Chapter 270 Summer Vacation
It was almost time to return to school when Li Yan remembered something.

The semester will be over after the results are announced on June 6.

Today is already the evening of the 28th. I might be alone when I return to the dormitory.

Alas, this is what it means: things have changed and people have changed, and everything is over.


As a result, when he walked downstairs to the dormitory building, he was stunned. Room 403 was brightly lit.

As soon as the dormitory door was opened, the five roommates who had packed their things all fired a small salute and said loudly, "Welcome Li Yan, the top student in the grade with full marks in all subjects, to my humble abode!"

"You've rehearsed before, right?" Li Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "It's past seven in the evening now. Are you guys going home tonight?"

"Too late, too late, tomorrow morning." Lin Heng swept the confetti off his head.

"Then why make the bed?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and started to take out the quilt again while cursing.

By the way, I cleaned up the colorful confetti on the floor.

"Waiting for me?" Li Yan pushed the suitcase aside and placed the gift bag on her desk.

"Yes, otherwise we would have all gone home the afternoon before yesterday." Liang Tiancheng replied.

"Waiting to hear a story?"

"Don't keep me in suspense. You're asking questions even though you already know the answer." Zhu Qinglun was anxious.

"I know you're anxious, but don't worry." Li Yan showed seven gift bags, "I don't know what's inside. They were given to you by others. Share them with everyone."

"Are you addicted to blind boxes?" Lin Heng said so, and he was more active than anyone else. He directly took the one with the thickest packaging.

Others also started to open it, but tacitly agreed not to open it.

"There are two left, I will just take one. And the rules of the game are, whoever gets the item with the lowest value can take the remaining one."

"I'm being played around by others!" Lin Heng was heartbroken.

Everyone took turns opening the gift boxes in their hands. It was pretty much as Li Yan expected. The gift givers had enough time to prepare. Since they were going to give him, a minor, they wouldn't be so stupid as to just give him cigarettes and alcohol.

Hardcover books, stationery, and bookmarks - these should be sent by the publishing house, there are three copies; cultural and creative products and special souvenirs - probably sent by the hotel and the organizer, there are two copies.

The items are very exquisite and full of sincerity. Although they are not expensive goods, they win the hearts of these junior high school students.

The main thing is that there is no pressure to put it away, so everyone is very happy.

The items are all similar, so it’s hard to judge their value.

Until Li Yan took out a few buffet and movie tickets from his bag...

The key point is that the place of use is Shangjing.

My roommates said that we have been professionally trained and will not laugh no matter how funny something is unless we can’t help it.

"Although these buffets and movie tickets may have the highest surface value," Lin Heng laughed, "but you're still the worst off, Old Yan. Take a flight and go to the movies."

"It's only slightly better than the Lamborghini 500 coupon." Chen Fan complained.

"After unanimous decision by the 403 award organizing committee, Comrade Li Yan received the worst prize and can take the last prize." Li Yan served as the host himself.

The last bag was even thinner than the bag of meal tickets and movie tickets that Li Yan got.

I am afraid……

Everyone watched as Li Yan pulled out another small box and opened it to reveal two pieces of paper.

No one could help but burst into laughter.

Then Li Yan asked, "Moutai exchange voucher?"

Damn it?

"This is the grand prize!" Lin Heng leaned his head over. "With this coupon redemption code, you can redeem a bottle of 'Moutai Liquor' at any sales outlet. Hey, why is it so vague? But it must be true. It should be a collaboration between the Royal Palace Hotel and Moutai. It's amazing, Lao Yan!"

"What's so great? We can't drink it." Li Yan stuffed the coupon back into the gift box and said, "Send it to my dad later."

"Okay, now that the blind boxes are opened, it's time for the story time, right?" Li Ruofei was looking forward to it.

That night, during Li Yan's passionate talk show, there were bursts of exclamations, sighs and howls of pain in dormitory 403.

The story ended perfectly with Lin Heng, grabbing his hair and saying, “I can’t sleep anymore.”

Not only was he unable to sleep, it was already a holiday, and everyone had to go home the next day, so the end time of the night chat kept getting pushed back. It was almost two in the morning, and everyone was feeling sleepy.

Then Liang Tiancheng suddenly asked, "Li Yan, the vice president of Hua University has come to see you specially. Does that count as... being recommended to Hua University?"

This question sparked off big topics such as "where to go in high school", "where to go in college" and even "what kind of life do you want to live", and the conversation lasted until after three o'clock.

The energy consumed by Li Yan's social interactions and the long journey was more exaggerated than he had imagined, so he slept until ten o'clock in the morning, which was a rare occasion.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt that the dormitory was much quieter.

I suddenly stood up and looked, only to find that except Chen Fan who was studying at his seat, everyone else had gone home.

"They're so early?"

"After two days of delay, I can't wait to go home." Chen Fan said.

"What about you?" Li Yan got out of bed and prepared to wash up.

"It's almost time. It's Monday. My parents are busy and won't be free until later. Aren't you going back, Li Yan?"

"No, I'm going to participate in the national competition training in mid-July. It's said that the training will take half a month, right?"

"Yes, it's not a closed-door program. Besides, I'm in New Taipei Middle School for training. I take the bus back to the dormitory every day." Chen Fan didn't get enough rest last night and yawned. "The training will start on July 7th, so there's still half a month left."

"Your house is closer. And I have other things to do."


Li Yan poked her head out of the bathroom holding a toothbrush in her mouth. "Records, New Concept Composition, online article manuscripts, drawing, I must be hungry."

"Hiss...nothing about computers?"

"I guess I'm hungry, but as for the competition... I have to go through training afterwards anyway."

"Nothing about senior sister?"

Li Yan retracted her head, "You have learned bad things from Chen Fan."

As Chen Fan waved and left, the dormitory suddenly became completely quiet.

No, the whole school fell into complete silence.

The third year of junior high school has also ended the high school entrance examination and is about to embark on a brand new high school life.

There is no need for students in the second year of junior high school to stay overnight to study just because they are about to enter the third year of junior high school.

Maybe I'm really the only one left.

It feels great.

Li Yan did not feel lonely at all. Instead, he felt a sense of pleasure that the whole world belonged to him.

This is what freedom is.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and living in a dormitory without air conditioning is really uncomfortable.

He remembered that there was no air conditioning at home when he was in elementary school, so he used ice frozen from large Coke bottles and blew a fan to cool down.

Dragon Ball was playing on TV at the time. He sat on the floor of the living room, letting the fan blow the ice cubes in front of him as a simple air conditioner, eating a popsicle in his mouth, and fell asleep while eating.

Until awakened by the melted ice water.

It's so cozy...

Of course, now that the family has an air conditioner, Li Yan went directly to the electrical appliance store at home and bought one. The store installed it at home without any further explanation.

Because of this, their parents blamed them on the surface, but in fact, the two of them were having a great time using the air conditioner.

After thinking about it, Li Yan decided to live in Xiaopang's house.

It's empty anyway, at least there is air conditioning.

So he sent a message to Xiaopang who had already returned to Lin City: "Celebrate! Ten years later, when we travel through time and space and look back, we will find that in just fifteen days, your hut gave birth to many great achievements that will influence future generations!"

"Li Yan, I'm Zhiyuan's mother. Zhiyuan is in seclusion studying. If you have anything to ask, go find him and I'll talk to him for you."

"It's okay, Auntie. I accidentally sent the wrong line in the novel I was writing."

In the end, Li Yan obtained the permanent right to live in the cabin at the cost of being mercilessly ridiculed by Xiaopang during lunch time.

(End of this chapter)

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