Chapter 190 Brother is just a legend
Before his rebirth, Li Yan had severe time anxiety - of course, this did not affect his intermittent slacking, so he could not understand at the time what it felt like "so many days had passed in a flash", he always thought it was a waste of time without realizing it.

But now he understood that there was a kind of happiness that came from passing by in a flash, which was to ignore the passage of time while striving to pursue one goal after another.

Although this did not alleviate his time anxiety, it can be said that time is the most frustrating thing for Li Yan at the moment.

Since the start of the optional classes, Li Yan often asked her roommates, "Why are you back so soon?", making them feel like they were skipping classes and returning to the dormitory.

It was you who skipped class, you bastard!

As Friday was approaching, Li Yan was still pushing forward all the things she needed to do as usual, without missing a single one.

Some progress has also been made, the most critical of which is naturally the system values.

The speed of thinking, which had been stagnant for a while, has finally been improved. It was a very happy thing, but the process was really a bit ridiculous.

Li Yan's recent study focus has been on programming. He specifically looked for some programming questions to practice his problem-solving speed. While thinking about a slightly complex question, he had the urge to go to the toilet.

But he was determined to finish the question, so he forced himself to speed up. He never expected that the tension would cause the valve to speed up as well.

Just as she was about to reach the last part of the question, another question suddenly blocked Li Yan's train of thought.

Go to the toilet or finish the homework, that is the problem.

Who wouldn't want to take the final step? Li Yan gritted her teeth and forced herself to concentrate, quickly going through the plan in her mind. Finally, she finished the question and clapped her pen just before she could no longer bear it.

Then the thinking speed +1, successfully breaking through 50% progress...

Great progress may come from some small things in life. ——Li Yan, in the toilet on March 2009, 3.

As for computer-related skills, his plan to steal chickens proved feasible.

After mastering the operation of many software, Li Yan improved his software skills to 50 points, and added 1 point to the third-level skill "Computer", thus gaining 2 points for programming for free.

Unfortunately, 50 is a hurdle. Once a chicken is stolen, the chicken coop is locked.

If you want to improve yourself later, you might as well learn advanced programming skills.

The unexpected surprise was that in the process of learning software, in order to understand those stupid tutorials, Li Yan's comprehension ability was successfully improved a little...

It's these key abilities that increase little by little every day. By the time they accumulate to the point where the second-level skill "Intelligence" can be increased by one, there's probably nothing left to radiate, which always makes him feel very sorry.

In addition, two new skills have been activated after a long absence, "Physics" and "Chemistry", which are naturally third-level skills.

It’s not that Li Yan is just learning now, but because of his strong memory, he had forced himself to memorize the relatively simple basic junior high school physics and chemistry knowledge.

I failed to build a good knowledge system and have no formed ideas in my mind.

As for why I started learning high school physics and chemistry again, it originated from a discussion with Guo Qiwen.

Because of many other things, Li Yan put it aside for the time being. Recently, because of the Computer Olympiad, Li Yan thought of the other four Olympiads and asked Guo Qiwen.

This question was obvious to everyone, and Guo Qiwen decisively gave two locks:
First, the national mathematics, physics and chemistry competition for junior high school students is of little significance, and at most can give admissions preference to New Taipei City Middle School; second, even if you want to participate, you have to wait until the first semester of the third year of junior high school, as these are all junior high school competitions and there is no need to participate in advance.

Li Yan asked on the spot: "Can I join the high school?"

Guo Qiwen was so confused by the question that he started a discussion with Li Yan about whether he had been feeling a little bit proud recently.

The result of the discussion was that Li Yan felt that she didn't need to study until the third year of junior high school.

Guo Qiwen could only choose to drink a sip of tea.

The big talk has been made. If you don’t learn from it, you’re not just showing off, but getting slapped in the face.

Both subjects are worth 20 points, which means 40% of the progress. It is certainly amazing for a first-year junior high school student, but it is nothing for a first-year junior high school student who wants to participate in the High School Olympiad.

Still have to learn.

During this week, what impressed Li Yan the most were some small episodes.

He went to the badminton team for training on Wednesday. Wu Qiang, who had officially returned, was very excited to see Li Yan, and everyone else was also surprised.

They all felt that with Li Yan’s current level of academic achievement and influence, he would no longer be able to participate in sports training.

