Chapter 168 Returning home in glory
"Hey, Li Yan!"

"I didn't expect you to open the door!"

"Don't bother. I'm not nobler than anyone else." Li Yan didn't like this kind of flattery.

"That's not what I meant." Chen Hong scratched his head. "I came to you just to ask you how you're going back to Lin City?"

Li Yan didn't expect this to be the question, and was a little slow to react.

"I just wanted to ask, are you taking the bus or something? Do you want to take our car?"

"No need for that. I'll take my elementary school classmate's car. We've already made an appointment."

"Oh, what a pity." Shuanghong looked at each other, not knowing what to say, and just stood at the door.

"Why are you two so nervous..."

"Because of you, the pride of Lincheng, the most talented student in the history of Xinbei No. 1 Middle School, God!" Lin Hong was immediately inspired to talk. "Our entire dormitory wants to come and chat with you, but they don't dare to come up. Because we know you, our status in the dormitory has been improved!"

Li Yan slowly typed a question mark. Is it so exaggerated?

"Don't you know? Other classes also said that talking to you is like blessing."

This is quite embarrassing, but it also achieves Li Yan's goal.

His superior position will bring him special freedom.

Judging from the current situation, after this time of “being one point away from getting full marks in Chinese”, as long as he keeps studying, the meaning of taking exams will be almost zero.

No matter how many times he takes the test, whether he gets full marks in all subjects depends only on whether the Chinese language department is willing to give him full marks for his composition.

As for the high school entrance exam… if a genius of his level needs to take it, it would be a dereliction of duty on the part of a large group of people in the New Taipei City education system.

Future life will be more exciting than this wonderful first semester of junior high school.

The "two reds" simply exchanged words and then left quietly, making it like a fan meeting for celebrities.

"This is a pilgrimage." Lin Heng teased.

Li Yan shook her head helplessly. The cell phone rang again. It was Lin Zhiyuan calling.

Mom is here, let’s go home.

Concise and concise.

Li Yan picked up the packed luggage on the bed and said, "Brothers, see you next semester."

"The winter vacation dormitory group never stops!" Zhu Qinglun yelled.

The luggage taken back home was much less than that taken at school, so the quilt and pillow were left directly in the dormitory. If Li Yan hadn't brought an extra pair of shoes and two more pieces of clothes, she wouldn't even have needed to pull the suitcase back.

He had just left the dormitory when his five roommates in Room 403 all sighed.

"I always feel that... after returning from winter vacation, this guy will evolve again." Lin Heng spread his hands.

"Then we will also..."

"Mr. Liang, stop, let me be happy for a while." Zhu Qinglun stood up in a hurry.

Actually, it makes sense. Some things cannot be rolled out just by rolling them.

Even if you are very talented, the person you are benchmarking against has a system.

As soon as Li Yan went down to the first floor of the dormitory, he saw Teacher Xie greeting him with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, teacher. I'm leaving now."

"Full marks, amazing."

"One point away, one point away."

Wow, the wind has reached here?
As soon as I walked out of the dormitory door, the fat boy appeared from the side.

"Are you scared?"

"I figured you'd be here."

"Tch, it's boring."

"I visited New Taipei First High School twice in one semester, and I had a new experience every time." Li Yan smiled, "I guess you put your luggage in the car, walked into the school, and called me downstairs of the dormitory."

"Why do you have to guess even details like 'swagger'?"

"Is it right?"

"I am cocky."

"That's a bad word..."

While chatting and laughing, Lin Zhiyuan very naturally took a bag of Li Yan's luggage. Li Yan remembered the rumors about the "book boy" and was about to stop him.

But the fat boy predicted the future and said, "I came here empty-handed and left empty-handed. This is too funny. Don't talk to me about this."

It has to be you, Xiaopang. Li really enjoys this tacit understanding.

As soon as he said hello to Xiaopang's mother and got in the car, Lin Zhiyuan asked impatiently:

"Mr. Yan, didn't you notice that everyone along the way was looking at us?"

"It's normal. I'm used to it."

"Oh my, it's different for big stars. The art performance has been over for such a while, but the girls are still thinking about you."

"Maybe it's not about the cultural performance." Lin Zhiyuan, who had a vague feeling that "this person is trying to show off", suddenly realized that he had missed a key question and was beaten to it by his mother.

