Chapter 243 Try your best
But Mr. Li is quite good at slapping people in the face.

His main motivation for showing off is not to slap people in the face, but if someone comes up to him, he won't be able to sleep well at night unless he slaps them in the face.

Be it for face, for the dignity of the basketball team, or even if you say that the coach is considering the confidence of the basketball players - wow, so Li Yan, who did not join the basketball team, has become a villain. No matter what the starting point is, as long as you mess with me, I will embarrass you.

Class Nine is not only good at fast breaks, but also has a good level of tactical skills in positional warfare - although they only have three tricks, but with Qiu Li around, there are still ways to solve it when the tactics don't work.

If there is no double-team, you can play one-on-one efficiently. If there is a double-team, you can just play quickly and shoot in an open position.

Basketball is actually very complicated, but when there is a gap in levels, it can be said to be simple.

If there is a person in the team whose one-on-one efficiency is higher than that of his teammates in open shots, then basically all we need to do is implement the one-on-one tactics.

If you don't double-team someone, they will beat you. If you double-team someone in an open position, they will kill you. When everyone's shooting percentage is low, just take quality shots.

You don't have to worry about handling the ball after being double-teamed. This is not a junior high school class competition with all members on a professional team. Double-teaming is just a two-on-one operation. As long as your teammates know how to run, passing the ball is not a difficult task.

Then, when it's four against three, if you know some basic quick ball passing, you'll have plenty of opportunities.

Before this, Class Nine and Class Zero played like this.

But the final was different, because the number one and two stars of both teams could play against each other, and both Qiu Li and Li Yan had to defend each other.

If the ace is exchanged, double-teaming is a gift.

It should have been a match of tit-for-tat, with Li Yan and Qiu Li competing against each other, Li Ruofei having a strong dialogue with No. 2 from Class , and the rest of the role players trying their best to increase their success rate. It was a very exciting match.

However, when Qiu Li broke through with the ball and Li Yan was called for a foul after a slight physical confrontation, the situation was completely tilted.

This is a classic example of the referee controlling the game. When you attack the opponent with a bunch of small moves and actively exert force, there is nothing wrong with that. But when you defend with a little effort, a whistle will be issued.

The unfair calls that seemed to last only two rounds actually completely affected the direction of the game.

One side was too aggressive and the other side didn't dare to defend, so after a few rounds they were exhausted and their fighting spirit was gone.

The key point is that Li Yan had two fouls at the beginning of the game, and he would have to leave the court if he had five fouls.

It's like betting on spinach and fixing a match.

The players of Class Zero were obviously anxious. Li Yan waved his hand to indicate that it didn't matter. He ran across half the court and passed the ball.

The people in Class 9 still had some moral integrity. They only used their physical strength to attack the two Lis, and maintained normal defensive intensity against the other people in Class 0.

The fight between the two Lis was extremely difficult. It felt like they were attacked with thousands of moves as soon as they broke through. There were a series of critical hits, and only a few of them hit the ball.

Li Yan faked a move to shake off the defender in front of him and prepared to shoot, but the guy who had just been shaken off jumped up and shot back.

He slapped Li Yan hard on the head.

Li Yan threw the ball to the ground, and then the people from Class 9 took the ball and launched a fast break.

Because the referee didn't blow the whistle.

This time, he didn't need his teammates to step forward. He took a big step towards Xu Xin and said, "If you don't have the skills, you don't need to be a referee."

"I'll call a technical foul on you if you do that!"

"Blow your mother, if you can't afford to lose, you can notify us in advance and we won't have to fight."

When Li Yan was calm, his teammates stepped forward to comfort him. Now that he is angry, it is his teammates' turn to comfort him.

The people from Class 9 also came to persuade them, but Li Yan scolded them in public, "Don't be so ungrateful after getting an advantage. Who hits someone in the head with a ball?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Fortunately, Guo Qiwen and the head teacher of Class 9 took control of the situation in time and said a few words to calm the students, so the game was able to continue.

Unfortunately, the two of them and many of the audience members in the audience didn’t understand basketball. They just thought that Class Nine’s moves were too big, which was why Li Yan got angry.

Li Yan is Li Yan after all. The darling of New Taipei No. 1 High School is no joke. If he is really pissed off, the basketball team might not just lose face, so Xu Xin restrained himself a bit and could only "encourage confrontation."

However, even clay men have tempers. Class Zero is indeed mostly well-behaved, but they are also gifted children. Previously, everyone hid their pride because they thought participation was the most important thing. But now that it is the finals, that pride has naturally resurfaced.

Who doesn't know how to argue?

Although the angry members of Class Zero don't know how to do any tricks, they still know how to use some hidden strength.

The game became more and more fierce between the two sides, with almost no serious rounds of play, and all kinds of mistakes, fouls and free throws.

The scene was not pretty and the players' physical energy consumption was exaggerated.

Seeing that Class Zero had narrowed the score to 12 to 16, Xu Xin maintained his strength steadily. This time he did not whistle for Li Yan, but for his teammates - Class Zero was really excited and began to actively defend, especially Hou Xuan, Zhu Qinglun, Bai Xiaosheng, who had strong bodies but no experience.

Now Li Yan didn't know what to say.

While Class Zero was attacking, Class Nine began to implement double-teaming, with Qiu Li defending Li Ruofei alone.

Even if others have open positions, they are mentally anxious and physically weak, so their hit rate is almost zero.

Damn, it really is one thing after another, I am determined to win this time.

Then I'm going to get ready. No matter what your coach says, I'm going to dunk!

After Class 9 made the free throw, Li Yan quickly asked for the ball and pushed it hard, running all the way towards the basket.

The sudden explosion and acceleration caught everyone off guard.

