Chapter 249 Su Siqing's Reply

Chapter 247 Su Siqing's Reply

"Are you sure?" Yang Chengzhang had a complicated expression. "I haven't officially endorsed you yet. Even if I use my connections to find Red Dragon and write your name, I may not be able to enter the gallery."

"Try it."

“Draw it first.”

"Of course." Li Yan nodded, "This painting may be slower."

"Draw well, no one is in a hurry." Yang Chengzhang smiled and patted Li Yan's back again, "How can a junior high school student have such a physique? I pat you like I am my son."

Wow, the seniority has increased.

"You need to exercise more, Master."

Yang Chengzhang laughed, "I am old and weak, so I just take a walk."

Of course, painting is not something that can be done just by saying it. Li Yan walked back to the school gate with a stack of red bills in his pocket, and started thinking about how to deal with the money.

Yang Chengzhang specially changed it into banknotes, probably because he took into consideration Li Yan's status as a minor and it would be very troublesome to perform any operations in the bank.

The right to operate the bank card for online manuscript fees is actually in the hands of his parents, so Li Yan's current spending money mainly depends on newspaper and magazine manuscripts. It seems like a good idea to keep the 100,000 as various start-up funds, and cash is always more useful.

Envelope... He touched the sharp edge of the cowhide envelope in his trouser pocket, and decided to go to Xiaopang's secret hut.

Last Sunday, Xiaopang went out to play with his roommates and didn’t go back. He calculated that it was almost time for him to publish a new batch of articles. Maybe he could even see a reply from Su Siqing.

He had a good impression of this great writer and was indeed eager to communicate with him.

Looking at the slightly bulging mailbox lid, Li Yan was stunned.

He no longer submits articles under other messy pen names, and only publishes high-quality articles under two main pen names, taking the boutique route, and the number of publications has plummeted.

"Are flyers so rampant nowadays? I haven't seen other people's mailboxes being filled up..."

He was too lazy to look through these things in the dim corridor, so he stuffed them all into his small backpack and took them back to the dormitory.

The dormitory was empty - of course, everyone was in class.

Li Yan first locked the 100,000 yuan in the drawer, then reached into her bag and touched the letters one by one. When she touched the wrinkled, soft and rough-edged envelope, she nodded with satisfaction and pulled it out.

It was indeed a reply from Su Siqing.

That also means that "Meng Sheng Youshi" or "Tang Fei" has published new works.

The handwriting was still pleasing to the eye. This time, Su Siqing used thicker and higher-quality paper, and wrote five long pages.

It is written to "Tang Fei".

"Brother Tang Fei, how are you recently? I have already written a reply letter, waiting for the publication of Brother Tang Fei's new work so that I can contact the publishing house and send it to him. However, I saw "On Online Literature" published in "Linjiang Literature and Art". I was deeply touched after reading it, so I temporarily changed the letter and just sent it out today. Please don't misunderstand Siqing..."

Boss, you are so sincere, it puts a lot of pressure on me.

But at Su Siqing's age and status, could he still be "deeply touched" by an article about online literature? Could he also read articles online?

Li Yan's article starts from the definition of online literature, the rationality and necessity of its birth, and from the many categories of online literature, analyzes the development of online literature to date.

"What Brother Tang Fei said about the degree of freedom is quite inspiring to me. The Internet has further broken the monopoly of power over information dissemination. The privilege of editors to publish works is threatened, and the timeliness of traditional paper media has been impacted. From works choosing readers to readers choosing works, these points are the current situation and the future trend."

Li Yan nodded repeatedly as she watched.

"I think it is wrong to say that 'online literature is growing wildly'. No matter in what medium, literature has its wild growth side, which is its vitality. If the so-called 'traditional literature' is only left with dogmatic 'creation', it is equivalent to being alienated into something other than literature.

"I don't agree to separate the concepts of online literature and traditional literature. The medium should not be the criterion for classification. Online poetry is no different from paper-based poetry. If there is a distinction between high and low because of the different mediums, then poets should also be divided into different identities, right?"

Su Siqing both affirmed and refuted Li Yan's article, but overall it was very comfortable to read. He told the story in a leisurely manner, and had the temperament of an old scholar who "does not talk about emotions or positions, but only talks about the opinions themselves."

