Rebirth 07: Start adding points from elementary school students

Chapter 48 The system can still be played like this

Chapter 48 The system can still be played like this

Playing ball for ten minutes and talking about ball for half an hour, Li Yan and Teacher Ding sat and discussed for a long time, and their clothes were completely dry.

"So I can't perform some technical moves. Essentially, I'm always in a passive position and can't get to the point at all." Li Yan began to summarize, "A good body can certainly make a strong turn, but playing without a brain will only be half the result with twice the effort."

"Don't just talk about it on paper. Zhiyuan, come over here and let's explain the tactics on the court in real life."

In fact, teachers are really happy when they teach talented students.

Lin Zhiyuan was actually very excited when he heard this. He could understand these things and felt as excited as if "lying on the ground with his basketball skills improving in his heart".

As a result, he was beaten back to his original form as soon as he came on the court, and the one who beat him was Li Yan, who implemented his tactical understanding through practical operations.

"Is there really anyone who can explain war clearly just by talking about it on paper?" The little fat man was so tired that he lay down on the ground again.

Playing like this is really tiring. Li Yan clearly felt the loss of energy, but his self-confidence was much stronger.

If you play basketball with your brain, the upper limit is much higher.

At the end of the session, Li Yan also took away an old book that was left in the gym - "On Tactical Game of Badminton".

This book has been lying around for a few years and no one has read it. Firstly, it is too profound and mysterious, and most amateur players have never reached the level of tactical game; secondly, it is simply a fantasy to think that one can learn to play basketball by reading a book.

However, Teacher Ding did not stop Li Yan's behavior. What the magical boy did should not be viewed from an ordinary person's perspective.

Knowledge is power, and books are the golden house!

Li Yan was stimulated by the superficiality of her own understanding that "improvement in badminton lies not only in technique but also in physical fitness". If she takes a detour and gets stuck in a dead end once, she will never be able to score twice.

Ultimately, it’s because of insufficient awareness.

He gradually realized that the improvement of the all-round point-adding system was essentially based on his cognition.

Activating a skill requires cognition, and improving a skill also relies on cognition.

What other requirements are there to play badminton well?

"Your ball speed is very slow in my eyes."

Ding Jiao's words popped into my mind and connected them with four words in the book - "dynamic vision".

"Once your eyes have caught up, your body must also catch up. The faster your reaction speed, the calmer the fight will be."

It was Teacher Ding’s words again, that “reaction ability” had already been activated during the previous table tennis learning.

So... Li Yan added two lines to the training items:
Playing table tennis can practice your reaction, and tracking flies can practice your dynamic vision.

As for flies, leave home, go downstairs, turn left and walk straight for 400 meters. There are plenty of temporary garbage recycling stations.

Li Yan was ready to give up because reading books on sports training only improved sports knowledge and sports could not extend to badminton.

Now realizing the power of knowledge again, he stopped improving his physical fitness, which was already close to average, and turned to reading books.

In terms of his current physical fitness, it is enough for him to play badminton games. His opponents usually do not include masters like Ding Jiao who have reached the end of adolescence.

As she was chewing, Li Yan realized something was wrong.

He possesses a skill called "Metabolic Ability", with a total of 30 at present, which is exactly the average value for all human beings.

As this number increased, he could feel that his body's "output power" had increased, and he became more likely to feel hungry.

In the past, he thought this was a good thing. A higher metabolism means higher efficiency, and if the efficiency is high, as long as the energy and body can keep up, there will be more improvements.

But a question arises, what will happen if this skill is improved?
Can humans also overclock? Burn out their brains? Or turn into bottomless gluttons?

He didn't think about it too much, because he had confirmed with the system that only skills with positive benefits would be activated.

However, the book clearly told him that a fast metabolism is a good thing, but too fast is not.

[Is it not possible to reduce points after the system skill is activated? ] [……]

Wow, this question has no answer?

Logic: The representative cannot respond with a simple yes or no, there are different situations under different conditions.

Well, Li Yan sighed. She searched through all the books at home but couldn't find a more in-depth and complete explanation of "metabolism".

It’s a pity that I don’t have a computer, so I took my dad’s cell phone with me. However, even if I search with the cell phone, it’s a flip phone from 08 and it’s hard to find really valuable information.

“Is it that my current understanding of metabolism is wrong and the system is objective, or is it that my misunderstanding of metabolism is mapped onto the system?”

Li Yan scratched his head and thought about it, and finally decided to simplify the problem - the skill must be recognized by Li Yan before it can be activated, which means that the activation of this "metabolic ability" was based on Li Yan's desire to quickly recover his body and increase brain output power.

And he definitely does not want to, as the book says, have too high metabolic capacity and become a patient with hyperthyroidism.

In essence, this is one aspect of physical health!
[The concept of metabolic capacity has been updated and incorporated into the third-level skill physical health and integrated data...]

This... Li Yan was stunned. Before she could react, she heard:
[Health +3, total 25]

He suddenly felt a warm current rushing through his whole body; the soreness in his muscles disappeared instantly, and his heartbeat and breathing felt stronger.

And the ripple effect of the system has not ended yet:
[Physical Strength +2, Total 17]

[Energy +2, total 42; Nutrition +2, total 30]

His eyes were clear! Li Yan felt full of energy, and even had the confidence that he was immune to all poisons.

Health is really a treasure.

【Check metabolic capacity value】


As expected... after being incorporated into the physical health skill, this skill disappeared.

Damn, can this system be played like this?

Doesn't that mean that as long as Li Yan can recognize this, he can actively split the big skill into small skills and merge them back after upgrading?

But it seems there is no difference...

Logic: This operation prompts the system to use the means of skill incorporation to use low-level special skills as experience packs to enhance general high-level skills.

And then use general high-level skills to improve other skills?
Understanding is understanding, but the difficulty of putting it into practice is indeed extraordinary.

The skills of the all-around point-adding system are network-intertwined. If washing dishes is also a skill, it actually exercises fingers, strength, and is related to process and carefulness; strength also includes the brute force to lift pots and pans, and the control of washing dishes...

There are too many skills, and they are too messy. Li Yan sighed lightly and couldn't help but sort out his existing skills. He found that there were also significant differences between the fourth-level skills.

How can something that is affected by energy be on the same level as instant noodles?

No, no, no. As soon as this thought came to Li Yan's mind, he slapped himself and tried to divert his attention frantically.

The upgrade of his physical strength was still fresh in his mind. He pretended to be confused for so long, just so that one day he could clearly face the concept of energy itself and complete the upgrade operation.

Now the energy is 42, and upgrading to the third-level skill will definitely start at 20. How much will it radiate...

He couldn't think any more. The system was not an external machine. His thoughts were like a loud speaker to the system.

If you say a few more words, all your hard work will be wasted.

It seems that this system has many advanced ways to play... Li Yan smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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