Chapter 152 But They Sprayed Me
The night study session that evening was the most absent-minded one for Li Yan.

I even got so absorbed in writing the topic that I became distracted.

For Li Yan, who has always been extremely focused, this is a rare thing.

Su Ya was spinning around with the little mushroom on her head, and such an obvious "secret observation" did not attract Li Yan's attention.

The girls' discussion was so loud that it was almost blatant.

Then Lin Heng put the matter to rest with a word: "He's probably thinking about love."

Several girls recalled the girl dancing in a blue dress, and thought about the moment Li Yan suddenly looked back.

You taste, you taste carefully.

He let out a sigh.

"A dazzling person should be with someone equally dazzling." Su Ya said to Ding Qing at the back table, "This couple, I'll kowtow first!"

"Don't talk like you were given poisoned wine." Ding Qing complained.

But it was useless. Li Yan turned into a cold male god, with a weird aura around him that kept strangers away.

Oh, and don’t get close to acquaintances.

After the night self-study, Liang Tiancheng was recommended by everyone to be the intimate brother, but when he turned around, Li Yan was standing behind him, which scared them.

"Are you buying snacks?"

What a weird question!
"Not buying."

"Then go back."

In fact, Li Yan’s idea was very simple. He just wanted to get back to the dormitory as soon as possible. If everyone wanted to buy snacks, he would leave first.

Once a person is not in the right state, his thoughts will become very special...

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, Li Yan immediately got on the bed with her computer and logged into QQ and Qiyuan Chinese website as quickly as possible.

Then I saw a message from Kaiyuan: Congratulations!

The emotions he had been building up all night suddenly hit a wall. Congratulations? Congratulations for what?
Kaiyuan: After waiting for a day, the data is much better than expected. Although the volume-attracting effect is still average, the retention rate is amazing! The proportion of readers who have been following along is very high. Today, I even showed off in front of the editor-in-chief [cool]
Li Yan: They sprayed me.

Kaiyuan: When a new book is recommended, the traffic will suddenly explode, and more people will scold you. See, I told you so long ago.

Li Yan: Their criticism is very brainless.

Kaiyuan: My recommendation is very strong. Don't worry about the negative reviews. Just delete them. You should see the positive information. At least it has exceeded 1,000 collections. According to your reading rate, your priority will be raised in two days.

Li Yan: But they criticized me.

Kaiyuan was helpless and began to wonder whether this was just a first-grade kid with a fragile heart, or an old author teasing him.

Considering all the previous performances, Kaiyuan believed it was the latter, but due to his editorial qualities, he still did not implement any counter-teasing operations.

Kaiyuan: I believe in my judgment. There is no problem with your writing style or plot. Those who criticize you are not your readers. There is no need for you to retain them. You yourself said that they are the silent majority. Just delete the bad reviews.

Li Yan: How the hell would someone shoot a target in the air? I haven't even written about Qilin yet, but he's already saying that the protagonist will definitely conquer Qilin later. This is obviously his imaginary plot. Why is he criticizing me? [Angry]
Kaiyuan: ...Otherwise, how can you say that he is a meaningless troll?
Li Yan: But it’s really frustrating. There are also people who say I’m a wimp, scold me for being the only female lead, and complain that the male lead doesn’t fight.

Kai Yuan: Please don’t change the story into one with multiple female protagonists or a battle story just because of comments like this!
Li Yan: Very stable.

Kaiyuan's hand, which was responding passionately, suddenly froze.

Li Yan: Those who continued to watch the show stopped talking, and those who jumped out to complain left. I changed the plot for those who left, and in the end, no one continued to watch the show.

Kaiyuan: You really understand this.

Li Yan: And to be honest, I understand the mentality of seeking a sense of existence.

Kaiyuan: You scared me to death. I thought there was something wrong with your mentality. You are finally showing signs of taking off. Don’t let me have a wild dream.

Li Yan: And I’m a newcomer, but this book was directly recommended. Maybe some other writers couldn’t stand it, or readers of works of the same period came to lead the way.