Suddenly, a sentence came into Li Yan's eyes: "I have also read the book "Nangong Shao Nian", which is very interesting. I suggest that Brother Tang Fei can also read it when he has time."

What if Su Siqing knew that Li Yan was a three-in-one surprise gift package...

In the article, Li Yan discussed "online novels", and believed that online novels should not be given so-called "low-level" evaluations just because of their style and audience. Literature is not the highbrow work of individual literati and poets, but belongs to the people.

He thought that an old scholar like Su Siqing, who had been doing research all his life, would be more or less disdainful of such a view, and he was fully prepared to see how strong the rebuttal from the great writer would be.

But Su Siqing only wrote one sentence, "It is enough that the people like to hear and see it."

Li Yan's favorability towards this old man went through the roof.

What’s going on? Is this the holy body of friendship between people of different ages?
The writing level of Su Siqing's letter is so high that Li Yan even thinks it can be included in Su's collection of essays.

At this age and status, it is really amazing that he can maintain a learning and accepting attitude towards online literature.

Li Yan was inspired and wrote down the outline of his reply. In his previous letter, he affirmed the value of online literature, but in this letter, he wanted to emphasize the difference between online literature and traditional literature. Literature does belong to the masses, but too much freedom is not necessarily a good thing.

Therefore, the prosperous future of the prose and poetry platform that Su Siqing envisions may not be realized.

Today’s online literature is flourishing, but in the future online literature may refer only to novels.

The Internet will become a powerful tool for the development of some literary genres, but it is destined not to be the breeding ground for other literary genres.

Li Yan was so excited when she saw Su Siqing's last words. She was dumbfounded:

"Brother Tang Fei, it's rare for Siqing to have a pen pal with whom I can chat so happily. Why don't you give me your address to facilitate daily communication?"

He's catching up to the door!

Come to think of it, Su Siqing had such a high status that he gave his address in the first letter. However, in order to reply to Li Yan, he had to look through newspapers and magazines every day to find published articles and contact the publishing house to send it together.

It does seem like I'm being too arrogant.

Su Siqing only replied to Tang Fei this time, because Meng Shengyoushi’s new chapter in the city series, "Xin'an Speed", was just released two days ago and there was no response so soon.

Moreover, it says Xiaopang's home, so as long as Su Siqing doesn't visit, there is no way to know who the owners of these two pen names are.

When the day comes when they really have the chance to meet, the worst that can happen is that Li Yan will shock Su Siqing three times.

Anyway, we have exchanged letters and confronted each other. You shouldn't think that the good times are over just because you are a junior high school student.

With all the ideas running through his mind, Li Yan struck while the iron was hot and wrote his reply.

But he was still prepared to polish it carefully. The great writer's sincerity was almost overflowing from between the lines, and he also had to express his attitude.

After finishing the letter, I took a look at the other envelopes to see what was in them.

The payment slip from Linjiang Literature and Art, the flyer from the supermarket downstairs from Xiaopang, the payment slip from an online journal - damn, I submitted the manuscript a month and a half ago, but it has only just arrived now, and it's only fifty yuan. The experience of submitting to a small newspaper or magazine is really bad.

As soon as I threw the manuscript fee slip aside, an exquisite envelope appeared.

"The Linjiang Writers Association's 'Beautiful Linjiang' Essay Competition Organizing Committee?"

He flipped through the two envelopes at the back:

"New Taipei City Federation of Literary and Art Circles 'May 1 Cup' City-wide Essay Competition Organizing Committee"; "The Seventh National 'Tianxing Literature Award' Essay Competition Organizing Committee".

Damn... Li Yan's mouth curled up. Could it be that the stack of things behind him were award certificates?
Some essay competitions at the end of last year and the beginning of this year had deadlines in February and March, so the results were announced in May or June.

Come in groups.

He thought of something and suddenly became a little nervous. He quickly flipped through the envelope in his hand and finally saw the sender's information that he cared about the most:

"Organizing Committee of the First Supernova Publishing International Mystery Fiction Literature Award".

(End of this chapter)

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