But he came, and in the eyes of the team members, this was a sign of the boss giving them face, and they were very happy.

So the training that night somehow turned into a fan meeting. The players in the first and second grades became very friendly and took turns to play a few balls with Li Yan. But things changed as time went on, because Li Yan became stronger by more than a little bit.

At the beginning, everyone was holding back and didn't feel anything. Later, someone got interested and tried to play two balls seriously. When they saw that Li Yan was following up easily, everyone felt something was wrong.

It was not until Wu Qiang came on the court and Gao Yuan was nailed to the floor that everyone woke up from their dream.

This guy has grown taller and stronger, and his skills have also become better!
The amazing thing is that, because of the property of the system that will not regress, Li Yan did not feel unfamiliar when he picked up the racket again. On the contrary, because of the improvement in his physical value, he used it in badminton for the first time and even added three points to badminton!
The progress bar is actually 50%. If I face Wu Qiang this time, I should be able to fight him, right?

Wu Qiang naturally proposed a second fight invitation, but Li Yan had trouble arranging his schedule, so he could only agree for the time being and fight again on another day.

The same goes for the track and field team. They never expected that this person would be willing to practice running with them.

Gu Ziyu was always attentive and smiling, without any arrogance or domineering look on his face.

After training, he took the initiative to run to the store to buy a sports drink for Li Yan and handed it to her respectfully with both hands.

Zheng Qinyuan was shocked, and Song Xiaofei was too embarrassed to tell him that it was caused by beatings.

A good son is born under the stick.

During the lunch break on Friday, Wang Hang and his brothers caught Li Yan who was going to the toilet. Li Yan's whereabouts were really hard to find, and this was the only day in the week that he came for lunch break.

These guys are guarding me?
"Li Yan," Wang Hang's eyes were evasive and his expression was shy. If it were a woman, she would have thought he was going to confess his love. "After careful consideration, we decided to send you a formal invitation."

So persistent...

"You will be our boss."

Li Yan fiercely suppressed the urge to laugh and instantly began to think about whether there was an ant hole under the tree next to Wang Hang.

"Our boss is asking you a question." Leopard obviously only remembered Wang Hang's request that "we must have dignity and momentum."

"Be polite." Wang Hang rolled his eyes.

"Our boss is asking you a question."

Li Yan couldn't help but laughed out loud, "You invited me to be the boss, what about you?"

Wang Hang seemed to have guessed this question long ago. He crossed his arms and said confidently, "Who said we can't have two bosses?"

"There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. You..." Li Yan thought for a long time but couldn't remember, "What is the name of your organization?"

Then he saw with his own eyes that Wang Hang's face changed drastically, and he and his four younger brothers all looked confused at the same time.

"I fucking told you to give it a name! Who said before that you don't need to give it a name!"

Bai He raised his hand weakly, "Not really, Boss, we came up with more than a dozen names, but you were not satisfied with any of them."

"It's good to have a group of people to play with." Li Yan smiled and patted Wang Hang on the shoulder, "Just don't use any tricks. If you really follow the rules of the martial arts world, and change the boss, shouldn't we have a fight?"

Wang Hang's legs went limp with fear at these words.

Li Yan waved her hand. "I have something else to do. I'm leaving now."

Who would have thought that Wang Hang would suddenly speak in a rare sincere tone, "Let's be friends, Li Yan."

Wang Hang’s way of making friends is to add friends using his precious QQ number.

Li Yan looked at the four students at the back who were afraid to move, and called them to join in. They were so moved that they said "Thank you, Boss Yan" one after another.

It was not until he returned to the dormitory that Li Yan suddenly remembered that Wang Hang's father was Wang Peihua, the director of the Education Bureau. Although he didn't need to go through Wang Hang's path if he wanted to get in touch with Wang Peihua, it was a good thing that the other party took the initiative.

"Very good, it turns out that strength is the only thing that matters."

He didn't know that Wang Hang and his group started showing off when they returned to class, that adding his QQ number was already a small honor for a freshman at New Taipei No. 1 Middle School, and that he had become a legend.

The protagonist of the legend, Li Yan, was having trouble traveling on Friday afternoon, as a security guard was standing in front of her as she was about to step out of the school gate.

We have become brothers with the king of the main city, and we have defeated the final boss, but now I’m stopped by the housekeeper of the novice village.

(End of this chapter)

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