Chapter 124: Club activity month, start...start!
Before her rebirth, Li Yan loved Wednesday very much, as the arrival of Wednesday meant that the five-day class time of the week was about to be halfway through.

After Wednesday, the week's holidays and school days are evenly split.

A pleasant Friday is coming, the most relaxing Friday night is just around the corner, and the happiest Saturday of the week is coming soon...

Nesting doll-like expectations.

Perhaps many young office workers have the same feeling: as soon as Wednesday passes, they feel that the holidays are just around the corner.

Once you get married, you start to feel your health declining, and some people even fear Wednesday.

"How did this week go by so fast?"

This is a happy thing for young people, but it becomes more difficult to accept as you get older.

Li Yan now doesn't have any special feelings about Wednesday. He cherishes every day and is equally anxious about the passing of each day. He wishes to add some special commemorative wedges to each day.

November 12, Wednesday, was the day he released his novel “Nangong Shao Nian” on Qiyuan Chinese website.

I have only read thirteen articles so far. It’s okay. It doesn’t matter. Maybe this day is not worth remembering.

With the two-day midterm exam coming to an end, the club activity month has finally officially started... right?

In Li Yan's imagination, there should be at least a bunch of stalls lined up in a row, with members of various clubs working hard to display the results of their clubs' work, such as the literature club's magazine, the photography club's photo exhibition, and the dance club's hot performances...

But throughout the whole day, there was nothing to see except a dry banner on the teaching building and the works of the photography club on the bulletin board hidden behind the big poinciana tree at the school gate.

During the evening study session, Li Yan finally reacted when she saw the presidents of the two major literary societies coming to Class Zero, which had only twelve people, to promote the class.

My memories of club activities are from high school and college, when everyone lived in the dormitory.

In comparison, there is absolutely no time to participate in activities in junior high school.

There is really no other way except to take up everyone's lunch break and spend more than half an hour with him after school.

No wonder everyone doesn’t take it seriously and simply can’t take it seriously.

Even so, the presidents still volunteered to stay until the evening - they did not stay overnight, just to promote the club magazine to the few boarding students.

I hope they can maintain this passion after becoming workers.

"The Garden Literary Society and the Yi Er Literary Society are jointly planning a wonderful program. Please look forward to it. Take a nap on Friday afternoon. We will be waiting for you in the wind and rain playground!"

What about the dance club? Don't they have any shows?
This was Li Yan’s only thought.

However, the comrades in Class Zero were quite interested in the literary program and the discussion was quite lively.

Especially with the two "main writers" Li Ruofei and Zhu Qinglun.

Li Yan had already heard Su Ya reading aloud something, which was a short article by Li Ruofei published in the Garden School Magazine.

After listening to it, everyone applauded and began to analyze it, and directly asked the author why he wrote it this way.

It’s simply an execution… The live version lets the author do his own reading comprehension questions.

"There are really two jujube trees in front of my house!" - Lu Xun.

Seeing Li Ruofei's face frozen with smile, Li Yan would never let this group of people see her writing online articles.

Zhu Qinglun is in an even worse situation. His book "That's All" is full of current affairs commentaries and miscellaneous talks. He is indeed capable, but what kind of in-depth work can most junior high school students write?

Especially since the editor himself is a junior high school student, overly intense emotions, immature tendencies, extreme views... are more popular.

The people specially recruited for Class Zero were still able to read the maturity of Zhu Qinglun's writing compared to his other works, and ended up asking even more deadly questions:
"Qinglun, what do you think of "On Examination-Oriented Education" compared to yours?"

Wow, the author himself praises and criticizes one thing at a time.

Seeing Zhu Qinglun's face turn purple, Li Yan would never let this group of people know that she was writing a commentary.

Fortunately, the two good brothers did not cue themselves to divert their firepower for the time being, so they just hid in the corner and lived a peaceful life. In the Chinese class the next day, Guo Qiwen called on all three of them.

