Rebirth 07: Start adding points from elementary school students

Chapter 182 What kind of life do you want to live?

Chapter 182 What kind of life do you want to live?
"Uh..." Guo Qiwen hesitated.

"Do you think that I have to prove various mathematical conjectures and study cutting-edge physics. Do you think that this is not a waste of talent and that it is the best use of my talent?"

Guo Qiwen was stunned and couldn't even utter the five words "Isn't it?"

"Who said that smart and talented people must follow this path?" Li Yan shrugged. "I will only touch the pearl of human wisdom when I have the ability, but my life will not be based on this alone."

He paused, then added, "Having the ability... doesn't just depend on how hard I work. It's hard to say whether my talent is enough to get me there. In addition to hard work, it also requires some luck. If I'm lucky enough to get there, I'll naturally be happy to record my name in the history of scientific development."

This attitude obviously made Guo Qiwen a little confused. "To be honest, Li Yan, I don't quite understand."

Actually, what’s so good about these words that you don’t understand?

The core is actually a question of values. In the eyes of Guo Qiwen and many others, unattainable geniuses like Li Yan are often portrayed as people who are far away from the secular world and are devoted to the pursuit of truth.

Li Yan said that he "does not want to waste his talent" and he works so hard to improve himself. He is obviously a seeker. His ideal and future must be to delve into the most cutting-edge content.

But Li Yan didn't think so.

His talent is good, but not top-notch. He also knows that as a reborn person with a cheat, he is qualified and capable of pursuing higher things.

Just like the goal he set for himself - the pinnacle of humanity.

But he wanted to make up for the regrets of his previous life first. He liked to be an all-rounder, liked to experience different lives, liked to create literature and art, and liked to show off.

During this period of time, Li Yan was writing online articles. Whether for the purpose of learning or satisfying personal interests, he read a lot of rebirth articles.

As a reborn person, reading rebirth stories is indeed a very strange thing, and it brings a special kind of pleasure.

There is no doubt that everyone's imagined rebirth is much simpler than his. Some people get rich by memorizing information gaps, but before long their worries change from how to make money to how to spend money; some systems issue tasks, and as long as you complete them, you will be given things and values. As long as you are willing to do it, you can grow from zero to a math god.

Therefore, it is easy for them to obtain hundreds of billions of funds to dominate the blue planet, and they can also solve the Goldbach conjecture and even the Riemann conjecture, with interstellar migration in the left hand and controlled nuclear fusion in the right hand.

He can't.

He has no information gap, and he has to earn money bit by bit through his own ability. Although there are now operations that can reversely utilize memory blockades, it still depends on his own ability in the final analysis.

And his abilities need to be practiced.

The system prevents him from regressing, allows him to evolve in all directions, and enables him to rely on the radiation of advanced skills to instantly master related low-level skills.

But for every 10% obstacle, the system won’t help you.

There are no tasks and no rewards, you can only rely on yourself.

It depends on his own talent.

"I don't have such high ideals. In the final analysis, happiness is my top priority. If pretending to be cool makes me happy, I will keep pretending; if making money makes me happy, I will keep making money; if changing the world makes me happy, I will work hard to change it... As for contributing my wisdom to this society, I am not that arrogant. There are many geniuses in this world. Some of them spend their entire lives just to solve a problem.

I didn’t think of surpassing them by putting in the slightest effort, but I also didn’t want to be an ascetic on a single-plank bridge. ”

"The highest level of need is self-realization, Li Yan." Guo Qiwen had mixed emotions, and he didn't know what the purpose of his words was.

"Yes, teacher." Li Yan took a deep breath and laughed. "I'm not afraid that you will be angry. I'm a very selfish person. So far, except for the 08 earthquake that made me feel very strong and wanted to make something that can accurately predict earthquakes for humans, I really haven't thought about human affairs."

Guo Qiwen blinked his eyes, with a thousand things to say but no one could find the answer.

"I am very vulgar. I like to show off. I want to be admired by everyone. Of course, pursuing science to the end is a good route, but at present, I don't want to spend my whole life on this path."

Guo Qiwen, who was sitting opposite, lost all his relaxation and even looked a little confused.

"Maybe in the future I will find spending money meaningless and pursue higher self-realization..." Li Yan became more relaxed, "But to be honest, that's a natural thing. I just want to improve myself in all aspects. Money will come, and so will inspiration."

He didn't know what level the system's 100% progress represented, nor did he know whether he could improve any skill to that level.

30% is the average. His current skills of 50%+ are enough to break away from the identity of a "junior high school student" and be considered excellent in the entire human circle - for example, Chinese.

