Chapter 413: Seemingly Peaceful Spring Festival

Anyway, the Spring Festival of 2011 has arrived.

After the Spring Festival, the Chinese people officially enter the New Year.

Compared with the personal summary, reflection, prospect, etc. on New Year’s Day, the meaning of “rest and relaxation” during the Spring Festival is more important.

Li Yan prepared holiday gifts for all employees of Future Technology, and even sent them back to those who went home early.

Giving gifts instead of holding an annual meeting couldn't be more in line with the needs of young people, and everyone's face is filled with joy.

It also alleviated Li Yan's pressure a little.

It's Chinese New Year, and everyone has put down their work. There is no need for Li Yan to stay in the company to work alone.

From this point of view, it might not be a bad idea to go back home.

It’s just that my parents have been affected by the impact of New Taipei City, and maybe they will be under even more pressure if Li Yanzhen returns home.

On New Year's Eve, Li Yan was the only one left in the entire Future Technology, but he didn't feel lonely. Songs were playing on the speakers, he was flipping through a book, and the small pot in the kitchen was cooking fish head and tofu soup, as white as jade.

The singing and the bubbling sound of the soup pot dispelled most of the solemnity in the room. Li Yan had a calm expression and focused eyes, and he seemed quite comfortable.

If he had an interesting magazine or a piece of literature in his hand, the atmosphere might be even more exciting.

Unfortunately, the textbooks he took were mathematics, physics and chemistry.

They watched it very quickly, which created a strong sense of disruption in this cozy atmosphere.

But for him, it was really relaxing.

With Li Yan's current energy level, there is no need to "watch mindless things to relax" even if he is overdrawn.

Taking a break from company affairs and pressure, even if it means engaging in difficult research, can greatly relieve fatigue.

In fact, he should not try to break through the skills in the subject area now. A more cost-effective way is to use other methods that are easier to reach the limit, first improve the physical and intellectual values, and then learn various subjects with twice the result with half the effort.

So ignoring this cost-effectiveness is a luxury for him.

Among all the precious luxuries in the world, nothing is as luxurious as time.

"Li Yan's Time" is the best among them.

In fact, Li Yan doesn’t like the Spring Festival for the same reason that he doesn’t like New Year’s Day and his birthday.

Time can never be turned back, and he doesn't like any holidays that remind him of this.

Just add to the anxiety.

But the Spring Festival is, after all, a grand event for the Chinese people, and other people's joy and excitement are still very contagious. Li Yan does not reject the feeling of happiness from others, so she is not resistant to the Spring Festival.

"Happy New Year, Yan! I was thinking of sending it to you during the countdown, but then I thought you probably wouldn't wait for the countdown, so I decided to tell you first."

Wei Yunzhi sent a text message, and Li Yan replied with the four words "Happy New Year".

"What are you doing?" The beautiful girl immediately switched to QQ.

It seems that even she thought Li Yan was still busy at this moment.

"Cook soup." Li Yan took a photo. "Fish head tofu soup."

"Only you?"


"I'll go with you."

“Don’t say things you can’t do.”

"I didn't say when, it may be at least after the fourth day of the New Year. My dad has a lot of guests, and he has to visit various relatives in the first three days. Sigh."

Li Yan's lips curled up unconsciously, "It's New Year's Day, why are you sighing?"

"You believe this too?"

"I heard it so many times that I started to say it along with the others."

"Fish head tofu soup is very comfortable to drink in winter."


"I also want to drink."

"Ask your dad to do it. He's the chef."


It was a selfie of Wei Yunzhi lying on the sofa. The angle was a little bit different from what Li Yan usually saw.

The little beauty is naturally beautiful. She usually goes without makeup and has a beauty that is full of vitality and spirituality.

It was not that there were no people wearing makeup, it was just a cultural performance, but that was a performance and Li Yan didn't watch it closely.

Now suddenly a photo of her wearing light makeup and gorgeous clothes comes into view, and it really feels a bit strange.

The main reason is that she has grown up and the little girl has started to pay attention to her appearance.

She knows she is beautiful and wants to show it.

It was a rough jade before, but today it has been finely carved.

Normally, she would never show it to anyone, but today, she showed it openly, and even showed a hint of shyness.

"I just want to drink yours."

The little beauty said so.

Li Yan suddenly felt her brain stirring, and replied with her hands, "I'll make it for you when I have a chance."

But I was thinking in my heart...when this girl grows up, will she become a succubus?
What if he's the type who special attacks his loved one?

"It's a deal. I have to greet the elders. We can talk again when we have time."

Li Yan put down her phone and suddenly realized that her cheeks were a little hot.

"Do you really have to be so innocent?" He shook his head, and then shook his head even more vigorously, "What kind of innocent are you? The most lewd thing in the world is lewd thoughts."

He walked slowly towards the kitchen, muttering word by word: "Although lust is the same principle, the intentions are different. For example, those who love lust in the world are just pleasing to the eyes, enjoying singing and dancing, flirting without getting tired, having sex all the time, and wishing that all the beauties in the world could satisfy their momentary pleasure. These are all stupid people who are lustful. For example, you have a kind of infatuation in your nature, which we call 'lust in the mind'. The word 'lust in the mind' can only be understood by the heart and cannot be expressed verbally, and can be understood by the mind but cannot be expressed in words."