When Teacher Guo held up the "Linjiang Literature and Art Weekly" and began to introduce the importance of this publication to everyone, Li Yan had already started shaking her legs.

The head teacher is also someone who is well versed in the art of pretending to be cool.

Words like "value", "most authoritative", "first provincial literary and art magazine", and "touchstone" made Li Yan's pores relax.

"In the latest issue, there is an essay titled "Stern City Fireworks". It has a pleasant style and uses small details to see the big picture. It only writes about people and events, but it has triggered a lot of thinking about the proposition of 'hometown'. It is only 2,000 words, but it is concise and has a long aftertaste..."

"It's rare to see Lao Guo praise someone like this," Bai Xiaosheng tapped Li Yan on the back and leaned closer to whisper, "Lincheng, it's still about your family."

"The article was written by our classmate Li Yan. Here are a few copies. You can pass them around and enjoy them."

The whole class was in an uproar.

Li Yan clearly saw that the person at the table in front of her was frozen, as if he was fixed in place.

Bai Xiaosheng was stunned. Li Yan leaned back and approached him, saying:
"Well, of course I write about my own family."

The expressions of the 403 brothers were also very interesting, but Li Ruofei looked as if he had expected it, and even looked a little... relieved?
"Student Li Ruofei also published an essay in Linjiang Literature and Art, a sub-publication of Linjiang Literature Weekly. His writing skills are amazing. I will share it with you so that you can learn from it."

Li Yan looked at Li Ruofei and gave him a thumbs up. Li Ruofei smiled and waved his hands to show that he was inferior to him.

"There is also the Rongxi Evening News, where Zhu Qinglun published an article titled "When will the hidden dangers at Dongfeng intersection end?" He started from the small matters of people's livelihood and took the things that the masses are most concerned about as the entry point, but did not stop there. Instead, he spread the theme of 'everyone knows but does not govern' to the theme that urban governance requires everyone's participation. Whether it is the strength of the writing, the angle of entry or the dimension of debate, it is a model that is very worthy of learning."

Are there any more experts? Several literary girls couldn't hold back their expressions. It happened that Li Yan and the other two were sitting in the northeast corner of the classroom, and they kept turning their heads to look over.

This made Bai Xiaosheng very uncomfortable. If the talented Lin Zhengmo also had articles published, he would be inexplicably forced into a corner by the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Zheng Mo, you can also try to cast it. You have the ability to do it." Guo Qiwen mentioned with a smile.

Lin Zhengmo just nodded.

The episode ended here, and everyone began a new day of study, maintaining their strong interest in the dozen or so newspapers and magazines on the podium.

It is said that Guo Qiwen is also interesting. I admire Li Yan's character very much, and I also learn from Ruofei and Qinglun's characters.

What a great compliment! Mr. Li was very pleased with it.

These few magazines were passed around from morning to evening study and were read over and over again. But for some reason, everyone would look for Li Ruofei and Zhu Qinglun to discuss things, but when it came to Li Yan, they would just say "That's amazing" in a shy voice.

Lin Zhengmo didn't even bother to praise him, and asked a strange question, "You don't read your own articles, do you?"

After getting an affirmative answer from Li Yan, he directly bypassed the author and threw it to Bai Xiaosheng.

Is Mr. Li so awesome that he has daunted these geniuses?

The big one hasn't come yet, please give some support, so that he can't play the pig, it's so uncomfortable.

That night, Li Ruofei and Zhu Qinglun jointly revealed to Li Yan a piece of news that made his scalp tingle:

"The two major literary societies will hold a literature appreciation conference at noon on Friday. At that time, several Chinese teachers will be invited to appreciate and evaluate some excellent works. The opening dish will be your "Rincheng Fireworks"."

Li Yan's heart skipped a beat.

"And they invited both of us to comment on this article."

Li Yan's whole body was stiff.

"The main thing is..." Li Ruofei and Zhu Qinglun looked at each other and smiled maliciously, "The two presidents have issued a death order to put you in the special guest seat."

Li Yan fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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