Chapter 415 I'm Not Afraid of Him
Li Yan knew this entry point. From the moment he learned that Lianxiang was going to hold a press conference, he knew that the media would definitely make a fuss about this.

After all, he didn't hold a press conference at the beginning, and he was questioned for a long time in the absence of any opponents.

But he didn't expect such a rapid, fierce and concentrated offensive.

It is clear that he hopes to completely defeat Li Yan in public opinion in one go.

This group of stakeholders knows exactly where Li Yan's weakness is...

How can we make people willing to pay for the new technology without accumulation and mature industrial chains? The only thing we can rely on is "I am far ahead of others".

Still underestimated it, Li Yan overlooked a very crucial issue.

If his opponent is Lianxiang, or even the entire Shangjing technology circle, his judgment is not wrong.

In the absence of absolute preference by the media, "self-developed with a skin" is definitely a hot topic. The public always loves negative news more, just like the reason why people today suspect that Li Yan did not hold a press conference because she did not have a finished product.

But his opponents are not just in the technology circle.

Therefore, the media are under pressure and have tendencies. Naturally, what they see and say are what Beijing wants them to say.

This is not something that future technology can influence.

Judging from the information Liu Liwei fed back, the tone of several major media outlets was surprisingly consistent. They had long concluded that Lianxiang's Aurora system was "self-developed", but they did not publicize it or add any additional details. All of their press releases were basically just a review of the press conference.

They also turned a blind eye to some of the statements provided by Future Technology, ignoring hot spots that could spark discussion, which is not their usual style.

Liu Liwei was so overwhelmed that he had no choice but to ask Li Yan for help.

Li Yan also tried to contact several media friends she knew, the most important of whom was the president of Linjiang Daily, whose answer was the most representative:
"Li Yan, it's their freedom to say what the newspapers say. The company in Beijing has developed its own system, so it's their business to say what they say. It's normal for them to take this opportunity to promote it. Everyone is in charge of their own little piece of land. We don't understand the situation, so the best we can do is not get involved."

To put it bluntly, unless you, Li Yan, come up with some new counterattack and Linjiang gives them enough support, the media will be willing to act as a gun and rush forward.

This is their risk management.

Shangjing is the capital after all, and the resources it holds are incomparable to Linjiang.

Li Yan hesitated for a long time and decided not to call Linjiang and Xinbei first. At this stage, it was not their turn to intervene.

And...even if I really want them to intervene, I'm afraid they may not be willing to do so.

The reaction on Weibo was very intense, and the topic of "Lianxiang Aurora System" has already entered the top ten.

What’s strange is that most of the comments and reposts below mention future technology.

The most mainstream ones are naturally related to the press conference, with some implicit ones like "Jiguang has shown us the true future of domestic systems", some direct ones like "Why can't Hetu System hold a press conference like Jiguang to let us see it", and some extreme ones like "Jiguang used the responsibility of a national enterprise to severely hit the money laundering behavior of a child prodigy in a certain province"...

Others also have various advanced levels of yin and yang.

"It has been proven that it is not difficult to develop a self-developed system. As long as the country wants to do it, there are always people who can do it."

“I hope the technology community can focus more on results and less on publicity.”

“Science and technology research and development has always been about results, not chasing stars.”

It would be fine if it were all emotional stuff, but there are also rationalists and one fan against ten haters.

"It's another advancement in Chinese technology. Why should everyone step on one and praise the other? I hope that the Hetu system and the Aurora system will advance in parallel. Only with competition can the people benefit!"

"In front of the River Map System, the Aurora System is nothing more than a passing meteor!"

Comments like this are almost entirely filled with violent criticism.

Regardless of whether these are real situations or public opinions bought by Lianxiang, the effect they wanted to achieve has indeed been achieved.

There have always been people who want to question, defeat and destroy Li Yan, but they are overwhelmed by Li Yan's wave after wave of achievements.

Now that such an opportunity has arisen, they naturally jump up and down, trying their best to make public opinion completely turn to the side that is unfavorable to Li Yan.

Li Yan is not afraid of these visible emotions, but is afraid of the "silent majority" who are gradually losing confidence and even interest in him.

Wang Ziyou came to ask if he wanted to hold a meeting for the management, but Li Yan didn't want to hold a meeting that was not very meaningful, so he refused.

