Chapter 314 Shoot at me?
One stone caused a thousand waves.

Most of the people who follow Li Yan are students, and a large proportion of them are in their second year of high school.

They would not be so foolish as to think that Li Yan's "smile" was really an expression of relief.

"I am very happy that Xinping has a child prodigy."

This is absolutely impossible. Li Yan is high-profile, pretentious, very proud, and overflowing with self-confidence - these are the labels given to him by his Weibo fans.

Some people also sincerely believe that he holds a grudge.

So fans quickly discovered the secret of this little prodigy from Xinping.

In fact, it is not a trick. To be fair, it is absolutely excellent for a primary school student to win first or second prizes in various authoritative subject competitions at the provincial and municipal levels.

In some contexts, it is not an exaggeration to call him a genius.

When Li Yan was in primary school, apart from his achievements in sports, he was not much better than the little prodigy of Xinping.

But Li Yan is now in a completely different realm.

Xinping media reported on the prodigy's experience of winning the "International Innovation Competition" and the "National Calligraphy Competition" as capital to frame Li Yan.

The basic logic is: you didn’t win such an awesome award back then.

This little prodigy's nose was so high that he thought "someone as awesome as me can't take care of sports" so "Li Yan's sports level is questionable" and emphasized "If Li Yan is so awesome, why would she go for sports special recruitment"...

There are too many shocking points, and they even smear the sports students.

Li Yan himself laughed, but his fans were very angry.

Where the hell did this wild chicken come from?

So they began to attack this Weibo post by reposting and commenting. Some of them refuted it with reasons and evidence, some appealed to the sentiments, and some just responded without thinking.

The attack mainly focused on three points. The logical brothers started from the fact that Li Yan's achievements were higher than those of the child prodigy, and laid the foundation with the sentence "Those who have won second prizes should not try to cheat the first prize winners". Later, they found out that the so-called International Innovation Competition was a rubbish competition where people paid for awards, and that the National Calligraphy Competition was limited to "Xinping Station (primary school junior group)", which was almost equivalent to a county-level competition, providing other brothers with good material for attack.

Most of the fans who take the emotional route are female fans. Their entry point is relatively unified. "They say that the girl's looks are not good, but actually they want to cling to her." They mainly use a sarcastic tone, and their words are accurate and harsh, which makes it very easy to find a defense point.

As for the output route...

"Where did you come from, you idiot?"

Then some inexplicable small media in Xinping launched the first wave of counterattacks. Generally speaking, they put labels on Li Yan and emphasized, "Are we only allowed to have one genius, Li Yan?"
It's completely brainless.

So everyone turned their guns around and started criticizing.

The ultimate bad mouth, the ultimate enjoyment.

What Li Yan did not expect was that officials from New Taipei City would soon enter the game. Although they did not participate in the battle head-on, they specially summarized some details of previous competitions at this critical juncture, and then tagged Li Yan, which was obviously meaningful.

We have witnessed and vouch for Li Yan’s excellence, so what kind of cookie are you?

It’s hard to tell whether he was unhappy with the public opinion or wanted to use it to gain some favor from Li Yan.

When Weibo first started, people didn’t have much of a “personality” and didn’t act or speak in a pretentious manner.

Everyone wants to try something new, and it’s really fun to be watched by fans online.

At least at that time, "true nature" was not a rare thing.

The fans' attacks were effective, and with the support of Xinbei, Xinping quickly deleted all Weibo posts related to Prodigy and stopped mentioning the matter.

Unexpectedly, this became the clarion call for a small-scale campaign against the deification movement.

Regardless of whether they are fans of Li Yan or not, all primary and secondary school students and even college students who have Weibo have begun to dig up reports of the "genius boy" everywhere - and not just on Weibo.

If you want to prove that a child is a genius, apart from school performance, basically you have to rely on competition honors.

And all of these are open and transparent. It is easy to tell at a glance what are the fake awards, what awards have room for manipulation, and whether the media reports are evasive or playing word games.

In front of so many students on vacation, all kinds of little thoughts can be seen.

Fortunately, this group of people still have some ethics. They basically only catch those who exaggerate. Li Yan's fans also specifically target those who try to take advantage of Li Yan but do not live up to her reputation, so it does not turn into a vigorous cyber violence.

Then Li Yan would be in trouble. No matter how he explained it, it was still caused by his smiling expression.

As a result, the "genius teenager deification movement" that had just taken shape in schools, educational institutions, and local media across the country ended up failing before it even started.

Those who were exposed naturally felt embarrassed and their dignity was insulted.

