Chapter 399 Meeting

The girl was startled by the sudden hug and screamed, feeling a little at a loss for what to do.

However, Li Yan quickly let go, stood up, smiled sincerely, and looked relaxed and excited.

"It's strange," he said with a smile, "I've actually thought about a lot of things, but I just can't convince myself. Why is it that when someone else says something, it's so easy to get triggered..."

He shut up immediately.

I almost mentioned the trigger skill upgrade.

Wei Yunzhi looked at him smugly, obviously saying "You have to see who said that."

A look of having everything under control.

But judging from the fact that her ears were red and hot, she must be not calm at all.

Li Yan was still digesting the fact that her "mental power" had suddenly risen to 7 points. Wei Yunzhi silently stood up, tidied up Li Yan's windbreaker, and brushed off the dust on it.

"You still have to put it on when you get back. It's cold."

"Are you going back to the classroom?"

"Well, at noon... I can't be out for too long."

Feeling Wei Yunzhi's awkward state, Li Yan also realized that the sincere hug just now was not easy to digest, so he nodded.

"No need for cake..." The little beauty said halfway, and Li Yan had already packed the rest of the cake and was holding it in her hand.

"To be honest, this cake is made by a star pastry chef."

Wei Yunzhi tried to hold back his laughter for a long time, "With Boss Li being so busy, how could he have the opportunity to taste the craftsmanship of a star pastry chef?"

This tone may be due to watching too many palace fighting dramas recently.

"This is the black card your father gave me. I went to try it out." Li Yan raised his thumbs up. "I never tell lies."

"Okay, okay," Wei Yunzhi handed over the windbreaker, "Looking at how you're dressed, you must be going to work this afternoon. You go to work and I go to class. We both have a bright future."

After saying that, Wei Yunzhi walked forward in a leisurely manner.

He walked all the way to the school gate in a leisurely manner, waved to Li Yan, said goodbye, and walked in.

Li Yan just smiled. The girl's ears were clearly red when she walked to the door.

Where Li Yan couldn't see, Wei Yunzhi covered his face and gasped for a long time and didn't dare to go back to the classroom - although there was no one in the classroom at this time.

"No, you really won't mention the hug?" Wei Yunzhi closed his eyes, feeling the warmth on his face, "Did you forget? Or did you deliberately not mention it? Should I take the initiative to talk about this?"

She was destined to not be able to hear clearly in her class this afternoon.

On the other side, Li Yan, who was carrying the last piece of cake back to the office, was caught by Wang Zi.

I specifically said yesterday that I would not celebrate my birthday, but today I was carrying the leftover birthday cake, basically running naked.

Wang Zi just smiled. After all, he was a young boy, in adolescence. Although he behaved like an adult most of the time, he still had a young side.

Li Yan didn't say anything, just nodded and went into the office.

In fact, there was only one bite of cake left, but he was a little reluctant to eat it, so he took it back and put it in the refrigerator.

Then I sat in my office chair and started meditating.

The system's skill improvement is Li Yan's sole responsibility.

Most of the skills can be solved by him "working hard", but the mental level is difficult to overcome on his own.

It is said that one understands a lot of principles but still cannot live a good life.

When it comes to truth, understanding and accepting are two different things, and accepting and being able to put it into practice are two other things again.

It is not difficult to understand the truth, but it is difficult to put it into practice.

For so many masters in martial arts and cultivation novels, the final level is a knot in their hearts.

It is difficult to get rid of inner demons.

The same goes for Li Yan. Although he was reborn, he had at most twenty-four years of experience in his previous life.

He is still a young man who has not been beaten by society, and he can get a new life because of his obsession.

He definitely can't see clearly.

How many people live their entire lives and never manage to reconcile with themselves until they die.

There are also many people who are stuck on a certain moment in their adolescence and cannot let it go for decades.

Or maybe you have never thought about the knot in your heart at all, and your whole life will pass by in a daze.

Therefore, although the skill of "Mind" is far less noticeable than other skills, its importance is very high.

Li Yan’s ability to stand firm amidst overwhelming benefits and praise and follow her heart is all due to the improvement of her “mindset”.

But when his original intention is shaken or confused, it is difficult for him to save himself.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Wei Yunzhi again.

This girl, who is actually confused and has only fifteen years of life left, can actually awaken Li Yan, whose mental state is as high as 6 points.

This is not the first or second time that she has been benefactor. Sometimes one has to believe in fate.