When they came to their senses, the only people guarding the basket were two guards who had returned earlier, one was 167cm tall and the other 170cm tall. Seeing Li Yan speeding towards them like a sports car, they could only open their gates wide to prepare for her.

"Don't mark his card!" Xu Xin couldn't help but shout.

So when Li Yan jumped, the guard of Class 9 was confused and prepared to block the ball.

But Li Yan has already gained momentum, so how could he be blocked?

They could only jump up one after another to try to block him and destroy him.

These are extremely dangerous actions.

Li Yan lost his balance in the air and didn't care about the ball anymore. What was worse was that two defenders had lost their balance and one of them fell down under his impact. He could ensure that he landed in an awkward but safe posture, but he was afraid that he would have to kick his fallen brother to kill him.

This guy doesn't deserve this.

So Li Yan could only spread his legs and take big steps to avoid stepping on the fallen classmates. How could he control this? As soon as he landed and took a step, Li Yan secretly thought it was not good.

It's going to break!

This step is too difficult. I'm afraid I will have to walk all the way from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Book House!

Damn it, if I had known this earlier, I would have just killed him and cut off his family line.

A magical thing happened. Li Yan's left foot had obviously been sprained in a split second, but he was able to support his body normally afterwards and even braked before crashing into the group of female classmates.

It was as if the twist just now was just an illusion.

But judging from the frightened and worried expressions of the classmates, it should be true.

There was no pain at all. Li Yan frowned and stepped on his left foot. Everything was normal.

It recovered directly without even stomping on it?
Could it be the influence of the "Physical Health" skill? Helping Li Yan avoid physical damage below a certain level?
It's like a leg that either doesn't sprain or breaks, and it comes with a natural high-strength ankle guard.

Damn... Li Yan had a flash of thought:

Isn’t this system a conceptual god?
Xu Xin's whistle brought Li Yan back to reality. She could not pretend not to see the dangerous action just now. Class 9 committed a foul and Class 0 got free throws.

Li Ruofei saw with his own eyes that Li Yan sprained his ankle, so regardless of the fact that Li Yan was standing on one leg to show that his ankle was fine, he still exercised his right as head coach to replace him to rest.

The break resulted in a halftime score of 19 to 29.

Class Zero was 10 points behind.

Looking at his teammates who were leaving the field with a dejected look on their faces, Li Yan only said one sentence:

"Ten points is nothing!"

The cheering effect was average, after all, they were beaten 13 to 5 in a short period of time.

Without the bug Li Yan, Class Zero was completely unable to cope with Class Nine's counterattack.

The gap in strength is there, and Class Zero's five points were earned by Li Ruofei's three strong breakthroughs - including one of two free throws.

This Xu Xin is really something. At this time, the whistle was in favor of Class Zero, calling three fouls on Class Nine in a row, but Class Zero only scored one foul.

This is the control tactics 2.0. First, they slap you twice, causing the team to fall behind by a large margin. Then, when you lose your spirit, they try to make up for it with some insignificant opportunities.

Finally, I saw that the free throw numbers of the two teams were similar. "Why do you say it's biased towards the ninth class?"

Li Ruofei looked very angry, and even threw the towel in a rare fit of anger, "Is there really nothing you can do about them? And they even caused you to sprain your ankle."

"Damn it, should I just hit them?" Hou Xuan was also very angry.

"No, no, no, basketball is basketball, and they didn't mean to hurt anyone." Li Yan stood up and jumped a few times. "I'm really fine. In the second half, everyone worked together and shot boldly when there was a chance. Ten points are nothing, just three three-pointers."

"I clearly saw that you sprained your ankle." Li Ruofei insisted.

"He can do it. I've seen it." A clear female voice sounded. It was Wei Yunzhi who was squatting next to Li Yan.

"Hello, Senior."

Damn you bunch of bastards. You are usually so sexy, why are you all so well behaved now?

Wait, she said she saw it?
Li Ruofei and Lin Heng immediately looked at the three roommates sitting on the bench.

"Yeah, I saw it." Chen Fan nodded.

"I pinched it again." Zhu Qinglun also nodded.

"What's pinched?" Liang Tiancheng waved his hand. "The senior sister checked it out. She said she knows a little bit about sports rehabilitation."

From the expressions of the group of boys nearby, it was clear that their focus was beginning to shift away from basketball.

When did Xinbei No. 1 High School have such a pretty girl? She looks a little familiar?
Comrades from Class 9, you won the game but lost your life!

However, Li Yan said that they couldn't win the game either.

"Since my sister-in-law...senior sister has said so," Lin Heng said with a smile, "then let Old Yan lead us to a comeback and destroy Class Nine!"

After saying that, he looked around but couldn't find his cousin.

"It's not Class 9 that's ruined." Li Yan stood up, "It's the face of this stupid basketball team."

In everyone's eyes, Li Yan returned to the court with an injury, and the whole audience applauded.

The members of Class Zero were also excited to welcome back their backbone.

Only Class 9 was not prepared. The large-scale physical confrontation was very exhausting, and they were currently leading by ten points, so Class 9's playing style became conservative and the ball was passed much slower.

So the ball was intercepted by Li Yan.

No. 23, like black lightning, rushed to the basket and dunked.

The whole audience exclaimed.

Li Yan pointed to the sky and glared at the referee. The basketball coach sighed, "Li Yan, you have to pay attention..."

"If it's broken, I'll pay for it. If it's not broken, shut up!"

The boy yelled.

Everyone who heard it was stunned, then immediately started laughing and cheering.

"Ayan suddenly became so angry?" Li Ruofei was dumbfounded.

"Guess why." Lin Heng shrugged.

"Did he sprain his ankle?" Qiu Li was shocked. "Pay attention and don't just stand there!"

Everyone is happy to see him return with an injury and prepare to turn the tide.

Sweat broke out on Xu Xin's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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