If the management loses confidence in their product because of this incident, then what Li Yan should do is to disband the management.

As for most of the company's employees, they just felt a little angry and were holding their anger to make a product to slap others in the face.

If we hold a meeting, it will make everyone think too much.

This kind of thing is destined to be dealt with by only a small number of people.

Huang Zhan did not call Li Yan again, but just sent a text message:
"I have also suffered from this. As a loser who tried hard but failed in the face of public opinion, I cannot and dare not give you any advice. I just hope that no matter what, you will not give up."

Li Yan just laughed it off. The word "surrender" was not in his dictionary.

He called Mai Wen.

"Mr. Li, it's rare that you come to see me."

"I'm not just looking for you, I'm asking for your help."

"Please don't, please don't," Mai Wen said in a serious tone, "I find it scary to hear you say that."

"Is Academician Ni still in Linjiang?"

"Yes, you want to see him?"


"He's not in New Taipei. He's attending a meeting in Xin'an."

"Please tell him that if he has time tonight, I would like to meet him."

Mai Wen actually knew everything about the Aurora system, so after hesitating for a while, he said:
"Li Yan, if it's a matter of public opinion, Teacher Ni can't help you. You should go find the leaders of Linjiang. They can mediate and perhaps win you a peaceful environment for equal competition."

"No peace." Li Yan responded directly, "Even if he is willing to give me space, I will not allow him to live."

The horror of the war of public opinion lies in its unpredictability. No one knows what thoughts will lead the public.

Sometimes, the party that controls the media mouthpiece can control the information gap very well, but inexplicably collapses because of the rebellious spirit of the masses.

Sometimes the parties involved produce solid evidence, thinking that they can overturn all rumors and misunderstandings, but their evidence falls on deaf ears because the public’s emotions have already been released.

Sometimes, a logically complete and impassioned speech not only fails to resonate with people, but is instead led astray by a nonsense comment...

Even though Li Yan's progress in psychology and sociology had exceeded 60%, he still did not dare to analyze the public psychology.

Among a hundred people who commented, it would be good if there was one who really understands mobile phones.

Li Yan also knows that most of the people who support him just like the thrill of him slapping others in the face. Once they put themselves in his shoes and feel good about it, they forget about it.

This is not the first time he has dealt with public opinion. In fact, he still has a trump card that he has not used, but he is still struggling with whether to use it or not.

That's why he wanted to find Academician Ni, the academician who once adhered to his ideals, resigned from Lianxiang, and was full of brilliant idealism.

In a small reception room of the hotel, Li Yan and Academician Ni sat side by side, separated by a small coffee table.

"I heard from Mai Wen that you actually already have the answer in your mind."

"There is a direction, but it is not firm enough." Li Yan said directly and sincerely.

At his age, Academician Ni may age rapidly at any time. I haven't seen him for more than half a year, and he doesn't look as strong as he did in the previous meeting.

But he was still in good spirits, and his speech was still clear and powerful:
"If no one offends you, you will not offend anyone; but if someone offends you, you will punish him?"

Li Yan smiled, "Mr. Ni, you are joking. It's not the youthful spirit that you have."

"Youth has a lot of vigor." Academician Ni leaned on his chair and said, "If you do things with your youthful vigor, you will never regret it."

"Let me be frank with you," Li Yan took a deep breath, "After the pressure from the capital this time, I am also struggling with some things. The world is indeed not as romantic as I imagined. I want to change the world, but the world may not be willing to be changed by me."

Academician Ni did not react much, just nodded lightly.

He had deeply experienced Li Yan's current psychological dilemma decades ago, and now he feels indifferent when he thinks about it.

"Maybe I should change myself first. When I reach a certain level and changing the world is easy, it won't be too late to work hard." Li Yan seemed to be talking to himself. "Like Jiaolong mobile phone, I can actually show the system and don't need to be deeply bound to the software development of Super Life Circle. As long as I deliver the hardware immediately after completing it, when everyone has full confidence in me, why should I worry about software manufacturers not cooperating with me? Why should I care about how others are waging a public opinion war?"

"Then why don't you do it?"

"I'm too idealistic," Li Yan said. "I don't want to make a phone just to make money. I've already made 10 million from other things. Just enjoying life is enough for me. There's no difference between a 10 billion and a 10 million. I can spend both."