As the first secondary skill to break the 60% mark, the improvement in mind did not bring any very special feelings.

Like the spring breeze, sweet rain, and warm sunshine.

That’s right, this is how the mind should be elevated: peaceful, stable, and clear.

It's not about becoming emotionless or extremely determined or forcing your brain to do things your way, but simply about making your inner energy more abundant.

In a fantasy story, there is a little god who can suddenly appear and cast a calming spell on you when your mentality breaks down or you are bewitched.

Although it is not very useful in normal times, knowing that there is a bottom line will give you more courage to overcome difficulties.

When Li Yan went to see the towering mountains that weighed on her heart again, she could appreciate the beautiful scenery and sigh at the majestic mountains.

"Mr. Li, the afternoon meeting is scheduled for 2:30. Is that okay with you?"

Wang Zi's call interrupted Li Yan's thoughts, "No problem."

In the office building of Future Technology, there is a very large conference room that can accommodate nearly two hundred people and is equipped with a large screen. I heard that it was a multimedia "classroom" used for training by the previous company that rented this building.

Li Yan spent some money on some simple renovations, and the last mobilization meeting was held here.

However, this time, he only asked more than 30 "group leaders" to attend the meeting, and it was held in a conference room that could accommodate 40 people, which seemed a bit crowded.

The expressions of the participants were different. Some appeared excited and complacent, some had resentment on their faces, and some were very nervous and uneasy.

At a glance, Li Yan basically knew what the situation was. Some thought they were more efficient and high-quality than other groups, some were forced to do things too hard or had poor cooperation, some were not confident in their progress or project quality...

It doesn’t matter. Soon the world will be united.

Li Yan waited for everyone to sit down, turned on the microphone, and said loudly:
"One hundred and forty-one people, five days after taking over the specific task, the progress is 7%."

Now everyone looks uneasy.

"Do you think it meets the standard?"

If it were a normal company, perhaps some people with better performance would come out to say that they had met the requirements, or some people with a greater sense of ego would come out to say a few words to help everyone "there were some unexpected difficulties", or even some people with a rebellious spirit would come out to emphasize that the tasks set by the company were fucking unreasonable.

But in the future technology, it is not feasible.

Because Li Yan has already chopped the meat into fine pieces and even prepared the seasonings for you.

Even the progress that should be made each day is clear.

Whether or not the standards are met is not a subjective judgment and there is no room for debate.

After just these two sentences, everyone knew the main tone of this meeting - it's probably not that listening to reports on progress is fake, but that making progress is real.

"There's no need to report this one by one," Li Yan said. "I know the specific progress of each person's task. Today, I asked the team leaders to report their work just to hear the reasons for the problems."

The boss has characterized the situation as "stuck", so he is naturally dissatisfied with the overall progress.

Many people have already started thinking about how to make the situation sound better.

"Start from the left hand side and walk clockwise. Mr. Liu, please." Li Yan said.

When I was really called out, I wasn't very nervous.

These people are currently convinced of Li Yan's technical level. Who among those who can sit in the conference room has not experienced an interview from hell?
You dare to show off your professionalism to your boss? I'm afraid you'll be blasted to death.

However, Li Yan is, after all, a minor who has just started a company. No matter how talented he is, his experience is ultimately limited.

Mr. Liu thought so.

After all, he had worked in a large company as a project manager and also worked as a manager in a small business. He considered himself a veteran who had experienced many ups and downs in the workplace - and it was these experiences that led to him being elected as the team leader in the six-person team.

In his eyes, or in fact, in the eyes of employees with more work experience, even though Li Yan had the success of the Luoshen Kernel project with 200 people, he still lacked experience in large-scale project management.

They believe that the key to the success of the Luoshen kernel is the strong support from Mai Wen's team and Chuangzu Company. Li Yan is not the direct manager of the project. Mai Wen and Huang Zhan are the core position and great contributors to project management.

"If Li Yan was really leading such a project, how could he do something like delegating power now?" Engineer Liu once said this to his team members in a group meeting.

A team member who supported him very much kept calling him Brother Liu. When he heard Engineer Liu's bold statement, he said that he would use the company's "unfavorable progress" to teach Li Yan how to manage large projects at the meeting on the 15th.

Li Yan knew all of the above, because that team member called him Brother Liu all the time, and also called him God Yan all the time.

