Chapter 40 I Can't Play Ping Pong
It doesn’t matter if she goes for a fight. The thing that Li Yan is most willing to accept right now is trying new things.

Who knows what points will be triggered, and how it will lead to mutual improvement of the all-round point-adding system network.

What if playing ping-pong helps me break through some bottlenecks?

Forget it, I won’t daydream. I’ll just take this as a chance to see what Zhang Ming, who has all these bad intentions, can do before I go into seclusion.

Now, they can’t compare in grades, they can’t compare in status, and even the channel for bad kids to cause trouble ends with He Han’s tears, and yet - oh, Li Xinyuan.

Zhang Ming really thought that the "two Lis" were in love.

Cai Jia has been playing table tennis since elementary school. Zhang Ming also plays frequently. Li Xinyuan also seems to have said that there is a table tennis table at home.

The only one who can’t is Li Yan.

Are you going to team up with me in doubles to embarrass me in front of Li Xinyuan?

But the prerequisite is that I have to pretend to be good at table tennis.

Li Yan felt helpless. Zhang Ming really tried every possible way to defeat him in some way or at some moment.

It would be great if you could use this competitive spirit in your studies.

Cai Jia's family is not as rich as Lin Zhiyuan's, but they are still rich enough to be called "rich." In a residential area on the edge of the rich area, there is a room in the top floor duplex that is only used for a ping-pong table.

If Li Yan before his rebirth saw these, he would probably have thought it was a dream, but now he is calm.

His goal has not changed, to be the top of humanity. Luxury houses and cars are just accessories.

Eh... I had never been to Cai Jia's house before my rebirth. Sure enough, the changes in the world line began to branch out in various ways.

Think about it again, Li Xinyuan also won the prize in the essay competition before, and He Han and Wang Chao did not suffer from my language attack...

Perhaps, this rebirth will change more than just my own life.

"It's winter vacation now, let's get together as class committee members." Zhang Ming sat on the sofa, looking more like the master of the house than Cai Jia.

The real owner Cai Jia's parents are both at work, so there is nothing they can do about it, as office workers have always had very limited vacation time.

"There's a new pasta shop here, it's delicious, let's go there when we get dinner." Zhang Ming stood up, holding his table tennis racket in his hand, "Shall we go play table tennis first?"

This is not enough to say that the dagger is revealed, the dagger is stuck in the map.

Yes, Li Yan likes this direct approach.

"Let's play doubles, shall we? I'll be in the same team with Cai Jia, Xin Yuan, you can be in the same team with Li Yan."

Yes, it is very direct.

Looking at Zhang Ming's unfriendly eyes and Cai Jia's confident expression, Li Xinyuan's expression became nervous.

She didn't want to be defeated in front of Li Yan, especially when fighting alongside him.

These three kids were all wearing sports suits... Li Yan secretly laughed in his heart. He was wearing jeans and a cotton jacket, which made him look like a big boss.

His only understanding of table tennis was how to hold it, so the first ball he hit flew away without any suspense.

The same goes for the second, third, and fourth.

"Hey, Li Yan, what's wrong today? Are you nervous about partnering with Li Xinyuan?"

Here it comes, a direct three-pronged attack. The next step for Zhang Ming is to press on with the victory and defeat the double Li combination, then come over hypocritically to comfort them and treat the two frustrated losers to noodles at noon.

From now on, I can tell others that I have taught Li Yan, who pretends to know everything, a good lesson in tennis.

"What's wrong? I don't know how to fight."

Zhang Ming and Cai Jia were both stunned, but Li Xinyuan laughed easily.

"You asked me to come, so I came. Who said I could play table tennis?" Li Yan played with the racket in his hand. "So this is a good opportunity for me to learn from you three who can play."

Sincerity is a killer skill, especially for primary school students who think they are smart but are actually very childish.

The effect of this sentence far exceeded Li Yan's expectations. Zhang Ming's originally smug look suddenly collapsed. With a shocked expression, he began to discuss with Cai Jia how to teach.

No, who gave you the idea that "Li Yan will definitely pretend to know when he doesn't"?
Zhang Ming, who is not a bad person, is actually a good friend. His level is not as high as Cai Jia, so he lets Cai Jia teach him while he assists. He also practices with Li Xinyuan to demonstrate some confrontational ideas.

For a moment, it felt like we were back in the third grade of elementary school when we could talk about anything.