Kaiyuan: With this understanding, you tell me that you are a newcomer?

Li Yan: Just some simple sociology.

Damn, this guy likes to show off! Kaiyuan laughed directly at the computer. OK, liking to show off is also a trait of writing good online articles, nothing wrong with that!
Li Yan: But I still feel very unhappy.

Why the hell are we going back to the same place again!
Kaiyuan: How about this, you don’t need to be affected by these things. I will summarize the data for you in time, and I will also give you any recommendations. Just write well and don’t worry about so many things.

Li Yan: I can’t let the reviews of my book become a cesspool.

Kaiyuan: Don’t worry about it.

Then he suddenly saw a few comments copied by Li Yan:

"What a stupid title! It shows how poor the author's ability is."

"The title of the book is extremely poisonous and makes no sense."

"It's the editor's fault. It's so low-level."


Kaiyuan lit a cigarette.

I changed my username, searched for "The White-haired Emperor's Sword", and replied "You know nothing!"

Then he replied to Li Yan: No matter what name you give it, there will always be people who are dissatisfied with it, so just delete it.

Li Yan replied after a few seconds: Then your complaint will be deleted.

Although they were separated by a computer screen, Kaiyuan laughed awkwardly in the office where he was the only one left.

"Delete it, delete it. We are all human beings. I understand your dissatisfaction, but please don't argue with me."

Li Yan felt much more relaxed. No matter what, she still had a 5-point mentality and was very capable of adjusting her emotions.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already nine forty: Yuanda, why are you replying to my message so late?
Kaiyuan: I'm still in the office, alone. [Cool]
Li Yan: So hard-working? Should I write more?

Kaiyuan: That would be great! I am so motivated. I want to achieve results, to publish a masterpiece, a great masterpiece, or even a golden masterpiece, or even make it to the overall ranking (I can just talk about it, I don’t dare to think about it) Li Yan: Is it me?

Kaiyuan didn't want to put too much pressure on Li Yan, so he didn't respond directly, but just sent an emoji of clinking wine glasses.

Li Yan: Let’s break the historical record of Qiyuan Chinese website and make you the new editor king.

Kaiyuan: You were still worrying about the negative reviews in the last second. If the data were this high, the negative reviews would be overwhelming. Can you bear it?
Li Yan: I’ve already had the dream, why are you still worrying about this?
Kaiyuan laughed heartily again in the empty office.

Li Yan's expression finally relaxed, and all of a sudden she felt her cheeks and head getting hot, as if she had solved an extremely difficult math problem.

"Li Yan, what's wrong? Are you unhappy?" Liang Tiancheng fulfilled his duties as an "intimate brother".

Is it so obvious?
"No, no, I'm just thinking about some issues."

"What question is worth your thinking about?" Liang Tiancheng asked selfishly.

“The Spiral of Bad Reviews: Reflections on How to Deal with the Breaking of the Symmetry between Good and Evil.”

Li Yan has read a lot of psychology and sociology books recently, and has done a lot of thinking. Both of these are third-level skills, with 18 points in psychology skill and 16 points in sociology skill. Although not high, it is above the average at least.

“Why are you paying so much attention to negative reviews?”

As expected of Leung Tin-shing, he grasped the core of the problem in just one sentence.

"Because I saw an online novel with a lot of negative reviews in the comment section, but the data was very good."

Their conversation attracted the attention of other roommates, especially Zhu Qinglun.

"Because most people are not used to expressing their opinions," Zhu Qinglun immediately joined the topic, "and whether they like to give opinions or find something in the article unacceptable, they will jump out to express their opinions. Even if the proportion is only 1%, they can produce comments far exceeding that proportion."

"Then there will be a spiral of bad reviews. If negative reviews are more likely to be expressed, then the negative reviews will be supported and affirmed. Since the negative reviews are affirmed, they will spread further," Li Yan added.