Perhaps, if one's skills are fully utilized, he will be the strongest among all human beings, but he may also become a god directly.

These are not important. Li Yan has lived a 24-year life full of regrets and confusion. He will be exposed to more, try more, and experience more in this life. No one has put the responsibility of everything on him. The value of his life is defined only by himself.

"Teacher Guo, if one day my math level reaches the point where I can do research, do you think I will study those conjectures?" "Yes?" Guo Qiwen no longer knew how to deal with this student.

"No." Li Yan shook her head. "Have you heard of Ramanujan's story?"

"I heard it from my math teacher."

"At least that's the case." Li Yan smiled, "If one day I can reach that state, I can use a magical constant that appears out of nowhere to solve the mathematical problems that have troubled mankind, then I will do it."


"Because it makes me feel good." Li Yan laughed, but immediately restrained his expression, "I'm serious. For some people who work hard, their life direction is often only one road. They can walk along this road all the way to the top of the mountain. But in front of me is a square."

Guo Qiwen's breathing quickened.

"My time is limited, and I want to walk through the square and every tile of it."

Li Yan took a sip of water, which gave Guo Qiwen, who was full of thoughts, a chance to catch his breath.

"To be honest, Mr. Guo, my ideal is to become the top of humanity." Li Yan said with a smile, "For me, literature, sports, mathematics, and art are all the same. None is more noble than the other. I will do different things at different stages of my ability. I'm going to tell you something that may make you feel dizzy. For me, making a buzzer-beater in the basketball class game this semester is the same as achieving controlled nuclear fusion one day in the future."

Guo Qiwen was stunned, and his rebuttal almost blurted out, "The first part is just a memory of your youth, and the second part is a major event that affects all of humanity! How can they be the same thing?"

"Of course, they are incomparable to all mankind." Li Yan shook his head, "But if I shot this ball and I did this controlled nuclear fusion, then for me, it's all - cool. They are different things I have to do at different stages of my life.

So, can you understand me? I am a selfish person. I only hope that my own life is wonderful. I don't bear the pressure of the development of all mankind, nor do I bear the pressure of "what genius needs to be like".

It doesn’t matter that I didn’t develop controlled nuclear fusion, it’s just like I didn’t make the buzzer-beater shot.

I am just an ordinary person, a common person who pursues to show off, not a saint with great ambitions.

If one day, I really do something that is of great significance to all mankind, it will only be this thing that makes me feel great.

I still only do it for myself.”

Li Yan didn't plan to say anything more. He had basically said everything he could say, and if he said more, something might go wrong.

It is normal for Guo Qiwen to be confused, because in his eyes, learning is still a linear process, and if you want to achieve success in a certain field, you must work hard.

He didn't understand genius, let alone Li Yan who brought the system.

Especially when this system is an all-round plus point.

Therefore, he could not understand Li Yan's unwillingness to be an ascetic on a single-plank bridge, nor could he understand Li Yan's weird thinking of "don't do it if you can't do it, do it only if you can do it".

If the system's 100% progress bar means he is the best mathematician in the world, when Li Yan's math skills are 100%, he will study various conjectures more actively than anyone else.

But if his talent is combined with the improvement of other skills in the system, it would be at most 90%. His cognition has reached the top, so there is no point in his research.

At this time, he absolutely could not accept to continue wasting time on this path, and instead used his other 80 or 90 points of skills to become an all-around god of war.

Li Yan's reborn life is actually very simple. He makes good use of the advantages brought by the system, sets himself a goal of "the top of humanity", constantly improves himself, and uses the results of the improvement to show off and feel all kinds of positive and negative feedback, which in turn stimulates him to continue to improve.

During this process, money will come to him, his network of contacts will gradually accumulate, and his upper limit will gradually increase.

If you are reborn because of regret, then you will never regret it in this life.

As for how far we can achieve in the end, we will do our best and leave the rest to fate.

We want the finest of culture, but we also want a life of decadence and extravagance.

Li Yan felt that the discussion was over, so she waved and opened the door to go back to class, but she saw Guo Qiwen waking up from a dream and saying:
"Don't go back to class yet, Yang... your master wants to see you."

"Oh, yes. I also gave him New Year greetings during the Chinese New Year. I remember he said he would give me a surprise when school starts." Li Yan nodded. "Then Teacher Guo, will you take me there?"

"He's waiting for you at the door." Guo Qiwen slapped his head, "I was so engrossed in the conversation that I forgot to tell you. Go now."

This teacher and student didn't take the class seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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