last two questions of the multiple-choice section and the last two questions of the fill-in-the-blank section?

Li Yan also took a quick glance, feeling nothing in her heart.

【Mathematics, total score 16】

This is what he gained in the past week. After quickly learning the basic knowledge of the sixth grade, he also practiced various sample questions, and his math score increased by one point. After two days of working on Olympiad math questions with a new understanding, he actually achieved a breakthrough in math and got the current score of 16.

He clearly felt that 15 points for the third-level skill seemed to be a hurdle. After breaking through 15, he could feel that the bottleneck had been reopened, and there was a lot of room for improvement.

If the previous judgment was correct, two points in the fourth level was equal to one point in the third level, and 15 points in the third level corresponded to 30 points in the fourth level. He thought about it carefully and remembered that he could reach 30 points by taking a normal shower and 35 points by soaking noodles carefully, but after practicing push-ups for so many days, his muscle strength had remained at 20 points... There was an invisible thread being strung together.

"Snap!" Li Yan got excited every time he thought about something related to the system. In order to be able to concentrate on studying the system as soon as possible, he stopped being distracted and quickly finished the test paper in his hand, then pressed the pen on the table with a crisp sound.

This sound was his signature in elementary and middle school in his previous life. Before he became tired of studying, he was most famous for his speed in taking exams. No matter what subject it was, when there were only ten minutes left in the exam, he would be the first to stop writing, and then several classmates would show expressions of "no way".

In a quiet environment, this crisp sound is very prominent.

Especially today, because only fifteen minutes have passed since the exam started.

It was so fast that even the classmates didn't react as usual. They thought someone's pen had fallen. At this moment, only Lin Zhiyuan was shocked. He couldn't believe that Li Yan had finished the math problems. He skipped the last multiple-choice question and hadn't finished two fill-in-the-blank questions yet, but his deskmate had finished them all?

The exam lasts one hour, and there are still forty-five minutes left.

"It seems that I wrote it a little fast, but this time is just right to use it to study the system." Li Yan crossed his hands and supported his chin, staring at the table in a daze.

Of course the math teacher was also paying attention to him. He thought he had encountered a difficult problem that he couldn't solve, and he smiled in his heart, "Are you feeling the intensity, Li Yan? See if you can give me a surprise."

However, five minutes later, Li Yan was still like this.

The math teacher couldn't stand it anymore, so he pretended to patrol and slowly walked towards the dazed top student.

(End of this chapter)

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