"Li Yan, how did you do in your final exam?"

“Almost got full marks in all subjects.”

Li Yan felt the car shake.

"Mr. Duo?" Lin Zhiyuan grabbed Li Yan's shoulder with one hand, "Then he must be the top student in the grade, right?"

"I ranked first in the grade in the midterm exam."

"Total score?" Xiaopang was anxious.

"759 points."

Lin Zhiyuan and his mother's brains suddenly crashed. They confirmed with each other for a long time that the full score was indeed 760, and confirmed with Li Yan that there were no additional questions at New Taipei First Middle School.

"You call this almost?!"

"Zhiyuan, don't swear." Mother Lin interrupted quickly.

"That's not a dirty word... No, isn't that the point?" Lin Zhiyuan was so anxious that he turned over and over in the car. "I was wondering why so many people were looking at you. Damn, 759, my god, 759!"

"You too..." Mother Lin was about to start the "other people's children" mode, but she didn't say it out loud.

She knew her son's level best. She didn't even dare to compare him with Li Yan, who was the top scorer in the grade. She didn't even dare to think about it, because as soon as she thought about it, she would know it was a dream and wake up immediately.

Chen Fengling, Chen Fengling, how come you are so lucky...

"Master Yan, how did you get this score? Did you practice Taoism secretly without telling me?"

"I don't want to either."


"The Chinese teacher is not happy to give full marks to essays, otherwise there would be no need to say it was just a little bit off."

"You can pretend. I'll let you pretend. You can pretend however you want." Xiaopang said happily.

That's not right. You should cover your head and scream "Wait for me here". Xiaopang, why don't even you complain? Compared with the future he is about to face, Li's current achievements are just the tip of the iceberg!

The journey from New Taipei back to Lincheng ended up taking more than an hour longer than the original journey here.

The traffic jam was similar, mainly because Mother Lin drove very carefully.

There was a treasure in the car, so she couldn't be careless. If she accidentally hit her head due to sudden braking, she wouldn't know how to explain it.

How come he was just an excellent deskmate of my son back then and suddenly became the best junior high school student in the province...

So much so that when the car arrived in Lincheng, sweat broke out on Mother Lin's temples.

Xiaopang made a fuss for a while, then ate some bread and fell into a deep sleep.

Li Yan kept looking at the scenery outside the window.

From high-rise buildings, they gradually become self-built houses, and from various squares, they gradually become farmland and woodlands.

It’s a very familiar feeling. Before I was reborn, I left home to go to college in New Taipei City. I had the same experience when I went home during the winter break of my first semester.

I miss home a little bit, but I also feel a little sad about leaving the big city.

The fat boy certainly doesn’t have this feeling. He doesn’t care about tall buildings. The two cities mean nothing to him except the difference between “school” and “home”.

However, my mentality is still different from the first time I went home for vacation during college.

If you don’t return to your hometown when you are rich and powerful, it is like wearing embroidered clothes and walking at night. No one will know what is going on.
Chen Fengling and Li Chun were still busy in the market, so Li Yan had to go home first.

Xiaopang insisted on helping Li Yan carry her luggage—even though it was only a matter of climbing one flight of stairs.

"Maybe if I carry all this luggage for you, it will be a blessing."

Why does everyone have this idea?
"I've given you private tutoring, why don't you rely on that or this?"

“Two-pronged approach, two-pronged approach.”

After saying goodbye to Xiaopang and his mother, Li Yan let out a long sigh.

After a few months, I stood in front of the familiar rusty iron gate again.

The room was empty, but filled with a warm atmosphere.

After Li Yan put away her luggage, she saw a few fried chicken wings on the kitchen table.

I have to grow some weight during this winter vacation.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, a familiar sound of footsteps was heard, and Li Yan, who was playing on the computer, tensed up for a moment as if by reflex.

Then he shook his head in self-mockery.

There was the sound of a key opening the door, and Chen Fengling rarely let out an "eh" and poked her head out of the door.

Looks very happy.

Li Yan also sat in the living room in a rare and swaggering manner, eating chicken wings with one hand and typing on the keyboard with the other.

"Hey, mom, you're back?"

(End of this chapter)

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