Chapter 227 Set off for Xin'an!

This volume suddenly rolled over to April 4th, and the "shortest May Day holiday in history" is just around the corner.

It’s funny to say that the first May Day after Li Yan’s rebirth was the first May Day after the seven-day holiday was cancelled, and the holiday in 2009 was only three days.

The vacation was very short, and the midterm exam results were announced immediately after returning from vacation, so my roommates were all struggling with whether to go home or not.

Li Yan and Chen Fan had nothing to worry about. On May 1st, they would set off for Xin'an City, next to New Taipei City, to officially participate in the provincial selection for the High School Informatics Olympiad on May 2nd, and return after the exams were over that afternoon.

In just two days, Li Yan finally revised the letter to Su Siqing and found time to send it out.

As for the situation of online literature, the discussion enthusiasm of "Nangong Youth" subsided very quickly. After everyone had been looking for foreshadowing for a few days, the old readers became silent. However, the new readers who came in later are still having a lot of fun.

The result was finally stuck at 8,000 average - it is really difficult to get 10,000 orders in this era. Kaiyuan's milk is really poisonous.

However, Kaiyuan remained excited and sent some data to Li Yan every day. The most frequently appearing word was "awesome".

Although Li Yan's book has only just started the fourth volume and is still in the slow-baking stage, the subscription data is quite crazy.

Needless to say, everyone is here to find foreshadowing...

Li Yan shook her head and said, “I will prepare some delicious food to satisfy you when I come back on May Day.”

The night before departure, the two test takers finally stopped staring at their computers, which made the other roommates feel relieved.

"Li Yan, when we went to Chuangzu before...did that minister contact you again?" Chen Fan asked when he saw the Chuangzu W8 in Li Yan's hand.

"I didn't take the initiative to look for him, so he naturally wouldn't come to us." Li Yan yawned, "I don't know how many people Minister Fang received during that period. He probably thought that we were just impulsive and just playing around."

"Then why don't you look for it?"

"It's no use looking for it now. Take advantage of the Olympiad to learn a little bit, and expand your horizons when you go to compete. See if there's a chance to meet some talented people and work together."

Chen Fan was surprised. Although Li Yan usually acted like a lone hero who said, "I'll solve any problems if there are any," he was actually very good at utilizing resources when it came to doing things - including human resources.

It feels a bit like déjà vu... Chen Fan recalled, isn't this what his mother taught him every day?

"People who want to do everything by themselves will not accomplish great things. If you expect one person to handle all the work, you will not accomplish great things. You should make rational use of talent resources. You are only responsible for the most critical checks and solving the most troublesome problems. Things like moving the machine gun five meters to the left are not your concern."

Ah... Chen Fan felt tired when he thought of his mother's decisiveness.

Maybe she and Li Yan would get along well?
On the May Day holiday, no one in dormitory 403 went home. Everyone was so bored that they decided to send their friends off to compete. They stood outside the van and waved their hands, which made the team leader, Mr. Dong, look confused:
"You roommates, you must have misunderstood. We are just going to participate in a competition for two days, not to join the army."

"Our dormitory is like this, teachers just need to get used to it." Li Yan said.

Xin'an City, the second largest city in Linjiang Province, is right next to Xinbei. It focuses on high-tech industries. Although it developed late, it has developed very rapidly.

Compared with New Taipei City, it lacks the foundation, but if New Taipei City is compared with it to the point of mentioning "foundation", its strength can also be seen.

It is not surprising that the provincial selection is held in Xin'an City.

There are "three new" in Linjiang, namely the provincial capital Xinbei, the second largest city Xin'an, and Xinping next to Lincheng.

To put it simply, New Taipei deserves to be ranked first in comprehensive strength, Xin'an has the strongest combat capability, and Xinping is also a city.

After all, it was the vanguard of the eastern part of Linjiang back then, but now it has become the "shame of the three new areas" and competes with Lincheng every day.

Xin'an has come from behind and is showing signs of surpassing New Taipei City.

"Xin'an Middle School and Luocheng Senior High School have been very strong in the past two years. Our school is the only one in New Taipei City that can surpass them, but it is also because of overall strength that they won. It is hard to say about the top few dozen students."

Dong Chengliang closed his eyes and began to popularize science. "Oh?" Li Yan replied.

So Teacher Dong opened his eyes and coughed twice, "What we are competing for is the outstanding small group, not the individual."

"Are they participating in the competition this time?" Chen Fan asked.

"In the competition, Xin'an Middle School's junior high school is the only one of the two junior high schools that participated in the provincial selection."

"Is it powerful?" Chen Fan asked.

"This... I heard it's pretty impressive." Dong Chengliang glanced back at Li Yan who was looking at the scenery outside the window, "But I believe you guys are even more impressive."

Li Yan didn't respond. He liked to look at the scenery while riding in the car and wanted to remember some things that he usually didn't notice.

Besides, he didn't really care about how awesome his junior high school students were. His goal this time was to be the strongest among the high school students.

"Let me tell you about the arrangements for this competition," Dong Chengliang sat in the passenger seat and turned his head to look at the two children behind him. "Xin'an is not far from here. It takes more than three hours to drive there. We will arrive at the hotel at noon and I will check you in. In the afternoon, I will take you to report and familiarize you with the examination room. Each person can get on the computer for ten minutes to familiarize themselves with it. You must seize this opportunity."

"Got it." Li Yan responded.

"The competition starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m., a total of four and a half hours. There is a written test and three computer operation questions. The written test and the first two questions test your basic skills and are answered individually. The third computer operation question can be answered in a team. The two of you must wear headphones to communicate internally, and you are not allowed to take off your headphones during the competition."

Li Yan was a little confused. "I heard that the final score for team-based questions is based on the engineering files on each person's computer. So why do we need to arrange a team-based mechanism?"

"Linjiang Province has a unique mechanism. It is said that the registration ratio of each school for the second year's competition will be determined based on the team's performance." Dong Chengliang smiled, "Of course, this is the official statement."

"What about the unofficial ones?" Li Yan asked.

“Personally, I think the provincial organizing committee hopes to see everyone solve more difficult problems and produce more impressive results.”

"It sounds good to say it out loud, right?"

Dong Chengliang waved his hand gently and did not answer.

"While in the hotel, can I communicate with participating students from other schools?" Li Yan asked suddenly.

"Of course you can. We encourage you to do so. The hotel will also open the conference room for you to study on your own."

"Conference room?" Chen Fan was stunned.

"All hotels around examination venues hosting various large-scale competitions have this standard configuration."

"If there is anyone you want to meet, please help, Teacher Dong." Li Yan said with a smile.

Dong Chengliang smiled evilly, his glasses reflecting an eerie light, "Young man, do you have a goal? The five people in the A-level competition must have a female contestant. Do you still want to chat with my senior sister?"

This old boss, is it true that he is a reserved and reserved man?
Li Yan said seriously, "Teacher, it's not appropriate for you to say such things."

Dong Chengliang adjusted his glasses and coughed twice, "It was just a joke."

"After all, Li Yan already has a senior sister..."

Li Yan instantly stuffed a small piece of bread she bought in the morning into Chen Fan's mouth, making him the second person to receive this honor after Lin Heng.

While Dong Chengliang didn't ask any questions, Li Yan took the initiative:
"Teacher Dong, I heard from Director Jin that only five people will be selected for this competition, but Linjiang still has ten incentive spots in the end... What does this mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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