Engineer Liu had a clear idea. He planned to first affirm Li Yan's meticulous division of work and emphasize that the individual tasks of the team members had been progressing up to standard. However, when collaborating internally, the progress of other groups needed to be taken into consideration. The communication cost was high, and there were too many things to consider, so efficiency was affected.

He was even prepared to give Li Yan a hint and tell him what "communication cost" meant. We are not machines, and information gaps are inevitable in the work process. These are the difficulties in large-scale project management and cannot be solved by a division of labor plan that divides the tasks into detailed enough parts.

After all, you, Li Yan, have already defined everyone's character right from the start, so let me, Engineer Liu, lay the foundation for you.

Everyone present here is experienced or extremely powerful and ruthless, and they cannot be used as engineers.

Thinking of this, he became full of confidence. Just as he confirmed Li Yan's division of labor with his first sentence, he heard Li Yan say:

"I know how good my work is. Don't flatter me. Speak the truth."

No one was quite able to react, except for a few old employees, especially Sun Miao, who looked as if he could no longer hold back.

Mr. Liu paused and began to analyze what his team had done with the help of the PPT.

"I know exactly what you have done. I wrote the task list. If you didn't complete it ahead of schedule or make optimizations, don't mention it. Just point out what you didn't do."

Ah this?

Mr. Liu suddenly felt angry and hesitated twice. He skipped the PPT and started talking about "large-scale project management" and "communication costs" in order to arouse everyone's resonance.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan interrupted directly:

"I just want you to tell me why you didn't meet the schedule required by the plan. You manage a team of six people, including yourself. What kind of large-scale project is that? There are so few people in your team. How much is the communication cost?"

No one expected Li Yan to be so aggressive, and the meeting room suddenly fell silent.

Mr. Liu's face turned blue and purple, and he looked like he was about to suffocate.

"Mr. Li, your words are biased. Our work is also for the entire project, not just our own part. Cooperation with other groups is also a top priority."

"First," Li Yan said almost seamlessly, "everything that needs to be considered for the entire project is in the work division table. You haven't even met the requirements of the work division table. Don't set yourself too high. Second, according to you, which group has delayed the progress of your group? Point it out. The two of you can talk to each other on the spot and tell me what steps it is that can stump two groups?"

In fact, Li Yan's complexion was not bad, her tone was not harsh when she spoke, and her expression was even quite gentle.

But after these few sentences, the pressure I put on myself is extremely great.

Mr. Liu seemed to want to say something but stopped himself several times.

"I just want one thing from today's meeting." Li Yan's expression changed at this sentence, becoming very serious. "Please tell me, team leaders, why your team did not meet the requirements of the division of labor plan. If there are any problems, please raise them on the spot. Which team member is delaying, which group is unwilling to provide information, and who is incompetent, please tell us everything."

Many people lowered their heads and didn't dare to look Li Yan in the eye.

Who is willing to admit that they are incompetent?

You have to know that Li Yan's division of labor has been arranged according to their abilities. There may indeed be some difficulties that are difficult to solve, but most of the workload is within the capabilities of the corresponding employees.

It's not a low-level task, but it doesn't require you to burn the midnight oil to complete it.

As long as you are willing to arrive at your workstation on time and handle tasks with a high level of concentration during working hours, there will be no pressure to complete your personal targets.

As for group cooperation, as long as everyone's goal is to complete the contents of the division of labor plan, Li Yan has actually given directions on who will provide what and who will be responsible for what. As long as there is no shirking or bickering, the task can be completed with more communication.

In fact, according to the progress of Li Yan's division of labor plan, they will definitely not be able to complete the system before New Year's Day, and they can only achieve about 60%.

But in the second half of the month, Li Yan will have to get involved personally, and the work that will actually involve a lot of "communication costs" will be handled by him alone.

But he didn't want to be as tired as when he was working on the core of Luoshen, so he planned to select a few "trusted" people with strong abilities and sufficient execution to form a management team, assign tasks to them directly, and advance on two fronts.

Today's meeting has two purposes: one is to eliminate unstable factors, and the other is to seek gold.

With just a few people in the initial startup, it took Li Yan a lot of effort to have the final say, let alone the upgraded version with more than a hundred people.

If Li Yan wants these people to stop having those random thoughts and focus on advancing the project, he can't just rely on flexing his muscles.

Mr. Liu is not an exception, so there is little point in directly hitting him.

Li Yan would delegate power and let everyone work for a few days, with the purpose of holding an ugly meeting today.

He wants to force everyone to face their own little tricks.

You know what, this is quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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