Academician Ni continued to nod.

"I hope that this phone will change the world, not just by becoming the latest and most fashionable model, not just by becoming a trendsetter. I hope it can truly change people's lives."

“Is that why you want to make software?”

"Well, I hope it can really bring convenience to people, on the one hand, provide more jobs, and on the other hand, improve everyone's quality of life. I am prepared to make concessions to ensure that everything I do truly benefits the people; I need a monopoly to ensure the survival of the software. The two are intertwined and inseparable."

Academician Ni looked straight at Li Yan.

"I don't dare to say this in front of other people. Even I am not very confident. I am afraid that if I say it out loud, it will be regarded as the childish fantasy of a minor."

"Why dare you tell me?"

"You are the chief engineer of Lianxiang, and you are willing to leave for your ideals, so I dare to tell you."

Academician Ni sighed with a half-smile.

"Reality will eventually teach me a lesson." Li Yan said, "If I fight with Shangjing this time, I'm afraid that I won't get any benefits from the subsequent software cooperation. To others, it's just that my dream of getting rich is blocked; to me, it's a grievance that my kindness is taken for granted."

At this point, Li Yan felt a little relieved. He even stood up and spoke louder:
"Why should I make myself suffer? I am actually a selfish person. I don't care about the world. I just have this ability in this life and I want to realize myself. To put it bluntly, it is for some so-called 'high-level' self-satisfaction. I can make a fortune with my mobile phone first, establish a position, and then do something else when I have the right to speak.

"There are so many ways to realize my self-worth. I can write a novel that goes down in history or do some earth-shattering scientific research. There is no reason to keep chewing on a mobile phone and infringe on other people's interests, which makes me a bad person."

"You might as well stop developing software and move to Beijing. Find a few software manufacturers to cooperate with. Maybe Beijing will even have to pool the power of the technology community to pave the way for you. It will only take two months for you to sell your software and become a billionaire." Academician Ni said cheerfully.

Li Yan also smiled.

"If you have some ideals, you will be enemies everywhere. If you are only interested in yourself, you will be able to get through everything." Academician Ni shook his head, "You little kid, you said a lot of things, but you were thinking the opposite in your heart. You obviously already have the answer."

"Actually, I'm just feeling depressed." Li Yan sighed and sat down. "I was ready to face it head-on today, but I found myself struggling with my feelings, and finally I figured it out..."


Li Yan pouted and nodded.

"I won't talk about resonance with you, old man." Academician Ni smiled, "What you said makes sense. If we go head-to-head, the road will only become more and more difficult, and it will be painful to decide the winner. When there is a shortcut, it seems unnecessary. This is called reasonableness."

Li Yan listened quietly.

"You are unreasonable, what are you talking about being reasonable?"

This made Li Yan laugh.

"If you make reasonable concessions today, will you get the opportunity you want tomorrow? If you want to realize your ideals, you will always stand on the opposite side of those who are only interested in wealth. You will always touch their cake. Since the thing has been done, don't give in at all. Their system is just a shell of Robert. How can it be compared with you? The more public opinion binds you and the more it elevates him, the more miserable their death will be in the end. If they want to live, they hope that you will make concessions. You have the goods in your hands and the bottom in your heart. You don't have to be afraid of him."

What the old gentleman said can be said to be completely sincere.

Li Yan was moved again and again, "Thank you, Mr. Ni!"

"Fuck you! With your talent, you are definitely a future national hero. But you don't treat me with courtesy, but stand on the opposite side. You are so short-sighted and blinded by interests! If I wasn't away from home, I would definitely go and report them!"

"Old... Old Sir, this is totally unnecessary." Li Yan didn't expect Academician Ni to be so angry, and quickly took out his phone, "I have already edited a Weibo post..."

"is that useful?"

"Try it."

The public opinion fermented for less than a day, and before everyone even had time to wait for Li Yan’s response, they saw his Weibo:
"Congratulations to Lianxiang for the success of its self-developed system. I understand the hardships involved. We broke away from the existing system architecture and wrote out the codes one by one from scratch. The goal was to avoid technical sanctions in the future. After all the hardships, we finally got the result. Jiaolong Mobile is vigorously promoting the development of software and hardware, and will try to meet you in the first half of the year. By then, we will have a head-on showdown to see who is better."

(End of this chapter)

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