Li Yan gently stirred the fish head soup with his hands, and suddenly sighed again, "However, the world is too pedantic and strange, with hundreds of people mocking and slandering, and thousands of people looking down on me. Forget it, drink the soup, sleep well, and visit friends tomorrow to keep in touch with them."

This New Year's Eve, many people wished Li Yan a happy new year, but because he has always ignored calls other than work calls and his generation is very young, some elders didn't know how to express their opinions, so most of them chose to send "blessing text messages".

Li Yan replied to all blocked messages with one click, "Have fun together", showing restraint in being frugal with words.

There are not many people who are qualified for him to write a serious reply to, and Lin Zhiyuan is one of them.

The fat boy went straight home and called Li Yan when he got home. The first thing he asked was "Where have you been?". He was told that he would not be going home this year and he felt disappointed for a while.

However, ever since Li Yan helped Lin Qidong, Lin Zhiyuan has been talking about "repaying a favor" every time he talks to him, which is a bit hard to bear.

It was New Year's Day, so Li Yan was too lazy to say anything. She just thought:

"Studying hard is the greatest reward you can give me."

Lin Zhiyuan was silent for several seconds, and then said solemnly "Okay".

Li Yan doesn't watch the Spring Festival Gala, and he has no memory of watching it in his previous life, so he didn't know that this year's Spring Festival Gala had a "genius boy" skit. The jokes were basically concentrated on the kid getting slapped in the face after he "spoke wildly", so it was considered a "cool skit".

Logically speaking, the skits in the Spring Festival Gala are mainly used as an annual propaganda tool for the masses. The fact that they are willing to include such a mini skit that has nothing to do with most people is also a disguised affirmation of Li Yan's influence.

Of course, the theme was ultimately sublimated and the test paper became a small manifestation of the big topic of "education".

Even when it was elevated to Weibo, it didn't make much of a splash, because it was elevated too high and it seriously weakened the presence of the "genius" attribute.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Li Yan called Su Siqing to wish him a happy new year and learned that the old man had gone to the northwest with his wife...

He is such a willful guy that he ran to the northwest on New Year's Day. I'm afraid he was avoiding New Year's greetings calls.

However, Su Siqing was very touched by Li Yan's initiative to wish him a happy new year. He asked in a hoarse voice amid the whistling wind:
"Are you still going to write about urban cognition? I'll help you look at the Northwest!"

Li Yan was so annoyed.

The Chinese New Year is not very friendly to those working alone outside (it sounds a bit strange, but Li Yan really belongs to this category). Most of the shops are closed, and those that are open basically require queuing. It is impossible to go out to see friends, and all relatives are at home.

In short, it's boring. The key is that most people don't know that Li Yan didn't go home, otherwise future technology would definitely come to visit.

Which is a good thing.

So Li Yan took a short walk outside and then went back to the office to continue studying and researching the follow-up work plan.

He still has to personally negotiate with all the major platforms, and it is not easy to arrange his schedule.

On the fourth day of the New Year, Master Yang Chengzhang asked Li Yan whether he had returned to New Taipei City, and planned to find Li Yan to taste the top-quality coffee beans brought back from abroad.

Li Yancai finally had someone to meet.

Li Yan hasn't been to Mu Sheng Art Institute for a long time.

What he didn't expect was that Cao Xinshuo was still drawing the comic "Nangong Boy" in the studio during the Chinese New Year.

Yang Chengzhang was making coffee in the small room next door.

Seeing Li Yan coming, he didn't say go to the reception room outside, but sat down in the corner of Cao Xinshuo's studio.

Seeing Cao Xinshuo coming over with a stack of notebooks, Li Yan had a magical feeling:

He had triggered the mission on the old map in Earth OL and came here to claim the results.

The greetings were skipped in a formal manner, and the theme of the New Year visit soon became the "Nangong Boy" comic book exchange meeting.

What surprised Li Yan was that Yang Chengzhang and Cao Xinshuo seemed to have a knot in their hearts untied, and they were very relaxed and focused.

It is quite similar to what Li Yan imagined an artist should look like when painting.

Under their influence, Li Yan gradually got into the mood. He no longer thought about New Year's greetings, long time no see, or future technology. He just took a good look at how the comic was drawn.

I have to say that Cao Xinshuo’s basic skills are really good. Yang Chengzhang said at the beginning that he did not understand the "storytelling" techniques of comics, and today he was here mainly to "learn".

The professionalism displayed by Li Yan far exceeded their expectations.

With Mr. Li’s current overall strength, shouldn’t it be easy for him to learn the basic knowledge of comics?
Composition scored 63 points and painting scored 62 points.

The third-level skill "expressive ability" has 31 points - that is, 62%.

With just these few skills, Li Yan is only a step away from being “extremely good at drawing comics” by simply having the “basic knowledge of comics”.

To break through this window paper, he just needs to read some books and paint some pictures.