But Li Yan didn't feel anything about this. It was what she deserved, wasn't it?
Don't say anything like he's still a kid and he has no idea he'd be hyped up to this extent. If anyone has a bit of ambition, who the hell would want to participate in a fake competition?

You're exchanging money for awards, and you tell me you don't have any other ideas?
You're participating in an "international" competition with several classmates taking part, and you tell me you know nothing?
Come on.

But they would not reflect on this, so something happened that Li Yan found unexpected but reasonable:

Fight against Li Yan, the "biggest beneficiary of the deification movement."

It's understandable. After all, when people suffer losses and humiliation, they will definitely direct their fire at the "culprit" in their eyes.

What was unexpected was that Li Yan did not expect that they would actually dare to attack him.

I'm really not afraid of death.

Although Li Chun and Chen Fengling did not understand the Internet and did not read Weibo, they heard from somewhere that Li Yan was "imprisoned" and they went home looking like they had no appetite.

They wanted to persuade Li Yan not to be so high-profile, but were suddenly stopped by the thought of "being afraid of their son getting angry."

This is essentially the impact of the information gap barrier.

Xiao Ming knows more than Xiao Hong in some aspects, so when talking about this aspect, Xiao Hong will put herself in a relatively humble position.

The root of this sense of awe is not the objective question of "who knows more", but the subjective question of "do I think you know more than me?"

The elders use their experience to educate the young people, and the young people, after having their own experience and methodology, use the "new era" to refute the elders.

Actually it's the same thing.

Of course, society is not a flat surface, but is influenced by multiple dimensions.

How can we affirm on a subjective level that another person knows more than we do?
Rely on objective results.

Li Chun and Chen Fengling were actually unable to digest the achievements made by Li Yan. Apart from using their identities as parents to maintain a balance in front of Li Yan, it seemed that only a little "life experience" could dominate them.

It is difficult for them to understand that a very popular Weibo account is being questioned, so what opinions can they give?

The couple could only worry. Apart from comforting them with a few words that it was okay, Li Yan could only reassure her parents by showing them a good appetite.

Seriously, it's no big deal.

Even Li Yan himself was curious about what angle to use to criticize him. All his achievements were solid and without any water.

I hope everyone will try hard and not just turn it into a simple emotional outburst. At least say something that will make people want to argue. After all, it’s not a waste of time.

[Psychology +1, level 27 skill, total ]

[Sociology +1, Level 26 skill, total ]

It really was not a wasted research!
I haven't really researched this area recently, but I didn't expect that such a good thing would come to me during the leisurely winter vacation.

Li Yan was even in a happy mood and opened Weibo, ready to accept the shock.

See the reply to his first comment:
It is indeed amazing that Li Yan got first place in national and international competitions, there is no doubt about that, but why should she emphasize that she only studied for one year?

Li Yan was confused. Are you finding fault with me or praising me in different ways?

As expected, half of the people who responded to this comment were saying “WTF, Yan Shen only studied for one year?”

The other half is popularizing science: "It was not Yan Shen himself who emphasized this, but the school told his roommates."

Then everyone went to Chen Fan and New Taipei No. 1 High School’s Weibo to party together.

Li Yanzhen couldn't tell whether they were enemy or friendly forces.

What followed was a bit ridiculous. Whether the various reports of Li Yan's computer championship were exaggerated is a key point currently being grasped by the media opinion promoters.

After all, in their eyes, it was outrageous enough that Li Yan won first place in the Qingxin Olympic National Competition in her first year of junior high school and first place in the international competition in her second year of junior high school.

On this basis, they also added details like he only studied for one year, was the fastest at solving questions, and shocked the whole audience by rubbing his answers during the defense... They really couldn't accept it.

However, Li Yan didn't even need to show up. Soon, relevant personnel came forward to activate the enhanced skills.

It's all true.

Including but not limited to official staff, teachers, competing opponents, etc.

There are also a large number of people who act as logical and grumpy brothers:

"You don't complain when other media report a mediocre match as a top competition, but you get excited when they write a few details about this real honor?"

The enemy said they were completely unable to cope with it. Apart from breaking through the defense and then being drowned by the saliva, they no longer had any combat power.

He has become a master of organizing details.

What’s funny is that these people who think that Li Yan is a product of deification actually don’t even understand the complete version of Li Yan.

Some of them even pointed out Li Yan's midterm exam score of 759 and said "impossible"...

Then, classmates from New Taipei No. 760 High School explained to me that “Li Yan had already scored in all subjects, a perfect score.”

After several days of discussion, more and more amazing things about Li Yan were uncovered. It didn't seem like they were looking for dirt on her, but rather a happy discussion and sharing.