The teaching effect was particularly outstanding with three teachers of different levels. As the three teachers taught, there would be wonderful exchanges of ideas. They argued until their faces were red, and Li Yan listened attentively.

Cai Jia has received systematic training and has given enough "correct" guidance; Li Xinyuan has been playing for a long time and has some unconventional experience; Zhang Ming is an enthusiast who started earlier than Li Yan and is very suitable to be a guide.

Just this morning, two hours later, after Li Yan activated his table tennis skills, the sound of the phone kept ringing. This made him very excited about learning table tennis, and as a student, he exhausted the three teachers.

"Li Yan, you are really...too talented." Li Xinyuan's forehead was covered with sweat and her hair stuck to it.

"Indeed, I've never seen such rapid progress." Cai Jia agreed.

“……”Zhang Ming was silent.

He can no longer beat Li Yan.

At this time, Li Yan's table tennis score went from the initial 3 points to 20 points in one go. Although it is not yet the average of the table tennis group, it is still enough to deal with Zhang Ming, an amateur who has not learned any skills in depth.

Learning from scratch, as long as there is someone to guide him, this system can really give him the feeling of cheating.

The posture is right, +1; the force is right, +1; the ball is spinning, +1; it can be pulled back, +1; it can change the rhythm and release the ball, +1...

Li Yan could see the loneliness in Zhang Ming's eyes, and after much hesitation, she decided to help her former friend.

He believes that human nature is evil, but he also believes that children are good. Before they are contaminated by too much interests, at least children can be saved.

Many times, bad kids just really don't realize the impact of their actions.

Especially some practices that change the fate of others.

If we examine Zhang Ming's experience before his rebirth, it is not an exaggeration to say that he ruined the future of many of his classmates because of his childish ideas.

But at least he hasn't started yet.

In short, I will say a few unpleasant words next. If you can listen to them and be a good person, you can write off the bad things that haven't happened yet. If you don't listen to them and still make trouble, don't blame him for using thundering methods.

The three tired teachers decided not to go downstairs, but instead asked the store to deliver four servings of pasta to their home.

Italian noodles are good, Li Yan likes them very much. This restaurant is not authentic at all, it is basically the same as black pepper beef fried noodles, hot and spicy, Li Yan likes it more.

Four people sat around the coffee table in the living room. Li Yan and the two girls were eating happily, but there was one Zhang Ming who seemed unhappy.

"Zhang Ming," This was the first time Li Yan had a good conversation with Zhang Ming after his rebirth, "Unhappy?"

Zhang Ming became nervous when he said this. Faced with such a direct question, he didn't know how to respond.

"Let's be frank, Zhang Ming. We used to be very good friends." Li Yan said with a feeling of speaking the truth after drinking. "No matter what you did before, there is no need for us to pretend that it didn't happen. If I don't mention it, you should not pretend that it didn't happen."

The atmosphere changed immediately. The two girls' eyes rolled around and they didn't dare to speak.

Zhang Ming on the other side thought that Li Yan was preparing to settle accounts, and his expression was extremely unnatural.

"Hey, why are you so nervous? Do you think I'm going to treat you the same way I treated He Han?"

"What's going on..." Zhang Ming was a little unhappy.

"Although you are a cunning kid, you did a lot of useless things that you thought were disgusting to me."

When these words were spoken, one could hear a pin drop.

"I..." Even Zhang Ming himself thought he was going to be furious, but in front of Li Yan at this moment, he couldn't say a word.

"It seems like you really think I can't understand your thoughts? Do you think your little tricks are very advanced?"

Zhang Ming avoided her eyes. Only then did he realize how insecure he was when he was face to face with Li Yan.

"Do you think educating others is a condescending and refreshing behavior? No, showing that you are more experienced and better than you is a behavior that seems to be educating but is actually pretentious."

Li Yan said this while eating a mouthful of noodles, not caring too much about what he said.

"You might be upset, or you might think I might as well just fight you, or you might think I'm belittling you in front of the two girls."

Cai Jia wanted to say something but was stopped by Li Xinyuan.

"But true education is about touching your sore spots. If you are unhappy with what you hear, I will be branded as self-righteous, just like what happened just now."

The three people present were no longer surprised by Li Yan's very mature remarks. The teacher said that this was the precocity of genius.

But that doesn’t mean they can cope with it. Sometimes they can’t understand what is said and it’s too difficult to respond.

Li Yan also realized this and chose a more direct question:
"Why do you have to beat me?"

 If there are more than 1,000 favorites tonight, I will add another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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