So the discussion quickly entered the "pen speaking" stage. After all, Li Yan is the original author of the novel, and many scenes have been formed in his mind. Because of his exaggerated memory, these scenes are even still vivid.

Compared with the original author in terms of picture accuracy and atmosphere, Cao Xinshuo certainly doesn't win any favor.

Li Yan made just a few revisions and he nodded in amazement.

It's really, unexpectedly harmonious.

Unexpectedly fulfilling.

As the three of them discussed this, it was already dark.

Cao Xinshuo's energy finally began to run out, and Li Yan braked in time, saying, "When it comes to single-round picture detail processing, especially character drawing, I'm still not as good as Brother Shuo. And what I didn't expect is that you've almost finished the second volume while retaining a lot of details from the original work..."

"In just one afternoon, you've taught me a good lesson." Cao Xinshuo said with a bow, "Even though I had imagined your comic ability, I never thought..."
"You two are bragging about each other's business?" Yang Chengzhang couldn't bear to hear it anymore. "It's great for brothers to communicate. It's time for dinner. Let's go have dinner together and take a walk."

"Business flattery." Li Yan corrected, "Master is quite fashionable, isn't he?"

“I’ve always had a good attitude.”

Even when it was time to eat, Yang Chengzhang and Cao Xinshuo still didn't talk much about Li Yan's future technology, but instead kept talking about painting.

In the middle, Yang Chengzhang teased Li Yan: "Didn't you promise Honglong that you would draw a picture after June?"

"So... 'later'."

"It's okay. Red Dragon doesn't dare to rush me now anyway. You are a man with billions of dollars in wealth. I'm afraid you won't be interested in paintings worth hundreds of thousands or millions."

"That's not the case. The investment money is used for the project, so it can't be counted as my wealth. Besides, creation is not for money."

Yang Chengzhang just smiled, "This is what you said now, it seems convincing. Red Dragon also thinks so, so your next painting will most likely be a work that comes from your heart, and that's the one they are targeting."

Li Yan curled her lips and said, "That's only true if my career is successful. If it's not, I'm afraid I'll avoid it as much as possible."

"So, I told Xinshuo that it's meaningless to think about these things 'other than drawing'. No matter who you are or what your relationship is to comics, he doesn't need to think too much. Just think about how to draw well. Everyone has their own destiny, so just walk your own path."

It's all about destiny...

The people around Li Yan really used all their skills to help Li Yan become stronger than themselves in a short period of time.

But this is indeed a kind of wisdom.

Concentrate on cultivating your own path and don’t compare yourself with others. I will learn from those who are better than me and guide those who are weaker than me.

The dinner became quite harmonious. Li Yan felt no pressure, and Yang Chengzhang and Cao Xinshuo were also very relaxed.

"If you occasionally get out of the box of 'making mobile phones', life will become enjoyable again."

Li Yan slept very soundly that night. "Temporarily letting go of stress" has such a magical effect. Unfortunately, although it is an active behavior, it is not considered an active skill for most people.

It always requires some influence or even suggestions from others to achieve it.

Even if the pressure was originally imposed by oneself.

Of course, it was also somewhat influenced by meeting the beautiful girl the next day.

It's normal to look forward to meeting up with good friends.

However, this meeting was a little special. Wei Yunzhi took the initiative to suggest visiting Li Yan's office.

No one was at work, even the security guards were away, so there was naturally no room for rumors to ferment.

It’s not appropriate to come here at other times.

It’s just that the little beauty turned a blind eye to the high-rise building of Yili Group, and she’s afraid that the environment of the science and technology park is nothing to be amazed by.

However, Li Yan's office made her exclaim "Wow" several times.

She ran around like a curious cat, sometimes marveling at the gym, sometimes expressing her feelings at the conference room, and sometimes sneaking into Li Yan's lounge...

Then he walked out with the door closed, his face red.

Meeting privately in the boss's office, which had a bed inside, it was easy to imagine some fantastic plots.

"There's even a kitchen!" Wei Yunzhi looked very happy. "Do you usually cook for yourself?"

Li Yan smiled and shook her head, "I don't have so much leisure time. I can cook a meal for you now."

As he said that, he walked into the kitchen, showed the ingredients he had bought in advance, put on an apron, took out his mobile phone and prepared to put it aside.

Suddenly the cell phone rang. Li Yan looked at the number, hesitated for a moment, and hung up.


"It's okay, Mr. Huang."

"Why don't you answer it?"

"Maybe he's here to treat me to dinner again. He hung up because I'm busy and don't want to answer the phone."

Just as I finished speaking, the phone rang again, with the same number.

Looks very hurried.

This made Li Yan feel a little uncomfortable. For some reason he didn't want to answer the call and was about to hang up again.

Wei Yunzhi stopped him, "Cooking is nothing. If you don't answer, I will always think that I have delayed you."

So Li Yan put the phone to her ear: "Hello? Mr. Huang, Happy New Year..."

"Li Yan, Shangjing Lianxiang just said that their self-developed system Aurora has been completed."


This was the first time Wei Yunzhi saw a somewhat out-of-control expression on Li Yan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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