Regarding the question of "How awesome is Li Yan", let everyone form a more comprehensive understanding.

By this time, the enemy's internal morale had actually been weakened.

They finally realized what it meant that true gold is not afraid of fire. This guy Li Yan became harder the more he was hammered.

There are more and more people in the camp who have turned from haters to fans.

The rest of those who were too embarrassed to save face could only completely break down and scream and curse New Taipei First High School and even the New Taipei City Education Bureau for being shameless and for forcing a talented young man to rise up for the sake of their own political achievements.

Before Li Yan could take any action, the guy who was talking nonsense received an official warning and apologized directly.

Sigh... It's too boring. There's no one who can fight.

Li Yan originally wanted to respond personally, without any purpose, just for fun.

Just as the storm was gradually dying down, an elite boss suddenly appeared.

A guy whose Weibo name is "My name is Brother Zhenshi" and whose profile is "Studying TOP10, studying computer science, data collection maniac" suddenly posted a long article.

He carefully collected all the records that Li Yan could find on the Internet and made a thorough analysis.

Just when Li Yan thought it was another comedian who was a black fan in name only, she suddenly saw a sentence at the end of the article:

Li Yan, do you dare to answer my three questions directly?

Oh? Interesting, let's take a look.

1. Since you have such excellent grades in elementary school, why do you choose the troublesome sports recruitment?
Key point of the issue: It is reported that when Li Yan was investigated and selected by the provincial team, he stated that he did not take sports as his development goal, which runs counter to his original choice of the sports special recruitment route.

Since you don't like sports, why bother to practice sports and get special admissions?

There is only one logical possibility, that Li Yan did not have the ability to enter New Taipei First High School through any route other than sports recruitment!
Only Li Yan himself knows how good his competition results are!
2. You published "Snowy City Fireworks" in "Linjiang Literary Weekly" to prove your literary ability, but later an excellent writer named "Meng Sheng You Shi" wrote "Impressions of New Taipei" and "Iron Cage Constant Balance" with similar writing styles, but you have not produced any similar works. Why is that?
Key point of the issue: It is reported that last year, the first prize of the "Tianxing Literature Award", a very important literary award in Linjiang, was given to Li Yan, but Li Yan did not show up to receive the award. Instead, he asked his Chinese teacher Mr. Guo Qiwen to receive the award on his behalf. This was undoubtedly a sign of cowardice.

There is only one logical possibility, that Guo Qiwen is the real author, and he had to act as a ghostwriter in order to fulfill the school and even the Education Bureau's mission of promoting Li Yan.

Only Li Yan himself knows why he doesn't dare to receive the award!

3. Having won first place in the Youth Science and Technology Olympic National and International Competitions, Li Yan is fully qualified to be specially recruited by Hua Xia University. Why is she not on the list of special recruitments for the competition announced by Hua Xia University?
Key point of the question: It is reported that Li Yan did not participate in the preliminary round, but was selected by the Linjiang Computer Society. After the provincial selection, he was the only B-class junior high school player, and B-class players cannot participate in the national competition and will not be announced on the list of winners. Li Yan was not only announced in a historic way, but also participated in the main competition directly, but was not specially recruited in the end.

There is only one logical possibility, that Li Yan’s previous achievements were all packaged by the Computer Science Society, and BGI does not recognize them!
Only Li Yan himself knows why he was not specially recruited by Hua University!
After seeing Li Yan’s answer, I almost laughed to death. My mom predicted that this guy had won the jackpot.

I'm just worrying about how to smoothly show off my pussy to everyone.

This long article made many people excited. They liked and expressed their support one after another, and directly deified Brother Zhenshi.

"Let the so-called genius have nowhere to hide!"

This is their slogan.

Under this Weibo post, even Li Yan’s fans seemed to lack some fighting spirit.

Because Zhenshi Ge's data collection ability is really top-notch, he found a lot of information that Li Yan didn't tell others and didn't make public.

For example, things like the provincial sports team inspection can probably only be heard from students at New Taipei No. 1 High School.

It took some effort, brother Zhenshi.

Li Yan quickly began to type in response. With this big mouthful of words, he mentioned New Taipei First High School, the Tianxing Literature Award, Guo Qiwen, the Computer Society, and the Admissions Office of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. If he had been slower in replying, maybe he would not have been able to defeat the real brother.

Especially the Computer Society... they are really hitting them on the sore spot. Director Jin might be gritting his teeth at this moment.

How can I give up this opportunity to show off?
Li Yan wrote her response and pressed the mouse vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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