Just like the comment with 56 likes, “What a piece of crap”, it’s pure emotional outburst and doesn’t even hit the point.

Another article, which sincerely analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Li Yan's work and expressed expectations for its subsequent development, only received 6 likes.

As for other encouraging and positive comments, needless to say, no more than two likes.

At first glance, I really thought this book was terrible, and most readers think it is crap.

However, according to Kaiyuan, Li Yan said that the retention rate is very high, and a large proportion of people continue to read it.

Who wants to eat dog shit?
“Is your spiral of bad reviews a variation of the spiral of silence proposed by Sabine Newman?” Zhu Qinglun asked.


“Have you also read the book The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion-Our Social Skin?”

Damn it, Inglis!
But Li Yan could understand. As far as English proficiency was concerned, he was not afraid of anyone present, and was even better.

Just suddenly speaking English, it is a bit...

It's the second period, I understand. If it is more appropriate to use the original title for academic works, then they are also in German.

"I haven't read the original book. I only read Professor Newman's paper published in the Journal of Communication in 74, as well as some related research in social science journals."

"You scared me. I was just about to say that I don't usually see you reading these things, so how come you're saying this?"

Zhu Qinglun successfully changed the topic, and the focus of everyone's discussion began to shift to praising Li Yan.

Isn't that right? Shouldn't the normal direction of development be to praise Zhu Qinglun?

He has actually read this book, please take care of him!
"It seems that Qinglun also has some knowledge of humanities and social sciences?" Li Yan interrupted forcefully.

"I read a little bit." Zhu Qinglun nodded. "Although I can write reviews myself, I actually don't like those critics."

Li Yan seemed to be thinking about something.

"Just like that Akesi." Zhu Qinglun suddenly fired back, "I still say the same thing, the starting point is very good, the position is very high, but the viewpoint is too radical, ignoring the various difficulties behind some phenomena, and outputting too much emotion."

Do you still remember?
"I even looked for it specifically. He continued to publish commentaries afterwards. It was the same flavor." Zhu Qinglun shook his head. "Although I also know that the New Taipei Evening News' commentary column likes this kind of... radical articles, but I feel that he could have written something more profound, but he insisted on inciting emotions. If I had the chance to meet him, I would definitely have a good discussion with him!"

There are indeed things with more depth. In the “Small Comments on Current Affairs” column of the New Taipei Daily, there is an article called “Big Cat, Two Cats, Three Cats” that you can take a look at.

Besides, you do know Comrade "Aksaisi".

Li Yan smiled.

It's a wonderful feeling. Zhu Qinglun is a little bit angry, but also very rational. He is indeed a good writer for current affairs.

It would be a good idea to engage in research in humanities and social sciences.

Zhu Qinglun's impassioned speech triggered a discussion in the dormitory about "social responsibility". As they were talking, it was time to turn off the lights. Liang Tiancheng still calmly controlled the discipline, and the atmosphere of sleeping filled the entire dormitory.

Li Yan was about to lie down, and took one last look at the computer, refreshing the interactive management of the novel.

"I'm going to test the poison for you all. I'm going to spit it out first. It's funny. I've never seen such a literary author. Can writing be considered a living? One chapter has 2,000 words, and so many words are used. Even I can't understand them. Do you expect readers to understand them? If you want to write this kind of thing, go write traditional literature. Oh, you are not qualified for traditional literature, so you can only come to places like online literature to make trouble. But you can't write online literature well. Listen to my advice. You can't eat this bowl of rice. You'd better quit writing as soon as possible."

Li Yan laughed and clicked on the person's avatar. He was a writer who had written a novel of 120,000 words and had three comments in total.

What's the point of this? No need to worry. No need to worry.

Li Yan closed her eyes, thinking she would have a good sleep.

However, in the dream.

“Even I don’t quite understand it…”

"You are not qualified..."

“You can’t write clearly…”

Li Yan angrily punched the air, "Who the hell are you?"

At three o'clock in the morning, he opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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